C'-- - WEATHER ,local Showers To- ... night aiKl-Gqolervr V tomorrow. .-. . GLUME L iJtg ,mm Foiw.siig AM?(ip to Picairdta; inMntvy Taking a Kesi iciiiiiiii . - 1 H" ' " CANADIAN ANN0MER1EMT OF SHIFT IN ENTENTE PLANS PUTS GOV'T. OFFICIALS TO THINEUNG (By The United Press) W ASH1MGTON The Canadian announcement that the Entente will use the American army only when it becomes a powerful separate unit, caused a surprise here. There have been no indications of any shift in the plan brigading Americans with the Allies, thus taking away the identity of United States forces. In the absence of Secretary of War Baker, other officials maintained silence as to the signifi cance of the statement. Charlotte, C, inspecting Camp Greene. He is expected back today, and an explanation is antici pated. " - British Ambassador Doubts Statement "(By The United Press) WASHINGTON Doubt as to the accuracy of the statement attributed to the British war cabi net that- American troops -will behelcL backr until their forces reaches powerful strength is express ed here bjJUord Reading, the British'ambassador, in an official announcement. The ambassador declared that in his belief no such annuoncement had bee nmade with the knowledge of the Prime Minister or the war cabi- npt. tbp pxnression of which caused sumrise . . . . . . , . i j ilate this aftehrnoon in Oakdnle ceme- mong army men here. It is improbable that there ; tery after funeral at the rcei. has been any chancre in the military policy of thence conducted by ws postor ney. d. Kntente as affecteing the are playing in the struggle. Million Men Now Gathered on This Forty Mfle Front (By The United Press) PARIS. General Gaulois of the Fronch General Staff announces infor mation showing forty divisions (480, men) between the Labasse canal ancl Ypres, or six men to every yard. Thf same ratio, he said, was main tainwl by the Germans between the I.a basse canal and the Oise river. Real Estate Transfers Thf Register of Deeds has received Hi f.. Unwind deeds of transfer for reg- ' V.. '.'iTitKm and wife ro Mrs. Delia ii. Ayden township, consideration I'l'.si'IilC.K n) THE DAITjY NEWS LEN1E FEARS THE RESULT OF MER-REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA (By The United Presai MOSCOW, May 12. .Nikolai Lenine, the Bols U'viki premier, has sent the following telegram broadcast regarding Petrograd's catastrophic Positions, demanding help: "A counter-revolution is raising its head, turn to discontent the starving masses against the Soviets. The American ambassador has returned to Vologda. Four Moscow newspapers have been suspended because of the publication of the re Port that Germany has issued an ultimatum to the government. One was fined fifty thousand rubles. Eleven others are being prosecuted by troops. "Letters and rifles have been rained on head quarters of the revolutionary bodies, making ar rests." . Secretary Baker is atj part American troops Casualty List For Sunday Is Near Hundred (By The United Press) WASHINGTON The names of thir- j tv oicrht sYlrh'ers mostlr New Eneland i ,,j,Tfluq men. are among the missing 'reported in the casualty list. Theywore prob- j ably captured by the Germans at Sei cheprey. The list today contains a total ot Lniuety-six names, Including ten killed in action, nine deaths from wounds, five from disease, two from accidents, one from other causes; twelve were wounded severely . and nineteen were wounded slightly. heVtrood Ragsdafrfend Seth Hooker as returned to Camp Johnson, Jackson ville, Fla., after a short furlough home. F u 1 1 ;T e 1 e g r ap USHIPCOffi FOR THE BIG The plans now effected for the big gest Red Cross drive ever in the his tory of the nation. The drive starts on May 20 and ends May 27. The nation is asked to cortribute $100,000,000 for this cause and Pitt County apportionment is $6,000. The amount apportioned the various town ships were derived on o basis of tax able property. The follow'ing is the list of the vari ous township committees ancl