' .. ' , ' v ,. 1 -i' .- ' - ' " ' i - - ; . . ; . . r - ' T v ! - r - XS9 " stS s... . . - f. " p- OMBOYS'BOBIESiljp WCeSAIlITAlifecaEOE TheWeatherRepdrt Fair .-r.d Continued CoH fo-' night and Thursday.; r;.. It T- . - - ,-w ft 1 I I 1 F .-Rull Tele g r a p. He ;Re p fc tKx if ;U V United Pr dss 2niIIioi VOLUME 11 Greenville, NC., Wednesday Afternoon, Novmber 6, 1918 NUMBER 12i4 . - : . : . r s r r 1 - - ; -"' " " " " ' " , " ' " " , ' . - V . . " " " : '7-r - I ,vL. . . : t , omplexioe of the Net Debbt oegress Is 9 o 9 Both a irt: j JiEPuBlJCAilS BUSIED DEEP; 9 AMERICANS CONTINUE ADVANCE AND CLEAREASTBANKOFMEUSE (By The United Press ) (Ky Tbe United Press) Majority Of Democrats In State Is 40,000 Washington With both parties claiming a close margin in the Senate but with the House ap parently Republican the political leaders here this afternoon scanned the returns from doubt-1 ful districts for a final decision, - :taJetgh-Eait 'returns in North It is admitted that there will be some contests Caroliua indicate, considering the large and that a recount will be necessary in many dis- ltTtvrto tvicts to determine the final results. " : the tjuited states senate of f. m. i Simuions .and the re-election of 10 T- , , . t-. i ttt i i democratic congressmen. In the 10th Boston Complete jeturns give David Walsh . district. the uiy dose nghting ground, Democratic candidate for United States senator ' Congressman leaver appears to lead a plurality of eighteen thousand nine hundred and ; ?niJrd XrS.'s"0 m?on. Demo- 'lht VOteS OVei" hiS OPPOnent WeekS. erat is elected over Claude Wheatley, . , Rejiublican. f1i t . rr,1 -p i i i ? j It is estimated that the Democratic Louis The Democratic leaders have retused r majority, even considering the at8ent to concede the Republican claims that Speaker v,jte wm reach 4w- Asneviue recent indications are that Congressman Zebulon Weaver will carry the 10th district by a majority of 400 to 500. James J. Britt, Repub lican, is falling behind In practically all precincts. Champ Clark has been defeated Joy xe-eleetion to Congress by Judge Dyer, Republican. Speaker Clark can be returned, they declare, on the receipt of the county .returns. The race is admittedly close. v New York Revised figures in the NewYork governorship fight showed with over five hundred districts outside of New York missing that Alfred R. Smith, Democrat, has a led of five thousand four hundred and twenty-two over Charles S. Whitman. Whitman's supporters, hovever, be lieve that he is elected. Milwaukee Former representative Victor L. Berger, socialist, is elected to congress from the fifth -Wisconsin district, by a plurality approxi of five thousand votes. Berger during his campaign bitterly opposed Amrica's entrance 'to the war. ' ' - , Detroit The heavy gains made by Henry Ford in the country in and around Detroit is rapidly eating up Newberry's upstate majority. The Ford managers claim that he will be elected bv from five to ten thousand majority. The New berry men claim he will be elected By twenty-five thousand. The Ford workers' say that their can didate is leading by nearly two thousand on their private count. WHAT THE QUARANTINE LAW RE- attend to the county quarantine of (H IRES OF THE CITIZENS OF i fleer within twenty-four hours. It re line miiKTV i Quires public school teachers to fol , . x j irvTw Hi riitoA and i-eemiauons sen. w. Know wnat, -s requueu uv, - , ( - . , nnnanlnth.o them to DFotect them and thel scliools in case of an uthreaK oi any wuu-gi- l)n you ."Ml l,y tW new I' i nquires parents or householders i" report every case of whooping cough, "iensu. diphtheria, small-pox, scarlet t'- v(.r. typhoid fever, infantile paraly- typhu.s fever, Asiatic cholera, bu- '"'iiic plaaue. yellow fever, eerebro- STRA Y ED BROWN J&sD WHITE spotted cow with both ears split, had rope halter on. Reward if finder wil lnotify W. L. Patrick. ll-6-6tc. tended. Counties reporting; many cases of contagions diseases are given credit for doing good work. It shows that the people are co-operating with the quar antine officer and are reporting all or a great many of their cases. It shows that they are interested in reducing illness and saving the lives of little children, and it means that there will be fewer deaths to report later on. The names and addresses of those having a contagious disease during the month of October, 