, r; . 1 usnvz .tna - saaaaj.,.. 1PTCST MAIL v i ' ai k ''.m. in i in - V 1 .' .t . t : I I : I.J I w-savA I I I i I I T,WI i KrA tJ : - . -J" "ws . O. I"!. - -L' ' ... -J. - . ' 1 v(Jn ' V?- - v tin rcift rrinnir . kptiht Kn ot i n i n l rt n k n a. Si .yVJt SJ i v 1 if r.i. .I i i . -v - . .itt. ' - - . TT - - - - - . . . - .... . . .- . HAVE PEACE OR GO UMDER, PEOPLE OOTH COUNTRIES DGMJDIflG IT By PHILLIP SIMMS (United Pross Staff Correspondent) ZURICH (Copyrighted) Oirmioiis unrest is growing daily throughout the Central Eiripire. Germany and Austria must have peace or go un der. The people of both of these countries de mand it. The Allies ai;e standing pat on the Wilsonian program and tfrey propose to make a stonewall on the West front. The en d of the war-is now in sight. Thismuns up the situation as seehiere at this lame. , ; This does not mean that Germany is on the brmk of a revolution but it does mean that the people are tired of the war and are opposed to the Pan German policy of conquest. They believe that President Wilson was sincere in his statement of his war aims. From the most dependable sources I have learn ed that theKdomestic conditions in both countries are at present most appalling. iSniGOIKIEIl DEFINITELY IJirilDIMl'IfHllO;,! DISPATCHES SO DECLARE WAR ha (By The United ress) AMSTERDAM The Russian Bolsheviki gov ernment has definitely withdrawn from the war is is reported here today. Dispatches received from Brest Litovsk declare that Leon Trotsky, the Bolsheveiki Foreign Minis ter, while refusing to sign the formal peace pact, has asserted that the war with the Central Powers has ended. wmmmwmmm. PURCHASE VAR SAVING STAMPS BEWABE OF. JCED CEOSS ' :' ; JMPQ8TEBS IN CITl' We leacn that parties are going from door to door soliciting mon ey for the Bed Cross. Only persons having the per mission of the executive commit tee can solicit fond for the Bed Cross. All others are Imposters and should be dealt with accord ingly. V IL E. AUSTIN, Chairman, Exe cutive Committe, Pitt County Chapter, American Bed Cross. ' WEEKLY IN ENGLAND (By Roy Corbitt) j r- We thought that we would not have oNE POUND OF WHEAT any more International disputes, but now we have awakened on a new mocn ing to find our country, the grandest on earth, to be in the greatest conflict in the history of the world. Now arises the question. How can we help our country, how can we serve over various proposals, Baron Rhondda, the food controller tonight issued a" meat rationing order which gives each civilian approximately one pound of meat weeklv. Children tinder 10 are 3,re. arer. joing ta France to erve ana- to hntttted-ttf hatt Irrattdn- ' - - It is understood that the present meat ration in Germany is about three quarters of a yound weekly. A4-, : 4--U.4. 3 Ji'mnmM - "our Country? This can be answered AUbLlitt WW UlXCatCiiCU Willi wupwuii. in a thousand and one Vays. 'Our boys Long processions.oi womenand . - children marching through the streets of the cities de-ie' if nf. nf ';hem8elves' not manding bread is now common. The coal short-!y0urs and mine, and for the peace age is severe and there have heen many deaths of the world- yu think of tne due to the extreme cold weather. Milk is impos- SVl" sible to procure, even for the babies; the Same COn- however small it should be, for your ditions applies to that of butter and all fats. - luntry d 'or humlanityt! . " our . . . . . . boys can afford to risk lives, If they can A wave of crime i now sweeping the country. aff0rd to lose their uves, which are as People are being robbed in broad open daylight, precious to them as life is to The offensive being prepared by Von Hinden- ZLrZT.JZ 1Z Z burg and Von Ludendorff is positively Germany's vest them in the safest security on See Geo. Cohan Thursday Night George M. Cohan's recipe lor a hap py