10 D o ?tk O 55SIO I i! We Are S At lop roa till At' '1" t : I 'i Yours for 1919, When it comes to selling tobacco the "Old Reliable needs no introduction to the farmels for they have long ago learnejere their interest is. And thev romp to us with their tobacco good and strong. They nevex go horn dissatisfied. As before Christjy-tne market re-opened this ieek tit TJS us. Prices are stiff and are goinf to L "stiff er" the sales this week have been light the "Old Reliable" is handing out to the boys from the farm the hig jest frrices obtartfl on the market Bring your tobacco to nVAonarA11Q VDor nf vonr lifp. Tf th ' Old ReliahlaP'ran't cpf for vou the best there is in the wav us ana we wiu neip uu in eujuymg uic muoi piwiiuu j - v. ct rA1ft of prices then we are simply going to whisper m your ear tnis question w no can: Tr j 1 rr,r Qwi Goio WninpcHov 9nH Snip. Thursdav 1st bale, rridav zndJBate. Brinkley, Rice & Spain, Proprietors ooixo; ITT) rick Warahoiuise ;30Jaoi Greenville, N. C. OC 10 o: or MI 1ST CO All STOrii and COAg ONLY THREE PRICES T SUI 0 SHOW I! ' i II 11 II s oci etY and PERSONAL AT THE CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S CHURCH . .ReT- C. H. Bascom Seaviwl Sunday after Epiphany. Holy communion 8 a. m. Churctr school 9 :45 a. m. Morniifg' prayer and address by the lay reader after Parish 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. II. Bascom, 7:30 p. m. Monday St. Paul's Guild, 3:30 p. m. Tuesday Confirmation class 6 p. m. Wednesday Choir rehearsal 7 :30 p. TERRIBLY SWOLLEN Suffering Described At Torture Relieved by Black-Draught -i $ .... 1W.50 to $55p to goMr . $25.00 P27.50 to $37.50 to gofor. $19.50 II $18.50 to $27.50 to 6 for $12.48 r A I$37.50 to $55.00 16 go M $25.00 II 1 $27.50 to $37.50A go for $19.50 If If $18.50 to $27.50 ti go fori $1248 if Friday Confirmation service and sermon br Bishop Darst 7:30 p. m. Saturday Conversion of St. Paul's Day. Holy communion 10 a. m. Kverylnxly welcome to all the services of this church. IS Dr. C. P. Fryer, county health of ficer, has returned from Farmville where he has been on professional bus iness. i J. E. Cannon of Kinston, arrived in1 the city this morning via the Atlantic! JARVIS MEMORIAL- METOHDIST Coast Line. f :4r a. in. Sunday school. afc Sic 3fC 11.00 a. m. Preaching, subject: "'New A. L. McCarmack of Wilson is a Life". Greenville visitor today. j 2 :30 Sunday school at the cotton J mill. Mrs. J. W. Whitfield of Wilson is :;:M p. m. Sunday school at Cannon ;i guest at the Proctor hotel. Swamp school house. 17 :30 p. ni. Preaching, subject : "The Glenn Walters of Washington re-1 Law of Life". , turned to his home in Washington' All Children's Coats cut nearly ooe-half i il ii Ladies Dreskes ii iliUY U1C551U UUI uuut wai SUM UU IU il ii $28.50 to for $16.50. Any dress up to II !!$21,50toio for $10.48 11 We do not carry suits and coats over Ii ni ii i to another season These prices are a i sacrifice but they must go. o MW -WASHINGTON & GO. The Ladies Store "IV'iU'P liinHimi u u u uL tcnJay. . j sfc 4c afc Kcv. '. II. Iiascom. rector of St. j Paul's Episcopal church, leaves this , afternoon for Kinston, where he will; preach in the Episcopal church there ; Sunday morning. He will return to Greenville Sunday afternoon and fill his pulpit at St. .Paul's Sunday eve- ( ning. ! iv F. G. Mitchell of New Pern is a bus-1 lies' visitor to the cit(- j A. .MeCaru..- of Winterville was a wel 3 ! onie lMtor ti the city today. ; 4c .1. S. Mathews of Washington is i gre nng his numerous friends in Greenville today. .1. L. Edge ( t Rocky Mount is in the city. j Mrs. James DaveniMirt left this niuinin for Washington to attend the funeral of her husband's brother. Leo Davenport. Miss Olyga Corey and mother. Mrs. .1. W. Hritt. returned home last nikht. They were accompanied by Miss Annie Keel. Five cents will be paid for the fol lowing copies of News if delivered at the Daily News office: Oft. 15 and 25; Nov. 8th and 28th: Dec. 5, 23, 25, 27, 3 i 28. 