1 -s. V - .-- .r -7 - '4 5 v- - - v ... ... ... ..... ;:. .-?tV ITfeeWeathcrRcport (fj -y u CARE OF THEIR HEARTS ME VOLUME II. F u 1 I T ele rR h f c nited Press i 2nd dii)h : : -or&fc.&t Armflstaiispitdi fc liip I Wmi, li II HDIIM iMIIHu $11 Willi n A llfi 11 n nn sii Aim umm ww NUMBER 126 " " 'i United Press 01 Tro ice M M(B ELECTION TUESDAY WAS UNUSUAL SAYS Di. COUMTY CH fi EVERETT ! i (Bj The United PTesa) Paris 1:36 P. M. The German delegates ar rived at Marshal Foch's headquarters and it is reported positively that they have asked for arm istice. The text of the Allies' conditions were read t . J- rett. the chairman of the and complained lei dMfU iui liic niimccilcttc JsUSpeilblUIl Ul arillS tt county Democratic executive com- schools which was retused. The Germans it is stated lt,mee- was asked for aD exvressi 1 -U tij-i i tnls morning on Tuesday's election have seventy-two hours m which to make a reply, and what he has to say is mtentuig m- I deed and should be read with interest. Brest, France Rear Admiral Wilson of the Mwwe ZV of ,h" , M , tt v 1 - 1 t t a .1 u neu vve think of the absorbing in- unitea states JNavy, commander 01 the American 1 terest of the war and the campaign for forces in French waters made the following state". Liberty Loan and United Wftr Work Wnf fUTTU r. . . combined with the epidemic, the elec- unxyi u:cumtcu ricaa,'-- - ' ' ttMTOear wasinnjisimt: ''Tl that had more now than the children could nttemd. In Pactdlus township not a single vote was oast -against the amend ments. It is the square traits of Pitt county Democrats that although they had a bitter contest in the 'irimary when they face the enemy. th Republicans, in the General November Election, there is no dissension fa$A they stand uel o .' Ififelr vi&eudit&ri 'the tatement of the United: Press1 relative to vetf quiet and aimost.entireiy one wafpaTty atAiiotiiiitiAi Wherever we have an active j ing the handicap of no campaigning, party organization in the townships fJin:-;;-.,,- -P .,v,;4-; 4?. ' There was an excellent vote consider-, fortune wilJLf nn a DablS Ol Wfiai app.eareu tO Ue OlllCiai that is public speaking, and the deli- you will find a proportionately large cUlthoi'itativG information - ate situation iu discussing local and Democratic vote with the exception of y ... . 1 " . . - jj 'i. J T national issues when we were entirely Bethel township where they have an ) am m a pOSltlOn tO KnOW that tile United irreSS absorbed in international frairs. The active organization but are faced with Slid itS representative acted in perfect g"OOd faith TOte was entirely of a volunteer na- the strongest of the Republican or- inrl tlmt Vl. mw,n,v.rt 11,,,'ture, no pressure and no influence ganiza Hons in the county in addition ana tnat the premature announcement was the wa8 brought to bear, no citei,ent and t0 tne hop oS a visit from leSUlt Of an error for Which in nO Wise WaSthe no local issues, and so far as any one the Republican candidate for Senate United PreSS l'eSDOnsible 11 i knew iui money was expended in ai, d-' wh spent some time in that section. ' ing conveyances and little for .ad r- The working of the executive committee - tising. .ew Y(,vk Yesterday's announcement of the sig-iiir r f t ic armistice between Germany and About three thousand cast in Pitt county. and 2t K) - Dein ocr a tic was made easy by the activity of the votes wjere nominees of 'the party with the co- 400 Republican Gives Out A tatement (By United Press.) New York In view of the British and French official statments showing continued fighting on the Western front the United Press has issued the following statement from its general oflicse here. Our cablegram received from Paris at noon yesterday was signed by Boy W. Howard president of the United Press and William P. Simms, manager of the Paris Bureau. The reported signing by the Allies and Germany of the armistice was written in plain Eng lish and not susceptible to any mis contruction as received at this office. No censor could have any doubt as to Three American Airmen Arrive In London A iter Escaping From Germany (By The United Press! Rome, Nov. 7th, 1:55 p. m On the West front the Italian second army has been participating in the offensive since November fourth the war office announces. Rome Italian troops have landed at Pola on the Austrian peninsula it is