. -. .. . - -1 . ( -.. - r; - - c :. .- - . :-; "?.-.. i: -r; wy:s-v i-j'V'A"'.;:.-' u"--7'- -1 " 1 ! I . . , . . '0- ' ! 1 In Dark Tan (Mahogany) Cordovan The Nettleton ' "Ardsley" Last Economy Through Quality Our Nettleton shoes are offered to the consistent buyer of qualitythe man who demands what he has been accustomed to, irrespective of market conditions. Nettleton shoes are this season similar in every detail to those of former years simply the utmost that choicest material and skilled shoemaking can produce. BATCHELOR BROTHERS Superior Clothes Proctor Hotel Bldg. Phone 134 Agent for Nettleton Men's Shoes the World's Finest .J&0UTPE0PLR.. DRESS UP The insistent call of Spring is in the air. The Birds and Flowers all remind you that Spring time is Dress time. Easter will soon be here. Buy now and get that much extra service. Lovely Spring Dresses You should see these Dresses. If you w:!sh a Silk Dress, and you surely do you cannot afford to pass over our won derful showing. Draped Tunics, Bustle side and back effects, Bolero Jackets and panels in pleasing effects; all the wanted materials, as Foulards, Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse and Taffeta. Prices $7.98 to $37.50. Beautiful Spring Suits We feel proud of this showing. All the rrany new styles in all the many Spring shades Rooky, Pekin, Sammy, Sand, Navy. Remember it is always a pleas ure to show you. Get the habit, come to see us, you will save both time & money. Attorney Martin, of Farmville, is spending the day Sere on prefsslonal business. Dr. H. W. Carter, of Washington, is a Greenville visitor today. Miss Adelia Old, of Belhaven, re turned to her home Saturday afternoon C. L. Porter went to Terra Ceia this morning on business. Frank Crofton spent the week-end in Bobersonville as the guest of rela tivs and friends. Robert Proctor, of Nashville, was in the city this morning. 9fe Judge Stephen C. Bragaw, of Wash ton passed through the city this morn ing enroute to Raleigh on professional business. s H Claude West left for Williamston this morning. K. W. Cobb, after spending the week end with his family, returned to Rich mond today via the Atlantic Coast Line. Dow Beaman spent Sunday in Wash ington. George Gardner spent yesterday in Bethel as the guest of frinds. Robert Harrington went to Scotland Neck Sunday to visit relatives and friends. 6 96 iff Miss Lee DeSchamp spent the day yesterday with friends at Statons. Mrs. Grover Andrews of Kinston, was the guest of her parents yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dawson were in Rocky Mount Sunday. Chas. Whitehurst of Bethel was a business visitor here Saturday. Mrs. H. A. White and daughter, Doro thy, arein Raleigh, visiting Mrs. Whites daughter, Miss Nell White, who is a student at St. Mary's College. TOMATO PLANTS READY APRIL 1ST. Plants have been treated with Bordeaux Mixture every ten days since germination. Prices, per dozen: Reset Plants, lOe; others 25c Ear liana, Greater Baltimore, and Ponde Rosa, Brimmer and others. D. D. HASKETT. SIX MONTHS IN HELL AND BACK AGAIN (Continued from Page Three) however, is being discountenanced by the authorities, and families whose members are able to stand in line are compelled to make their own purchases. Nptwithstanding the hundreds of peo ple, men and women have become pro fessional food-card-purchasing agents. PUBLIC SOUP KITCHENS. Then there are the public soup-kitchen patrons. The people who are des titute are given cards by the municipali ty, entitling the holder to two dishes of soup each day. The lines before the kitchens are still longer, and those who are compellel to apply for the municipal charity are mostly composed of former middle class men and women, whose income has been wiped out since the war, and who have no means of earn ing a livelihood. Passing by one of these long public soup-kitchen lines, my comrades often called my attention to men who had been in comfortable circustances law yers, educators and small shop keepers. Three times my comrades pointed out to me elderly gentlemen who had held high salaried positions at banks. I saw in another charity line an old im porter whose entire wealth was wiped out since the war and who now was compelled to take his place among the penniless. Women in mourning com pose half of those who are obliged to apply for municipal charity. The soup is not, however, served on the premises. Each person brings a soup pail, and when their turn is reached in the line they receive the liquid which is falsely labeled 'soup.' This matter, the ingredients of which are a deep mystery, is carried home and eaten at their own table. It is mostly absolutely no fats or other substantial materials in the soup. It is mostly made of vegetable fat and resembles dish water very much while its odor was to me, most offensive. (To Be Continued) mt Without Active Body and Hind THE PHYSICAL STATE OF " A PERSON IS CERTAIN TO GROW WQRSE. Disease Drives People To assitude Which Steadily Weakens And Ac tivity is Essential to Good Health. ARE YOU 5 GUILTY o I A FARMER, carrying art express package from a big mail-order house was accosted by a local dealer. "Why, Ain't yoa bay that bill of good from me? I could hate taoed yoa the express, and hettdm yoa i0ooA haoe beenpatfonbdng r home atom, which help pay thi taw mndaOd ap thU locality. " Thm farmer looked mt the mar chant a moment and then told: "Why don't yoa patronize year Koine paper and adoerttte? I read tl anddidn 't know thatyou had thettaf lhaoe here." MORAL ADVERTISE