their allotments : Green vilel township. Allotment 470.00. E. G. Flangan, Chairman, E., B. Ficklin, H. A. White, G. E. Harris. B. W. Moseley, K. W. Cobb, J. B. James. Farmville township. Allotment $1, 005.00. B. A. Joyner, Chm., J. T. Thome, J. Y. Monk. Ayden township. Allotment $780.00. Dr. w. M. McKinney, Chm., W. J. Boyd, R. W. Smith. Chi cod township. Allotment $780.00. J. C. Galloway, Chm., W. L. Wooten, W. E. Proctor. Falkland township. Allotment $500." Rev. H. F. Horton, Chm.R. A. Foun W.CAyer&Of Washington Dead (Special to Daily News) WASHINGTON. N. C. Mr. William C. Ayers of this city, passedaway l his home Sunday niorning at 8 o'clock after fn illness for a weeh with pneu- a-imonia and the mfaw win be. buried and the Masonic fraternity of whjch order he was a member. The Order of Elks will also attend the services in a body. Mr. Ayers was in his 29th year. For the past seven years he has been city clerk, filling the position with satisfac tion to the city and its citizens. He is survived by a wife and child be sides three sisters and two brothers and his aged father. Quite a number of Mr. Ayers' out-of town friends are here to attend the funeral. The funeral tributes are many iand beautiful, coming from all sections , j of the Eastern part of the state, and attest the esteem in which the de- ! ceased was held. Portugese Plot Nipped In Bud (By The United Pes8) LISBON, Portugal Det.iils of a plot to overthrow the government, establishing-the capital jat Oporto, are made public today by'lhe police, who found two thousand bombs, and a black list containing the names of persons to b assassinated. Quiet now prevails. Ed. Cannon of Ayden is a business visitor here today. NOTICE! The Red Cross work room will be open Tuesday Wednesday, Thurlay and Friday of next week. 5-10-3t. White's Theatre TONIGHT "Nei 91 featuring Ruth Roland "THE BEAUTIFUL LIE," fea turing Frances Nelson. Tuesday "TOLD AT TWILIGHT elected Wile h i c; R ep or tsyofthe U nit e Ip'reas? ifTTEES NAKED RED CROSS DRIVE tain, C. H. Mayo. Bethel township.' Allotment $400. Jno. A. Staton, Chm., Jndson Blount, H. V. Staton. Whiterville township. Allotment $340. F. C. Nye, Chm., A. W. Ange, J. L. Hobgood. .Swift Creek township. Allotment $255. Dr. W. W. Dawson, Chm., H. M. Stokes, Jesse A. Stokes. Carolina Township. Allotment $240. Dr. T. G. Basnight, Chm., J. L. Perkins, J. H. Woolard. Beaver Dam Township. Allotment $195 S. W. Erwin, Chm., Miss. Smith, C. E. McLawhorn.: Pactolus township. Allotment $150. Paul Davenport, Chm., R. R. Flem ing, W. C. Chance, Bel voir township Allotment $120. C. L. Parker, Chni., W. Jesse Mayo. J. A. Bullock. Connty Organization : J. R. Tur nage, Pitt county Chairman., J. B. James, Secretary, H. E. Austin, Treas. Publicity Committee: K. W. Cobb, Chm., B. A. Joyner, 'J. C. Andrews. Speakers' (VrniniUtee: E. B. Fick- ien, Chm., B. W. Mueley, H. E. Austin. 100 . Gallon . Stffl , -Taken Yesterday Sheriff Joe McLawhorn, together with Deputies Taylor and Hyman, and officer Brewer of the Greenville police department, swooped down upon an illicit still on Contentnea Creek, four miles from Ayden yesterday morning, and destroyed 300 gallons of beer and 18 barrels of ferment. They brought the other apparatus to town with them, which consisted of a 100-gallon capa city copper still, with worm and cap complete. Close investigation revealed that the operators had used it probably early Saturday night. The still was located on the farm known as the Beddard place near Ay den. No one was taken in the rM bn the outfit. 