The feather Report J mm EW Tonight and Tuesday. West Winds. Fair Light Full Telegraphic Repor ts of the United Press VOLUME II. Greenville, N; C, Monday Afiernoon, AugustStK, Wlfc NUMBER 43 A ill: N . " . . , . . - .. : Anof fer Beadly PockMXsM By Foch A round FjSfe ENBURG HAS ENGAGED ON U ION FORTYFOUR THOUSAND MEN i THE PRESENT OFFENSIVE and March Hotly Deny Humor WASHINGTON. Widely published reports that General March, chief of staff, had told the Senate Military Committee that General Pershing es timated the Amfencan casualties at (United Press War Expert) PARIS, Noon.-The French troops have met Z the German resistance everywhere north of thesis. 'pUp tViP FvAnnh War nfW annnimPPfi TncrVif1 Not onlv did GeneTai March hotly French elements have crossed the Vesle. I There is nothing new to report from the battle witn him- as well also declared he front at the time of this meeting. ' i " BZr , . ,, , paper correspondents and the commit tee on public information denounced the reports. When the Senators at JLheir weekly conference, asked the Casualties PershkCaDles The War Dept. (By The Uuitld Press T WASHINGTON (general Pershing reports to the War jbepartment four 12,000, not only grossly misinformed Lundred and seven ctialties for today deny that he had made auy such state ment but the Senators who conferred Allies Capture Much Booty. PARIS. The Allied troops have established two strong brideres on the north bank of the Vesle chief of .ff of he had ay estimate at Bazoces which is three miles west of Fismes Bi- tlToZZTT " so at Joncherry, which is six miles east of Fismes. that he had not. The German losses are severe. Included in the! Later in his semi wwkly conference , . -, . i ji - a i-i i it i iwith the Washington correspondents material captured the Allies have taken one mil- the chief of staff was asked. ion hve hundred thousand shells ot seventv-sev- "Have you any estimate as to the - - - - - - v en millimeters calibre since July 15. Inspe ctprs Are Tightening Up On the Dealers RALEIGH. The activity of the In spectors who are covering the State of tration, and the purpose of the Food! Administration to tighten up on all i dealers in foodstuffs is reflected in an CHAMBER i B!L!li LfllfJVJILL INTRODUCE ONDAYWHICHMAKESTHE AFT AGES EIGHTEEN TO 45 divided as follows: f Two hundred and tKree killed in ac tion. Thirty-seven died ffom wounds. Niue' from disease. f One from aeroplane accident. Six from accident apd other casuses. "Forty-eight wounded, severely. One-hundred, degree undetermined. Missing in action three. ,Charles A. McDonajjd of Aberdeen, N. C, Eyerette McAllistei of Mount Pleas ant, N. C, W. H. Millar of New London, jPwson. A blackslist order has been N. C., Riley G. CopelBamborg, S. C, ' ' ued against this concern, effective Au killed in. action. j which means that this store Dolpbus C. Coopefof Jacksonville, wiI g out of business, in so f:ir as s. C, Luther W. Fislr of Lone Moun- food and feedstuffs are concerned, as tain, Va., and Jam& M. Foldeu of soou as its Present stock is exhausted. (By The United Press ' Washington, August 3rd Eighteen to forty- auouncement made today of Food Ad- five draft age limits will be fixed in the new man- ministrator ienry A. Page's decision i n j l j. j i ji n . ht t in a number of cases where violations power bill to be introduced m the Senate Monday of rules and regulations of the Admin-j by Senator Chamberlain. 1SThemo8t drastic penalty as a.imin- j The President will be given the discretion to call tered to the united states cash store those below twenty-one f or training purposes in ro. a $40,000 concern at Marshviiie, thi country 0r call them last if it becomes neces- . C, under the management of R. t . r . sary to use inem overseas. Bedford, Va., died frbni wounds. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg has engaged ; whatev number of casualties?" General March's reply was "None eighty-seven divisions, (one million and forty four thousand men) including forty-seven divisions (five hundred--and eighty four thousand men )-in pities already reportwas and that! the Marne pocket. General March and the Senators who conferred with him explained that he had been asked what the total of cas,- WILSON'S SPEECH HAS DONE MUCH PE OUT DISTRUST AND FRICTION the general had replied between 12,000 and 14,000. This number is the sum total of the War Department's total official daily lists and is published in many newspapers throughout the coun try. It makes no account of the Ma rine fighting. General March's reply was distorted into representing him as saying General ,Pershing estimated the , The United Pressl jcost of the Marine battle at that num- ber. WASHINGTON. President Wilson favors the! The real situation as to the casu union of minds the purpose of which shall lead to t.LT an abiding peace and friendly cooperation among the number or begin sending hte names Americans because the wounded are scattered He has written President Molendez of San Sal-! If sut!LreT wintf alTi? haTlSn