- .fr v '"'!' " ' ' ' " "' ' - : - , , , , 1llrn,Tll gtm , ' - ,,,.,,,, l)n H pm M,MWg!?wt wn.Wi ,, ,,,r-n - . ' - m , - lu -7.. r T TrSI Tiv T7 T7 A TrTN TM f I .. -MVr WWr " WW'i V , JJ vNJ" i I uuiuwsk A V 1 J V J Li J Ljwyy- J Li JnzW) LAX rJJ t L li 4eJWfW liatrons and fnends for the Business given us this season, enabling us to sell almost as much tobacco t,odate r. .. 1 as we. fcKilffdtftliit theole of feist ygar. JThere arefeasons for this, nnpnf which is a I : h 8 Monday 9 Tuesday 10 Wpfls4ajrTHOH. 12 Friday ..AK'rttk 15 Monday t'j;iiiu Hf Put rolis M O RE DOLLARS For Their Tobacco Mi') H'T AU 'r' Mi vn irnTu? t I NEXT TOBACCO AND LET OUR DOLLARS DO THE WORK r a I ft J ' ! MflliflllllHIIllliHIIililllHIlif rTft ih I J ' - ' - . ". : .T ' 1 in u G IQ) fil ttf City and TTh mm - Ji ABOUT PEOPLE... i f 1 AIJsx r.iHi' rurkfi len tins murinnx , jtfor KiohumL f v. 1 . w m- : h W- ra j - . ? ? lOVMAPI CpRDON x Tin nii-rl (T- "- J" - - ': Classifies If you wisb to buy or sell anything try our Classified Column. It brings vaults, .'lie ceut per word. HAVE VOI R FURNITURE REPAIR- o-i ;it tho Greeuvllle Wood Works VS.', Fourth St., Phone 333. Autkiug In Our Line DEES MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Greenville, North Carolina. a. rf: f A. M. MoseJe.v left the rity ttnlay on ra kusiiietsi trip. Mtn. J. N. (Joruiau and son Calvin jlefth this morning for Richmond; ! where the latter will undergo treat- i l ment. . I Mrs. Nana Brown and Mrs. 1). C. Moore wen tto Koherson ville todity. I ' 3). K. Taylor and V. M. MMre .niotorHI to Washington yesterday. ! i Mrs. Ainos Blount is h business ; ; visitor H IJrwnville tcwlay. , Mrs. Soy Buck, of (irimeshtnd is in the city chopping today. 1 Jolui Hardee and daughter, lleleu ! of Itwne county are visiting In the liOBe f V. J. Hardee n Third street. I ?k rfi c , 1 J. 1. Faar a aalesunan travi lu.g out ' WHITE'S THEATRE TOMORROW ! of "e York is here ttxlay. 1 NIGHT 2 X "4 T . K. K. Roebuck. J.. T. Perkins. J. J. FTtEE OF CHRGE I Gutranus, and I. H. Roebuck. of i tM, ISfokes ,fe hei-e on business trlay. I . Any adult suffering from cough, cold i jjj jj. jj or brouchitis, is invited to call atthe i Messrs. .1. T. t:orlett and W. L.J drug store hX J. W. Bryan, and get. Brown of Routed. Faruiville. are here I absolutely tree a sample bottle at today on business. ' Bosohee's German Syrup, a soothing (' and healinj; remedy for all lung trou bles, which has a successful record of at The marriaee of their daughter ! " ,v,vs the Pat,e,lt a good Beswie ' night's retst from coughing, with free 'd; to i extectoratiou in the morning. Mr. Joseph Kirby Splvey j Urular si2-s. 25 and 75 cents. For Gome - V COATS, SUITS 3'aH business has leen better than my best fvpectaiions. I find that goods bought while in NewYork tn August will .hot begin to supply the demand.. .New Styles in Coat Suits :and Dresses re designed dally, and it ih xny intention to shop .and felert only the" Newest and tbe best. Will be gone only a few dajs and it will be to your advantage to wait for the New Numbers we" will have t show you... I wish to thank .all my friends and patronfcvior the patronage. Will try to .show my appreciation bv showing the New Styles and bet .Values at all times. Claude D. Tuiistall ; . ' V y s . ; "Tke Faskiouatl Wotriants "CIoVEiier" WANTED To rent furnished room WANTED. A WHITE BOY TO ( to gentlemen. Good location. Phone sell the I ji i 1 v News at tbn traias in . 224-J.- ii. afteruo.in. Aiply at this otiice. T ?A tf. Winterville Items on Welneday afternoon. October '2 1th Nineteen hundred seventeen at half after four o'clock IJurvi Mjniiorial Jlethodist Kinscopiil I . Church (Jreenville, North Coroliuu i sate in all civilized countries. . v V . for Newport News. Va.. Saturday morning to vlnit relatives there. , . ' Mr. F. F.-Cox is visiting her par- Mrs. B. V. Tucker and Mrs. Wyatt v.nfrot.K sitrTHKHX RAILROAD ei its near Robersonville. Tucker left for RoIktsod ville Satur- I WFA T TOBACCO GRADERS ..-rj r. , . .v!iurcl at once. Thirty Jays Of faore v . f work. $2.00 per day r iyfthe,:' .. . i 'r , ........ ... .r'V'u " - ;; KfNSTON, N.T! Router trip tickets on -safe October liuihhe.l. Annlv to W. Z. MORTON .r K. W. C(.)BB at once. s :;i tfc Mrs. Iouis "McLawhom went to Han- iav uioruiii to attend the Assocla- ralxan.Tlinrsdiiy. jiion. : ; Misaes "Fanufeiee aud Lina Patrick j Mr. Warren Avery after visiting re rertkrned to thejf 'llptDe in Washington natives here left for Bethel Saturduy. "f after spending" senn'? time with rela- ; Miss Blanche Flanagan left Saturday Kinstou - Fair,- October ,23-20. JIUT. tives here. for Farmville. tiJUrl A 4ifc!Oetbr 22.' Mrs. L. Whitehead and daughter! Messrs. drover Whitehunrt. IIeler Specia fJxcorsiou -Rats .To I HAVE JUST INSTALLED ANOTH-; r vim ir. and am also prepared to do i -tp'viiig work, ladies coat suits a ; -n.M-ialty. Your business ..LsoUciteit'.r' iiii'i aiipreciateu. i. i. nioArjn, I'.nrlier. Stokes. N. C. .oU"o. or tid 245th 1917. - Final Nin.-Pnt a few hours in Greenville MclAwhorn and Jack McLawhorn at . -i, ,. fn .-u , yviJUy 1 tojided the Fair at Stokes. Friday. . j limit for return October .iin, un. . rs w M. arroll.elxsl Tripp Mr and Mrs. Oscar McLawhorn and 19-Mtp- MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED ' t'ann land. 1.0O0 to oO.OW at S per nut interest. J. L. SIMMONS, Olfi- :;oi-::o:; National Bank Bldg. !i-r(-lm-c . . .... .. TWO FARMS FOR RENT-ONE 1. h-'t-e. one -j-horse. Greene coflrfty. J&pz'y ply t" lr. K. P. S pence. . .-10 SStc', WHEN IN AYDEN .'