AJJl II - - . I 1 T . I -.?- ' ' - - " : : 1 Greenville N. CL . Wti&Tftrrnnn- . f lnin . ,r.e vV " ' i.i I i i if i -rei &bu&a i&m II ti fasi m h f i II fi i v : ihi " tj.-i i ii va- 11 v ii if u i tori VT t wi irais MUWQA. 'I "111 'All; II in p ,iR : ri fifl w.-h K p.; BYflWiliWfflD irw FRA ENEM HMil Y REAR GUARD PUi'JSIIED (By Cnlted ,Fxm) LONDON. There; was steady advances made by the British and French troops last night is the statements issued togay from both the London and Paris war offices. Field Marshal Haig reports continued British progress on the battle field between Peronne and the Senhee river reaching the general line at Beaumetsles, Cambrai, Baralls, Rumacourt and Leciuer. . The German rear guard is defected and has oeen neavny punisned with several losses. Tlie Haue-German main headquarters have peen transterred trom Spa, Belgium, to Verviers in me liege province, Belgium, according to the newspaper Les Nouvellers. : Soil British Hold Dercourt LONDON. The British crossed the 1 unord at HautaDainiestwo miles north of Pp- i !rme, it is authoritatively learned and Croix Dubae. They bold.Baimasicaurtstsoutb f f Ecourt St. Quentin. hichy En Artois has also been captured. The i s itisn also noid Dercourt and Hermies. J The following item from the Raleigh News and Observer willprove of in terest to the readers of this paper : , "Lieut. Col. Charles O'Hagan Langh inghouse has been ssiged to com mand of Base Hospital Unit No. 85 and sails shortly with that unit for service in France. Colonel Laughing house is a native of Greenville, a mem- ber of the State Board of Health, and one of the best-known physicians of Aorth Carolina. He volunteered his services early in the beginning of the war and was appointed a captain in the Medical Recruiting" Corps. He has since been promoted twice, to major and recently to lieutenant colonel. For some months he has been assigned to Fort Sam Houston, Texas." Mrs. Laughinghouse and daughter. Miss Helen, have gone to New York for the purpose of bidding Dr. Laugh inghouse good-bye prior to his sailing for France. lonyOf "Four Minute" Speakers Have Been Announced in 'h i!!,.-s -Four Minute Men" I""1'!- stress the selective ser- vi''" 'Ini'r which takes place on Thurs iiv. Scjiri'inix-r I2tli, whom every man if pa-Mil his 18th birthday and " !-'';,r,,i his 46th birthday must '-'i-'it unless K is in the class al ''"'"!' I' -'i' red between 21 and 31. Ti:v" on 1 1 lis subject that ef-j i - '".I'l'.v lii.iii li;ii!e to sers'ice have ' ' i i !cr..i f,,r in White's Theatre, ,!"' v,i".'kt and dates being as fol 1 M:iv..r Alhidii Dunn. Thursday ''i-lif. -"Mi: supt. h. G. Swanson, Sat-h-'hy nijrht. 7th: Senator F. C. Hard-M,,i!-'iiy night. 9th.. There may iiiK.ih. i- speaker for Wednes-ni-'lit. lith. notice being given lat-this. Ii FARM; LOAN BANKS EXEMPT FROM BILL WASHINGTON The war revenue jbill which the house ways and means committee will report to the house to morrow with a view of beginning con sideration of the bill in the house next Friday exempts federal farm loan banks from the new tax law, it was learned today. STAB WAREHOUSE HIGH SALE REPORT We had the highest sale today, Sep tember 4th, since the market opened. Everybody' was highly pleased and went home with more money than they expected. We have fi;t sale Thurs day, third sale Friday, first sale Mon day, second sale Tuesday and first sale Wednesday. Bring us your tobacco. We will please yon. SMITH & SUGG DaHy News Now Running An Ad Boosting City (By The United Press.) WASHINGTON. Th Exemption of nremen . and policemen- -wilt be more Jioeral in the new draft?. Provost Marshal General Crowjfcr has issued regulations that they need to only file statements from their, chief that their removal will be detriment l tn. public safety. : ' First Game fOf Vorld Series Is Postponed (By United Press.) "WASHINGTON. Thelfirst game in the world's series of baseball between the Boston Americans ajri-the Chicago nationals was postpone 6n account Another Large Tobacco Sale Local Market SIflCED BY BdlTISI! TflOOPS, HUN HOUSNESS COlfi Between two hundred and fifty and three hundred thousand pounds ojC to bacco was sold on the local market! 