- V - - Cloudy and ,mueh colder, tonight. Pro bably rain' Sunday VOLUME I. GERffiMOl'llED PROPERTY UMBER HEAVY GUARD !! BUEKOS AIRE . By CHARLES P. STEWART (United Pross Staff Correspondent) BUENOS AIRES The German Qwnedtoper ties is now uncTer, a heavy guard. The police re serves are patrolling the town streets.: There is a deep undercurrent of hostility against GeTmany by the street crowds. This is visible evidence as to how much Buenos Aires is stirred by the latest Luxburg revelations. Many rioters have openly voiced their threats and impreciations against President Irigoyne. J Te street orators who demanded'that niimedi ate war declared on Germany were cheered voiferously. HPfN NOT I0B0U' II TROOPS ' FOR A RUSSIAN IMRVENDON TOKIO Japan is not considtring the inter vention of Russia. This annoncement has been made on the authority of the foreign office. As sistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Shideharra has asserted that no Japanese troops weremobo lizing for use, in Siberia, .v.That none had.been or dered or even coTSemplated.; Big Attraction Christmas Night One of the most popular and dis tin'mished actresses in America today is Helen Ware. On Christmas night at 7 :30 o'clock she and a company of All Stars, will be seen at White's Theatre in "The Garden of Allah." Miss Ware will be seen in her best characteriza t tion. This is Wiiliam N. Seng's half a million dollar production of Robert Hitchen's world famous novel of the same name. The production, is tense, emotional, thrilling drama. Ithas wonderful scenic effects a terrific sandstorm five thousand - people tribes of Arabss scenes of the Sahara, cost of a fortune to film On account of the Christmas Vesper services scheduled to take place at the Me&odist church on Christina! after noon at 5 o'clock, there will be no mart nee. Only one performance will 'be given and that to begin at 7 :30 P. M. Prices 25 and 35 cents. Risk Too Great Members of the Red Cross are re quested not to carry out the lighted candle ceremony Christmas eve. The fire risk is too great. The fire under writers have -protested against this part of the Christmas program and rightly. H E AUSTIN, Mgr , Christmas Membership Drive. Red CraHH Ornhans and Ladies Aid Society Take Notice We will give 2 per cent of our Cash Sales Saturday , to Monday, December 22 and 24 to be devoted between these Charitable societies. 12-21-2tc T. F. Maguire & Son USSIA S ONLY HOPE LIE COSSAC 'S S - , (By United PreBs) w a smvaTON Russia's only hope lies in the Cossacks, this may save herroGTO rrl;a icfho nmninn rti the officials who were uiuc. lino w wiv vi - ,'. : -, .x -:v.5ij.-;Ty formerly with the United States mxsionEui- rn-u nmAviHoa Hnn't as a military power. Russiahbeenroed off the Allied slate as a warasser. uKmu , wmv- under the support 01 xnev w . ,s n A. T - - ' V 'T . : ll2-21-2tr- ' " ,. f j. . m x irrr C3 ti rut iiiuiMri Over 20 Million of Tobacco Sold The Greenville Tobacco market clos. ed yesterday for the Christmas holi days and is expected to open again on Tuesday, January 8, 1918. There has been sold on this market since the opening in August up to now 20,986,553 pounds of tobacco and $6, $783&59 was paid out to the farm ers selling on this market. The aver age price paid during, the season, in cluding damaged scraped tobacco was $30:38. ' The tobacco men say that from one million to one miliion and a half of tobacco will be sold on this market be fore the season finally closes. Sold L217.832 Pounds The well known firm of Gentry and Gorman sold on their warehouse dur. iug the month of December 1,217,832 pounds of tobacco at an average price of $29.60. The reason why th -average was smaller than during the pre ceding months was due to the fact that so much scrap tobacco was placed on the floor. This warehouse will Op en again for business on Tuesday Janu ary 8, 198. First Sermon Tomorrow. Rev Walter Patten, the new pastor of the Jarvis Memorial M. E. Church will fill his pulpit for the first time tomorrow morning and no doubt but what he will be heard by a large congre gation Mr. Patten is rated as one of the coming , young preachers of the North Carolina' Conference, f He will also preach Sunday -evening at 7:30 o'clock All have a cordial invitation to hear him at both services ' ' v see any' cMhctor S IN THE : l DIPLOMAT TATES A P u 1 1 f T el e r a p h (GrreeitvillN. Cf ITALIANS FIGHTING HARD T(k SAVE 4 s ' Vt I '.f. '&x fm Hi CK1?'