" 7 ' i IheWeatherReport bYiierally Tuesday. Fair Tonight and Full Tel eg r aph ic Rep or it so f the United Press 4 SiiPil2ilwli . VOLUME II. Greenville, N. Monday Afternop December:, 1918 Peace Deleg NUMBER 151 ates of A The Powers Expected. Paris Im Week .Reacfe (By The United Press) " J Aboard Liner George Washing a President1 Wilson has given no indication of his views con cerning the disposition of the former Kaiser but he is expected to be consulted by the international law experts in regard to his views. In view of the fact that the British officials favor placing the Kaiser on trial the President's attitude may be most important. HERE WEDNESDAY Paris The Peace delegates of all the powers are expected to reach Paris by the end of the week. v ' The date of the opening of the inter-allied pre liminary conference however, will not be set until after President Wilson arrives. 2SSL t 0 London Phillip Scheidman member of the. present German government has declared in an interview with the Berlin correspondent of a Lon don newspaper that Germany will have six dele gates to the peace conference and that they will be backed by the NaJiprx&X Assembly. PRESIDENT WILSON'S CHRISTMAS RED CROSS ROLICALL I.IESSAGE UlJJLl3 WAR DEP7 WILL ASK CONGRESS TO AUTHORIZE PEACfTANOlNG i - d " . AMERICAN TROOPS ARRIVE IN COBLENZ AT REQUEST OF THE 'T IT IS Arthur Burgess, leading comedian in the big musieal comedy sensation, "The Million Dollar Doll" at White's Thea tre, Wednesday December, 11th. HUN GOV ANNOUNCED Rev. W. Patten Closes First Year As Pastor over u thousand dollars has been st aside for the erection of Sunday School rooms. The work of Mr. Patten has been of ; THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON. i. . NOVEMBER 26TH, 1918. TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: One year ago twenty -two million Americans, by enrolling as members of ! the Red Cross at Christmas time, sent to the -men who were fighting our bat- ro worsens a MiHwimuig uKsage 01 cneer ana gooa win. 'iney maae w (gy Txn United Press) clear that our people were of their own free choice united with their govern-' . ment in the deteniilnation not only to wage war with the instruments of destruc-; Washington -The War Department will SOOH v tion, but also by eyery means in their power to repair the ravages of the in- ask CongTeSS to authorize the Peace time StancU vader and sustaui and renew the spirit of the army and of the homes which , -, , , -i it it 7 they represented. The friends of the American Red Cross in Italy, Belgium, m the army.tO be One halt million men aCCOrd and France have told, and will tell again, the story of how the Red Cross in g" to the present planS. workers restored morale in the hospitals, in the camps, and at the canton- rrvi DeDartment does not OOTltemnlatP rPPOm ments, and we ought to be very proud that we have been permitted to be of j. ""WIJ UOtJb IIOL CUIlCeilipid-te reCOm- scrvice to those whbp sufferings and whose giory are the heritage of hu- mending universal training. These are the two manitJ- outstanding features of the departmental reor- Now, by God's grace, the Red Cross Christmas message of 191 is to be a j. l ji mi i ji message of peace as well as a message of good will. But peace does ailii0atlulA JJictiio ct& Uiey Will &UUI1 UC tdllieu UtJ- uot mean that we fold our hands. It means further sacriBce. Our mem- lore tne XlOUSe military COmmit tee, it WaS leamed bership must hold together and l increased for the great tasks to come. We f rQm S0Urces Cl0Se to both Secretary Of War Baker must prove conclusively to an attentive world that America is permanently , , . j Ci. fl! P ' 1 TVT l aroused to the needs of the new era, our old indifference gone forever. dllU Vlliei U OLclll VJCllClctl lVlcllUll. The exact nature of the future service of the Red Cross will depend upon the program of the associated governments, but there is immediate need to- WaoViinrrfnn TVia Qorvofo PAmmiffoa frloTr day for even heartening word and for every helpful service. We must not Ml,i.U6 . . . Z, V forget thst our soldiers and our sailors are still under orders and still have SUmed its investigation Of the German prOpa dutis to perforin of the highest - consequence, and that the Red Cross mem- gffmda bership means a great deal to them.. The people of the saddened lands, morover. tttUu . 4-A A T rehirring homo today where there are no homes must have the assurance that v 1111 ,1U1 wlCI. CAyuauica CApctlCU LLVLli ry. 131 uC the iiearts of our 'peole are with them in the dark and doubtful days ahead. Dielaski, the Department of Justice hints that Let us, so far as we ran. help them back to faith in mercy and in future hap- army intelligence officers may disclose Startling ' as president of the Kcd ws, conscious in this great hour of the value secrets as to the schemes used by the German of sufh a message from the American peopJe, I shoHld be glad if every Amer .aSTentS tO 2fain the SUPPOrt and Sympathy of Amer-" i,an would join the lied Cross for 1919 aiul thus send M fl t t fl t() Merest fpj nily the Chr'stmas greeting for which its waits and for which it stands m 1 l " - -. 