7ZZaZJT. 11"?. (By War Expert Simms. w "-"fe uajr were -p T - - had by the farmp.u I r A K.I S 1 ornhvui' "Pk.,-, . J t i ' bacco hpr. t:rL :::z YVUttl: ailu ens toaay are Pitt and adTolimgti advancing British. prices are stiii soaring daily, aii the AS tnis is ca Died the Canadians, English and farmers are delighted with the prices SCOtS are Within Tlinfi mi'loa -P PUn," j t d they irhvla -t-U T i. r , ., , , ? j -u wurL-vueant switcn and the Hin denburg line has been smashed and left far behind. "uu-u -ey- are receiving and they state Greenville for them the balance of the season. of rain. Bank's Condition Through the efforts of Miss Maud U?e, secretary of theGreenville Mer chant's Association, this paper is now running a "booster" advertisement for fhe town pf Greenville. This adver tisement will appear in these columns every other day during the next few weeks and will be for the purpose of presenting to the outside world the many advantages which the town of fers. In Monday's issue the Green-1 i omp. (By United Press;) WASHINGTON. The comptroller of the currency today issued a-caU for a statement of the tonUtftf f3m national bank. at.the .IrispAiN "S . TODAY MARKS ANNIVERSARY Of FIRST CASUALTIES IN U. S. TROOPS IN FRANCE WASHINGTON. The War Depart ment in a formal statement last night called attention to the fact that today, September 4th, marks the anniversary of the first casualties in the American Expeditionary Forces, resulting from a ruthless attack by German aviators on a group of British hospitals at Dannes Camiers, two of which were iruieu ny .united .States .hosmtal units.. Four American men, including one lieutenant, were killed and nine wonnded. s I II M1 IIUES'rtO UPTOGETOIANY Stroke of Twelve Was Witnessed By A Large House Unofficially yesterday it was reported that Lens had been captured. An official atamt by Field Marshal Haig mentioned only a slight i vauce ui wie British on the out posts on the out skirts of that place. L,ens is being- more and more pinched and mav g-ive way at any time. Genprjil M have reached the edee of Vanxaillnn (m - Si and a half east of the Allied Knes above Soissons) "uu -" si iiuuaiiy pressing- towards Chemin pes Dames. ' . . Guns have been move beyond Juvigny and ' are shelling th enemy positions in the NeavfTlW The enemy continues to show iWrPw nov byjvousness along the Vesle river as the French push ville tobacco market was discussed and it was shown that this market here last season made one of the highest average sales of any market in North Carolina. Today the dry goods mer chants and what they have to offer is presented. X.o town anywhere has better variety of dry goods stores than Greenville. This season they are well stocked with goods in the dry good line that will compare favorably with those of cities much larger. As to the price no town can compete with Green- uie. fortunate are the hnvprs if hey come to Greenville to purchase dry goods. ICANS LANDED ON v,0 OH SOILDURI 10 SAIUESlOKf INSiBllA ALLIED FORCES NOW CONNECT FROM VOLGA TO VLADIVOSTOK (By The United Presai :. . WASHINGTON. The arrival bf Major Gen e;.aGraves, the American commander itf Siberia, with forty three officers and one : thousand - End ehty-eight men on September 2nd is today an nnced by Chief of Staff General March. V General Graves will immediately "assume the command of the American .units now totaling cl(?e to four thousand in Siberia. : ne total embarkation for all fronts passed one The Irre-est number of the estimated number 1 w-oons that have been landed any single month b ravce is 285,000. More than 250,000 is the es- --tied Augnst total.. ' - - .general March estimated that the thirtieth divi vhich assisted in the Mont.Kemmel fighting. Car'i- of Tennessee, North Carolina and South orv na troops which were taken across under the P,.,om:ln(1 of General Reed. Brigadier General u, 1?; ?ow temporarily in command of the eiKh S formed in is country with arieuclus of iegu-. LONDON. According to the Daily Mail's