&' feV "' naHaii Luouiie unuairciiui gun in action north of Venice, where, 'as all along the line from the Adriatic to Lake Garda, the Italians are fighting heroically to hold back the Invading Auslro-German hordes. At the left la General Diaz, who replaced Count Cadorna as commander in chief; at the right Is the count of Turin, cousin of the king, com mander of the Italian cavalry that fought so nobly during the retreat from the Isonzo. LEGAL ADVISORY BOARD They undersigned legal Advisory Boad for Pitt County hereby announces thar"under Section 5 of the Selection Service Regulations, all the lawyers residing in Greenville, Fa rmville, Ay den or elsewhere in Pitt County, are made associate members of the Legal Advisory Board, and they are required to assist all registrants in making out their Questionaire, and those who fail to render proper assistance will neces sarily have to be reported. Therefore any registrant is authoriz ed to apply not only to this Legal Ad visory Boad, but to the following as sociates : t Greenville, N. C Julius Brown, S. J. Everett, N. W. Outlaw, James L. Evans, Louis C. Gaylord, Marvin K. Blount, F&I. Wooten, F. C. Harding, C. C. Pierce, J. B. James, D. M. Clark. Ayden, N. C. Peter Hines. Farmville, N. C. Lloyd Horton, Mr. Martin. Registrants are authorized also to apply to the following laymen for as sistance in making out their Question aire. J. L. Wooten, Charles L. Wilkin son, G. iiarris, a. xyson.ueorge J. Woodard, Alex L. Blow, H. E. Aus- tin, D. S. Spain, T M. Hooker, L. W. Tucker, O. W Harrington, Walter Wilson, Jr. Harry Skinner, Charirman Albion Dunn & F. G. James, Legal Advisory Board. There seems to be some misunder standing In reference to the duties of this board appointed by the Governor. The Permanent board consists of Har- ry SKinner, u james iuiu ajuiuu Dunn. ; But it is by no means under stood that this permanent board is ex . t- -r i A i V, r pected to fill out all of the Question naires propounded : they are assisted by all the lawyers of Greenville and other towns in Pitt vounty, these are denom- 7 inated as associates, and it is as much j the duty of tlie associates to render this service as iflsi the permanent board. ! In addition to this a nomber of laymen have been- designated as assi stants, anl -there are also expected to'- recider this services when called upon by? any of the registrants. ; Begrlstrants .who can read anl write I cajK reSe,vjBrahV permanent Legal Ad r; if tftey; iIU-mt .aii tne questions in me Questionnaire which they are able to ffo. and only. aDDly to the board ami associafces for assistance in those ques- ikms that they cannot answer. Lisstupedous and everybody must help. fUWWS! CAKES! CAKES! Prnit Cakes, Pound Cakes, Marble Cake, Raliia CakeT Sunshine Cakes aita iNauonal Biscuit Company's Cakes Y T.' r..Mgtiirt;ar St'l?r'il-2.tc i eillit o f i tli ;y Satoday:Afternoon,"D Greetings! -Greenville, M. C.r Dec 18, 1917. To the Citizens of Greenville: As the time limit has removed me from Greenville I take this opportuni ty to express my high appreciation, my heartfelt thanks, and my cfeep gratitude to the entire city. As Pastor of Jarvis Memorial Church and as a citizen of the town, everyone has been kind to me; even the lowest classes have been polite genteel and generous, and as I loog back over my four years spent in the city I cannot recall any period in my life in which I have re ceived so many favors. Not only the membership of my own , Church, but those of every Church, have been very kind in assissting me in all the undertakings that