IGlIifflMli : Snejr to Nortii pot ; ttoiv Wanner In east portion. J Thursday V probably fab.' , 5 O'clock s City EDITION P u 1 1 Tie leferraph ic Re ports of the United Press VOLUME I. Greenville, N. 1913 NUMBER i70 v v ttit'm'r ----- ; Ik - l U-A ViV M 'A, y ' v lluilHll VI IM' 1 ' "V; -. . ' v 4:; Matnsbwrg9 JPa, Has Dollar Fhre Earlg TMksM BOtSHEVEIItl WOW PREPARING TO f.lME DEFENSE AGAINST GERMANS NEGOTATIDOS ARE BROKEN OFF GERMANS APPARENTLY PROPOSE TO REMAIN ON OESEL ISLAND UnttedPress) LONDON The Bolsheveiki are making prep aration for a defeipe against Germany. THey have brokei off peace negotiations due to the Jact that Genrfany has refused to withdraw her troons from Poland and other occupied por tions of Russia. This is in accomance with a ..sen sational dis- aptch which is printed -in-the Daily News written by Arthur Ransome, this neper's correspondent at Petrograd. ; Correspondent Ransome says: j "I have reliable information regarding the! breaking off of peace nferbtiations. When thej honesty of theBolsheveiki purnose-has been es-t teblished beyM. auestion the CentTbwer to' make a more detailed statement of their terms -than that whiclf has already been published, in cluding the demand that the German Garrisons be retained at (Riga, Libau and Other stratgetic points. This trie Russians are uncompromising ly against. This declared self definition of the people of Poland as well as those of the other oc cupied parts of Russia, is stated t obe impossible until the ast German soldiers had left. The Germans have asked for time to consider this refusal by the Russians. They have also beereed that this $tage of the negotiations be not published. The Russians have refused this plea and have already left Brest Litvotsk. The Red Guards are now "being sent to reinforce the front and other preparation is being made for defense." GERMANY WILL NOT CONSIDER BREST IITOI'S!! DECLARATION fmm... I This photograph of the German on Oesel Island, near the mouth of the gulf of Finland la the firtt to arrive In America and Indicates, by the shelters the soldiers are building, that they Intend to stay there through the winter at least. At the right of the illustration Is a German soldier signaling to a transport In the harbor. WORK OF I IES IT IS THOUGHT CAUSED NORFOL IFIRE SUSPECTS NOW UNDER ARREST $250,000 FIRE AT IIARRISBURG DESTROYS MUNITION PLANT CO. (By United Press) Bfg Attraction Here For Tonight The White's Theatre will have as its attraction tonight "The Beauty Shop, HARRISBUKGr Fire early this morning ae- .comedy written by channing poiiock, stroyed a part of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Rennow wow and chanes j Gebest, V , ... their other two efforts having been KP-nmno 1 nmnanv s munition rianx, uiiiuiiiy, m,n-- and "My Best now working on a big government contract forjonr." mnTT,r nlinllc TVi Vklo7 wvnoH miihP Pfllflt ShnT). While like all musical comedies, in the Cplinder Rough Turning Shop, with a loss estimated to be $250,000. BIND GU NL ESS ALLIES ACCEPT j (By Uiited Press) PETROGRAb Germany will not consider the Brest Litovsklleclaration as binding unless the Allies accept tjie invitation to negotiate general peace. ' This information is according to a statement made by M. Pav of Lovitsk, a non Bolsheveiki delegate who has just returned from the confer ence. " . ' "v"1 ? FATE SEVEN AMERICANS OUT OF Id IIMIfMnill 10 PUT COUNTY GOES OVER THE TOP 1 RED CROSS CHRISTMAS DRIVE (By H: E. AUSTIN) Manager Xmas Campaign The Pitt County Chapter of the American Red Cross closed its Christ mas Membership Campaign yesterday. members as follows: Arthur 10, Ay den 03, Ballard's Cross Roads 49,' Bethel 154, Falkland 18, Fountain 53, Farmville 100, Grifton 133, Grimesland 5, Pactolus 40, Simpson 11, The allotment for Pitt County was Stokes 79, Wlnterville 17, ureenvuie twelve hundred. The reports in hand (colored) 30. today-form the Chapter and sister aux- As the result of the drive through illaries show that twelve hundrel and out the Nation over 15,000,000 Christ sixty nine were added to the member- mas members have been added to- the ship of the Pitt County Chipter as American Red Cross. - the result of this drive. Rountree's I wish to thank all who contributed , Look Like Lillian Russell,' that it is not overburdened with any great amount of plot, it having been written for laughing purposes only, the book contains many bright lines and funny situations, and the score in cludes at least twepty distinct song hits, it must be said that 'The Beauty Shop" is one of the most elaborately mounted and extravagantly costumed attractions taking the road this sea son. ' There are seventeen characters in the cast each and every part having been entbrusted to capable placers, many of whom are well known in the musical comedy and vaudeville world, and has for a background, a large chorus, mostly girls, many, of whom are noted for their havjng been with Broadway productions. J Among the most popular of the songs are "In A Beauty Shop," "I Want To Saturday and Gom Swamp were the only aux iliaries that failed tcssecure members, Greenville Chapter secured four hun dred and seventy six Christmas mem- there. The Auxiliaries have reported new and humanity. to the success of the Campaign in Pitt j Afternoon On Broadway," Sometime," TIME CAPTURED FM - ? (By United Press) . ' WITH AMEMCANARMY IN FRATE-The -fate of Seven American prisoners 'out of twelve taken in a raid on the American trench by the Ger mans on November 3 is unknown r: -v; A picture of the five Americans has been pub lishedin a German illustrated newspaper. What has become pf the other seven, the bulletin makes vnfi to the fate of the missing men, but a few are still hopeful that they yet may.be county; especially those ladies who in spite of storms and cold and the de mands of the Christmas season were faithful to the call of their country NORFOLK The city is now quiet; after the: greatest fire m the annals of this modern city. J. M.,Walthal, Frederick Bisler, Otto Burch andV . wife, Hugo Schmidt, Ida Wintermantel, M. Wih-: ?v termantel, John Emmes, William Wilhelm, Jacob.; Antonio are now being held as suspicious charac-; ::) ters. j . 