correspondent Allied forces' have established uninterrupted con nection between their foes across So beria from Volga to Vladivostok. The dispatch wiich is JtedUMnday jvening, says the" vSliguarf of ' the fasecho-Slovak forces from Verkni- Udinsk, eighty miles ast of Lake Bai kal, have joined hands with General Semenoff's forces on the Onon river and General -Diedrics. thp C'Zffhn commander at Vladivostok already is in .telephonie connection with fhe trans-Baikal Czechos. "From Pensa on the Volga to Vlad ivostok," the correspondent adds. there ,is now an uninterrupted chain of Allied-troops." The long looked for Greenville Movie Romance. "Tho si Twelve," was seen at White's Theatre ast night and it will be presented again tnis evening. This picture was witnessed by a capacity house and those present were simply delighted with the Production. Mr. Ben Stras- i managing director of the Aame Film Co., who had the production in charge, is the subject of numerous congratulations today as well as those who took part. The acting of the characters, they being some home folk, would make the old-timers sit up and take notice for they were there with and many other signs of preparations for a with- ii awai rapicuy when it becomes necessary are exhibited. is that The Stroke of Twelve" was a under international iw fnnsn nnnno .j . .. . I -"nw.cu. wu.y.vuuuo uwesa uiiu iHKes its place beside movies that cost thousands of dollas to produce. The leading lady was Miss Bessie Ricks., She showed histrionic abilitv right in the beginning and acted in a way to make a Veteran movie star en vious. She did "her part without an error and came in for merited applause from the large audience. Howard Hooker, who assumed the role of the " x x jr iuji . xne seizure Snain of nnp nf tha. n- interned in a Spanish port, while not11- Observation balloons have been nullpd hnolr -7 v v o hxicycu as a fact and is commended on as an act that will disclose whether Germany can avoid declaring warwn Spain. Officials here differentiate on the act of the United States in utilizing the vessels of neutrals for war pur poses, and the act of Spain, which is obviously an angry retaliatory meas ure against Germany, which may lead at any moment to a declaration of war. It was stated today by a diplomat 01 nit; mgnest rank that a number of ships which Spain may seize is beside the question. The main point is, (hat one has been seized. It is believed that there are mor than a hundrd valuable German ships in the Spanish pprts which may be seized, iS5"d.'; avenge any future Two Car Loads Horses a!td Utiles fat rt; Wini Allies Cross Vesle Rivr .rAJST"n.wfs, announced by the war office today that Allied detachments along the Vesle fronthave crossed the river at several points; e , .lncIind Americans are now in the western outskirts 01 Coucy Le Chateau. A American advance in the Noyon-Soissons region continues. More than fifteen hundred prisoners have been captured in this region. Rupprecht Has Gone To Front Says DispSfch WHO MUST REGISTER THURSDAY, SEPT. 12TII lover, was not l-nUn- w v 111 ai tx' "S ' ucKiuium- .Snn's FpuI Ool ,1 tt .1 o,. , . tion or vim mon v,,-c ck I1 auu unnge otawes All males IS years old and who are not 46 years old on Thursday, Septem ber 12th. If you were born before midnight on September 12th, 1900, you must reg ister. - ' If you were born- after inidnight on morning of Seotember I3th. 1872 j.- .c I - - - - - - ' - A Daily News ronnf.Hm nmst register When his sweetheart Ho-1 . . . . - I.Mr ,'ri v a fhi -i - . mnnrlwl nf w i v,. iouna uu mwuic a ouiuicr vai r- t LIBERTY WAREHOUSE Yesterday was a great day at the Liberty Warehouse for the tobacco farmer for those selling their tobacco on the floor of this warehouse received, as tney usually do, the very highest price and all went back to their re spective homes more than pleased. Not a single complaint has been heard from any source as -to the prices being re- Lceived at the Liberty. For years the Liberty has always stood in the fore front where both fair treatment and iigh prices prevail , and this season this old