t .i r, kj.;-:c.7:;K ;-7h7'7-i7v:v?&;, V0PjWA:1 .7?? CSenviHeXca r Uiiw ; s W 1 ? jj 1 1 i i? 7d n 7 ;7 ..7-: iAt 4 in as iftieDavs THAT t IRSTCiEEllCAw FORCE EWlMEBllIfllY WASHINGTON! were landed in Italy: ' yesterday, Ghiefcpf Staff March announced todays These are mainl: san itary forces, .ahd-have been. on the high seas for some time. The outfit is discinct from that Gen eral Pershing will send. ; Gen. March made no announcement of other overseas shipments "todav. Presumably this will 1 V,1rl T14-WC -ii- "4-U'a. "i, of Jthe GreenvHle .citizen Irere not ucuciu,iwuuviii, wuciwatiiu uiav an-iprent for they would have heard nouncement that .one million men . are now safe- ,omething that was in every way worth lnettoiut House Another enthusiatic meeting was pulled off at : the t3ourt' House la6t night and tho$e present listened to one of the most stirring and. uplifting talk? that has been -heard .in sometime. The speaker was' Dr. J. T, Mangum, Social secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Camp Greene, . Charlottee. He dis cussed the war, war savings stamps and the Y. M. C. A. work and held his appreciative audience spell Abound for more than an hour. . Dr. Mangum has seen duty in the trenehes and expects to return to France soon. It is a pity that more ly in France will be given out. v TheGhief of Staffs views on the situation at the various front is favorable to the Allies. Reports show that the Italians captured 18,000 Austrians and resored their lines to practically where it was before the Austrian attempt to break through. FRETJCH REPULSED A STUBBORN EflElY ATTiCK SOUTH OF AiSfJE while. The address of Dr. Mangum was indeed a masterpiece. His com ing to Greenville will result in untold good. Mrs. F. M. Powell of Raleigh, is guest at the Proctor. Director o! the Playground Has Armed in City -i, Mr. John acNeil of Quincy, Mass. ra- rtved a hecity yesterda7 and be in, charge of the Play Grounds.- Beginning Monday mijning at ' 9 o'clock the: Evand stree grounds will open with the boy scouts having a flag raising. At 4 P. M. the high school school grounds will open. 'y he BJfans streets grounds will re main open every day from 9 to 12 o'clock and the high school grounds from 4 to .7 o'clock. The play grounds will be conducted by the womens club! and Mr. MacXeil will act as director. Evans street grounds has already been equipped with swings, slides, and a giant stride. Mr. MacXeil is in hopes of having' everything going- Monday. Sand bins with shovels and pails will be installed fof the little ones, Plans are being made to establish play grounds in all center of the city, A very complete program has been ar- Twn (lerrnnn fiplH '.cnms and rfftmpMronrh rnnr tnr sAmngea for the summer. The games I. . m- --, 1 Will ue lmy gruuuu utrn, Biug uau, out. (Bj Tie United Press) PARIS. - German attempts to recapture pos itions taken by the French south of the Aisne was repulsed after-asfubbbrn battle yesterday, the war office anndcedthis morning. - Southwest of Rhefms there is sharp fighting. The Italian forces hurled the Germans from ad vanced positions temporarily occupied northwest of Montdidied, inflicting losses to the enemy. On their sector, the Americans raided, the ener my lines last night, bringing back forty-eight pris oners, including one officer. ! TmrJRmdQii Paris in as r-t t- - Tier irere ho casual- ... Li?-!?-''- By The Unites Pess) I .. PARIS. Germaifii airmen .ttATeJ made a third raid on aria In isf inany days, bombarding thacity last - night! fprtwo hours, ties. Warning of the impending taid was sounded at 10 :59. Enmy planes were violently -bombarded aBfl-alreraft batteries. 7Bomb8 wrjr dropped... but there were no victims ." 