A 5 - f . 1 -1 -"v 11 IT .v. it- THE GREENVILLE DAILY NEWS tflmiw u except Sunday by Greenville Publishing Jc Uh - CQXRA T.AOTn, Freldet; 3TAS. C MAYO, Secretary Jl Manager I I . '- . PntMMi at-tfc tMt naM .it OrMwriUfi. N. c. as wrand-daas matter JVB? IS, 3S17, voter Act of Congress of March 8. 1879. Subscription Rates: -J ITaar , I UOBtBf $4.00 S Months UKl ....$2.00 1 Monti (Bmbsorlptloms Payable in Advance) tnhanrlhAra dastrinc tha Daily News discontinued wilT please notlflj cttorwise paper will be coatinved at regular subscription rates. To iararr delivery, complaiats should be made promptly to the Circulation Dt yarbseat, No. 815 Brans Street. ' Telephone No. 70. i - WEDNESDAY AFTERNO ON, JANUARY 31918. X? r 1 Mrs. J. . E. Dees, of th'.s-city recentl- received the following letter from he fense as that of Which she had been acquitted, knowing that a second trial would probably, re? suit in conviction. She therefore Left the beer and whiskey except the amount allowed her by law m the nossession and custody of the City officials. 'Hi m-e amiears't have been an agreement be tween her and some of the officials whereby the brother, Lieoteant 'Samuel Parker wh officials might dispose of the booty a best pleased j. jgJZ them. The result was late one night an automobile wf"away ' i truck wascofamandeered, ordered driven to the 1 wrote yim a letter a few days a City Hall wben:the beer and whiskey was loaded Z?JZ2L. on andTlater delivered at the houses 01 the Mayor t0 muaie ot h9 Wg gheiis as th of Greenville and two of the policemen and for passed" orerhead-but i had no Piac months thereafter the thirst of some of the offi- 'StU cials, who have the enforcement of the laws of naek ln the reserve ime where on Greenville in their hands was quenched by the hears on beer and whiskey which had been secured bv tem ILL "JLn hear the wnwe Oil OF THE BOYS IM TRENCHES I'MES SISTER OF LIFE THERE REFORM IS NEEDED; BEGIN TODAY (By James L. Mayo) With, the beginning of the New Year we should take the necessary time to consider what our lives have been during the past year. Have we got ten a full measure of the joys and happiness which we may obtain through right living and right thinking? Each individual is in a large measure respon sible for the salvation of his or, her soul and our lives is the thermometer by which we are judged by both man and God. Have they been such, dur ing the past year as to inspire confidence and gain the good will of the community at large? There are duties which we owe to our country and to our city. Have we performed those duties according to the dictates of our conscience? This question each individual must answer for him self. We as citizens are responsible for conditions as they exist whether it be in City, County, State or Nation. We control the ballot which elects the officials who enact and enforce our laws. Have those officials performed their duty during the 1; past year to our satisfaction and to the best in- v-, terests of our community at large. There are some conditions which have existed in Greenville during the past year which should be wiped from the slate and a new page begun 'w in the history of our City which will not only re 4 . fleet credit upon the officials but upon its entire : citizenship. There have been numerous efforts made to curb the liquor traffic in Greenville, but as each move ment developed, a stumbling block was rolled in the way by some of the city officials. There is a r: reason for this and the motive has usually been an ulterior one. We are agoing to give some concrete : illustration of this and let the citizenship of Green- ville who stand for a higher moral standard than t hat in which we have been living, place the re . 