w v a. - " 1 i i r ill t i 1 ill J. 1' f-.JV: V m The Greenville Daily News J. CONRAD LANIER. President; J AS. L. MAYO, Secretary & Manager. . Altered at the rost oti;ee at Greenville. N. C, as second-class matter Jane 16. 1917. under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. inc. fuolumed every afternoon except Sunday by Green Tllle Publishing Co., I (Delivered by Carrier within specified sectiona ot the city or by mall) .'Jnbscrlptlon Rates: i Year $4.00. 3 Months fi.ou I Months $2.00. 1 Month 85c ( Hnbscrlntions Payable in Advance) aDscrlDera desiring the DaiJ News discontinued will please notlly offloc Jtherwise paper will be contnued at regular subscription rates. To Insure anient delivery, complaints hould be made promptly to tne Circulation De partment. No. 3j 5 Evans Street. Telephone No. ?U Thursday Afternoon, November 7, 1918 THE ELECTION Boches this fall offered to the people in some dis- tricts 01 r ranee xorxne coiiecuuii vi vv lilv&ij. nettle stalks, well dried and shorn of their leaves. It thus appears that the Germans are reverting to the old practice of making linen with nettle fibre. In the sixteenth century Oliver de Serres, lord of the Pradel in Vivarais, mentioned the use of net tle for the making of linen in a curious book of was used in the late Eighteenth Century for the same purpose at Angers, in the Dauphine, and in Tiflnpiipdnr. Until thp Rnphp nut rf Viig nopOBcihr hocfln nnpp mnr to mnkp iisp nf tnPQ wpprla n-P O " " ' " w VXX'WkJW VVVKJ WJ- the wayside, the old practice had been practically forgotten. The result of the election in Pitt county Tues - day ought to be gratifying to every citizen for it shows conclusively that the people still have con fidence in the way Democrats manage affairs. The voters spoke at the polls in a way not to be misun derstood and that they desired no change. The of ficers elect will take office on Jhe first Monday in December and they wlil enter upon their duties t t very best of the entire county. In North Carolina, as was to be expected, the Democrats rolled up a handsome majoritv and re turned to the senate of the United States, Hon. F M. Simmons and the probability is elected all ten congressmen. It would have indeed been a cal amity to the state if Snator Simmons had failed ui i -election ior no man m that august body wields more influence with both parties, and no man has never renrpspntpH fVn'o did more for the folks back home The citizens of ! "1C LC e to ue congratulated upon his re-election for another term of six years to the upper na tional house. In the nation thp rpti it , uiuivauc Li let L Hie Xvc- i- pubheans have made gains in both the senate and t "v T;,: A, UISatcnes going so far yesterday! w -i6 next house would be Republican i .,,1? eith,er party controlled the senate iti Yulu ue uy a ciose margin. If the Republicans do get control of the house and senate it will work bad for the country when at the head of the na tion they have placed a man whose every act since he became president has been for the betterment of mankind and the safety of Democracy. While the Democrats may be defeated in the national ?wti.a ndusenae' history will not erase the fact that they have done things, performed acts that have arrested the attention of the entire world. ,ivr .America today Belgium, and France would be m a sadder plight than they are. Amer ica with Wilson as its leader came to the rescue and today on f oreign soil over two million Amer icans are fighting with the Allies for the destruc-! tion of autocracy and the establishment of peace and accord throughout all the earth. America is the Good Samaritan that is binding up the i wounds of bleeding France and Belgium and giv-! i tT e utner nations sutlermg from the cruel hand of a Kaiser and the hellish principles he stands for. p f oS6fiwnwn d Pr of,Wils may be defeated ! tor a time, Wilson's hanHs mnv "h m t0 take Place of duty, but the ! .uO Uiuub paper can remember that the prin ciples of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic party enunciated since he entered the presiden 'tiS evf hnger and .abide in the hearts and minds of not only every true American but they will be quoted and told to the rising genera worid CUn and a" f the coun'tries of the elwi0n fa the people must take the result. We must not take a v. 4. forts to make the world free but go on until the' goal is accomplished. ' GEORGIA MANJASSED AT FRONT (By Delayed Cable from Chateau Thierry Front with American Forces iu France, )-The Rev. Daniel R. Kennedy, Jr., formerly of Savannah, Ga.. a Red Triangle worker, has been given honorary mention for having- dis played splendid coolness and bravery when gassed in a "Y" hut during a German attack in France. He is new recovering and has written back from the front: "I guess no one Is afraid to pay the price if necesw.