7r -7 -' , "All clear" was sounded. at42 ;30 this morning. ' '. " " ' .' " KflledDy Three Auto Cd7sion7' Near ri-sfle ( XBy Unlte- ftsa i? 7 DANVltLEMi8S;iirjn fwJndor and Raymond I? arbour MU instant ly- and Miss . KeinT 'ieS-died a-. a Greensboro hospital k rl j today a.a result of an auto accfo 'Vneai-jftftds- of the 'party, Is in. tt The cause ofj; the lision beiwee4 a efer and a freight car. J-Tfh ploded from' the impg' - asse 2cf car 'Atleea:- 42 Casualti; 31 Him LONDON; prisoners taken by the British in their advance east of Nieppe forest yesterday to- taiea over iour nunarea, uen.. naig , announces. COR. JAS. BAUGHAM, W AWDEDFKHM jf Special f 6 Daily News) WASHINGTON, " N. C, June 29. Mrs. W. B." Baugham ( of this city, is just in receipt f a postal card from her husband Lleut. W. E. ' Baugham, who U now in France, stating that" he is just in receipt of ,a letter froni his' brother Corporaf Jilofr JamesBa,ugham, t ion corps, stating - that - he fias just had his first engagement with theHun who is a member otthe'rench Avia airmen and as a result of h encoupter he downed a German Bl-plane and for ASHiGTON (By The United WASHINGTON. The War De partment today ' reported forty-two casualties among: the American forces in France, divided as follows': Killed in action, 5. Died of wounds, 12. Died of disease, 1. Died of accidents and other causes, Wounded severely, 14. -.Missing in action, 7. v - - . .- ' r. 7 ' 1 - 'V The arrest o xe; Raymond; Johnson last night by 'Policeman Cfuy 3aton;at be Star . areboiuse;: he possessing -too much Barley corn- or nionkey. rmnt f- yealed tqdayr.fo. the officer - where a blind. tiger old; pe . hcated: - Johnson waff tried before' the mayor this morning and fined, f 10 and costs. Wiften asked where be secures hlajtrhls key stated that -hk procured it-from Charles Vaughan and -Sam Alien. - In consequence of this statement Police- jboji, JCaton arpoed with a search war rant wen'to-the store of Van Allen situated about one-ttfle-from city.- The offffioer found one pint in the, store and ahppt one gallon and a half 4n ajujf ,ecretedin, a ditch about twenty zeet of the store. Both vaughan and Allen were arrested and given a trial before Justice Bonntree,.1 this morning. They were both found guil ty and bound over ' to the next term of -court in .the sura pf $10O each. The bond was given. - - ' , . . teNeUVtiitc . Gives DanceIn v. - ing on war prof its; andr6fi(eering eisis;- mnfejf duetto inordinate eeo!V others ; tbdacedv I fraud, and still otfier? to'advaiitages-'iaken' time Paction. : tMm .aw'Feaerai ;irae W oe oi tne Dig pacKers reapea a nunaxeja-una iony i million dollar profit in:the warars 15to917 lars representeU"'the-xvjeii. proafl prof ife? PinCOMGeSOKFII FOR 1'JAPv SA'iliIGS STflLiP "v ISVI1U44 I WlVf IV HOOOr Of GtlBStS i"' - . Daily NWs iclies'tstMrjMthes-- Ch Wright, chairman of MiTe.th k . . . - . -tuey too-nave rreacnea. me goai, .k--rr;.i Pitt county received the following tele- . - : 1 . ;V, - - s..tt Thetownships over rthe top-at-this : Elfl mimm 5,...r.;-: MissslCell(tVhite, one of Greenrflle's cor foot ball, volley ball, and base ball, and basket "ball. Teams and - leagues will be organized v. . ; EDAtOFHOH this has been awarded" tha'CroijDe Guerre by the French govOTjment." This brave young American.i-is' a son of the, late W. P. Baugham of Washing ton and is well known throughout Eas tern Carolina. - , .- Ladies' Aid Society. The Ladies' Aid Soeietyof the Im-, manuel Baptist ichurch-wili- -meet Mon day afternoon-at KiSbin rthe ladl -s parlor-of the church. ; ' f.'- IflHAVAL BRITISH Af!D GEIir: FORCES EfGAGE EACH OTHER AT LONG RA! IE ON THURSDAY , , : (By IJnlt Press) ; ;r LONDON; Four British destroy efs engaged eleven German destroyers off he Belgfan coast in a long rangeHattl Thursday, the Admiralty an7 No material? damage resulted to either force,. after an actionlastihg for f if teen minutes." ThreeOAiitional enemy destroyers joined in the fiirht and the British Vessels fell bkck to their sup porting, f orces. -The- enemy did not follow, and - t It l- - British ships were not damaged. Murder of Nicholas Romanoff is Certain (By United Press) STOCKHOLM. The murder of Nicholas Romanoff, former Csar of Rus sia, is confirmed by the German em bassy, according to dispatches received here. They declare that persons ar riving in , Moscow from Kateringburg state thatovhen tbe Czech Slovaks .adr vanced on the latetr city,- guards went to the former emperor's mansion, and bordered him and his family to prepare to leave on a special train. BomanofN protested, whereupon Red Guards -bayoneted' him. - - - l The Empress and . vher daughters were not molested,--; : - : 1;. - ' -. 