5th Reserve Dist. Oversubscribed Its Quota 8 Million (By The United Press) RICHMOND, Va. Estimates placed show that the Fifth Federal Reserve subscription to the Third Liberty Loan is one hundred and eight million dol lars. German Claims Regarding Losses Absolutely False (By The United Press) PARlSDuring February, March and April, five hundred and eleven ships passed safely through the danger zone, official announcements state. The Germans claim to have sunk six hun dred thousand tons of shipping during April. This is false. Onlv two hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred and four tons were sunk. . - Tuns tail's Arrivals. Claude Tunstall says he keeps new goods coming in all the time. Today he announces the arrival of Late Sum mer Styles in Dresses, Waists, etc., for the ladies and children which are di rect from jthe manufacturer. One noti ceable thing about Tunstall's. place is that he knows how to display his goods in the store intelligently and rea lizes the Importance of keeping Ills cus tomers ii (formed via printer's Ink as to what he has for them. His list of customers is increasing daily as a re sult. jsu .Delia Cannon of Ayden is here tWaioa business. School Students Program Friday Enjoyed The annual playground exerrtun the Greenville Public Schools took place on the lawn at the Training acnooi Friday afternoon at (l-ix o'clock and was witnessed by a large number. The "Darticinant t M ' V VUC Primary and Elementary grades from the first up to and including the fifth. The following was carried out and re flected great credit upon both pupil and .teacher : Song "I Salute Thee" by the School. First and Second Grades Summer Reign Game 1st Grade. Miss MacFayden. Nursery. Rhyme Dancers. -. Ride a Cock Horse ; 2. Hot Cross Buns ; First Grade, Miss Bryan. See-Saw game and song 1st grade. Miss Shaw. Browneis and Fairies, Dance 2B grade, Miss Morris. Firefly Dance 2A grade, Miss Howl- son. Round "Are You Saving". Ring Game "Oats, Peas, Beans", All st and 2nd grades.- "j Song "Over There",, by the SchooL Third juid Fourth Grades. A, Ring Dance 3A grade. Miss White- ! siae. Dancing Song 3B grade, Miss Beat- ty. Clapping Quadrille 4B grade, Miss McCowne. Song "Keep the Home Fires Burn ing." Game "Green Mill" by the SchooL Fourth and Fifth Grades. Norwegian Mountain March 4C grade,. Miss Taylor. Gothard's Quadrille 4A grade, Miss Paylor. Morris Dance Girls 5A and 5B grades. grades, Misses Stephens and Keeter. French Game Boys . 5A and 5B grades, Miss Stephens and Keeter. Song "Marseillaise." Song "Star Spangled Banner." Ring Game "Round and Round the Village, by the School. May Pole Dances Girls 3B, 4C, 4A, 5B and 5A Grades. Captive Balloon Gets Away From Newport News (By The United Press) RICHMOND Mayor Ainslee was this morning notified by military au thorities at Newport News that a large captive army balloon had broken away from its fastenings, and when, last seen was headedlthis wt7.-.i" ' Six Billion More for Heavy Ordnance (By The United Press) WASHINGTON. The War depart ment has asked Congress for an ap propriation of approximately six bil lion dollars for heavy ordnance. This is in addition to estimates for fifteen billion, placed before the House Mili tary Committee by Secretary Baker last week. The additional big ordnance estimate was "placed before the House Appro priations Committee this morning by Brigadier General John D, Barrett. . Secretary McAdoo i oil the Sick List iBj The United Press) WASHINGTON. Secretary McA doo's illness has caused a postponment of the organization of the Board of Di rectors of the newly-created War Fi nance Corporation unit until Wednes day. The oaths of office will be ad ministered then. FIGHTING SETTLES DOWN TO TERRIBLE ARTILLERY DUELS ii1 PICARDY; INFANTRY RESIIkS - (By The United Press) WITH THE AMUK1UAMS IN P1CAKDY, May 12. Tonight in Ficardy the doors of helLseemed literally opened. Screeching demons of death hilled the air and the pounding guns jarred the earth as if ail the forces below were endeavorihe: to break through, as guns flashed and shells ap peared like great fires sweeping the field. Haig's Report is Short. (By The United Press) LOMDOM Hostile artillery was active last night in the JSomme Valley, in the Albert sector and in the Loconniepe Haig's report today.