The life of a normal woman should be active, it matters not what her social status may' be. Nnfortunately, circum stances force many women to do more than their; share of work. woman may spend ;her time either in a.factory, home, office or drawing room, but must have occupation if she is to retain her health. - In Wilmington, N. C, there is a wo man, Mrs.lT. T. Kerr, wife of a County Commissioner and socially prominent, who. would not submit to the inactivity paused by ill health. She wanted to be up and doing, and this is her account of how she brought about the change: "I wa stroubled with indigestion, my appetite was poor, I could not sleep and felt tired and worn out all the time. I have taken two bottles of Peplac and it has helped me wonderfully. Now I feel different, my appetite is greatly improved, my nerves are stronger and I sleep better than I have for a long time. In fact, I am now doing a little sewing, something I have not been able to do before taking Peplac, and I feel myself growing stronger every day. I am glad to recommend Peplac as I know that all suffering people will ap preciate the relief if will bring to them.,' Peplac brught health and energy to Mrs. Kerr and it will do it for every woman who is tired and run down. Peplac is recommended and sold in Greenville by the Grenville Drug Co., a bottle bought today may save yon Ti iTaass!a'1 ' itarf JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CAR Field Peas. Hall & Savage Bros., Phone 15. 3 11 lwc SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS Greenville Electric Skoe' Skop AND SHOE DEALER Max Silver - Proprietor I have just returned from the North with 1 a good line of Summer Stock Sample Shoes ior laaies, men ana ennaren, aiso rennis Shoes for the entire family Prices Reduced Half Come to see me and give me a trial. Opposite Warren Drug Co. YOU READ the Other Fellow's Ad You are reading this one. That should convince yoa that advertising In these column is a profitable proposition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is probably die reason he is getting more business than is falling tc you. Would It not be well to five the other fellow a chance T To Read Your Ad in These Columns? SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS flj When things begin to rattle-te-bang in the kitchen, telephone a want ad for a new flj The classified ad and its quick results exer cise the same influ ence on! the servant problem that a super dreadnaught does on the world s peace. OE 63 a o I 1 l 3 ACM If s Savira MAY SHORTEN THE WAR SBOfli Tine Car 0 u 0 D OOOOO is 'mt. gs p I 1 Distinctive Spring Coatsl Coats with such new and charming les are sure to please you. We have tem in all the new colors: Beize, Terra Cotta, Olive Drab and Army Cloth. Our prices are special inducements for you to buy here. We wish to impress on you that it is always a pleasure to show you. Spring's Smartest Styles Sweaters, Skirts,- Blouses and Shirt Waists, Hosiery, Kimonas, Children's Coats and Dresses, Boys' Wash Suits and in fact most anything you want in Ready-to-Wear. Visitors to the RALEIGH AUTOMOBILE SHOW will have the op portunity of seeing the CAR OLYMPIAN on exhibition. Special fac tory representative and our Air. Eure will be in attendance to demon strate and explain this beautiful car. g O Claude TWista The Fashionable Woman's Clothier Main Street Schultz store BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS And hold safely the results of your patriotic thrift a rrr time 01 neecL lt helPs win the war. ivAnd r dollar will buy more after the war. O S3 a D 1 O The war is costing the combined allies more than $30,000,000 an hour. The daily fate of this huge sum is simple waste. A shortening of the war by days or even hours would mean the re demption of colossal waste. We must bend every financial effort towards shortening the war. Every small amount invested by a child in Thrift Stamps tends towards this end. The influence of every Thrift Stamp purchased is a little momentum toward earlier victory. Thus a child's savings may be instrumental in definitely shor tening this war and in saving many times its own value in money, to say nothing of conserving human life. Encourage your child to invest in 4 per cent interest-bearing Thrift Stamps instead of merely hoarding his pennies in a tin bank. Thrift Stamps cost 25 cents each and may be bought at the postoffice, from your mail carrier and at most stores. This Advertisement Paid for and Donated by s Tucker and Clark A CAR designed especially for the experi enced automobilist. Embodies every practical refinement and comfort that the most exacting motorist could wish. Of admirable proportions and graceful, harmonious lines. Of splendid coach work and enduring finish. Wins the instant approval of the most critical eye. A CAR of splendid workmanship and materials and of a construction approved by engineers whose word bears weight of authority. Its high speed engine will carry you at a much greater speed than is prudent for you to travel. Has pow er ample for any condition of road or hill. Frame, driving parts, springs, exles-of ;a strength that assures lasting endurance arid, lastly, added to these is the prime essential of the modern automobile beauty truly it is the car of Speed-Pow&r --r. Sierngth .Enure Motor1 Co .V; STATE DISTRIBUTORS AYDEN, NORTH CAROLINA (Some Good Territory Open for Good Dealers See us at Once) BBaoiiiaiinaiiBiiiiBiiiai. v o 0 u o D o w D o u 0 D D to -'7 ':"---. if 4 I V - f " - f "