1 1. y . . - - . Bed Cross Work Room There were twenty-five present' at the Red Cross Work Rooms Friday. These were Madams J. T, Ward, G. TL Cox, F. S. Langley, E. B. Allsbrook, H. Xi. Allen, T. R. . Moore, C. W. Harvey, S, 3. Underwood, W. C. Thomas, C. E. Bradley, S. M. Schultz, J-.. w. Tucker, W. H.' Ricks, Luther Herring, Chas. Horne, Joe Foley, Wesley Galla- spy and Misses E. Blankenship, Mittie Beaiman, Nellie -Denny v Mary Ruth lAllsbrook, Precilla Austin,- ines iitt man and Fannie 5reenev Allen 'and Master ,Wesley; Harvey; , Casualtiesforthe Iilarines Totals 41 (By The United Press) WASHINGTON. Forty-one mar ine casualties' have been reported by the Navy Department, divided as fol lows: Killed in action, 25. - Died" of wounds, 8. Wounded in action, 7. Missing in action, 1. ' J. Deans, of Middlesex, N. C, was among the killed in action. . Exceeded Allotnient. Superintendent H. L. Alien informs the Daily News that the Boy Scouts have exceeded their allotment so far as number, is concerned. The allot nient is only thirty-two but the organi zation here numbers" forty-two." ' Claude Tunstall has agreed to be come Scoutmaster, of the second divis ion: With these rtwo divisions' -a local unit can be formed..-- Heretofore they have had only three r representatives, J. L. .Little, E. B. Ficklen and Dr. R. L. Carr, From now on any. busi ness man can become a representative. gave a most delightful dance at toe nines Hall on Dickinson Avenue last evening in honor of her house guests. No social function ever given in Green ville proved to be more pleasant and" everyone of Miss' White's quests are greatly indebted to her for an evening long to be remembered. The muSic. for the evening was furnished by the Greenville orchestra. Miss White's guests and those danc ing were: Miss Nell White with W. W. Lee; Miss Brown with James Little; Miss Webster with Allen Osborne? Miss Marue Cobb with Charles White; Miss Josephine Skinner with Julian White; Miss Emily Little with BobX3reene; Miss Alice Fulford with Pat Foley; Miss Annie Belle Qulnerly with Dur- wood Tucker; Miss Frances Wbedbee with Dall Laughinghouse ; Miss Es telle Green with D. M. Clark; Miss lina;SwJft Creek, Falkland -frrmville and Bethel. ' - - t'-i '. . . this morning: , Winston- Salem, June '"Heartiest congratslations. The flag is coming.' Pitt county has one over the tween $45,000 aiid $50,000 for-War ings Stamps. Said President R. H. Wright of the. ' J , 7 lTx . Z o By FRED S. FERQUSO.; School and chairman of the War Sav- - T. e. i;tVt - . - (United Press Staff Qprrespandent) - ings Stamp campaign, to a Daily News - . . -t- . representative this morning: " : WITH THE AMEBICA FORCES "Pitt has gone over the top. -I have ' IN PICARDY. (By. :l3rT tThe Fine Language Wrjr not been able to getlcomplete returns . American horse la an .apt linbnlst, v ',.- K - ; from all.the townships but Jwhat I havep Sold . oyrses.itohat Vieuc&L Lfjifffe.'i; received gives us a grand total of America during the first three jeatn of $S41,858. "We were supposed to raise $700,480. We are over the top in great shane and I wish to thank, through the : Daily News, all of the people who have taken part In .pushing through this Ruth Andrews with Ernest . Gorman ; fMis8 Pattie Wooten with James Brown ; i Miss Jessie Move with Jack Brown; Miss"Virginia Arthur with Dink James ; Miss Edith Lee with Barnes Haskett ; Mrsr Willie Wilson with Capt. WUlie Wilson; Mrs. B. Wilson with Walter Wilson; Miss Julja Russ with Walter WhichardV Miss Hehnle Long with Richard Russ; Misa Lillie Critcher with