reliable Is holding its own-in this respect. The farmers could place their product on no better floor for sale than the Liberty. Bring this ware house your next-load of tobacco and see if you are not perfectly satisfied with the outcome. Prices are still cllmblne a nd- th has the - lead : in ; this' respect: Old Sellable jand bexJonvincedV the stroke of twelve he came to . the mark on time dressed in a uniform of Uncle Sam. His part was acted superbly. Miss Nancy King came in for a share of the applause which she justly de served, as did Miss Brownie Browne, who with Mr. Strasser, have been here for the past month getting up the pic ture. Miss Browne is a most clever little actress and last night she was received heartily by every one present. She looked jnore than attractive dressed in the national colors. The scenic effects of the production were everything that" could be desired and the picture taken-as a whole has Been highly complimented- "The Stroke of Twelve" is a catchy, attrac-L tive aad pleasing movie and every one in Greenville should not fail to see it tonight at White's Theatre. , SOUTH CAROLINA PRIMARIES COLUMBIA, -S C Nearly 100,000 votes have been reported in the race for, the Senate in the South Carolina primary. Nat B. Dial continues to maintain his majority over Cole L. Blease and I. ;F. Rice, Increasing his lead' over Mr. Blease to 22,903 . votes. The last report showed Mr. Dial 57,-Mr;- Blease 34,795, aild-Mr. Rice VYingate busy as a bee showing a large number of farmers his two car loads of horses and mules which have just arrived from western markets. Mr. Wingate has anything in horse and mule flesh from a Shetland pony to a 1,400 pound mule. No finer stock has ever been exhibited at any stable in Greenville and the prospective buyers are flocking to the Wingate stables eager to purchase "what they consider the best in the horse and mule line. Mr. Wingate personally 'selected this shipment , and he states that everv horse, and mule in his stables is sound as a dollar. Fpom outside appearances Lthey are beauties and must be seen to be appreciated. . Mr. Wingate has only recently re modeled his stables so as to afford every convenience for the housing of stockTand too the convenience of the. prospective buyer. No better arranged stables can be found anywhere. Every thing is neat and well appointed. Read what this enterprising firm has to say in this48sue. - - . .. You must give date of m year you were born, so forehand. . Men "who jarfifc in ine armyirjn mm (By United Press.) AMSTERDAM. A semi-official dis patch to ttheMunich announces that Prince Rurecht of Brlahas re- ifeflfflaaaSehff Sft fronts - ;5'J.5S YZ.' .JT ' &0jtrWiA;ehida time O. J. Itock, of Washington, was here this morning meeting his many friends. jt was. rtnn he wouhf be super- r:commaJKi-Dy a Jfrussian gep.- - - - -J - - - LfHt8. J. Walker and J.? H Watdrop, who'nave heen Visiting in the city for the past few days, left this morning for Camp Gordon, Ga. EVERYIMRE ON M FRONT N017 - - IS BEING BATTERED BY ALLIES f-H'Z H SLreBt'&t' Rocky t Moiait," ig In the city on. bnsiiress. : ' - ' - ' HIGH SALE BULLETIN - , OF STAR WAREHOUSE We are having more new customers on our floor than ever before; Read our ad, on page two in this issue showing some of our sales. , , n. We have, not the spaee ta publish them alL -Bring ur your tobaeeo.We will please jro. i"-rT 1 -i 1 x . l r r-K 4 (By War Expert Mellett. Y f ; ; Evidences are piling up that the Germans are retiring from Wytschaete and Messines ridges in Flanders between rYpres and;Arrnentiefes, which was the scene of the most deserateff ighting in the German drive of last April. .. - Everywhere on therf ront now is beins: battered by the Allies and the Germans are seeking- shelter behind the Hindenburg line. Notwithstanding:. the fact that the line itself is seriously broken the German Ihierh commahd is ? . 5' v' sacrificing thousands of precious man units in an : ; effort to reach it. ,-:r: 7- :::zZ -i-v ' This bids f aigj rVTk tcx uuj ui. wic . co tuna u . ; ; Wll ; TlUmDSr vJ ! -lit ' ) if! Mi: U n