191S, are printed be low. If you know of any other cases whose names do not appear below, such information gjven the quarantine officer will be appreciated andheld in strict confidence. It may be the means of saving a-life or keepiug down an epi demic. The following cases were reported : Diphtheria Furuey Gaskins, Grimes land ; Alma Gaskins, Grimesland ; Agnes Gaskins; Grimesland : Mary Gaskins, Grimesland ; Edmund Sraithu Chicod,. R. F. D. ; Gladys Smith. Chicod : Don Freeman, Grifton ; Rena Smith, Chicod : Gtwiwood Gaskins, Olivia Forbes,- "Greenville': Waddell Mills. Chicod . Baby' Hunsucker, Win terville: Leon A. Hardee. Greenville: Baby Dupree, jSreenville, Route 4: Leona Smith,-"Greenviile ; Ethie Cox, Winterville : Mary Cannon, Grifton, Route 1: (no name) Haddock, Vance- D. icnoon Tf rwniVres countv onar-; horo. K. r . antine officers tcTsend-to any parent, or Typhoid, Fever Lela B. Stancili Green guardian' in whose home a contagious J viile: f! Barrett, Farmville; LnlaBen disease and has been reported a yellow nett, Farmville : Alonza Cannon, Farm u 4.u-rama rtf thA disease ville: "Roberta Little. Pactolus : An- piacaru - . printed thereon with instructions- for j drew Yarrell, Be,the, R. F the placard on the iron oi ; xarreii, oetuei, ., . . (ThiCKen fox awreuw London The British have reached the main M tTZZtXTt Avay roai four miles and a half of twentj hvliundred or more. The Republicans were buried good and deep West OI MaUDeUge aCCOrdmg to diSTjatcheS re-- plate. Not only was a handsome majority rolled up for the ! CeiVeQ Irom Ivlarshal Haig ' ' fty ticket but for the state and congressional ticket. . " , Thpr. vvftrrt ahrf tvvf'ntv-epvpri tm-adritft r&Amnra.tin inf nnTlArl in ttut -wa,,.-, county and abl three burred Rimblicans. Tir.s siwwiii?: is a remarkable London The Americans COntinuinCT their ad-; Democratic county Senator SinMiiotis and Congressnfan Small ran ri'ght along with the county! one when me 'fekeaJnto consideration the conditions evicting. I Vance in thp MpiliP VPcrmn h'ora nlno fVi V; tk-keJ as .d .'d -Horton for solicitor and Judre F. liLooten-.fp'couiity j -"f"v cto ldi IIU Ul US lVllliy anQ nave paSSeQ De- judge, In in jford the e'ertion yesterday was a clean sweep for: the Demo-j Below i? piveft the vote at the respective p ecincts in the county excepting Beaver Dam and Chicod Every effort has been l-sae ell day to secure the returns from these M-r-n tr by the Daily New,, but vihrut success. ; yond Stonne less than nine miles south of Sedari Paris The French after As will be noticed the vote of the entire county tici et is not given but;---1'f j . --c ch to show the Dai'y ,vs readers what tie resutt was. The candidates , . ? UarCl 0t tlle retreating Germans i jv -ge of the the county court, co,ui ty solicitor, coroner , an mgnt renewed their attack on the whole front1 enou for ccunty commissioners surveyor, etc., ran along with the rest of the ti-ket. Yesterday was a g!oTicsn day for the Democrat" .3 boily totlay is ju'jliant over the outcome. lit county and every this morning the war office announces. Greenville Township. Pactolus Township. Clerk J. F. Harrington 672. W. J. Clerk Harrington 87. Chapman1 2. Chapman 1!). : Register of Deeds Gaskins 87. Register of Deeds J. C. Gaskins 671. Stancili 2. T. .7. Standi If). Slier iff E. R. Dudley 674. H. M. Stokes 15. Treasurer A. T. "Moore 672. r. S. Senator F. M. Simmons 669. Morehead 22. Congress John H. Small 664. Pugh 28. Fountain Township, Clerk Harrington 49. Chapman 8. Register of Deeds Gaskins 49. Stancil 8. Sheriff Dudley 49. Stokes 8. Treasurer Moore 49. V. S. Senator Simmons 50. More head 7. ' Congress Small 50. Pugh 7. Belvoir Township. Clerk -Harrington 53. Chapman 32. Register of Deeds Gaskins 54. Stancili 33. Sheriff Dudley 56. Smokes 28. Treasurer Moore 53. U. S. Senator Simmons 49. More head 30. Congress Small 43. Pugh 34. Carolina Township. Clerk -Harrington 141. Chapman 16. Itegister of Deeds Gaskins 141. Stan cili 17. Sheriff Dudley 145. Stokes 11. Treasurer Moore 141. U. S. Senator Simmons 132. More head 23. Congress Small 131. Pugh 18. Winterville Township. "'Clerk Harrington 217. Chapman 0. Register . of Deeds Gaskins 209. Stancili 8. Sheriff Dudley 179. Stokes 11. Treasurer Moore 207. U. S. Senator Simmons) 197. More head 9. . "Congress--Small 198. Pugh 11. STAR WAREHOUSE BULLETIN . ... . - - J