I - 1 """"" "ii",'',nHiiiiM?'Miiil,liiiiiii,tnMiiniii,,M.,,n,;;...;;:: Condensed Statement of Condition of Th reenvflle -Banking & Trast Co. e - 1-rKJit.lN VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSR OF RTTQTArFvQ ttt nr avt "d T7 t a , asxssssssa RESOURCES i,oans arid Discounts . $1,079,272.53 Overdrafts . . 21,240.93 btocks and Bonds . A 197;780 00 Building Acct. Fyfr. and FiA 47,017.55 Cash and Due pom Banks 314,987.39 lOtal . . I 1 fifiO 9QQ AC J. O. PROCTOR, Vice President Chas. O'H. Laughinghouse R. L. Smith A. M. Moseley E. B. Higgs J. L. Hassell E. G. Flanagan R. C. Flanagan OFFICER! LIABILITIES Cknital Stook X I iXPayaW 45,000.00 WpfeSi ' 30,000.00 lHA (OTS $1,416,834.34 ,Tota T. J. MOORE. Ckshier A. J. MOORE, Assistant Cashier J. H. Waldrop, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: E. Proctor J. Everett J. Hi. Move H. A. White N. 0. Warren R. R. Cotten J. L. Starkey 1 c lCXi;C'!! !TCC o IE illlllllllij jfM ii in it i JAPS HAVE A BIG BILL AGAINST GERMANY Tukio (By Mail) Japanese ship owners, whose ships were sunk by the ici inaus are considering the question of -iuiipensation to be exacted from Ger many. Representatives of several of the largest concerns held a meeting of the Kobe Chamber of Commerce recent ly to discuss this question. According to statements made at the meeting, 'A2 Japanese ships were lost, totaling 132, tons. . A committee of 3 owners was chosen ;it t lie meeting to determine the cost of the ships, the amount of money they won lil have earned had they not been 'lest roved, the total of the relief funds paid out to the familias of the ships' lost crews and the like. It is roughly estimated that the amount of compen sation to be demanded from Germany will be about $100,000,000. Mr. Tarn eiKxuke Ishibashi of the Suzuki Shoren. Kobe, has arrived in Tokyo to ta.ke the matter up with the department of com munications. . Inferring to this matter, Chief Wa kamiya of the mercantile marine bu re;iM said : 't is quite proper that the owners "f those ships which were victims of ' German lawlessness should demand compensation. It would, however, be a very difficult matter to arrive at a proiKT estimate of the loss caused by German barbarity. The total tonnage lost in the war on account of subma rine warfare is put at Jtf;000.000 tons, and the sii. no". r of Great Britain and allied countries, whose property has suffered, are considering ways in which compensation is to be exacted. It will be interesting To know the way , in which Germans will be induced to I pay such compensation.. LA FOLLETTE CLEARED OF DISLOYALTY CHARGE Washington By a vote of 50 to 21 the senate today amended a resolution by a mapority of the privileges and election committer disnii-ing disloy alty charges brought acain.-t Senator I. a Follette of Wisconsin, by the Min nesota Public Safety commission, be cause of his speech on the war deliver ed before the non-partisan league at ; St Paul. M'nn.. September 20. 1017. The resolution said the speech did not j i-iifv my -H ii iii by the senate. On the vote which was preceded by s'-vfr.-. arraignment of Senator La Fol ic! I ( by Senator WilKums of Missis sippi. .".'! Republican senators and 17 !)( inocrats supported tin i esc lotion, whi'e 20 Democrats and ne U;u!-i; can. Senator Smith if V. 1 v t- cd against it. Among tlii.j? : r'.ii.' in the affirmative were Senar,r-. Marlm tlie Democratic leader, Se:iat.:f Loge, the Republican leader, and !he two llinniesota senators, Kello:,.; ai.d Ail son. .Those opiMsing tlk resolution c-luded 'hairman Pomerene ef the privileges anil elections i; unniiuttv .-'id Senator. Saulsbury" if 1 .