'Xsponsibility where it belongs. CI 1 1 1 il -V T . -I otsverai montns ago tne iNews m a small wav wic iccmmg ui vjieeii villt; S red llgntl. in4'Ai 1 J.' J i 1 i J 1 T . li uidtuct ciuu we uiu not ao it: witn a aesire to see I the inmates of those houses persecuted because ; xney are maeea untortunate ancl to be pitied. As a result of the sentiment which was aroused a raid ; was made on a number of the houses of ill fame vand in one was found about 1000 bottles of beer and several quarts of whiskey. The woman was ar- ' K. 2 rested and tried in the County Court. A verdict of w swxxuj iciujncu vy uie jury, ine wnisKey ii ,and beer was ordered returned to the woman. She failed to assert her rights and take the intoxi- cants into her possession again. Her failure was! ;:no doubt based upon the assumption that she and unresponsive, the attnosphere of the only room- accessible; to . visitor s" is conductive of anything but a pleasant impression. - in a raid made while m the performance ot t puiiet nn shons tm th r doty and which should have been either returne d l. to the woman or destroyed, line. I was stationed in a Brit' b c This supply must have been at a low ebb jm f " . i.i 1 1 T x ? e-rlar ocer of the trneh-'s. prior to the Holidays, as the police were crnte Tn - x CM1 nw. as ? c lant in their endeavors to detect shipments of t on of the pe6i? in i on ion liqu8r coming into Greenville and their eor'n ZZl.l wei?e rewarded by the capture of a few trunks and the trench I beard one of oat,.(th- -nortlorrcxj wriiori nnrfoinorl TxrViiclrv TViPQP WPTP British) aeroplanes coming. It sailed rt(r ' -m ..toot --tit nvnr m T nonn 0 trol shells, . high explosives ' shells and smoke. I don't see how anything could come through such a barrage alive. It is wonderful it is hell in the true sense of the word. j You" people of America little realise what the war means. . The three thou, sand miles of water between- us serves as a barrier in spite of the literary geniuses. Print is not like the bare facts. You talk of thousands and not millions in regard to cost, in both lives and dollars ; buf your minds do not realize what, it means. The-cost is too large for a, person to realize until he has ' had actual ' experience. Until the people of America see" the streets of Paris blackened with mourn inar, until they see the griew of the mother as fhe tells" . her son good-bye as he is leaven? for the front, until thv see the eager faces searching j go: J each uaegerbv at the stations waiting! He fame Near Killing Bend (By United Preu) WITH THE AMEBCAN EXPEDI IONABYARMY FRANCE (By ail) One German aviator doesnft ow how near he same to killing the th Bend sergeant who fired Ameri ca's first gun at the Boches. perfect sunny afternoon after the rican batteries had been in about eek, a Boche plane scooted over for ick look around before' the French es could chase him back. e Boche rolled right over the- otuflaged gun-pit, so low that he d see that a gun was there. Thp fired. Sinmutaneously the aero plane swooped, with its machine-- tae-a-ta"c-tac-a.tac. The bullets ed through the bower of dead for the loved , one to return from the leavts into. Dit narrowiv misBitijr th0 front, until they have crossed miles crew nl miles of battlefield where a little j Tlfey dropped into a dugout and laid white cross, is planted every few feet low ill the Boche was chased off. st-riifvin? the death of an ally sol- shot directly Oenvan- line, la'te 1 lack tnt fnc head for stron V O'.Vfl- circle 1 in no nt it tyii then ni' ur "ne J" h ,i , i ii i i n j j i J trnv:-nt over mv promptly taKen xo tne city nan, connscaieu au divided up. In their efforts to prevent everyone except t1 favored few from having their Christmas jov, to aerop?ai. m i police were most too vigilant ar d larded or a sH ment which they should have left alone, as it is re ported that One Of the hfeh Officials 3rd SOe the world. Several enemy m chine gun spottei our ie- opian m n it nr n ane st von : ivho'e iron i' i nou. h Th to t until the casualty rott- in the TJunted States beeins tQ be a realty, fand mourntng -of the streets of New Yo-k Oitv is as evident as on the street of Paris then, and not until tbn w'll our people realize the cost the war. 