- : 'A BRITISH VETERAN CmZEflSOFPinCOUflTYl! THURSDAY NIGHT OF THIS WEEK Raleigh, May 12. ' E. G. Flanagan, Chm., Township Committe Red Cross Campaign, Greenville, N. C. Captain S. J. Hutchinson will serve you Thursday next, May 16. He is of the British Army with 3 years in the trenches. He has been in America but 2 weeks. S. L. POSTLETHWAIT State Secretary. The above telegram speaks for itself. Captain Hutchinson will address the citizens of Greenville in the Court House here Thursday night at 8 :30. Tb say that the auditorium will be taxed to its capacity is putting it mild ly. The room will be chock-a-block, for the people of Greenville are eager to hear about the war in France from the MANUFACTURERS MUST HAVE A After Wednesday, May 15, no manu facturer "using sugar will be allowed tb purchase sugar except upon certificates furnished by the Food Administration, according to County Food Administra tor S. J. Everett Mr. Everette has just received full information from the Food Administration regarding this new system of "rationing." Every druggist, soda fountain, candy manufacturer bottling works, commer- cla leatablishments for canning and preserving, Ice cream manufacturers, uncaws-ior iuc quaum. uluo in short every user "of sugar except the ' f or statements by merchants have al houshold holtels, restaurants and bak- ready been printed and can be secured in PfituhHshments. which are cbntroll - ed by other means, is affected by the new plan. For preserving, canning, making ice crmm. meaicines ana oine eswsu- Oan products,-1 full quantities of sugar romiirM- will beallowed. Soda loun- t!n hoHJinar works and similar in dustries producing the less essential ! that any dealer or user of sugar can ..i ni Ha .iinwpd onlv 80 per cen'esp If they violate the law Is to be of the ouantity of sugar they used last 0. 1 UVI'CO niw Js - I war If they began business after fNovember 1, they will be. allowed only 50 -per cent of their previous consump ion No establishment which has entered business since April 1 or which has enlarged its plant since April 1. will be allowed any sugar at all. The process by which the manufac- E DITION'li -- forest, it is announced in : TO ADDRESS SIE lips of a man who has been there long enough to realize conditions as they are. They want to look upon one who has been "over the top," TJhey shall not be disappointed, for Capt, Hutch inson, .who is in the UnitedLStatea at the disposal of the American.. Bed Cross Society, will be here on the above date to tell the citizens about the great war. Capt. Hutchinson came from England less than two weeks ago. Being of strong English ancestry and of unusu ally liberal educational experience, both in text and war, he will no doubt, hold his audience spell-bound. He will, ex plain in detail so that all may' under stand the great struggle and how we are to help win it. There will be no admission charge. Everybody is cordially invited to be there p'romptly. The exercises pre liminary to the talk will be in charge of" the Red Cross ladles. USING SUSAR CERTIFICATE turers may secure sugar after May 15 is as followsV' They 'must make ap plication to the Food Admin istrtion at Raleigh for blanks upon which, to make detailed sworn statement -of the quantities of sugar they used last year. Upon satisfying itself that this state ment of sugar.dmhAnMjoP. .wmfwyp ment is correct the Food Administration-will determine the allotment of sugar which such applicant will be al lowed to have and will issue to him cer- 1 P1 application w me ougar uisitiou tion Division of the Food Administra tion at Raleigh. Food Administrator Page has an nounced that any violations of the new I rules and regulations governing the . u6" i""i ly and' drastically ; an dabout the best put out of business during the period of the war. All sugar refiners, brok ers. Jobbers and retailers are subject to the new rules. The new. plan of "rationing manu facturers using sugar ytHTflno wise affect the present TvjJtogpst the Food Administration governfaetafl sales (Continued on" Page Four) . . ..'V

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