.X- I ft The Greenville Dafly News Published every afternoon except Sunday by Greenville Publishing Co, Inc. J. CONRAD LANIKB. President : JAS. L. MAYO, Secretary & Manager. . Entered at the Post Office at Greenville. N. C as second-class matter June 15, 117, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Snbscriptlon Rates: (Delivered by Carrier within specified sections of the city or by mall) 1 Tear $4.00. 8 Months $1.00 Months 12.00. 1 Month 85c (Subscriptions Payable in Advance) Subscribers desiring the Daily News discontinued will please notify office. 'Hnerwise paper will be continued at regular subscription rates.. To insure efficient delivery, complaints should be made promptly to the Circulation De partment, No. 315 Evans Street. Telephone No. 70. Saturday Afternoon, March 23, 1918. THEIR'S A GREAT PRIVILEGE What could be a greater privilege than to fight for one's country, especially for the cause Ameri ca has espoused? Thirty young men, in the bloom of health and life, of the blood and bone of Old Pitt, left yester day for a training camp, where they will undergo discipline. At the station a large crowd of rela tives and friends gathered to "see them off." Eve ry one of these young men were willing to go ,they seemed resigned to a patriotic fate, (if it be called fate) and will mace good soldiers. The tra ditions of their forefathers will serve for them a guiding post and they will enter upon the life of military men with energy and determination. Their going away is but an incident of a day: their return (probably some may never) will be an epoch. They were in the best of spirits, neverthe less. To each of them there is a satisfaction that of rendering unto the flag, which protects them, all that they can. Those who leave behind t.Vip mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers, must know that their going away is regretted; yet the amy to our government acts as salt to the bread. To give them up is hard, but they go for a precious cause for the redemption of the world from au tocratic domination and the vengeance of the op pressed widow and orphan. Pitt County boys are xctuy at cne iront, ana they are rendering to the Country a service that is holy. : O The American army is not fighting for territory yi . ui uie mst oi victory; they are not fight ing for glory or fame; they are fighting that they may preserve for themselves and their country men and that they may help all the world, includ ing their present enemies, enjoy the blessings of government "of the people, by the people and for the people." They will go over the top. They will feed-wire defenses, trenches, dug outs and pill boxes. They cannot be stopped by barrages, machine guns, rifle fire or bayonets. Sfefiss? wm de'moraiize its eLmi- FEED TICKS OR PEOPLE. Mkjor W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agri culture, is to be commended for refusing to lend encouragement to the movement in certain q ut ters to halt the campaign against the cattle tick. As the head of the Agricultural Department in the State naturally he could not give his sanction to interference with the execution of a program which promises so much as does the cattle tick campaign. County by county and State by State the South is delivering itself from this body of death around the neck of its cattle growing industry. 'Animal industry experts of assorts are united in the be lief that the right sort of campaign is being con ducted. Then why shuld not the good work go on? Of course no good thing is ever had without some trouble and inconvenience. But the benefit that comes from expelling the cattle tick far out weighs, in the judgment of experts, the difficulty that is found in accomplishing such expulsion. The future of North Carolina as a beef -produc ing- State lies in part in this one single question of driving out the cattle tick. If large sections of the State remain infested with the cattle tick the beef from that section will never command the price of the products of sections which have been freed of the tick. Shall the cattle tick have a part of our food while there is danger of all the world hungry? Report of the etaditton. of THE FARMERS BANK at Greenville, in tne State of North Carolina, at the close of businesta, March 4, 191& RESOURCES Loans and discounts $117,577.09 Overdrafts secured, $1,632.00, Unsecured, $1,177.66 2,809.56 United States Bonds and Lib erty Bonds 5,150.00 Furniture and Fixtures 4,673.98 Demand Loans ..." 5,000.00 Due from National Banks . . . 24,997.62 Due from State Banks and Bankers 4,408.91 Cash items held over 24 hours 4,550.38 Checks foF clearing 11,016.96 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 2,139.59 National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes .". .3,650.00 Total $185,974.09 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .... $25,000:00 Surplus Fund 2,500.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid . . 1,301.74 Bills Payable 30,000.00 Deposits subject to check .... 81,736.43 Time Certificates of Deposit . . 40,538.57 Savings Deposits 2,911.30 Cashier's Checks Outstanding . 