'Hie aiMp hivp suTerel terribly, jd mv onlv regret is that we did not come to their rescue' long ago. This is not only a war for Democracy, it is a war for humanity, and the tents tnereoi, ana tne omcers were 1 ar a os : away safely. At aim b ti Bo-ches out of commission as psi- render their nrize and it was delivered into the . air flght 1 was lmmediat v uu e bie. so i hope our country wi send . lroMnfr rk-f if a frlnr,Ac our machines part of the time and over trooos as fast as it can and draw Keeping OI ItS XTienaS. 'German shrapnel was bursting ar ,t to , close. tt .t j j jy r- ?n i j , ..... . now can tne eaoa citizens 01 v. reenvnie noue to aoove me..auu, iw. our Pmu Tnere is the burie for supper, so improve the moral atmosphere in whi tev l.v rT", Z Tta Z, ,'""t so long as such conditions exist among its officials7 bren exposed to shrapnel fire" ani a Hnw win fViPV AYTiAf tn not lnwo anfnrpH wifVimif English say. " tends to put thr WW VAAW W4.jtaT W W IJSW IT U WAJk VVVi f W X VI ' S A .' wmu up. Patrollng is very Important 'duty his intimate friends owned an interest i e "o 1 Knew Hl Age. . AU$n, on his second birthday, was told his mother that he was two years pld. . That same day his mother Weighid him, and as she lifted him off the 8Me she said:. "You weigh Just thirty 'pounds." That evening, when the little boy's father came home he said: f'Well, Allan, how old are you?" Allan lesitated a few seconds and then replied j pounds "Two years and thirty NOTICt OF SALE REAL ESTATE burle for supper, You aft, brother, SAf. 1 fear or favor? You need not exnect to break un vice so long as officials profit by it. If it was unlawful for Ethel Lee to have in her on the front TOtn out into No M-in': land and securing InTormat'on of th" pnenir nnrl fla4iMn- iinv pnmv im- possession more than one quart of whiskey and trois tna you c8me across, a good four dozens bottles of beer, then it was more un- j prisoner valuable in- lawful for the guardians of the law to have more'tZE? than a like amount in their possession. Anv offi -I my stay m the trenches i took oar pinl wVin id Virmocf in fV ro-P-nr,ort -P Vn'o nftr, note of this very importair av xtj uvuvav ill JK 1U1 iiiaiivu Ui ' ' lO UUv.Y would not violate the law for the breaking duty. One night while I was out ob turned a mach'ne un on vtr T" which he had secured the prosecution of an unf or tnnit?d machine gun on us. t tunate woman, and any official who would partic' "JL! rTJZZ. nZ pate m a transaction of this character is not en- barking directly in front and to see titled to the trust which should be reposed in pub- the 8parks fly from the wire not ten K flR:l i 3 l i u i i. i yards iic uiiicictiB, aiiu ne snouia receive no consiaeranor 'utrikin- at the hands of the public. The eitizens of Greenville should demard and force an investigation and compel those officials who were in on the deal to resign from the posi tions of trust which they now hold. The enforcement of the penalty for such abom inable action is in your hands.-as no official can withstand the onslaughts of righteous indir tion of an outraged public. The News has performed its duty with the frll knowledge that if it can not substantiate t1 statements it has made it is liable in a civil actio" for damages. away, cnused by the bullet it. Of course we all threv ourselves' on .the ground. I didn't know I could hit the ground so quick nor lay so flat and Btill. I got it back on old Frits the next mornin?. -1 look ed over the parapet and saw three Germans unloading a cart at a place which they thought was concealed. I turned a machine "un on them. They dropped out of sight. I don't know whether I got them or not. but the cart stayed in the same place all dar and was not unloaded. One of the greatest scenes I hiv ever witnessed in my life wa an a &ic!Qipfi Fmhassy At Washington Now In War-Time (Br United Press) WASHINGTON They call it the Russian embassy that massive gray tone "structure out on the Sixteenth ifropt but fn realtv. it's the most tvD'callv Irish diplomatic institution '" w"rh!n"ton. Rojiipv. Dorsey. Murphv, Shea, Don nellv and Keeean are the, names the j North flft Wt casual vivtor nears ortenest. Next in -Rmwn'a thnc Snnth to these come-King. Roberts. Jones and' Went IflA ft to Reed v Branch By vliui of a poww of sale con. tsfned lna certain TxA of Trnt ecnted delivered hv J. W. Allen. Jr.. andwffe. Allfe Alln to T. O. Har ding, trhntee: dated Anril 4. 