- B Jr i iL :ina!iaiiuoiB!iiii!si!aiiiia!t!!nii!ia!iiia:ii!DiiraiiBaiisBffi!aiDiiB We Can Furnish Any Room CI hi NOTICE Advertisements In, this column are 1 per word per insertion cash, auieH yot have an account with tbegmper.. ICar J initial and figure count as wo-da. I'rt" ferred position 2c per word. Ail b!ri type double price. LOST.NON-SKID FIRESTONE AUTO tire. Return to Daily News and re ceive reward. ll-4-2tn. WANTED A MANAGER FOR A 14- horse farm iu Titt county, worked chiefly by tenants, raising tobacco, cotton and corn, two miles from splendid school and churches. A good opportunity and permanent po sition for the right man. P. O. Box No. 7, Washinirton. N. C. 10- ll-2tw-4we A NEW STYLE COAT FOR OLD style prices at Y. E. Touma's. 11- 6-2tc. White'sTomorrow Nirfii 1 I j BUSINESS EXCEPT CIRCUS GRAND OPERA f f" ? y Seats on Sale at White's Music Store. Prices 50c to $1.50. ..CARDS. OK. E. i SI'liM K Ilentlsl iblrd Floor. National Bank Building Phone 143 ADVE a. W. CAKTEKM. L. yetialist in Din ot tbe Eye, f. Swi and Throat, nd ti Fidnj Glasses. ittir Hh lr. A. M. fholtz. Nation Bank Building. EA'EKY MONDAY Phone ?1 in the Daily News BRINGS BEST RESULTS THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN .GREENVILLE Taf t& Vandky e mnimnninminamj RULES FOR MAILING CHRISTMAS PACKAGES Only one package may be sent to each man enclosed in a car toon furnished by the Red Cross The label issued to the soldier overseas by the army authorities, and forwarded by him to some relative or friend in this country v-iu entitle the holder to apply to the local Red Cross Organi zation for one carton. The car ton must be parked and delivered UN WRAPPED and UNLABLED to the Red Cross to be weighed, inspected, wrapped, labled and delivered to the postoffice. No package may weigh over three pounds. No writing may be enclosed. The sender must furnish pos tage to Hoboken, N. Y. Inspected parcels must remain in the custody of the Red Cross until delivered by its represen tatives to the Post Office. In the event of a label being lost it cannot be replaced. This rule cannot be altered by any body. No parcels may be mailed aft er Nov. 15th. Boes are now ready for delivery at the Red Cross room any morning from 10 to 12 o'clock. Any one who cannot fill the box may ask the Red Cross to fill it. l!H10lll!BlCmi!niBtirJBBiBI!l!Bl.IIBn BUY iimi SAVE MONEY ON YOUR SHOES AT Y. E. Touma's. ll-6-2tc. LAND CHEAP ON EASY TERMS l-5 acres self drained clay,, 50 cleared. House, tobacco bran, pub lic road, plenty wood and tiiuber. $32.50 per n ore. -'25 Acres, 60 cleared, perfect self drained on two sides, level clay and none better. Good house, water and road, timber, poles and wood on good road. 1100 Acres cleared, no water, land only needs work. Good investment. Address Farm Land, care News. oney o iLoa Long Time- Easy Terms iioy c llaiiHgu WS.S. u acmes man uiod wr tub , UNITED STATU GOWtMMENT. FOR SALE ONE FORD RUNABOUT One five passenger Ford. Both in Kood condition. H. M. Jenkins & Co., Washington, N. C. 10-2eod for 2wc. We Furnish The Home- GOOD CLOTHING AT MODERATE price. Y. E. Toutua. 11-6-2tc SAVE ALL YOUR CAN wearing apparel. See Y. 11-0 2lc. ON YOUR E. Toynia. FOR SALE ONE FARM CONTAIN- iiifr 60 acres more or less with 36 acres in high ?tate of cultivation, within six miles "of Greenville. Woods are nicely timbered. Within rea sonable distance of good school an.l church an.l R. F. D. route within fen steps of door. Good waler. Health can be no better anywhere in l'itt County. Two good dwellings two good tobacco barns - i wire fence around the whole farm.l M sell just the land or I will sell everything on the farm just as it stHuds. Any one wishing to buy it. it will be money for them to gtv this place. Write J. W.. care Geeinile Daily News. 10-22-lot) HOW CHEAPLY CAN YOU HEAT your home with Cole's Original Wood Heaters? Better ask it will sur prise you. 1 1-6-1 tcp STRAYED BROWN AND WHITE spotted cow with both ears split, had : rope halter on. Reward if finder1 wil inotify VV. I.. Patrick. j ll-6-6tc. RIGHT PRICES ON REASONABLE TERMS IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH There will be prayer meeting in ImmanueL Baptist Church tonight at 7 o'clock. QUIWN-MILLE THE WANTED : CAPABLE MAN TO TAKE charge of our branch bank at Grimes land, N. C. Good opportunity for the right man. Apply Greenville' Banking & Trust Crf.: Greenville EDISON ALMOST HUMAN X P1ITMA N, PROP AT HIGGS-TA FT FURNITURE JO. - ' 1 - I v 11Kf 214030- Ik. S90L501.1 0 - Annw U? 98 1 1 U - w m m mmr J V U II 1 1 J I M tl I) H If- Mr & S3 !V BiBIIRBjinB!llIBiaBlBlBI!I!BIIBaiBll 9immn)iiBwim-, I HA A h ATT A Mm... -if 4 d aWd scran t3 n- Not- and " PJ ' Days and bring us your The market fc RtiH ot mnrf - - , Friday Nov. 8th i.( . , uuus. Mwi(i - Bring us your tobacco. We will please you. Nov. 8th ut , ..rtuit-Kaay Nov. 13th Nov, 11th 2nd Sale Thursday u Nov. 12th 1st KIo i - Nov. 15th 2nd Sale -1st Sale va u kjajr i h i - r m-AK WAREHfbt IQH7 7iJT 7T77l IT XT r WTT" : - ' " - t ,. JB" mqqm r-i'': - s

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