vador answering the latter s suggestion that Pres- jphysicaiiy impossible to essembie an ac ident Wilson continue proposals for internation- curate, af . c7lete llst- i , . , n j o -xt n i ever, is being done as ra This, how- rapidly as pos- al Convention Cemetmg the natlOnS OI NOSth and sible, but Secretary Baker and General i March are determined that the coun- The United Cash Store Company had flgarantly disregarded Food Adminis tration rules and regulations govern ing the safes of sugar and flour. The invetigatiou was made by Inspector M. W. Nash of Hamlet. Harvey Boiley, prominent produce dealer and shipper of Rose Hill, N. C. and Blackville, S. C. has had his li cense revoked, effective August 5th, lxcause of "uufair practice" in shipp ing fresh vegetables not equal to grade called for in the contract of sale. In tilling an order for "extra fancy, long green cucumbers", Boney had shipped 10 to 25 per cent immature, 10 to 15 pe rceut decayed and 35 per cent blem ished. TE. Hashagen Company, Wilming ton, had violated rules by selling a whole barrel of flour to consumer and another rule by selling the flour with- j.uit cereal substitute. Hashagen claim Purchasers of War Savings Stamps that the sale was made for the ac- Only Ten Hanne Casualties For Sunday, Report (F.y The Uggtea Press) WASHINGTON' The Mamie casu alties as reported by the Navy depart ment today number ten divided as follows : Nine killed in action. One died from wounds. There were no Southerners. HUNS BURNING VILLAGES IN THEIR FLIGHT LARGE FIRES OB! SERVED My United Press) Stamp Purchasers (By The United Press) LONDON, Aug. 3. (1:30 P. M.) The German troops are reported retiring on the east bank of the Ancre river between Aveluy wood and Albert according to battle front dispatches, m This represents a retirement on the front of about three miles. South America. PresidenfeIeledez-dSKlared that President TlZll ill Wilson hasdone much m his recent sneech to wine iwm needed to be corrected later out the district between he United States and Lat in America. LIED LOSSES ARE CERTAINLY LESS THAN THE GERMANS THE UNOFFICIAL ESTIMATES IS The list will be brought to the United States at the eariiest possible mo ment. v HELEN EDDY AFFECTS THE "DUTCH CUT' LONDON. The German losses since July 15th, this being- the date when the Crown Prince began his last drive, are unofficially estimated f rom L three hundred to three hundred and fifty thou- tration the morning that Miss Eddy sad, of which forty thousand are prisoners. The Allied losses are certainly much less. In order to effectively denytB;per sistent reports that she is. ari" Italian,' Helen Eddy, who plays opposite George iBeban in- most of that distinguished Italian impersonator's productions, has cut her long brown hair to an ungainly variation of the "Dutch cut" as worn by her Ave year old sister. It is rumored that Mr. Beban was riven to the verge of nervous pros- appeared, shorn like the lamb, at the studios. He has recovered now, hew ever, to the extent of commencing a scarario in which both himself and Mnrp qiiwpqtfnl Raiffc Miss Eddy win appear and in wbU"h T T lWOre UCCe&blUI XWUUb the loss of.her hair will play an im- LONDON. There were successful raids near portant part as one of the incidents. Arras where German artillery activity has been 1 "Lost in Transit,- Mr. Beban-s latest r,ff. i A . , ni4xlj. Paramount picture, in which he is sup- staged. A few prisoners were captured last night ;ported by Miss E(ldy and an nnnBUally at Neuville and Vitasse Southeast of Arras the effective cast, wm be shown at whites enemy artillery was active along the Labasse ca-j T7"o nu at Bethune and also at different points be newest Paramount picturfe was written tween Sazerrouk Yores or nim by tne talented actress-author- " less, Kathlyn Williams and contains a The morning papers carried a report on the ar- number of unusual incidents. The cast if t of Travis, Joseph and Green, which read m;SStTS21."S: PSlt as folloWS: IBeban's leading lady for most of his "E. L. Travis of Halifaxx, N. C., former chair-j and"ttl?,ifb White:;wh" mnv, . . 7 . . 7 -xt 'is just two and a half years old and ij''tn oi trie corporation commission ot JNortn uar " has already apperaed in two big pro- hn a and a leader of politics in that state, and two! dction ging every indication of - ' iuvu, iu o. o UDcyii diiu. ucuii vji ecu, vv ci c cli. - tested in a Washington hotel tonight by Federal authorities charged with conspiracy to obtain a contract illegally from the Shipping Board for a ew Jersey concern. WANTED TO BORROW A BABY about year old, for the Greenville Motion Picture Romance. Information- at White's Music Store. 