v- - --r-fra? irw'3?- 2rV-ir J.-ts-5-rt . - . - -r:...- : ;:-: . : . v ; . ... -. - a- - 5 O'clock City EDITION Pull Telegraphic Reuorts of the United Press VOLUME I. Greenville, N. C, Thursday Afternoon,October IS, 1917 NUMBERvl05: k. Sews PRIMITIVE BAPTiSTELDER BLAND COfHTTED SUICIDE AYDEW ON TUESDAY LAST i lty Long Distance Phone) AY1EN. Elder V. C. Bland of the rrimiiive Hai)tist church committed vuiculo at his lioiue here, just outside ..f Ay It'll. Tuesday morning last, by -li.miing liimself with a, shot gun. lu:itli was instantaneous. V.lih-r I Hand is about seventy-,;ir- 'f au'e and has been in poor liraltli f"r several years. It is said that Mr. Bland got up Tuesday morn int: aiil tld his wife that "he couldn't May lure." After making this state ment. In- went into his room and within a few minutes the report of the mm was heard. Members of his family rushed in ttle room only to11ar,v a l"arter of a mile. Ivottoiu side i tiii I him dead. Mr. r.land nmst have placed the muzzle of the gun io his forehead as :he entire upper part of his head was Mown off and his brains scattered all over the ronui. The deceased leaves a willow and seven children. The funeral took place yesterday at th- Hancock church burying utouihI. and was attended by a large numl'-r. Mr. Inland's mind, it is thought. I tad not leen sound for rat years and it was Uue to this that he .leeided upon his rash act. i Hi ;h well and favorably known all "vrr this section. - 600 EMPLOYES i By United lress), YORK Demanding recogni their union six hundred eni f the submarine boat cam- NEW ri-m Iiy JilnVee lai-ii eitriiporation plant here totlay 'huateiied to strike in the yard doing eriiineut work. HOOVER TO ADDRESS NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW ( By United Press ) j i oi.TMCS. OHIO With 2.(MH prize 'ittle. horses and a vast amount of; farm machinery on exhibition, the ! National Dairy Show, the largest agri- ' ulniral exitosition to 1k held in the i I iiite. States this year, opened at the j ohm State Fair grounds here this af- j 'IIIHIIll. The show carries the message of f I production and conservation.! Iairyiiien and farmers will In told 'hat the !,est animals are necessary to. iii' ieaM' the priMluction f dairy pro- ducts and the way to use the prmlucts 'ot ecoiKiniically will be pointed out '" isumers. Herhert Hoover will address a mass i; . Tll. 1 1 i,i wi i lit- .-iim i iviill iaii. ' 'I'istry on Octolier 22. Following the '"ting, the American Jersey Catfle "l'il. tlie American Dairy Science As v'"iation and the International Milk I'alers Association will pen couven 'i"iis. ;ind Jersep cattle will be judged. A national marketing conference will held October 2:? by the federal agricultural deoartments "bureau of markets, other conventions which are f" li' held during the show are the American Gurnsey Cattle Club, the j American Dairv Farmers Association i ;' ! the Ohio Association of Creainery ; wiiers and Managers on October 23. :"id tlie Holsteiu-Freisian Association "r A"";ri,'a ,m ober 24. Marriage Licenses ! Only one marriage license was "is-; -ue, today that being colored. George harden and Alice Wiliarus of Ayden "wnship. ' LIBERTY WAREHOUSE Then- are tine sales lieing pulled off H' the Libert v Tobacco Warehouse this week and the prices are Aip. good j :,"d high. The farmers bringing 'heii tobait-o to the Greenville mar. j k, t loii"t fail to reineuilier the . Liberty where they are sent back '"hip just delighted with the price thev receive. Mr. Hooker tells the i..n.. v- . iL . , , .... .es. mar uunng me "" 'lays his r..li,,n.. Ua awriiwl nveT ce.,tw t. i., toiners. This goes to show: .what the Lilwrty is doing in-the way of satisfy uitr those farmers who sell their :tobc-. ' there. The old Liberty : tUl- gets flre. it a lwavs -satisfies and pleases- pin nif nfr irtinr IViMYbUUUr FLUTING BOAT "LOOPS LOOP" FIRST TIME NEW YORK A record in aeronau tics whereby a hydro-aeroplane looped the loop'' for the first time was claim- led by Lawrence Sperry and Thomas IUxon. Jr.. meinliers of th nnvi - serve corps. The dangerous feat was" i $.000,000 TUNNEL FOR performed a mile in the air altt.ve ! COLORADO RAILROAD Mastic. Long Island, yesterday. j l By United Press) The Hying boat, steered by Jperry. DKXVEK. Construction of a $7. was driven to a height of nvarly (i.OOO i W.000 tunnel under James Peak a