Dr. Schultz. Stags: Dick King, Frank Patrick, Arthur Joyner, Lieut. J. . KittreU, Leon KittrelL Guy. Cherry, Morton Johnson, John Flanagan, Graham Flanagan, Whit Brown, Charles Smith, Cliff Edwards, Will Fleming,. Lester Ro8e,"W. -P. Cruder, Douglas Aycock. Mr. and Mrg. Jim Hines. Sweet little Misses Dorothy White and Mary James Lipscomb gave the. cards to the . guests. - Pitt, countv always does her dutv. and we have .sent our $800,000 to the 800,000 boys over there." - Chairman -B. W-. Moseley of the Greenville township committed . tells this pa peij that'll to' last night! the re port Xrom the township showed a' total of $230,000' witn more -yet expected. Greenvine township's -allotment was $188,000 which means that the town ship is already over the top by over $40,000. Chairman Moseley wishes through the columns of this paper to return thanks to each and every one who assisted in the prosecution of the campaign rand who subscribed.. - Up. to the hour og going to press all but three of the townships In the coun ty are over the top and by the time the Squad Ambulance -v - . Arrives in London (By United Press) LONDON.-. A strong American am bulance detachment has arrived here. 7- :. Calling Upon Trade. John.1 T. Bees, president of itheJ EI Rees-So: Cigkr Co., Greehsbord nd": F.v K, . Bsrch,1 North Carolina 5 representa tiveof the company, fl were Greenville visitors yesterday caWngL upon the trade. Mr. Rees tells this papet-that he Is also looking over the Held or the probable locatioit of another plant t v 1 TONIGHT "THE EAGLES' EXE" featuring King Baggdt and ;' Marf. 6nsw .. . Monday Featuring Clara Kimball Toonr to Get Employment (By United Press) WASHINGTON. Disabled soldiers will be encouraged to become domestic servants after the war to replace wo men who have left their homes to be come .Industrial workers, ascending to Mrs. Emmaline Pankhurst, the Eng lish 8Uff rage'tte. the wasj he had to learn French to na derstand-his new master.- .Then sold . back to Americans for service with his1. own army after, the- United States "en- tered the war, he had - to: learn Eng lish or rather American, all over again. - Hundreds' of these Americanholrses. were bought from the. French whea the'r first forces from the United'. States tan- ": ded. -The drivers were eonstantly-lii trouble, and at first couldn't understand v the reason. 'r - ' ' I ' : . 4 -vV . "I had a team out during' 'revla.V em budge-I yelled gifcaieT:--? thing Lse at 'em, and . theyJusfc ojt " A . of 'looked aroun' like ey thought t .1' was , foolish. Then Irejnembered: r-"; heard a frog' yell 'AlleyV'st his horses., -ir I yelled 'alley- and away. Ve jrentS-1 T. rj The horses now are a good deal like r '.f: the soldier. -. Theyll TCspond 'to V0tha"'.J French or EngUab -qgnmanda. . J. R. Turnage of Ayden,.4s registered - at the 'Proctoir HoteL UE.IU FOR Social Monday r Afternoon . ".The Philathea.' ClassVof ;'therMethb dlsV'Church will give a Social Monday afternoon from 4:30 ; to 5.0 o'clock in the Sunday ' School rooms, to the Methodist young ladies who are attend ing tb Summer Term at the Training School, and their friends. A"Yery cor dial invitation is extended to them.-; . Gus B .( Bice, formerly of Green thi8 afternoon .for a short Visit with ville-hut now of Suffolk, .Ya., arrived f ihn i r iicr niui vu iiu k i MiinpiiElilili RUSSIftlMiWOIORBll ' , - -' -"-: i , f By The, United .Press). . ; : ? AMSTERDAlitG anotner -suiprise Diow against tne Ames, accora-. T ing to General Von Liebert, who commani tho V Gemaiisat the battle oitbdz'in the RussiaH cam paigTi. In the samej interyievv', ublishrirttthe Taglische RundstchauVbn LiA the Austrian pffensiye as a "painful affair.' 7- . ; 1 r .v- it ZURICH.:-1 wnnanjnapraideclare their verninjbprepa tervehtiohiin Ilussia tar estore 'ordki:: Russian Maximalists wfll -aissithenT, tjielj : claim. Hfrienda. . ; ; - iciaiiil. - ; r ? - -.tzXm A. -t - 1 AC -t, -A I .. -v. . - ... -

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