17 the greatest need. - in the hearing. WOODROW WILSON. Sheriff Dudley Captures First Whiskey Stfll Let's Helgilake Soldier Boys' Happy Xmas The Jarvis Memorial church has just ; finished its first year under the pas (By Webb Miller) jtorate of Rev. Walter Patten. Thb 1 Tv,if Di.noci Q-J-oflP Pv.Wnr.rlf , has been a most successful year for the A I church. Many members have been Ihe American troops are in Coblenz. A smairaikUHl ;he chuh- "r rWo- l,n so,Hl shai,e- of lts obligatmus uv.LaLiiuicilL ctt tilt; I tJU UCSl Ul Llie Jreilllclll aUlIlUl l-. have been met in full and a fund of ties went ahead of the main body of the third army for the immediate occupation of the important Rhine city. ,si i'ol fvoin dvrl io rlno fr qwhtq: ver-V high order. He has been quite t , , helpful to our people at all times and especially during the Epidemic of In fluenza. His work was untiring for all who needed his help. We hope republican Cjruam were ordered under arms last him to this charge. He has made a night in Berlin to quell the rioting there according ' most enviable place f?r him"Glf in the lu uispatcnes receivea nere irom tnat; cii. PILLAGING STILL G0II1ING Sheriff Ernest Dudley pounced down ! I have just received the following upon his first '"Monkey Rum" still letter from -Mrs. Buckner, General Sec- "Saturday night and as a result of his!retary of North Carolina Baraca efforts. he now has three negroes injPhilathea Union, and am publishing jail and an up-to-date 60-gallon still; same feeling that there is in the city (By The United Press )r all complete, safety locked up in the' classes and individuals who will want T1-fcrrl jail. ia part in making this entertainment JliljlliJvl Saturday night Sheriff Dudle.v ac-: for our soldiers at these hospitals a Pqvici P.rlrippllnr "RViPrt.'cj crn Vm TY PTI t IS brinC- coiupanied hv Deputy Sheriff B. F. success. Any one who would like to , , -r np-j. lrtW1r,'U Buck, Constable A. J. Jackson and ' o.-ke a contribution of anv of tnejmg neW trOOpS mtO Berlin Ul an. effort tO CHlSh Russell Corbetr went to three and a r things asked for. or would like to give; the mOVement Which nOV Spreads thrOUghOUt the half miles below Pactolus and locatel oney to help in 'this. I will be glad jjqJj SUbUS aCCOrdmg tO information re tlu: above still. They had no difQ.-ulty to receive same and send it to thei . . . . . . . , -i j. , i in finding the plant and when dte- vi.id aodiud jennie congleton ! ceived here. Pillaging is continuing the Qispatcn covered it was doing duty to its fullest! at Cablenz at noon. Copenhagen Ten thousand members of the Among them it is said is Lenine. It is not known whether this is Premier Lenine of Russia or not. Y. W:C. A. Services At E. C. T. T. School Much Enjoyed. Mi Sallie Joyner Davis conducted; " V. V. c. A., services at the. Train-j Over 6 Hundred National Guard Officers Removed (By United Press.) Washington Over six hundred na- School on Sunday evening. She tional guard officers have been re several war poems read by mem-j moved from the service after the effi '" is df the Senior Class.' .These poems j ciency board had examined them the the exception xf two were written military bureau's annual report shows. ''V the soldiers themselves making ,tl(,"i very effective. v Miss Davis explained each before it w':s read: one big thought ran through "f them ; that is, that-thif war hais liuiiie the yound men realize ttft ;"'i r all. death is not so bad ; they had '""isc to turn from worldly things, and '""' into tli face of God. '''lie poems were as follows : "The Song." hy Miss Ina McGlohon. What Did You See Out. There My read i,v Miss Vera Bennett. "A :inve in Flanders," Miss Eliza ''"'li Wapstaff. ' Ve That Have Faith," .Miss Alice I'-i:ike. "A ii old Time Melody," by Miss ''iMi Whitfield. . " . j it. I " V. S. Who Died ia Battle.". 1'iayer of a Soldier in France," by M's Blanche Kilpatrick. ' - Died Early Today ( By United Press. Richmond Information has been re ceived here announcing the death early this morning of J. Paul Stephens, gen eral "mnaager of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway at Covington, Ky., fol lowing an attack of influenza. - Mr. Stephens was forty years old Land wasa son 01 uwrgt; owryucuo, fht Chesaneake and erai uiaun1 1 1 Ohio! Annual Music Recital E. C. T. T. School Tonight The annual musical recital will take place at the East Carolina Teachers .Training School this evening at 8r30 o'clock. Everybody .in Greenville has a most cordial invitation to attend. For years these recitals-by the stu dents have been more thnti attractive and those attending have always been benefitted and highly entertained. Those who contemplate being- present this evening have quite a treat in store for them. The program for this even inffis said to be one of the very best yet .presented. capacity. There were four men at the Christmas Trees For Sick Soldier Boys still at the time the ofheeis arrived., At Aralea and WaynesvUle Hospitals When seeing that they were discovered , they immediately boarded the gravel train and endeavored to make a get away. The officers captured two on the spot, they being William Langley and Fonnie Brown, both colored. The two others succeeded in getting away but the sheriff recognized them and so last night he went to the home of Jim . aud jg Price and brought him to jail. The other distiller is still at large. North Carolina Baracas and Phila theas have been honored with the re quest to open the new Y. M. C. A. House now nearly complete at Azelea Hospital Christmas night. A Christ mas tree with presents for 