. viMt iny store in thfr Hotel "Buildiftg. r ti Here vow will find a rieaft. sanitary. ; : -"la fountain. new- stand, --(ngars, iitneras. candies and other artjcles.U,?11' - iily ..fund in a store of this kind. Your ,' iMona-e win in; appreciate. ' xxi th 4tt ten jauime TV 1- 7 rTT7 i ; inuuww . THK FOUNTAIN, Martha J. LattL Proprielor nmi Miss Alice TriPD- ' visitel their i ohildrteif visited Greenville Friday. father. Mr. Ijant Tripp, who is in I "Miss" Bessie Nobles returned from ;1tn'h1tttr!.R-HCW&'- ! Gnenville Friday, ntodiupehshrcllp s hrdlu sVirdluuuuu f Mrs. Clemie Stocks and son. Fred Mi.s NeflfcrJPage. .:llilda Davis and visited Ji-eenvflle Friday. '( lady Sy lor" pent j. few hours in Miss Pearl Barber sjK-irt Thursday . Greenville Saturday,-: in (irwnville. Mr. '' "Beunie'NoljSeW visited Jreeu- Dr. and Mrs. P.. T. Cox ami Mrs. J. . ..vtllP Saturda -;. ' D. McLean attended the association at ' Mrs. W. B.. Nobles. Jahd children and Roltersonville Sunday. .. . Mrs. II. T. Oglesljr and children visit. ( Mr. Herbert Jenkins, of Aulaiyler is ed Greenville Saturday, visiting here. Misses Kate lelcfrts, Almeta Me-j Miss Rachel Hazhftffl'iieut the week Caskey and N'eBerJackson went to ' end .visiting, iu- Greenville. Kinstou Saturday; J- ;r. t i c ,f m ; ; tr ! Miss T'earl 15arterleft for Snow 'OR SALE OSlE GOOD FARM. NEAR , Hill Saturday, -f'- -afluk' l"it!K cmifafig; '2i6 acres', Mr. aiid Mrs. iCTtfavage and son c;prtllSlI'eVlslteifnltlvtbrf. The ; Adrian' went ,tf-5Ayf Saturday. j.uld is t.sixciail- od for cotton and J '" Mr. W. ''nfft fr Blounl ; tobayco. tApuy fyf Tj .Wt! VVliiJUuKtA ; Creek. ,Satutdai-.f j W&', -T?r, i , - . Mr :wnf airijiimn are visit- mt?ilt MM A V -tttr'elativeW SeWfeehville. STENOGR-APHfeR LASTED SOME : Mrs. W. R. Griffin and little uaugn- xiriwLtaiviieoci'ect spelIerr?:reolrW. , "DER CAPTAIN ex.JU.ajjelLslS49I-tteXi uffirf wnr.k.jsJuitjealaxi.expeteiland 1 7 i WHITE'S THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY, FR1DA Y, OCT. Gus Hill Offers fW t i 4f c( t O ) ) 1 time ioiGireenttWflttie fuq ;niest of all comedies ans & Fri THE KATZENJAMMER KIDS 2' --1 it a I &rX mu&m . i i - .7 f:l X ll A 40 PEOPLEr-20 SONG HITS The Show You Simply .CanifOd Wi3s (ftfrBH pVHb i? Can Sing and Dance-Catlpad 4Vn fects Company arrives SpeTiiar'Prfri 'Friday Tsfoon. Norfolk a- pers Say: The Best'Laughingr Show this Seas-orfillortWeeirig--. 3 rrIIIn!gll3Egt . . . .... 19 n . 1 fo; affiloiidaK October 8th, 50,830 pounds tor $17242.52 r ! ua. .1 l.v' i ,'''(f.' ! ffiiirii'iii 1 .' . ,- r..,,,, j(.-(k.j T-flftf; -: IV , ...T. ..fri-.-rlS ml '--fTO ff 'I' ,.fir.. ; t. ji .rt..tT vii kI .-.-ft "T .f?t . :d-ioroo ( il- t ci.-ir '"I 'ft.' .i; .... ..sBTi'"1. M"'2id a 'iif'if" rmK Xit .TiKD ;-ffK' --.nt t it i twn m a i i i it ; t -.(.tM- i r ir4 1 1i Il T ilur' 'm! 'I 'II. -;H J( no AO.li'i.il 'lieq --f7t!- liAT.U iid.' ... " . ........ ... i.frt l"wodn JlrJLnxI iii-tr SMKy ii rTsynt.vv aT-ti h n ERAGlANiO PRICE? BECAUSE WE PAY ORE DOLLARS FOR TO- id i tfrTit PTOQ HS XOURIf EXT WAD i i I i t -il! ' ' ' nriid' '1.-7 .i- .J -. . V1 ft I i i I Kill I .-n ..fvtSafMiotidayl 3r4)e.e,r?ndJ,ale Thursday, 2nd Sale. Friday,; ..nH-S ; ; i . r- V. - ? 4. , ' - ' '- is - A w m - w il; " . ! '