-!:in :m rresi j dent pro teni of t!n senate. I null' the Minnesota Safety crmi'iis I The senate's action .lispose-s of not sion's proceeli)igs which have been pending for more than a year, but, in effect, also of numerous oelitions to J the senate asking for Senator l.a 17.1 It tte's expulsion. STOCKHOLDERS MEETI ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF SUPPLIES SENT BYJf. M. C. A. Cost of Sweeta and Smokes for On Month Reach Staggering Fig ure Armistice Didn't End Smoking on Any Front iiiisiiwiiiKiniiim'ifli Reconstruction ! k of Grif- leventh an il. 21st, 101i, 3 IS 2tc ners or tnp'tsafi Hold thirX' fM v. Jti ieCield efr sto ... The stockhoh ton. X. C. will nual meeting Tues at two o'clock. The meeting will building and ev V quested to be present in the bank kholder is re- BAXK OF Co One lot at. HALF PRICE-others At Reduced Prices. Seme aid .Dresses One Lot at HALF Others at Reduced ICE Pr3 ;es I Oatade D Timnstall. New York, Jbji. ...Almost $4,000, 000 worth of Bmokes, sweets, sporting goods, chewing gum and other com modities was shipped to France during the month of November by the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A., for the use of the American Expeditionary Forces. A statement to this effect has just been issued r the National War Council and tends tt demonstrate that the demand for supplies of this char acter has not been reduced by tne fact that hostilities have ceased. In exact figures the value of the supplies shipped to France was $3, 895,908 and each month's ijuota will ap proximate this total until the forces overseas hare been materially reduced by demobilization. The demand for tobacco, cigars and cigarettes has not diminished sincq' the armistice was signed, as witness the fact that $1,351,000 of the total amount went for the purchase of the weed in some form. In the ship ments were 484,911 pounds of tobacco, 198,065,320 cigarettes and 99,700 ci gars. As for confectionery, there were 213,800 pound of hard candy, 175,918 pounds of chocolaUa and 329,280 pack ages of cough drops, not to mention 637,600 tins of jams and 6,541,300 pounds of sugar. The chewing gum conignments totaled 6,100,000 packages enough to load every slot machine In the United States. THE period if over-you will li Summer Suit, coat to reconstr -o- -'Vf U.. . V1 0 PERSHING SENDS MOn NEW YEAR GREETINGS I" mi II Paris, Dec. .26. Many times duri the past year General Pershing hu 'taken occasion to commend the worl of the Y. M. C. A. for the soldier rof the A. E. F. and to express nil ' keenest appreciation for the man good deeds done by the "Y" in thii j country. On Christmas Day the command j of the American Expeditionary Forcei sent th following cablegram to Dr jjohn R. Mott, head -of the Nationa iWar Work Council: "With a deep feeling of gratitude fo the enormous contribution which th ;'Army Young Men's Christian A-i-ocia tion has made to the moral a-d pi-.ys; ' cal welfare of the American Army, al ' ranks in me in sending you Christ mas greetings and cordial best widhe for the New Year." conservation is practically kely need a new Springand ossibly a light weighKDver ct your wardrob We have arranged tcKnave an exper- need taOor fromouse and Broth- eks, Inc., Custom Tailoring Depart ment makersof H-ART CLOTHES for tWpast fifty years, hold a tailor- mg tnsplay at our store on MONDAY AND TUESDAY ARY 20 AND 21 We wfiTconsider it a personal favor if you will call during the above men tioned timeand look over the line whether youVeally need anything at the present time or not. We want to snow you what "good dressers" will wear this season. Your time will be wellspent. Remember the dates and place. Forbes s Greenville, N. C. fBMlMWI.HMH't'll.,WllWf. B ioaio'JiiniiJizBiiiiKHXHOTJiinrBiiiioiiipEnmiaarnaaiii A