entertainment as presented in his new Artcraft picture, "Seven Keys to Baldpathe" at the. White Theatre, Thursday .night, is an ideal prescription for the most morbid grouch. In this new film tonic, "George-M. has mixed I with exact proportions, mystery, thrills LONDON After mUh eogitation and laughter. ' sweetening dash or wve as a triDute to uupia, ail or which will work the desiredlfesult up on men, women and children alike. , The, f oilowink deed of transfer was fileurtailie.Ibte morning for registration; Joe Jackson : to S. E. Harrington, township, ' consideration $800. urnnn rii nnr unnrn Tn m mm in or nm mi urulu u riMuriHar. MANY VJAR STAMPS AS POSSIBLE In this campaign which is being con ducted by the Woman's Committee which hecan on last Fririav. nrartiPflllv 1 ast card and only on the promise that it will bring earth' tnf Thrift stamp and the war very woman in GreenVille is bBg lTriTnpHi'Qfo nnana Ar twIo oo-roo fn if a Vainer Savlngs stamPs for wnicn we wU1 asked to start a Thrift on a War Sav- lmmeaiate peace ao tne people agree to its oemg on January ist, 1923, not only stamp Book to buy as many played on the French at Verdun and the British every douar that we have invested, but stamps as p, at the beginning, at Ypres. The head trump card behind them now , ra d " . Te , and to pledge herseW to buy a deflnite - . - - am nni. - To the department of the Woman's Club whose individual members buy or pledge themselves to buy the largest amount, Mrs, Beckwith will present one War Savings Stamp. Subscrip tions secured from men or children in the town will count in this score. The, following are representatives of the Clubs and wards: will be Investing in our Country's wel- is America, which Has a fresh hand. The Central Powers must have peace soon one faf in backi"f thf f the tTnt' ., helping our. Country, and advancing wcty or anotner or tne masses win iorce tne govr pur principles and our ideals. ernmenrs hand. Its up to France, England and the United States. Teddy Better Says Hospital Bulletin FIVE YEARS FOR AN ATTEMPT TO DESERT We did not enter this war because we had a dislike for ths Germans and wished to see them wiped from the face of the earth, but because we had receivd insult after insult without a mends. and because we saw that our principles and our ideals would be brought to shame and disgrace, and our very existance as a nation endan- SPARTANSBURG, S- C. Private Henrv K. Geard. company A, 108th in- VPTP vnnrr . , , . ... " " VUI CAiamin-c CIO a l A r. I lT? K &laraifn. ognmfftlH. Irt . , . - . . . m tha 7 ; : ;t 7& 1" rantry- rm ieaaer 01 me P"" 01 Igered, unless the Germans were checked he internal ear, which had Denoted thcee prisoner8 wno attempted to es-'f their dastardly purpOSes were in th? condition of Colonel Theodore' ar frnTn fhp. mpntsl mnrd house ! .u... u 1 - rmsiraieu, ujuu mat mu uiu ic 1st Ward, Miss Betsy Greene. 2nd Ward, Mrs. H. L. Allen. 3rs Ward, W. S. Bost. 4th Ward, Mrs. P. T. Anthony. 5th Ward, Mrs. Hugh Ragsdale. Womans Club, Civics and Social Ser- vice, Mrs. Claude Tunstall. Education and Health, Mrsl Key Brown. Home Economics, Sans Souci, Mrs. Hall. End of the Century Club, Mrs. Fick lin. - . Round Table, Mrs. Person. All reports are to be sent to Miss Miriam MacFadyen, at the Graded School, between the hours of 1 :30 and three Tuesday afternoon. RESIBEfJT CUTlKiD REPLIES TO VOM HERTIIMMD CZEKJ AT SESSION OF CONGRESS TODAY (By The United Press) - WASHINGTON President Wilson appeara, before the joint session of the congress today at ; 12:30 and outlined his replies to Von Hertling and " Premier Czernin. A shot at the heart of German deceit by tuer ' ing the Olive Branch to Austria is President sotfs answer in his war aims .speeches 4;p;;-nt Hertling andJCzerniij the German and Austrian - " 'v; Chancellors. x Said the president: America is now. moDilfem ner strengtn to nght that ner aims in thiswar ; may be accomplished, but at the sametimeJiniS he, peace may be had for the asking of (xejSpJtn autocracy and advances toward the settlement His address holds out Austria the hoj)erpf a settlement between this country and the nation-of Emperor Cark which can be accomplished. He aims to drive again at the wedge inserted be tween Germany's militarists and the people of Austria and Hungary. - ; "on Hertlmg;-winch he:deelares was a&urbd showing himself in his true light. " He states that the German militarists are vacrtie. fdodging and nonsensical. This was the charge vuk; jjxcaiuciit uruugn m ms message tojay. V tit AUSTRIA IS NOW DECORA SOLDIERS FOR THEIR KllS Roosevelt have now disappeared. This is according to bulletins regard ing the conditions of the former Presi dent which were issued from the Bse elt Hospital today: The iormer..Pt ident. it is expected, will be 'confined to the hospital for the next three weeks. at Camp Wadsworth on the night of I January 24th in which affair Private Dicker ;was killed and another prison Open Tomorrow. The Red Cross Work Room will be open tomorrow from 10 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 5 P. M. It is to be GREENVILLE GETTING IN LINE Everything is getting in' line .for thej Chautauqua attraction which comes to Greenville Thursday, Friday and Sat- complished or we will never be safe as a Democratic Nation: -"'' The small sum of twenty five cents :er woundett? nas peen .seatencea jtj wr woifc Seem so small to ns that-we court martial to serve .five years in the. cnnot conceive the idea of its being of Federal prison at Atlanta and the sen- iny geryjee to the Government or burrdoy of this week. The captains of tence has been approved by Major Gen- goiiers, but .when you reflect that both the Reds and the Blues and their eral OTlyan. At the expiration of the thxee a one hundred million people assistants are right on 'their Job sell- sentence-he will reeeive a dishonorable , ih United States of America to, ing tickets which can be purchased at discharge from the army. FOR CHAUTAUQUA ATTRACTION One of the most unique, interesting, and instructive numbers of the Chau tauqua will be the work of Louis Wil liams, the Electrical Wizard. Since so much of our daily life dependent upon electricity, for necessities as well as luxuries, the subject of , electricity is rone; which is of general interest. Opening - day Afterttooii, 'Capp's Orchestra." Dr. William Rader, lec ture, "Wake Up America." Night Dr. Wiliam Rader, lecture, "The Call of Democracy," Second day Morning. Demonstra tion Lecture by an expert bearing the narticinate in such ah undertaking, $1-50 for adults naa focts-ior tnuaren. then you can get a good; conception ef These prices are for all the attractions authorized message of the Food Admin- " - IhOW much guch a project will amount both day and night. Tickets for single : istration : "Mobolizing Americah; Kit- . . ... . . a m. rr " a I . ll ' H. M. Jenkins passea tnrougn me f Y t it is not the amount of money periormances cost an auuic oro auu cnens to Help .win tne war." hoped that there will be a good attend- city this morning enroute from Wash- Qf htcn w are gpeaking, but about , children 25cts; so you see it is economy or . -. ; Varmtrma nn bnftiness. 1.. i .v,i. wn. Ita nnrchase a season ticket. 