officially announced. King Victor Emmanuel has promoted General Diaz, commander in chief of the Italian armies to a full general and Admiral Direval to admiral of the fleet. . - London, 11:30 a. m. There was sharp fighting yesterday evening in the neighborhood of Ecali bes and Limon Fountain south of Hautmont ac cording to dispatches just received from Field its plain meaning.. After the rceipt of j Marshal Haig. These villages were captured to- the second message reporting the ceie-: rethev with a number of prisoners. Qur advance oration in lirest ue received no furth-s . -, , ., - Z JTr , , er ivord from Mr. Howard or Mr. extended soutn oi ivions ivionde canal. Sinims although messages were dis patched to them as early as 1 p. m. yesterday. It is absolutely inconceiv able that Howard did not file further dispatches. Our only possible condu- ision MMm jrrLz of . hia message- were held bt by the' censor. Inviiga?-on 0. ifce matter tsnow proceeding rind we e?iect it to"T)e cleared up w it bin a short time. ley City School Will Re-Open Oa Next Monday Paris Our progress was renewed this morning the French war office announces. Our advanced elements reached Liart thirty kilometers north of RethelV Further onHe ight wehad"takeii Fre nois this morning before daylight and had pene trated the outskirts of Sedan. " -Prisoners yester- ! day number over fifteen hundred and the material : captured was considerably increased. London Three American aviators have ar rived here after having escaped from Germany. They made their way to Holland after a thrilling twenty-four day hike through occupiecL-Belgium. The men tramped at night and slept-in the day TT IV UClUItJ xo oouiv, uxx t . Farmville 10 in Chicod 6 vlge from Roy Howard WaS delivered I Falkland 4, Pactolus 2, and in Beaver the A J lies was made Dfiblic bv Admiral Wilson at. majority about 2200. The largest Re- Brest and filed with the United Press with the Ad- publiean r06 st ? fyden Bethel 1. . . . j Belvoir and Swift Creek townships. In mirai s approval. This information was received ; Greenviiie township omy 19 straight by the Uniud Press in a cablegram from Roy W J bubiiean tickets were cast, in wm- rTnu'.nvl vi? Ai il 4wrt terville town? hip there were 11 Repubi- Mvuiu Miuiuv ueioie noon. uie &cmic umc another messj StnhY.o- rh.n1- A A r Ar -f Vi 5 nnnnnnPD- D.ini township not a single Republi- v..., i:,tu Tuniu cxi V noun inauu t-ii annvunw T , . . can vote was cast. mont at rirest at four o clock p. m. drench time; There was good work for and no ac- but later lie notified it -was not confirmable. This'vc or effective opposition to the con- lotn-. hi i i tt J ! stitutional amendments. In Greenville 'l CM nirssatrp filpH hr Hnwnvfl (ild not SnOW in . , ,. r-.- v t , w - TOWnsnin oni.v six vuies were rasi against the six months school amend ment and these were practically the in fluence of practically two men, o;.e of whom has a family of seven children form in which was HplivprprL whether sen; vester- day or how long it was held up. Howard's cablegram clearly showed that Ad miral Wilson acted in good faith stating that he supposo-d the announcement was official therefore ?ave his approval to the filing of the message Iry ike United Press in New York. Pai . Nov. 7th. 10 d. m. A white flag tonight v'as spread across the Eor'ovard map which here- tr'iore has been showing the daily advance by the i movement of flags. Cheering crowds gathered j? hwt of the newspaper offices and automobile te'hts and street lamps were bodly shown. "Oh! Baby" Here Tonight Also On Tomorrow The attraction at White's Theatre this evening will be "Oh! Baby" and judging by the advance sale of seats a capacity house will greet this popu lar company. This is their first ap pearance in Greenville. Thfc press wherever it has shown ha"s not failed operation of the local machinery. The novel feature of the election was i the absentee vote. About four hundred ; of these votes were cast In this county, ! three-fourths of which were soldier j votes, and all of them except three : were Democratic. These three were : prepared amd filed before leaving home j and therefore under local influence. The boys in France are fighting for a world wide democracy and they feel that the administration is its greatest After having been closed for five , weeks on account of the eDidemic of i