About People The 1 ' 7 ' ; "The Man That Fits Made Famous" REPRESENTING OUR BALTIMORE TAILORS WILL BE WITH US ON TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY July 31 Angustl August 2 SOME ONE GETS A $35 FREE SUIT ON THIS OPENING Every order placed entitles you to a chance. Your name will be placed in a Gelatin Capsule and deposited in a Glass Bowl. At the close of the Opening Thursday some one gets a Suit Free. In event you fail to be the lucky one this time, you still have two chances at the two suits to be drawn December 24th. Remember yo utake no chances! .Every Suit is sold under a Guarantee of K it, Service, Quality and Style. Come in!! We want to show you!!! Claiuid e NATIONAL BANK MinisttaE BUILDING. (5555S53H5B55B5355ES x AFETY is the: first consideration at this bank. It is the consideration which appeals strongest to every deposi tor. It is the consideration which has made our vaults the receptacle of the wealth of this community. It is the consideration which has MADE this bank what it is.' And it's the consideration which should prompt YOU to bank with US. The Greenville Banking & Trust Company I0130XI0E Classified Column If you wish to buy or sell anything try our Classified Column. It brings results. One cent per word. For Rent. Desirable Room over my office suitable for office or sleeping apartment. Newly painted and pa pered. H. A. WHITE 7 24 6tc LOTS FOR SALE. Two desirable residence lots on 8th. SL 60 x 150 feet each. Between M. L. Turnage and Prof Austin. Trice $4,000.00. (Four thousand). E. V. inith. Onancock. Va. 7-6-2 nioc. -o- OEXO: MM iillllil Join The Daily News Auto Contest I Nominate .- Address Nominated by 10,000 VOTES s:iven with the first nomination for each new member. The names of persons making nomina-: tions will not be divulged. Return this to Club' - Zpn Manager at the Daily News Office. WANTED. Experienced Bookkeeper for lumler concern. One that can use typewriter. Permanent position with good salary to right party. Ad dress in own handwriting. '"X. Y. Z."' c-o (ireenville Daily News. 7 25 6tc. FOR SALE. WELL BROKE SMALL horse, buggy and harness and one horse wagon. Write this paper. 7 27 otc e o d LOST License Number 41067 of Slate of North Carolina between Green ville and Bethel. Iteturn to tbis of fice. 7 LS 6 tp. Mrs. Blount in Town. ' Mrs. Agnes Blount of Ayden spent j the day in the city. - " Visits In Shelby. Mrs. C. S. Forbes and children left this afternoon for an extended visit to friends in Shelby. , . - ' Mrs. Dail Visits In Henderson. Mrs. W. H. Pail and little son Alex., left this afternoon to visit friends in Henderson. Visits in Littleton. Miss Rena Belle Holmes left this morning for an extended visit to friends in Littleton. Goes to Northern Markets. W. B. Brown left this morning for the northern markets to purchase his fall stock of goods. Goes to Norfolk. W. H. Dail left this morning for Norfolk. Dr. Annie L. Joyner In the City. Dr. Annie L. Joyner, of Kinston is in the city today on professional busi ness. Rev. W. II. Moore and Wife On Vacation. Rev. W. H. Moore and Mrs. Moore left this morning for a few weeks vaca tion in Marion and Asheville. Miss Harriette Hemby Here. Miss Harriette Hemby of Wilson spent Sunday in the city as the guest of Mrs. Wr. S. Moye and returned home this morning. Visits Miss Barber. Misses Hazel Williams of Farmville and Velma Ventetrs of Shelmerdine spent Sunday in the city as the guests of Miss Lottie Barber and returned to their homes this morning. Mrs. Savage Goes to Asheville. -'"Mrs. L. M. Savage left this morning for Asheville. where she will join Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Carper. They will re turn through the country in Mr. Car per's car. Go ot N. Y. to Purchase Fall Stock. C. Washington. C. F. McKay and Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Will McKay and Mrs. D. T. Beaman left Sunday for New York to purchase the Fall and Winter Stock for the firm of McKay, Washington anil Company. Guard Meeting Tonight. The Home Guards will hold their regular drill practice tonight at John ston and Foxhall's warehouse at 8:15 p. in. Any recruits desiring to join will be welcomed at this meeting. " D. M. CLARK, Captain. Moves ot New Bern. C. G. Pugh has lef K for New Bern to accept his old position as foreman for the Hancock Lumber Company. Miss Tyson Returns Miss Christine Tyson has returned from a trip of several weeks to the western part of the state. Visitor from Broadman. Mrs. L. L.Denipsey of Broadman. N. C. is visiting Mrs. Charles Home at her home on Fourth Street. Here from Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cotten of Bruce are Greenville visitors today. DE OLE CHUNES: Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have i leen issued during the past week by j Register of Deeds Gaskius : White. Jack Sutton and Sallie Har i dy of Chieod township ; Heber McLaw j horn and Gay Suggs of Ayden town Iship: E. G. Ward and Madeline Moore J of Bethel : Lloyd Manning and Dora I Edwards of Swift Creek ; Romer Strick- j land and Retha Baker of Greenville FOR SALE CHEAP ONE SIXTY i township and J. R. Wilson and Maude WANTED. YOUNG LADY WHO IS willing to do stenographic work for the Red Cross free. Auply at this office. 7 :() lit. IH Hi gallon oil can : one bicycle, good ex cept tires. 