instructions-for the ..treatment auu ri. .. troit. '"ni in. (ierman ! i"at 1 epidemic tonsillitus.) and chick 1 1 pox. oentrine in their hO-mesCtothe '-imty health ,r officer: rJtteaulresiatiaraBttae We had on our sale today nearly one quarter of a million pounds of tobacco which was the highest and most satisfactory we have ever had. The better grades of tobacco were Con siderably higher than at any time this year andv the common; grades were D, ; child ; much stronger than when the market i closed. . '. " V Dudley. We have second sale-. Thursday and Jos. Dudley: -GreenvtUe : first ale Friday. Bring us. -your, to- Sheriff Dudley 88. Stokes 1. Treasurer Moore 87. U. S. Senator Simmons 87. More head 2. Congress Small 88. Pugh 2. Falkland Township. Clerk Harrington 112. Chapman 4. Register Gaskins 112. Stancili 4. , Sheriff Dudley 112. Stokes 4. . Treasurer Moore 112. , U. S. Senator Simmons 112. More head 4. Congress Small 114. Pugh 4. I , Bethel Township. ' Clerk Harrington 151. C2:apman 79. Register of Deeds G :i:is 152. : Stancili 80. ! Sheriff Dudley 154. Stokes 78. i Treasurer Moore 152. U. S. Senator Simmons ISO. More- head 78. . Congress Small 149. Pugh 80. Ay den Township. ! Clerk Harrington 273. Chapman 86. I Register of Deeds Gaskins 268. j Stancili 89. j Shriiff Dudley 227. Stokes 112. Treasurer Moore 273. ! U. S. Senator Simmons 265. More- head 88. I CongrestK-Small 253. Pugh 90. ' Swift Creek Township, j Clark Harrington 91. Chapman 52. j Register of Deeds Gaskins 96. j Stancili 50. i Sheriff Dudley 96, Stokes 61. j Treasurer Moore 98. i U. S. Senator Simmons 98. More- head 52. Congress Small 100. Pugh 51. Farmville Township. - Clerk Harrington 305. Chapman 10. ; Register of Deeds--Gaskins 304. Stancili 10. Sheriff Dudley 304. Stokes 19. Treasurer Moore 304. , - TJ. S. Senator Simmons 304. More- head 10. Cdngress Small 304. Pugh 10.' KAISER MUSTACCEPTOftRFJECT RMISTICE WITH! ml DAYS (By The United Press) Washington Germany must accept or reiect armistice terms within five days after their receipt'" s tne oenei nere. . . r-l Washington The United St c tes srovern m p.tt fr -: notifies Rumania that her separate peace with the ' Central Powers will not predjudice her .interests at the peace table. - Secretary Lansing has written the Rumanians charge that the United States will exert its mflu ence towards the fulfillment of Rumania's iust C ambitions. Rumania is fearing that her rirhts-; will be overlooked and presented a memorandum -- -Li 1 1 .. -i ... - " ouummg ner aims ana suggesting tnat they be " recognized.. GERMANY APPOINTS GOfWTEtt L liyslcians to report evcry cas-iof these disease that -they' are calls 3" ii" on j to - - nv . t.iv. . . 1 h.fvir . ari CWP i -Pill tyIpiii-P rnnr'We .Irt thA nitient in "the house. The. Argent uumey; weenvjuf . xvuu wu-N - v - the patient, m "uu - : - , t - t t fc . W-heayyiBal-S" after .this officerls reqnanior p'jji rirrfT Trnx . a - ' t a . . I rrtrX the-narantwef iaw";anu,wa . iT- h -.-s.rJU-ttn "fnr which"' It '-was la-'1' fC. - Qtfaranttiifr-.OfSceF; : ( Adr 1st page. SHOW YOUR CARD, DOBBIN (By United Press. London Oct. 16.. By Mail.) Here after Old Dobbin is going to register and have a f ood card jnst ike., his master. The new rations law requires regis trations of horses. The daily ration is two-thirds hay an donethird Straw;. The quantity - varies . "accordingto wejght of - jthehQr,8e.: '-& - hearjL drayt anfnwti for nitance la 'vUovved-id pounda- a "day,,. J-- ' , 1- - -. - TO DEAL WITH ARMfSTICETERMS s (By The United Press . .'".;! Paris Germany is ' expected to indicate sooh; perhaps tomorrow whether she will ask Marshal toch tor the terms of armistice formulated at - Versailles conference is the belief expressed here;. The Germans it was said must answer yes or no immediately if the present conditions are not "to be made even more severe. Amsterdam The German govenimentliasr ap pointed a committee to deal with the armistice ne- ; gotiations according to reports received per. This . committee includes Admiral Von Hintzeformer foreign minister, Admiral Meures and Genevls Cruedell. and General Wmterf ell. - The government-has issued a proclamation uxgJ ing the peopl&to maintain order if they do wot wish to delay peace. The' proclamation rrecites that;reforms have been undertakertsince the new government waS:&rae pleftff uniteforran h6n6raWe peace;:- . 1 j