400 men will be provided with ice cream,. cakes An appropriate program of songs, music and recitations will be triven. too. in a measure make up for The officers not only captured the the absence f rum home and loved ones still which was of 60-gallon capacity at Christmas-tide. but six gallons of rum. About 150 gal- Fm. tne gake of the bQyg awfly from Ions of beer was poured out. home mother aud loved one8 for tne j sake of the mother, "home and loved ! ones, and for the sake of Baraca- Phil i athea. to which this event fs a signal honor and privilege, we know, you will be glad to help make this entertain ment a big success. Please send us candy, nuts, fruits, cakes or small articles which boys awav from home will appreciate, and Red X Workers Meeting Called For Wednesday ir savs especially in the most populous quarters. One confused dispatch received here from Ber lin declares that Karl Liebknichts followers have organized a revolution throughout Germany. The Reichstag building is reported to have been taken. The trouble appears to have spread-to Munich and Pilsen. Bloody riots continue. Washington According to information from abroad the Allies may enter Berlin because of , the disorders there and because these disorders fails apparently to take into consideration no such pro vision contained in the armistice, officials pointed out. - SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS " ' Appeals To South To Respond World Cry For Food The meeting of the workers in the Christmas Red Cross oll Call to be held at the Courthouse on Wednesday afternoon at 2t30, will be a most in teresting and profitable meeting. No worker ban afford to miss it. V: " Plans will be completed for putting on a -whirlwind campaign for "Uni versal Membership" in the Red Cross. The need for the work is as great as -ever, though the nature of the work has changed. Chairman J. B. James is working night and day getting things in shape for the drive. Pitt county is going to keep up its record fpr doing whatever it is called on to do. (By United Press) RAISED $96.30 money. The money will be used, for the purchase of refreshments and pres ents for the boys. Gifts will be provided by the North Carolina Baracas and Philatheas to the boys at both Azelea and Waynesville 1600 of them away from home and mother. Think what thig will mean to the boys who are sick and away from nome! Dr. Jockson and Mr. Beckett of the Y. M. C. A. at these places have stated that no one can possibly realize the great good that has-been done Abd the pleasure given by the Baraca and Philathea classes of North Carolina and the state Office, at Azalea, Waynes ville and Kenilworth Hospitals. Most Exclusive Dances Going On In The Capital SHELTON MOORE DEAD (By United Press) Washington The most exclusive dances in the national capital are now being held at "the Walter Reed Soldier's Hospital. 1 " Only men who have left the army with a hand or foot In France are eilgible. A mere uniform is useless as a badge of admission and ftoeial standing counts .as nothing. WILLIAMS SINGERS COMING A Basket Party was held as Mason's sary to make a success of this Christ School House Friday night. Miss Jen- mas tree and Christmas entertainment. RoiHmnr-. An anneal is made to the' nie Sandlin was voted the most popu South to respond to the world cryfor lar young lady and Miss Ada Thomp- and ask your friends if they will help food bv Charles L. Pack, president of , son the best looking. In all probability the famous colored Williams Singers who delighted the large audience that heard them in the ni. ,..-iwf rr tz-411 efner Please send your contributions at once ; court nouse nere. u.m syg . har Mfrain nn the aim insi. ah ci- The prizes were in this most deserving cause. Send all the National War Garden Commission , a. box of candy presented to Miss Sand- contributions plainly marked to Mrs. in an address to the members of the j lin and a frttit cake to Miss'Wompson. N; Buckner, General Secretary. Ashe Southem CommerciaCongrSvin ses-! The. snug sum of $96.30 wfealized ville, N. C. and help fcake a happy fnAaxr ror tne oenenc oi. lue svuvui. i.urisuuaa iui iuc svuhci "'j sion here today. fort is now being made to secure them for this date. Their entertainment was one of the best ever given in this city and if they do return they will be given a packed house. . ' - - ' - - yfs'ews was received "in the city this morning announcing the deatl- of Mr. Shelton Moore age 18 years, son of Mrs. E. B. Moore, at his home in Wash ington this morning at seven o'clock. For the past several months the de-" ceased had been a sufferer from can cer of the throat. He was a nephew of Mrs. R. M. Hearne and Miss Bettie Warren of this city. Mr, O. E. War ren of Wilson, his uncle an4jf.MJ Bettie Warren leave this afternoon for. Washington to attend the funeral which will be held, in ttafewn to morrow morning at. 11 b'clocfe b the -Rev. D. H. Tuttle, pastor of the First Methodist Church. ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Olivera Cox of Winterville,- a daughter of Dr. B. T. Cox'r has ac cepted a position with the H. A. White Insurance Co. She will make her home here with Mr. and Mrg.v O. H.i Cox,: She has the best wishes of he friends. Lieut. Herbert G. Waldrpp ha re turned home to the delight of bis .many .... -i: f.i 4. tar

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