'v-f The work of re-building thacity is made mored difficult due. to the extreme" cold weather and the"; ;1 labor shortage also the lack of material. Thfe'V dense snowstorm adds to the difficulties. " The $2,000,000 fire in Norfolk started by explos- ' S ions, which first originated in the old Granbyr1 .Q3iejto oloekyesterdamorn-; mg-. It started with a distinct explosion and,the ; f entire structure, three stories, was swept away;' Shortly before 7 o'clock an explosion occurred onf. the sixth floor of the Monticello Hotel, reducing;; V the building quickly to a shell. About noon yes-V); terday, when the hotel seemecft obe practically under control, an explosion occurred in the Lenox; ; building-, a six-story structure, and thisSbuilding was quickly gutted. - i: ' A- During the afternoon yesterday the police'.." rounded up over a score of men and women as- -suspects, but all but ten or twelve of these, includ- ing two women, were released. The others are r being held for further investigation. The pre"-A , vailing opinion in naval, military and business circles is that there had been an effort robai?ly;v organized, to destroy the business-sectioXpf theV: city. The only tangible evidence was that ableast ? : two, probably three explosions occurred at about'?: the time the fires were discovered. . 5 . - :' Early in the morning yesterday one fireman was willed and seven injured when the roof of the I ' Monticello Hotel caved in. Last niehtthree men? were in jured, one probably seriously.' VJarnes -West, a fireman, suffered a fractured skull smfi bfa- V condition is precarious, j T. A. Cronin, an enlisted ?k -sailor and James D. Lobn. a marirm. watp Knlvv?- hurt, whether or not others were bnrfpAJpnofh V' the debris is not known, t the various emergency ' stations aAbout 20 have been treated for minor injuries. - , - - . ; -v The suspicious persons arrested as WsneVfS inS'?1 eluded Hugo Schmidt and H. K. Lessing, said to : be Germans. They have been turnedber to the:A Department of justic aegnts. Thre is no question V' Saturday Jan. 5 Is Youi Chance "That is surely going, to be a great sale conducted by the Atlantic Coast Realty Company next Saturday, Jan uary 5, when the Anderson - Farm on Fifth Street extension, owned by O. L. Joynejv is to be auctioned off in -one acre' lots and small farms. This sale starts at 10:30 a. m. At 2 :30 p. m. this same, company will sell 30 high '.class Mots for colored people, the W. fe. Dail block, adjoining the Knitting Mill property, just off of Dickinson Ave. nueL ' VWs in indeed -a great oppor tunity. , 'WShat a fine opportunity this will be to secure property that is valu tOnk 4t isni - own Bihft half Let Us Hope His Forecast True Greenville was visited by' another snow storm today; It began tu fall in the early morning and did not stop un til about noon. During the, night the tump-jrature moderated a litt'e but not enough to keep back - th. snow fluke. Tcb second , snowstorm tin Is Greu iiJe praci'lv-without w.vj.l 'r caal t .-d worse still, the chancp? are s-'im for an adequate supply. Tli weather n.an gives out some encouragement by forecasting that there will be snow again tonight in the northern portion but warmer in the eastern ; "portion. This means that this -section is prom ised' rising us Jau inr a iihli 'Tiinf iMillratfnn lrill "Was In September," "The Tale Of A Mermaid," "When The Creditor Comes to can- aii Dressed pp And No the officials think, that all of the fires were of in-'" Place To Go," "The Sunshine Maxixe," POT1lQwy ' C WAC Wr$3 OI m "I Love You Just The Same" and many ir; .ti ,5 others. The fire area is bounded bv the nQTirYiranf y ; vwmvj Tazewell Streets, Monticello and City Hall ave-"' Seats now on sale at the box office. Curtain rises promptly at 8:30 o'clock. nues on the east side of Granby street and on the . Thursday, savs the prophet, in west side trom JbJrodks avenue.to Tazewell street true. all probability, will be fair, again hope so. White's Theatre TONIGHT v "THE BEAUTY SHOP" (Musical Comedy) The Biggest and Best of the ' ' easorf ' Seats on sale at Wx o3ee Let us extending back about 150 feet to a lane, which number of other large structures. On the west side of Granby street, the Lenox, Carpenter and iaz,eweii uuuum, an six stones nign.were com- pieteiy gestroyea or pracncaiiy wreckecL On the east side of the street the Monticello Hotel and the old Granby budlinig were swept awav; The DiVte son building and big commercial structure beVVi tween the Granby Theatre and the hotel; were damaged only by water.- t ; -0 j xiic wiciZiC Yvo.0 jgervuu UiiUCl COIlrOl laSt-'IUCi A alive, if -1 k -4. ..ir 'If t i X . 77 y r : . di-i- : r ' i'4 4