1,986.05 Q watw ty the nglor SoIicitor in this district is vraxmg warm and the prospects are that before the primary decides who is the lucky one the racl now in fhffl ud Siritf Several candidates e now m the field. Here's hoping that the best man MAJESTIC RANGE MAJESTIC RANGE We are just in receipt of a carload of the celebrated MAJESTIC RANGES W e will unload them this week. They are acklowl edged to be the best range QUINN MILLER & GO. L. A. Stroud, Mgr. Greenville, N. C. I Total $185,974.09 State of North Carolina County of Pitt, Greenyille, N. C, March 4, 1918. I, T. F. MaGuire, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. F. MaGUIRE, Cashier. Correct Attest : R. R. FLEMING, E. B. THOMAS, S. E. GATES, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23 day of March, 1918. D. B. CARTER, Notary Public. My Commission Expires, May 31, 1919. FOR 8AEJ The Geo. Cooper Residence on 4th Street. This is an opportunity to purchase a desir able, home on reasonable terms. Apply to MOSELEY BROS. Real Estate Agents. 11 1 m ionumenal Art! The sentiment that erects a fitting memorial in memory of a de parted friend is not new. In truth, it has always been the endeavor of mankind to so mark the last resting place of its dead, 'that future generations might read and recall. We have every facility for assisting you in perpetuating the mem ory of thosv you have loved and lost. WE WANT an opportunity to submit our prices and goods to you. We carry only the best and believe we can show you it will be to your interest to give us your order. Our prices are as low as is consistent with good workmanship. If you buy a monument cheap, ten chances to one you will get a cheap job. A good article has always a standard value, and if you buy be low said value something is wrong. Yours to command, DEES' MARBLE AND GRANITS WORKS GREENVILLE, N. C. 0 a 3 n m u B DEFOREST STOCK COMPANY (Beginning 17th Successful Season) Under Water-Proof Canvas Will Open a Week's Engagement Here Saturday, March 23rd On Lot Near Postoffice (Quinerly Corner) Change of Plays Nightly Vaudeville Between the Acts Adults 15c , Children 10c We Pay the War Tax Saturday Night: "LITTLE PARTNER" In Four Interesting Acts churches of -TK AI1 the respective TairL , I - Clty m11 be Pen to receive you Take your choice and be on hand at either th morning: or evening service-both wouM 1 be THE DAILY NEWS $4.00 DOLLAR PER YEAR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. By virture of a power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust Exe cuted and delivered by R. 6. Chapman and wife Martha E. Chapman to C. A. Johnson Trustee, dated January 1st, 1908, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Pitt County in Book 28, page 1, the undersigned Trustee, will on Monday the 22 day of April 1918 at 12 o'clock noon, expose to public sale before the court house door in Green ville to the highest bidder for cash, that certain Brick Store and store lot situated on the East side of Railroad Avenue in the town of Winterrille, Pitt B County, North Carolina and,, being the f brick store and store lot now occupied q by R. G. Chapman and fronting on s Railroad Avenue the width of the said brick store and being 128 feef deep, and includes all space between the lot for merly owned by T. N. Manning, and the lot formerly owned by H. L. Johnson and being the same property conveyed by A. G. Cox and wife Susan Cox to R. G. Chapman by deed 'dated Febru arp 29, 1904. This sale will be made for the purpose of satisfying the terms of the above said deed of trust. This the 2oth day of March, 1918. C. A. JOHNSON, Trustee. F. C. HARDING, Attorney. 31 23-4 wc. Notice of Disoluttan. T. G. Blow and H. C. VanNortwick has this the 16th day of March mutuary agreed to dissolve partnership in con ducting Proctor Hotel. Said H. C. Van Nortwick assuming all indebtedness and responsibilities of Blow and VanNort wick and conducting said Hotel under his own name hereafter. T. G. BLOW, H. C. VanNORTWICK. 3 18 4wc ED We Buy, Sell and Exchange Farm and City Property. (We also Sell on Commission) We Specialize, in five Counties: Pitt, Greene, Edgecomb, Wilson and Lenoir. Ask us about the 10 Mile Farm. Lane Land Company Home Office - - Farmville, N. C. Mnim iiii i ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candicacy for the office of Solicitor of the 5th Judi cial District subject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. If honored with the office, will to the best of my ability, endeavor to do my duty and to prosecute the criminal docket vigorously and impartially. Respectfully, Lloyd Horton. 3 16 tf. Spring Styles Men ! !t !jt jjt We want you to see our Up-to-Date line of WISHES, MP HATS Have your Clothes' Made to Measure IT COSTS NO MORE We are Experts in this line V E. Staton & Co. ill t:3 1 6 IlilllllM THE DAILY NEWS $4.00 DOLLAR PER YEAR jH"Uj;,,jHmiMjtn,tIHt!H GT7M n U 4 fi. HI 'J 1JL3...D) We have just received a shipment of Doors and Windows and are also unloading another car of LUMBER and are now prepared to supp,, ., swi in .r line: CeiUnfc Flooring, fMEZZZZZZZ? W ta Outd.ownbnsinessen.peda.attena.,," UnltZ e Whitehurst Lumber 1 1 vfirnj- Robersonville. UUy? NorthCarolina I B iggafiOOQQgiMoaf. - -