1102 Washington St. t Read the ad of Pitt Motor Company of Bethel on this page regarding the Allen automobile. Mooring of Carolina township. Colored. Manuel Whitfield and Ade laide Bullock ; Joe Quinnerly and Mas urie McCotter. SO Maude Tunstall's tailor, Mr. Epstin. will arrive tomorrow for a three days' stay. Call in and let Messrs. Tunstall and Epstin talk over the suit prop osition with you. Remember a free suit goes at this opening and it is worth thirty-five bucks. F. o.b. Foatoria A Wonderful Motor THE pulling power the snap the flexibility the silent, smooth running' Allen Motor makes you quickly realize why the Allen consistently climbed to permanent popularity. The "four" is by far the most economical and simple motor in use today. Builders of high priced foreign cars concentrate almost exclusively on this type. In the Allen Motor you find eight years of continuous refinement a more highly effi cient more enduring and more serviceable motor than that of any car m tne same pnw fielH. That's a strong statement "iut a dem- field. That's a strong statemert onstration will cotv.-i-.ee yon. Allen Claic Touring Ckrs, in choice of 3 colors $895 Allen Classic 4 Passenger Roadster $895 Coupe, $1 175 Open Sedan, $1 195 P. O. B. Fostoria, Ohio PITT MOTOR COMPANY BETHEL, N. C. Factory Address: ALLEN MOTOR Iff jVp--jjp COMPANY, Fostoria, Ohio f LOCAL MARKET REPORT Old hens, per lb 12 l-2c Young chickens, per lb 24c Eggs, per dozen 25c Corn, per bu . $175 Dressed beef, per lb 12 l-2c Dressed Pork, per lb 17c Dive Logs, per lb 11c Live cattle, per lb 5c to 6 l-2c Greeir hides, per lb 18c Green salt hides per lb 21c Bees wax, per lb 25c White wool, clear of burr, per lb 50c Country Hams, per lb 27c Country Shoulder, per lb 26c GREENVILLE MFG. CO. Is now prepared to do House Paint ing, Paper Hanging and all grades of Carpenter Work. Estimates gladly furnished. J KltC I don' lak dese new rambuncious songs E'vybody sings en plays I lub de sweet old timey chunes, Missus turned in de past days. Lawdy how I does remember When she sing'd so soF en lo' Dis wooly- headed ole nigger, Crop righ' clos' up' gin de do'. En helt his bref hard, whilst he lis'ened At de endin' er de day Ter her singin' lak er angel Oh ; My Darlin' Nellie Gray. Dat wuz de song mah Massa lub, When dey wuz bof young en gay An Missus cheeks wuz jes es pink As de flow'rs dat bloom in May. But de Good Lawd cum en call Masse, Fer ter cum up Heaben way, En he "went wid her er singin' Oh; My Darlin' Nellie Gray. Now ebber since when she sing dat song She end hit up wid er sigh Den dis fool nigger steel erway Wid er tear drap in he's eye. JANIE TYSON HALL. Mayor's Court. The following cases have been, dis posed of in the Mayor's Court since last report : E. S. Massey, disorderly conduct. Discharged. Jno. Mobley and E. S. Massey, affray. Mobley not guilty. Massey guilty fined $15.00 and the costs. E. H. Evans and Luther Evans, dis orderly conduct. Guilty, fined $5.00 each and half the costs. Geo. Cherry, speeding automobile. Fined $5.00 and the costs. Luther Evans and Paul Soloman, affray. Evans fined $5.00 and half the costs. Soloman fined $1 and half the costs. Will Baker, drunk and down. Fined $5.00 and the costs. W. H. Dail, speeding. Judgment suspended upon payment of the costs. J. J. Jenkins, speeding Judgment sus pended upon payment of the costs. Ap peal to County Court. Roy Wilsonvand Roy Stocks, affray. Fined $5.00 each and half the costs. Shop Talk The Fashion wants to sell you some of their specials this week. Look up their ad. 1 11 If 1 J. J. Jenkins has something of im portance to tell you about roofing and tobacco flues. Read his ad for parti culars. Hooker & Anthony are distributors for the Braender Tires and Tubes. It's "the tyre to tie to." n 11 n Greenville Banking & Trust Co., have omething of interest to tell you in their ad today. Mk Undefeated chMpioh of the - Road iENBER BULL DOG NON-SKIDlTIREs' challenge the worst you have around Match them with any aspirant and you'll find "Cfte Ctte to Cfe C07 Braender Quality means speed, ?f? , safety, and tire endurance, PLUS, Red and Gray Tubes. Agents to Principal Cities Distributed by 1 'YVf ft 1- HOOKER AND ANTHONY LOCAL DEALERS Tracfa Mark .FACTORY. RUTHERFORD. N. J. 5ramgles I keep on hand at all. times JUNIPER AND PINE SHINGLES Prices from $3.00 to $6.25 per M. If you need tobacco flues you should send in your order at once. Jenkins Phone 367 Gorman's Warehouse Greenville, N. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi mil BSSM j Don't Overheat Your Battery In summer, when you're not using your lights a great deal and when the motor starts easily and quickly be care ful that you do not overfeed your battery. Overfeeding means overheating, and continued overheating means the ruin of the battery. When you're touring, or running your machine a great deal, take the battery's temperature occasionally, and if it is getting up to 100 and over burn all the lights"until it has cooled down. Or if you haven't a thermometer, let us take your battery's temperature. Next time you're near, come in our battery experts will be glad to ex plain overheating thoroughly. Ask for the Willard Booklet "Are Yoti Over heating Your Battery.' WILLARD SERVICE STATION 5th & Cotanch Streets Greenville, N. C. We have a rental battery for your use if yours needs repairs! STORAGE - . t ? 1 .V f jt ll 1 '" i i ! 1 i f i 1 3,'i j V II- J i T 1 t ' ' 1 1 f i i' N i t e i 1 f , 4 t i J f 1! 1 4 1 - 5 111 til Mi hi ) i f i 4 ! i IIS rt ! D Cotanch Street, Greenville. N. C. GREENVILLE, N. C. TELEPHONE No. ' 333 O II II BATTBRY niLMir M