2tC-lstp. and Thrift Stamps on August 3rd. WHITE D. J. Whichard. Marcellus Fleming. Mrs. H. B. Smith. Mrs. Willie Fleming? Miss Mary Ruth Fleinnig. Miss Hazel Fleming. Miss Arley V. Moore. C. B. Whichard. William H. Telson Jr. Felix Labaki. Sam Quinerly. Miss Edith Quinerly. Miss Deanie Boon Haskett. Robert Ernest Pittman Jr. Mrs. Lucy H. Pittman. John Wrf4X.urriage. COLORED Elvira, FJch. Mr' jirylar Edward McDanielT Olivia Northern. F"lora Johnon. Lula Tucker. Carrie Tucker. Ella Wilson. Emma Peebles. v Haywood Tucker. Ella Elks. Amos J. Elks. Warren Williams. Etob Obey. Lula Hopkins. John Hopkins. Belle Johnson. . Harry Watson. Roswell Johnson. Alvania Watson. Will Obey. Laura Z. Shelby. Walter Nettles. R. M. Beatty. Cornelius Forbes. S. P. Jphnson. Pinkie A. Forbes. John Vines. Annie L. Jmes. Geroge Telfair. Louise Telfair. Hattie Daniels. J. D. Daniels. Jennie Daniels. Elizabeth Mayo. Margaret Outterbridge. Robert Grimes. Slade Erknis. David hivers. Sam Shivers. Mollie Locke, V'iu tof Brooklyn Grocery Company, an ; other Wilmington concern. The Has j hagen Company has paid $100 to the I Red Cross and the Brooklyn Grocery ; Company has contributed $25 in lieu of more drastic punishment. ' The New York Cafe of Charlotte made a false statement to the Sugar Division as to the quailtity of sugar it had on hamliuiy 4thamcntti BamtT-HBewisrftrore tnan nw'are was entitled to. Mr. Arthur Lampros, man ager, claim! that it was an innocent error, but has surrendered the surplus sugar to County Food Administrator Plummer Stewart, and has contributed '$100 to the Charlotte chapter of the Red Cross. Other merchants who have been al lowed to make contributions ot their local Chapters of the Red Cross, and in some iodances to close their stores for a day or more, with appropriate signs posted on their doors in lieu of more drastic punishment for violations are as follows : W. A. Woody, Bether Hill, who sold excessive quantities of sugar; J. W. Clayton. Roxboro, who falied to keep accurate records of his sale of sugar : Hertford Hotel, Hertford, which had more sugar on hand than was reported in its statement ; J. Frank Pickford, Chapel Hill, who showed gross care lessness in keeping record of sugar sales ; T. M. Hall, Thomasville, who sold to much flour to one customer ; Snow Smith and J. J. Brown of Reids ville and White Star Grocery Company and W. R. Stephens of Leaksville, all of whom had disregarded rules and regulations of the Food Administration, relative to the sales of sugar and flour Huns Burning Villages. LONDON, Aug. 3. (1:27 P. M.) French caval ry are reported to have reach the south bank of the Vesle river at Jonchery Champigny. All the bridges across the Vesle river have been destroyed. The Germans are burning villages north of the river in their flight. Fourteen large fires have been observed in that region, it is reported. Allied Are Advancing Everywhere. London. The French have progressed along the south bank of the Aisne river between Fam ieres and Venizel, it is learned authoritatively this Allied troops have advanced along the northern edge of the plateau from Venizel to Draisne. Further east the Allied advance continues. Dormans wood is now occupied. Fismes Under Fire of American Guns. With the American Army in France, August 3. Fismes has been brought within range of the Am erican artillery. Chanery, where Quentin Roosetllfcpehis death, according to a German statenientisnow in the hands of American troops. The Americans are searching for Roosevelt's grave. . EL Funeral of Mr Andrews A large numbr of corrowing friends attended the funeral services of the late Mr. J. A. Andrews at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sundhy afternono at 4:30 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. M. C. Daughtrey, Rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. The choir rendered appropriate hymns. The interment was in Cherry Hill Cemetery. SURVIVORS OF SUNKEN VESS LANDED ON COAST OF MAiKEr SUBMARINE DID THE SB J. M. Reuss of Ayden, was a Green ville visitor yesterday. (By The United Press) Washington, August 3. The sinking of a schooner thirty-five miles off Briar Island, on the Nova Scotia coas.t, was revealed when nine men in a dory landed at Jannet Rock Light, off the coast of Maine, the Navy Department states. Is Better. The friends of Mrs. W. H. Dail, Sr., in Greenville, will be pleased to learn that her condition is better today. Mrs. Dail on last Thursday night was taken quite ill at lier home in Snow Hill. While her condition is stDJ Somewhere In France. June 27, 1918. Dear Mr. Mayo: I received a Daily News this moralmj adn I want to let you all know that it was highly apreeiated by me as itf was the first paper that I had . seen from Rev. Mr. Sodler of the Atlantic .precarious strong hopes .are entertain- Amerfc. and it being a home paper, Christian College, Wilson, who preach- pd for her recovery. Mrs. Dail is the, made it more valuable. We are all ed in the Christian Church here Sun- mother of Mrs. Charles O'H Laughing-, weu naa m tne oest oi neaun. nope Jenkins of Washington, was day morning and evening has returned house and Mr. W. H. Dail, Jr of this you all the same. " city I " AjfretJiivme. xMy. H. M in the city Saturday afternoon, to his home. X - " 4 ft 7 4&

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