feet above the ocean. Then a quick dream of years of railroad construc shif tea used the machine to Turn over i tiu" engineers probably will be rea aud it skimmed through the air for lizei1 in the uear future, if plans to se up. After ten seconds th machine I was righted and Spen y volplaned ' easily to the water. Kaiser's War Dogs Send to Bottom a Fuss. Battleship ; (By United Press.) PETKOGRAD The Russian Inttl i ship Slava. has been sunk as a result of a naval engagement with the Ger- man flevt. For a considerable time the Russian , - arships stood off Germany's strong fleet at the entrance of the Gulf of ; JWffi, i"Hlio!tfoiaT "sTftteinenf fssne ; ; (&ay. j i : SEND INTERNED GERMANS TO CAROLINA CAMP " i SAN FRANCISCO Approximately i prosecution of the war," also, that fur 1G) officers and men from seized .Ger- i ther discussion Ik eliminated leaving -man merchantmen who had been in- all matters of detail or policy-eoneern-terned on Angel Island, in San Fran, ing the conduct of the war and its ter eisco Bay.starfel today for detention i initiation to the individual judgment of camps at Philadelphia and Hot Springs members without official action or pro X. ('. i notuicement by the State union." A CAPTURED SUBMARINE HAS ARRIVED IN THIS COUNTRY (Hy United Press) NEW YORK. A German captured j Sul)Uiari,ie has arrived in New York. , exhiI,itio., in, 1 Central Park where it will be a ral- lying point for the great Liiterty Loan j meeting. Mayor Mitchell will speak; , - ,.t tii Sub- from the ( onmng tower of the Sub marine. The boat was brought here todav on the deck of an ocean liner. Sugar Famine In Richmond Broken (By United Press) mcHMOND After forty -eight u Kfehmond s sugar famine has uoul 55 been broken for the time being at least. Tlje arrival of a large shipment of imuie(,iatelv put the market to slightly less than ten cents. GERMANS ACTIVE SAYS GUI (United Press) LONDON The German artillery is now exceedingly active in Flanders. sonth of Ypres. the Comities canal and as( j,, the neighborhood of Brood- Rpinedc, says a dispatch receiveil from Field Marshal Haig today. , FREE! FREEd FREE! Automobiles block traffic on Dickin- son Ave.. at rju ' " .M5iP in thefr Malt""'K rne iaiitrii i ...... ... wiiti-lfree exhibition See them in their champion Mexi'j can knife throwing. and flying trapeze act tentgnt. .. Aiir'- - , - We" are. forced lttove on account of large atfehdantsirn .Iot ln-rear of : '.. t. stnrft -AOTiU is it ecomicl Coal Miners May Go On Strike Today (By United Press) WASHINGTON. More. Bituminous coal miners are going to strike today unless their wage demands are grant ed by fuel Administrator Garfield declared an official of the United Mine workers of America here. He also admitted that they were helpless to restrain their men. The labor leaders said that Garfield's threats to compel a production to meet the war needs would not restrain the strikers. cure investment of $5,000,000 of eas- teru -"P"al, negotiations for which are novr umler wa-v York, are ; consuinated. Tlie tunnel will shorten by 2K) miles ! the present rote of the Denver & Salt J Lake railroad the '"Moffat Road." 'Two millions of capital toward the ' seven million required to construct the rtinuel. rehabilitate the road and re move tne receivership under winch it s now neing operated ana place it on a paying basis, is assnred by Colorado .bondholders, provided the required ad- J dirional five millions is secured. FARMERS DECLARE LOYALTY " RALEIGH. N. C.- The executive committee of the North Carolina Far- niers Union adoptwi resolutions yes-; TenlvurelSmTiiMrT to tlie aunroaching annual session of -the union in Winston ' aiem. oeciariug tnai tne JMaie rar- mers' Union "should adopt a ringing resolution of a loyalty to the national government and to our allies in the Mayor's Court The following cases have leen dis posed of by His Worship Mayor Al j bin Dunn : , Nick Saleeba and Roland Bishop, j Affray. Bishop not guilty. Saleeby j lined and cost. W. F. Joyner. Intoxicated. Ad judged guilty and fined $o and cost. '; Russell Marshall, alias Dorsey, roh i bery. There was not. sufficient evi I dence to show probable cause of guilty. : The defendant was discharged. SAYS CLAUDE TI NSTALL My line of Georgette crepe and ; shirt waist are the prettiest et. My stock is composed of all sizes both high and low neck. All my dresses ; are bound to please. A Daily News imau paid a visit to this attractive ! store today and found everything as : Mr. Tunstall claims. The ladies of Greenville should visit his place of i business and see for themselves. EUROPEAN SUGAR STORAGE (By United Press) , . ! WASHINGTON. Compared with j America s average consumption oi ninety pounos oi sugar pw pviu n year. England ami Frantic are almost ; withaut this commodity. The English ! person, who-iji pre-war tunes consumed; his ninety? blee and "a-third pounds a j year, is now a!lowel one half pound a I iweek. In France the allotment is but eighteen pounds per year. The British government Mas lieen oareful to announce that it cannot t . . i lowance ean oe ontaineu aim a sugar Cam tut a i si5ri iri uir numlier of persons sleeping in the house. In a public restaurant, if s gar is taken on cereals., the per su- person : in nis ; Tl. s- MK.umor.- ror a ( . 4nvirwi out to take her 8Ugar witn her. She Is . also expected to bring ner own caite. Liberty APPEALS RENEWED FOR ECONOMY IN THE USE OF SUGAR fBy United Press) WASHINGTON. Forecasting no relief before December in the sugar shortage in the Eastern States, the Food administration has again renewed its appeals and asks that economy be used by the pub lic. They are requested in addition to not pay one cent more than they have been paying for sugar. THE WESTERN WAR FRONT HAS A DIFFERENT PHASE ! (By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS) ( United Press Staff Correspondent ) i WITH BRITISH ARMIES AFIELD ! The war on the western front has now entered into a nev phase pro. Itably its last stop. ; j The fighting there now is hs different from what it was in 1!14-15H." as it i possibly could le. First there was an open warfare when the Germans overswept Belgium : and France. The segond jfante w as that a trench . fighting, which slowly developed until the talking of a single trench operation has proved to 1 a "big" Waterloo. j Practically now ewpry me sees the Isattles in the open "ipwnrry with the enemv eniraeinsr in a sort of rear sruard action, which when fully evpanded win mean a I'lussian rout. Only a sudden collapse of activities can prevent the curtain to fall on the Kaiser's three act drama. Not siniv the Crown Prince broke his eaglet feathers against Verdun, more than a year ago. have the Ger mans dared a real offensive. Since the battle of Somuie Marshal Hiudeuburg has leen on the defensive. His present methods of fighting are a direct outcome of his gropings in finding the means by which he may hold out. ANOTHER SALE COMING Mr. K. W. Cobb of the Atlantic Coast Realty Company. arrived in frown today from IiGrange where on yesterday he conducted a land sale for the company, the property selling for the snug sum of $7.S,N(o.,'l. Mr. Cobb informs the News that his company will on Monday. Octoler 2! sell at auction the Avon Farm, con taining approximately .".(HX) acres which has been subdivided into ideal small farms. The farm is located two miles from Grimesland. The sale is i scheduled to begin at 10:.'!0 o'clock. J This will be a rare i purchasers to secure j the very lest. opportunity for farming land of GERMAN PREfil. MAY LOSE JOB (By United Press) j AMSTERDAM Prince von Ruclow. j former Chancellor and late Ambassa- j dor of Italy has arrived in Berlin dis patches received here state. His visit hHs caused a revival of the! report that he will succeed Dr. George! Michaelis as Chancellor. SMITH AND SUGG MARKET REPORT ! " t Our sale today was one of tlie high-; est made this year. Mr. T. A. Allen' one of Pitt county's best farmers sold a load as follows : j j ! Dollars; T. A. ALLEN Pounds Price 328 29 214 40 578 44 138 52 114 64 41 70 127J2 85.60 i 122.32 71.76 72.96 30.80; 1 511.36' Total 1116 4582 Bring us your next load. Tir,r. ' SUGG. .. SMITH, & Loam I ruuiiu uuiiues Be Owned by IL S. j (By United Press) WASHINGTON. The United States is now moving towards "the complete ownership and the operation ' of pub lic utilities, especially the Hailroads, ( Telephones and Telegraph" accord- . ing to a special investigation com- ' mittee's report which has just been de- livered to the National Association of Railway Commissioners. i i GERMAN WITNESS CONFESSES PLOT ; CHICAK Joseph Riederer. a Ger. nian witness for the government, testi fied today at the trial of the conspiracy case against Gustav