Spanish Influenza the Greenville Public jtime except when they were in Brussels. Schools will re-open next Monday. The schools had just gotten well organized for what appeared to be the beginning of a most suecf-sful session when the closing order came. Everybody recog nizes that the long period of closing i was a thing entirely beyond the control ! of any one and that it was the only ; thing to do in keeping with the welfare i of the public health. The strong efforts ; for a good school year will all be re-) UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN PLANS STILL BEING PUSHED npfivp ncenv Onlv three Pttntes in . ... . . next Monday ani It is likely that when the Limon have provided for absent J voting, and our state is one of them. Southern Democrats have felt oartv responsibility, that the South was the have appeared. cAnvfp tf utronirl H fnr the nartv nnil , , ... , . , i gested bv the County Board of Health they have carried their burden across, . , , , . n , -vtv, rv, i will be observed by all teachers to pre- especially is this true m North Oaro-! . .T . . , , . vent any new outbreak of the Influ lina where we have National leaders. , , - ... . , k enza in the Schools. Whenever any While it appears that Congress will b$. - . . , 1 ctrmnf nine vf eib-rioae rp Bnnwn nV Republican, amd it It unfortunate that - 1. C i it ... , . . . the pupils they will be sen? home lm- the President could not have a Con-. f y w .,T . . . .mcdiatly and the parents will of course j gress of his own party during hla ad-; ... ,. . w ..Kvt o,o. v.o appreciate uie spirit, m wmtu sulu ad ministration but public sentiment has 1 1 the year ends the unfortunate effects of the long closing period will largely The strictest sort of caution sug- to be in motion and it is ominous of a National Democratic victory in 1920. CASUALTY LIST The management has been prevailed P.-i O.rA . -n 4--v.lmna VmoAoA "hv "to commend it most highly. "iiL !i;is lirzberffer were at uenerai rocii & iicdu-upon to romD ovei in Greenviiie to- 'mailers late last night. iui if ..... .. r itAiir I nisirii a m am Banna m m m n m m b . j - Wnl r I rKn' uN MVY I.YmlW sgvft vt t-iii inn 1 1 1 v w -- FLAGCERS I morrow and tomorrow night and they have kindly consented. Mr. Marcus, the owner of this high class show promises quite an attractive bill tor both matinee tomorrow afternoon and -tomorrow night. The company on to morrow afternoon and tomorrow night wiH present a double bill, "Pretty But terfly" and Charming Widow." The Fashion show will be given especially for the ladies. This stunt will give the ladies of Greenville some conception (By The United Jress M ' f a mP fashion for the season. Latest The German-revolution 'northeast or niensourg. ST".' . ;.7l. ei betwe'en the latter city and luei is sam , aesigua - it has no doubt I xne auraissiou n luanucc wr The news- morrow aiternoon wm ue gcuucuieu HANDS OF RED "1" Illl.iu'i 1 " " ' " 'I lias spread into Meck Sriiwcrein and East Prussia " i-'liiij- across practically the 11 '"-in portion paper Polltlken says, fo have ben destroyed. of the empire, that the majority in the Reichstag will 75 c, Hit,) ' -f !; volt. 75 cents, ladies oo cents ana cmiaren ' Vi r rraiaa hdIition which 25 cents to all parts oi me nouse. oe that the cities or uemauu iu-. , 4 i ,., j nr- trvmnrrow. ! fSlire anu See J : Diiuy luuigm- uu ucr, ucfc '--' muj.hi Mecklenburg, Hwehwerln , may oe. e - - . Butterfly" tomorrow afternoon Ison. N. C '.no of the-pnncipal cltlesi The whoueao -morrow. nlgM. You -ill tni n.-sia had loined in the .re- 4 be .-Intne i evolutionist n ii .. . S - ,,u' ' Sonextmrg Morning Lrst. Killed in action, 111. Did of accident, 2. Died of disease, 252. Wounded degree - undetermlnd, 111. Missing in action, 63. " , Total. 