I have en deavored to set forth. In the payment of the Church debt, in the dedication of the Church, in the music that we so ften rendered to the public and, last, ly, in the entertainment of the Confer ence, the people of Greenville have lent their hands, opended their hearts and contributed their money. I feel that we have a Greenville and a citizenship that I can never forget, and I wish again to thank everybody for every little kindness that "has been rendered me during my pastorate. I go to my new work, to endeavor to do something more for the great Cause which I represent. I shall never for. get the hospitable manner in which the people of Greenville have carried out every program that I have asked them to assist me in. Especially, am I proud of the way in which they en tertained the Conference. It goes without saying that no Conference was ever entertained by any City in a gran der and nobler manner.I shall not for get the people I am leavink, and my heart will often turn hack to them, and oftentimes .my silent prayers shall rise to Him who hath blessed us so greatly during the four years that I have been a sojourner in your midst. I shall always be only too glad to do anything I can for anyone in a city that has been so hospitable to me With kindest affections for all of the good people, I beg to remain, Your friend, J. M. DANIEL. IS QUITE ILL The numerous friends of Mr. Charles Rountree, who for a number of years lias been a Justice or. tne reace in tms township and also one of Greenvile's oldest and most highly esteemed citi- zens, will regret to learn of his llinesa He has been confined tox his home on Greene Street for the past several days. That he will have an early convales cence is the wish of all his friends. Crandebbies, Candies. Citron, Nuts Shelled and in Shell. Fruits of all kinds Peas. Beans. BweerPotatoes, Buta Beg. gars, CagvagAndVCeiery at j, - T ;. Ti.-' MaguWee& Son etl i ie?d e ;r b. THEIR COUNTRY ANNOJDNCEMENT . Mr 8. Calvin Andrew Haste announces the marriage c4 hesefeffngtaar Johnny Etta Webb Mr. John Bar ham Spilman on Saturday thectJrenty-second of Dec. Nineteen hundred and seventeen Edenton, N. C. (No Cards in town) Mrs. Spilman has been one of the capable and popular teachers in the Greenville High School for the past two years. She Is a woman of many friends, all of whom wish her every jpy. She expects' to occupy her posi tion as teacher in the High School un til the closing of the school year. Mr. Spilman is the efficient Bursar and treasurer at the East Carolina Teachers Training School and has oc cupied this position for the past seven years. He is popular with the students anl holds a warm place in the hearts of all residing in Greenville. The local banks will be olosed Dec 25th and 26th. Will be open Monday night until 9 :30 for the convenience .of those who desire to transact business . Farmers Bank, Nation Bank of Green vile, Greenville Bkg, 4 Trust Co. 12-20-2tc. rqtfft r T in if fa OUR SOLDIERS TO BE HONORED r4 Plans have been perfected to hold a great Union Vesper Ser vice on Christmas afternoon at 5-o'clock at the Methodist church Tiie purpose of the serriee will be to pray for America's success in the war, and for the blessing ofJod upon our Greenville and Pitt County men who have gone forth to answer the appeal of a stricken world. Let every citizen of our city plan to attend this service of in U tercession and interest in behalf of our soldiers. Xmas Day, 5 o'clock p. m.; Methodist Church. Pass the good 'word along. We ought to pack the church. v kite's Theatre FRIDAY "TWO LITTLE IMPS". featur ing Jane and Catherine Lee, 1 -. ' SATURDAY "The Mystery of the Double X", featuring MoDJe Klnf. -.Mutt ft Jeff V Alse two reels of tooA comedy r , Iff If I T I NElJtSTPEAC ;epro M BEING DRAFTED BY G ' . (Bj United PARIS. The newest peade proposalsjx) j:Ger- ; many that are being drafted contemplates vpqace;: on the. basis of status quo. This was,thS3xspatiS as printed in today's Matin. ' ' J 'it . p---Accordingf to the Matin's informationJfeigixi? Secretary Von Kuehlmann will offer the' eyaqua- V r tion of Belgium "with guarantee" of presumably - 5 lnuemniues ana win aiso retirement from France in exchange &f German 0 colonies.