Jacobsen, George Paul Boehut- and Heramba Lai Gupta. ! charged with attempting to foment re-, ! bellion in India. Riederer said he worked for a switchboard company and was first approached by a fellow , workman. "He asked rite if I wautedserve my country ami I said I loved my country ami I said I loved my fatherland and ; that I would do anything I could to help." related the witness. "He sent me to Jacobsen and Jacabsen said a re volution was leing prepared in India and Siaiu. He said that I being a German reservist, would le a goodman to Join others who. he said, were al ready rjiii'Mr and qu!t my job t ta part i.i the plans."' Reiderer said he attended several meetings of the erstwhile American embargo conference, a pro-German or ganization, and at one of them met Feramba Lai Gupta. THE BRITISH EMPIRE" REFUSED "ORDER OF (By United Press) LONDON (By Mail' Will Thorn, one of the most prominent Lalor mem. Iers of the House of Commons, recent ly refused the new order of the British Empire, a niiinler of which were be stowed by King George. Thorn gave as his excuse for refus ing the honor "iersonal reasons" but it may be significant that a few davs I later W. -'. Anderson. M. P.. in an ad Field 1 dress to engineers of Woolrich Arsenal, openly stigmatised the British governments awards of honor to labor as attempts to influence the working men. GERMANS BLUFFING AGAIN LONDON'S INTERPRETATION Property Transfers The following deeds of transfi transfer j were filed in the Register of Deeds of fice today for registration. H. E. Foruian to J. L. Simmons Greenville Township: consideration: , $270.00 C. H. McGowan to Naisby Mills Chi- cod Township, consideration, $25.00. ' Frel .Imes to W. J. Smith. Bethel Township, consideration, $..r00. R. D. Harrington to T. W. Alexan der. Pact ol us Township, consideration. iiktji . . - WEALTHY INDIAN Messrs. Hines and Hunt and occupied BUY'S LIBERTY BONDS : t,v tne National (Jarage. Incorporat nKri i :RK ovin i.i, R,ir. ed. is now practically completed. The nett. a CreeJc Indian whose affairs are managed bv a guardian, has been oer. mitted by the- County Court to sub- scrile for $250,000 of the first liberty loan bonds, making his Total subserip- tion $-H2.MH. Barnett lives alone in a little cabin near Henrietta. His holdings in one of Oklahoma's richest oil fields are said to be worth more than one million dolla rs. Nation Aroused For Liberty Bonds (By TTuited Press) WASHINGTON The Liberty Loan Bonds are at last hitting a stride that success in sight. Ahon. $,'M)0.0O0,OO0 Is the mini- is bringing half of the ; mum subscribed. now i The following slogans are j i arousing the nation to Liberty Loans: "Liberty Bonds or German Bondage" "Every Miser helps the Kaiser" "Don't let your dollars Ik? stackers"' h.u fillti, -v, s.,i.!ly cat.. .He doesut.give a darn for Lei ,7n " " " - jiight. - "; -. -. . .. ralllpig I mrnp AMN NEGRO CLAIMS HE WAS RELIEVED OF OVEBttI IN GREENVILLE YESTERD TEN CONGRESSMEN EN ROUTE TO EUROPE Ten 'congressmen. ' WASHINGTON ; traveling unofficially, V u I J i i j lug : special passports, arranged for by the j ' State Department, are on the way to : ; Europe to visit the war fronts and fraternize with the parliamentary re- j presentatives of the Allies. In the j party are Representatives Dale of Yer- J inont : Taylor and Tlinberlake. of Co.; " lorado : Hicks, of New Y'ork ; Johnson, j Dill and Miller, of Washington ; Good- j 1 win of Arkansas ; Stephens, or Nebraska and Parker, of New Jersey. former Representative Stout of tana, and Ross L. Hammond, a mont.Neb.. elitor and others. frm- I Fre- German Intrigue Is Falling Flat Against Bonds ( Bv United Press) ; WASHINGTON Tlie pro-German intrigue against the second Liberty Loan is Falling Flat. Efforts in scattering localities from Minnesota to Texas to intimidate the bankers and Imu1 buyers is having a boomerang effect. However telegrams disclosing pro-German activity against the loan is still being received at the Treasury Department here. i SOIL EXPERTS PLAN TO HELP UNCLE SAM INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Means of increasing soil fertility to obtain maxi- mum production of crops to aid Uncle j Sam in tlie war. were discussed at the meeting of the National Fertilizer's I Association which opened here tolay. i Soil experts from several agricultural experiment stations will make