1 JJlg IKJIX AJ A 141 mmm. ' ance. AMERICAN SOLDIERS ARE ROYAL WELCOME ! GIVEN N IRISH CITY (By The United Presa the purpose for whichlt1 is to be used. And bearing this in mind, do you think that any true American can stand by inactive, when the greatest crisis of the world is asking, calling and de manding his attention? We speak of boys of the draft age as slackers when they "do not respond when they are called. We are wonder ing what you-- win be cauea wnen you do not .lend, your assistance, however In such cause tisthis. Half - Tth Toil Ar think given a martial recentiGttlwh&l tered in this CitV - - ' to the colors? itis palhi sufferihg-ana One hundred if -ffieifirvfwOTs of the Luscariia, pbabiy death, whtiee vek out . . iiUUUlU. U4-. .LlAV' t ty J- i & calling you is only economy, asking arriving at the railway station from1; insnvporis, you to save that wMch you havehere were met by a battallion of the Royal Irish Rifles tofore bn wasting -you loseothiig, VipqJ -.j -i v J 1 it is for your benefit from a finanoal m a Oand.- - , v t, t , 'standpoint nd )helpVus to advance The Americans were led to tne center of the city nearer the gcrf freedom and demo- where they were cheered by the citizens. BPJ past TrismS Atnkricani soldiers were smaii it may be, to purchase a season ticket. It is going to be some show. judging by the program which the Deily News publishes below. i cracy. Vhfte's Theatre Moiiday THB TARANTULA', featuring Antioneo Moreno and Edith $torey. "THE GREAT SEC RET." featuringr-BushTnan and Bayne, Matinee 3:45, Night 7:30 Admission 10 and 20cts. . J Afternoon: . Louis Williams, Electri cal Entertainer. Domestic Science Ex pert lecture, "Patriotism Expressed in Domestic Efficiehcy." j. ' Night. The, Chautauqua Director lecture, "The Call to. the Colors." Louis Williams, Electrical Entertain er. : ' . .Third day Morning. ... Demonstration Lecture by .Red Cross- -Nurse- hearing the authorized, message of the Ameri can Red . Cross "The Prevention of Disease as, a Patriotic . Duty." ternoqn., 9IiHs Andcus Company jand Martha; .orrnr.. Reader. The LRsBd eJrossraLjcturer presenting "The story ;or itne i-, ca-oss . in, leace and War." Jss .xzrk ::' -g Night; -vThev (3iautaua.ua director, lecture! "WheuthQ Roys Come Home to Our Town Alter the War." The Mills Andrus Company and - Martha Morrison, Reader, ,in grand closing concert. (By United Press) WASHINGTON. The Austrian ffovernmt is decorating the soldiers of the dual monarcliraor the murders which were perpetrated in Serbia, tod Rumania. ?Vvr This action has aroused most bitter denuncia tions of the practice in the Riechstrath, 'efe&tfd- ingr to Geneva dispatch esreceived in Wastjinjfton ' LOUIS WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL ENTERTAINER trators, motors, and chemical apparatus osting several thousand ; dollars. He entertains his audiences by a series of experiment in chemical action; magne tism, , static electricity, ; wireless tele graphy, X-rays, nltraivolet rays, and Radium, and his work is ... but little short -of marvelous. The purpose of this entertainment" U to stimulate in the minds of the young" people of America the ' renliscaJccf the wonderful possibilities 'erMty and the scientific researcK'oleaciu ventions haVe been the result of .Some of the simplest scientific experiments, and still greater things ' are :ln1ost xr tainly in store for those who wilTbut" seek for them. - "4 ' Mr. Williams will eive two of chi Mr.. Williams narries :wltl-him nf . '-'.' elaborate equipment of dynamos, gen.i -v"" uajr ot iue tjnaucauqua, one in tne arter noon and the otherat night. This is one of the biggest Ohautauqua numbers giv en on any program in th? country, and will be exceedingly interesting to every one who will go to see the Electrical Wizard. . ' , t hi V 1 r REPRESENTATIVE NELSON HORY DENIES CHARGES AGAINST HC1 (By United Pres) WASHINGTON. Sensational charges that he and his son wer victims -of HtMl persecxitioh which resulted last Octoberinvtha grand jury in- dictment against them for conspiracy, werajnade on the .flopr'of the House today By representa tive John M. Nelson of Wisconsin The4u,returning . Jthe indictmeriC Jeison : " chargedrtficludJeiadmg - - lytohim: : The Representative hotly 'dci' t.lfilieV' r -f 'A. 1