- They will also guarantee the frdpm -ISI of commerce. The question of Turkeyitis stated will be left in the background with the ljSfyfe teresting England in some trade,. ; ' -- 'Mm Bulgaria, it is stated, is insisting.oji the acquis 'WrP: ition of Dobrudja in SoutherrlMacedonla and aJsoSSi that part of Serbia extending as far southas Mor-:3 avia and also asking thaf Rumania be put imder the subjection of German economical domination. M4- Russia, Alsace and Lorraine may be ignored in the forthcominig peace suggestions or -possibly v uuacessions. .as to tnese tactors m thej)eace pro posal they may be completely refused? A HIDE SPREAD -THE BBtSHEVEIJlHJISCOV (By Urited STOCKHOLM.-, great battle in the streets of retrograd is reported from thp Rn - x uu aimy corps reiusea Hie orders of the BoK sheveiki to leave the city. The Bolsheveiki sent out troops against them. The, fighting is tilEir tlll& tuspatcq idU- uruier aexaiis are - Gov't. Is Fooled Says A. . Borie Br United Prcn WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Manufac turers of the Sponsoring Browning Ma chine Gun are v fooling the governing, A. E. Boris of the Savage Arms lc told the Senate invesffgation compiit tee today. Borie's company makes the the Allies. "The Browning Gun looks Lewis gun, which has been adopted by good enough on paper but nobody knows what It will do. The manufac- ; hirers who sayNthat it is peerless and j the best in the world are fooling not only the government, but themselves," declared Borie. Virginia Boy Been "Gassed" (Br Vnltmi Prcaa) OTTAWA, Can. A. B. Bailey of Straunton, Va., has been gassed, accord ing to th casualty list Just received here. Three Drunks Yesterday. ' - Chief of PoUee Sniith tells the Daily News that there were three drunks in Greenville yesterday. This is doing fairly well considering the time of year and the class of "booze" they imbibe in. GREAT BATTLE IS Ml RAGIfffi! PETROGRAD STREETS REPOT v (Wy United PETROGRAD.Workmen and soldiers. of tiilSj& Soviet annoiance the (discovery of a wMe-speal3 v plot against ;the; Bolsheveiki government - Th?SSr full details arid the documentary evidence ihvpltfS ing. the members of the Cadet party will be ub-v ; lished shortly. One of the plans of the: reyTTi& tionaries was to destroy the discipliri :f tSe "SoSf' viet troops by organizing looting 7 K -s stJjSp liquor and then distribute theMiisonsWMi the soldiers, - ' , r J" :v. to 5 O'clock -r w Press) announce the (iermans PLOT AGAINST Press) . : i-(wvn WUWIUU. 1 - . was sent irjomFetm- not as yet available -i - . " : -r ' For XmaDriye - The number tat have b nrol" ed for the Red Cross ristmaa Vtlv :': 'i in Greenville up to todaV.is-ot.GreeJu ville has furnished hei allotment. The . other parts of the county have not as yet been heard from. Six hundred and 564 Moiled thirty-six members are yetf to be secqr-, V ed by Christmas eve night - : :Tffi The Avden ntflifTT f .iMWM " ' E' County Red Cross Societyhasienlt for; -ward this week a box contalning'ev .ii v ment for four patients, also. " .t;.'. .i knitted sets, all of which hasbeerW'''':-''' warded to headquarters. jSeru 1 weks. . ago there was an aVv t4 yil &p Pitt County chapter to, furnish. Uih'V"V sweaters to the Pitt courify-boys. th&te 'if .' fr have been made andqrdtht f Kv' week by the chamber to h&forittfiKfi'Jr'Z'i - i The White Xmas. The White Xmas to be held at hv Ufemorial Baptist Church. Sun"-.1- in music for those pubUe is-most cvrdltail 'JifHte'riv'Ci 'W-, " FOR SALE CID2AP --'$&k JgA Shetland Pony and.bart. PerfieetLr gentle. E. L Mayor Bethel, -VXcMki 22-22-tc Press) III - rail ... -..3; -IJl' l.K- te-lJ. ..5- V m 1 way ior an.upnv. r -i v;tv: -It- ' . J-v . J -J4- t; -fOV - '1 -v. v r . - - r

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