ad dresses. F: f. today. Dawson, of Wilson Is in town (By United Press) LONDON The Germans are bluff ing again, acordiug to London's inter. ! pretation of remits just received from j Amsterdam according td wifeless mes sages received from Germany. These messages give a hint of in cluding the American waters in the Submarine Zone. National Garage Bldg. Now Complete .The National Garge Building on on . ' Fifth street which Is lieiug erected ' Dail News doubts if there a larger' ,,r more convenient garage to he found' Eastern Carolina. ! Thp lding is H7 x 183 feet and is i tictly up-to-date in every particular. ! Mr. W. S. Atkins, the manager i)t the ' National Garage, says that everything ! is now practically finished with the I exception of the insfallatiou Of th? . machinerv for renairins: et".. which Le ! expects to be placed within the ne 'few days. Their shov ro )tu and effices I located in the front of the garage are ; well appointed ami modern. -This structure Is a credit to growing Green ' ville. SONGS OF THE SAMMIES J (By United Tress) 1 AMERICAN FIELD HEADQUAR-1 1 t8 f RANCF-( By MaUl-Brave , , the whiteand-yellow purp mascot of i j t ho Marine imn tbe worst rw- i lord in fhe expidltion. His Iwtok is a ; shameful list of punishments for grave ! offenses and everyone has given up , j hniio of tpflchinc him dlscinline. l Jurt ow Brave is serving ten days ; i for knocking over a pot of beef stew ; ! white pursuing a flea-bitten old French n nr : peni- 1 courf.martUl frlans but he's ji 1- tPtit n: when KPrvtncr Hme.' r AY Yesterday at the Center Brick ware house Alex Hunt a negro sold tobacco for J" K- Tura- of A?d- H ? of four hundred dollars or more. He had the check cashed at the Greenville Banking and Trust Com pany. Later he returned to the CVn ter Brick with a great tale of woe. Saying that he had been waylaid, out side of town as he was going home, and robbed of his money. The poliee were notified and a search for tlie thieves was begun. One negro twas arrested, while another that was ; thought to be implicated made a get- a-way. The man taken into custody "sra1 giveh a hearing before the Mayor this' morning. He gave his name as being Russell Marshall, but'seems that he is' also known as Dorsey. At the trial he plead not guilty and Mayor Dunn not finding-' sufficient evidence against him, let-hinjgo. Later developments have caused sns- t"" iu" "uui. sa n. u kuown that Le )honetl for his brotht'r v uu near Ayueu resefiuav, IO . i. . : .. . . . . i i . come to Greenville and that the broth er came. It is thought that he sent the money home to his .wife by his -brother and then told the robbery story to divert suspicion from himself." IS FORECASTED (By United Press.) ROM! A serious political crisis. which may cause the downfall of the- CRlSESiN ITALY Senniue ministry was pre-ir?ratrt by .-X Arthur Labriela. the leler of the- 1 Socialists in the Chamlier of Deputies here today. . . Donates Device To Government WASHINGTON. N. C The Uhifed States Shipping Board today , was considering a device perfected hy Cap tain David Hill, a prominent local citizen, for turning a ship completely around without its own length. Cap- tain Hill has donated it to the Gov ernment to help beat the U-boat, if it is thought a practicable device. After trying it out on his own ves sels in the" Pamlico River, Capt. Hill thought it might !e found invaluable in helping some American boats dodge submarines, so he put it up to headquarters. NEW YORK MARKETS I (Reported by Speight & Company) i . Wednesday, Oerhber 17 irfh 1 New York Futures!" Open (K-tler 27.NO Dceeuilter 27. .'K X' . - X" . 1 - W ...... . ilw jT X 28.05 2- (ireenville Spots 27 1-4 to ! - ; hale OI Tine Bred'HOl-" atpin STld JerSGV COWS T ... , , . u . j.,, I will offer for sale at Homes dairy, : Greenville. N. C. on Oct. 27, at 2 P. M.," j twelve Holsteiu and Jersey Cows to the highest bidders for Cash. These cow, ; must le sold regardless of price as I jam uui oi t uc uaii) uuiiiit-w.- i miss the sale you miss a bargain. . JAMES HACKNEY, i Washington. U. 10 rU tc Tu-Th-Sa-Mo-We-Fri; White's Theatre TONIGHT 5 ' THE FOOLISH VIRGIN" fea-' luring Clara Kinmbail Young; Mat. 3:45; Night 7:30; 10 & 25 Friday Nifht -TANGLED LIVES" 'Featuring -Genera Hamper- -, - , - i Vr - i VS. - r . ' i I! r f. i 1st p

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