540. r Afternoon List. killed in action, 48. " - ? Died of. disease, 57. . , Wounded severely, 37. Wounded slightly, 132. Missing in action, 269. Total, 543. Killed In action. David H. Boyd, Pinteown, N. C. ; B. A. Anderson, In gold, N. C; William C. Honeycutt, Huntley, N. C; James E. Jethro, Mackeys, N. C. ; Simon S GrifiFon, Wll llamston, N -C. ; Samuel C. Hart, Modresville. N. C. : Willie Walston, Stansburgj. N. C. ; Vernon Wayson, Monroe, N. C. Wounded severely. Colon Melvln, Elkton N. C. Wounded slightly, Silas R. Hensley, County headquarters of the United ministry of these- organizations which doubled when the session is resumed War Work Campaign in Pitt County have taught and demonstrated the is going ahead with the plans for next moral and spiritual values of the war. week's drive with renewed vigor in "If peace is at hand there will of the light of the peace rumors that are necessity be a period of two years and Afloat. They claim that there is all - more when our armies will have to do the more need now for immediate ac- police work in Europe and finish their tiou to make absolutely sure that the work of demobilization. This will be a seven organizations working for the time when men will be subjected to comfort and happiness of fiSPboys are temptartons and to Influences which not hampered for lack of funds In are neglible during the war. It will the testing time that Is sure to come "be a time when our men will need when peace is actually declared. more than the ministry of the organi- Mr. Theodc"1 Patrick, of the state zations i- the United War Work Cam headquarters .ti Durham, is spending paign. the day in the city. When interviewed 're nave builded well in these few on the situation, Mr. Partrick said : . months which have been given over "Whether peace comes today or next to preparation and to actual fighting, summer, the work of the seven organi- We must at all hazards preserve the zations In the drive for funds will go moral and spiritual fruits of our vie forward. The outstanding feature of tory. cation and health of the pupils may be the war work of the army Y. M. C. A. "I hope that every man and woman thorougholy safe-guarded. and allied organizations has been the in Pitt County will contribute liberally i i building up of the morale of our troops, and sacrif icedly to this campaign. FOR SALE 17 ACRES LAND AD- The fact that we have the best army , Let this be a great thanksgiving joining town of Greenville. T. R. that has ever fought under any flag is ( service for the boys who have been tion is taken and will co-operate to the fullest extent. There are no over crowded conditions and all the rooms in the school buildings are well ven tiliated and It is believd that If ordin ; ary precaution is taken both- the edu- Moore. 11-2-lmp due in a large measure to the splendid ' fighting and won the victory for us.! Missing in action, William- A. Davis, AN tivsrted C -JmaIMwieiiat . - xeou not, willing to give com- PAGE. x'r ' thirteen miles ircomparatiriy peaceful, - . u u ' ". i--r - -1 ' - : Tr-V, - :t., 'f w l , Should the war end today, the need for welfare work in Europe would be. all the more patent. It would require at least eighteen months to get thfii boys back home, and then again the( period of policing Europe may be pro-: longed for even longer than a year and a half. When activities cease over . there the work of the welfare organi-, zations wfll be largely increased, and. the task of caring for the boys when; the excitement of war has disappeared 11 1 4-t,. . --l-.f1.- 4-V. n rt An. 1 win greater iu c yQu mnselfl8Wy inveStimr where gaged and keyed uP to the point of j wm jqu tnftrot-tincr hoir riven fttmfctTtR. - 1 .. " " out and help others Jrieip oy conrriDuyng 10 me luucu War -Work Fund. Be Patriotic And Prove It By Doing Your Bit Are you patriotic? Are you giving anything for your country? Mind you, giving, not tend- pltely, generously, andT unstintlngly of your money so that others, your boys, your friends and the boys of your ' friends, may have some comforts? j Are you not ready to put this money ! into the hands that will carry it to j the boys? - - i, - - - ! -The United WaV Work Coinpaigu- gives you the opportunity to prove your patriotism. , i ing; tions, Oconalufty, N. C. Speed, N. C; Norman B. Lee, Cole- McKh I COMPTROLLER CALLS FOR BANK REPORTS Washimton Th Comptroller of the r Currency has Issued a call' for a re-' . . , ISiJ-. Vnflnnol a T,Vor Are you willing for others to give port on iue wuuiuu w their lives for you while you enjoy , at the close of business Friday, No- all of. you rcomforts, and sit back count-, vember first. ing tie income you will have in your . T-vI -a . jj . TTT1AM. T UnnoA I T?t o tVI-Ck rIrf (T D ' ! RECORD FOR BOTH FOUNDS AND Arc you truly patriotic if you give 'AVERAGE MADE THURSDAY, fEBv THE ADVKTlBKil!- -U . Ui , it i t j 1. 9 1- ml

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