1012. as appears of record In the Renter's Office In Pitt eonntv In Book T)-11. pase W. the inrterslened trustee will, on Monday, me 14th day of January. 101 S. at 12 o'oWk noon, expose to nnhlic sale heforV the eou't house floor In Oreenvine.1 to the hfrrhest hjdder for cash, the following described real proj erty to witt 'TiVing aid being in Greenville townshin. Pt eonntv. N. f. beginning st an Iron ptn of the Allen Lane cor ner between T). H. Alien fmd lnnl 'formerly knottn as the T. W. .Aiiftii. Jr.. land and Wins thence North 0-35 West; JW feet to an iron nin. ihen ' y4W feet to an iron rtfn then Kellv all of them prdud of their Irish ; Reedr Rranh with the windlnes blood. Embassy officials say it is mere-! thereof to a ponlar. comer of TV S. v a co'ficederce but the doorman Who hMls from Cork, declares: "It takes th loike av the rish to beat the Dntch." From an architectual viewpoint, the hoe of the Russian embassy is per hans the most imDOsin? of all th for '"ti 'flcs in Washinrton. Ambas sador Rakhnietiefr ( correct) occupied it a few years and then virtually strinned of its furnishings, the proper ty of the rttoiomat. it was turned over to T)r. Boris Bkhmateff ("correct), suc- ;;would again be arrested and tried for a like. pf-1 TRY.DAJLY NEWS WANT A DS FOR RESULTS tack made by th British. One aftT- cVsor and reoresentative of ill fated noon I was informed that a COTipan"'' ""ii-Vv reme. Which occupied a sector in the line j Oddlv enoueh. yet withall- striking very near to where I was stationed j v nnnroon'ate rh atmosohere of the It is nOW for the law-nhlHl-ho- nifiVoQ -P Pwi C nl7ht at .- co,cdeS with its architec t tne laW-aDldmg Citizens Of Green- a certain time-the very minute boforo tan. lines. The ma'n entrance, lead- vnie to snow what they will do. Js tere need for tUa tot the atttek 1 a y into an e-centionaiiv large recep reform? Will you start the New Year with a re ood ac ,ot 6b8etvatIon- At tne room, is flunked bv large white 5flw fhnf vnn irrill n-r oc ,,1 4-1, . . rer 8econd PPonted the barrage on- nillars. The waiting room, un- soiye mat you will not cease until tere is an ir came down, ah the hosts of evan- Wnv ir-e and severely plain, im provement in the Condition Of OUr CitV? gellstlc plreach-rs haSre not been able presses the casual visitor as appropri- v ucbvuuc uisi b scene tneir neu ately suggestive of his conseption of Are is not in it. The barrage was a j otnes of Siberia. olid wall of bursting shrapnel, pa-. Cold, devoid of mural decorations Hardee land. thnee South 72-SA "Rast 182 feet. thene 5?onth 4ft-K? T?at 1R1 feet, thence North -40 Wat 123 feet, thence South 59 Rast 271 feet to a ce dar tree on the said Allen Lane, anoth er -corner of Ti. R. Allen's land, thence North SS-20 ' FJast with said "Allen T,ane 114rt feet to an Iron nin. the he Hnnlnf. eonralnlne K7 S-4 acres more or lesa and being lot No. 1. deslrnnted and Tdotted an map of mrrer of the T. VT. Allen land" fn Greenville town shin, made hv!W. O. Treshaeh urvevor on Febmarv '2rt 1017. and he1n th Northern portfon of the tract of land formerlv eonreved br D. H Allen and Wife Mary P. Allen to J ' W - Allen. Jr.. hv Teed dieted 1tb day of Teeem-' her. 1WVI and recorded In the RHter' o"ce in Pitt eohnty In Rook H-. page BIO." This sale Is made for the nnrpose of comntvln? with the terms of the aforesaid Peed of Trust. This December 14. 1017. F. O. Harding. Tmstee. 12 If 4wp r Among your iW Year Resolutions make up your mind to put away a small sum each week. N This small sum regularly de posited each week will amount to susprisingly large figures. The way to secure this is to join our Christmas Banking Club. The saving of pennies means in the end the saving of dollars which you will receive next Christmas by beginning to make a start now. Get the habit Come hand let us explain itsworkings. FARM ERS BANK )flH J v - J"

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