29 30, 31, 1918. Mrs. Ollie Clark. IM MANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH !:4." a. m. Sunday school. There will be no preaching services -iii to the illness of the pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday school 0:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6 :oO p. ui. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7 :.'50 p. m. . the pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH S. L. Saddler, pastor. Hible school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 :O0 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7 :30 p. m. Praver meetinsr Wednesday 7:30 Rossville.Xja. M this place, w engineer, and once jured himself w1 chinery, across so sore he could himself at all, on c weighed 165 lbs weighed 110 lbs. He became coisti (ike he would die doctors, yet wit! bowels failed to a ten-cent bottl it two or three did this yet wi Kate Lee Able, of My husband is an while lifting, he in- piece of heavy ma abdomen. He was ot bear to press on st or abdomen. He d fell off until he o weeks. ted and it looked three different eir medicine, his e would turn up castor oil, and drink insuccession. lie We became We all t resu desperate, he suffered sol He was swol len terribly. He told mfc his suffering could only be described aatorture. I sent and bfcught ThedWd's Black Draught. I made him takea big dose, and when it bigan to act he fainted, he was in such meery, but he got relief and began to menfl at once. HeVot well, and we both 1 feel he owes his life to Thedford's Black-Draught. l neatora s tsiack-uraught will he)p you to keep fit, ready for the day's work. Try it! NC-131 FOR SALE: FIVE Buick car. In good Apply to Taft & Va" 1 IS tfc iPASSENiiKfr rjuafrfng STnike. V order. m. il i). iVm AS "Y" WORKER Welt Known Minister Leaves Pulpit t Take Up Work Overseas Atlanta, Ga., Jan. . .. Dr. Richarc Orme Flinn, pastor of the North Ae nue Presbyterian church, is going tt France for the Y. M. C. A. Dr. Flinn, who is one of the bes known ministers in the Southeast, anc v:ho has 'i host of friends throughou this : ...ion of the country, will be en gaged in special educational work, anc will likely be overseas for some time The discussion of the Russian situ ation apiH-ars to have been confined to an agreement to exchange available information, though the determination to hav a joint examination of the subject, as stated in the official com munique, indicates that the Russian stuation will be one of the subjects (o be taken under the earliest con- Yes, We Do Job Work You will find our prices satisfactory Come in ft Pay You to become a regu lar advertiser in This Paper- r- E n 1 e i i a mm i:H!imiiin:ti:n:!: SBBJ HEARING WEDNESDAY TO REDUCE COMMISSION TOBACCO WAREHOUSEMEN To the Editor: There has been a bill introduc ed in the House to reduce the commission of tobacco ware housemen from two and one half per cent to one and one half per cent. The Committee on Prop ositions and Grievances will give a hearing on said bill on Wed nesday, January 22nd, at 3 p. m. Those against or favoring said bill will be heard at that time. Please publish this notice. J. C. .Galloway, Julius Brown. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 16, 1919. iPiSW1 BOSTON S S TiV &A H&at 3 M OS. I v. , t -y, tv s rvf Wr-- nun n nrr nm n M , .tS o esi. so-, - iA' VPHilfVyELPHlAX J WHI?E'S THEATRE FRL JAN. 24 L5EAT SALE OPENS THURSDAY PRICES: $1.50 $1 , 75 & 50cts C DDCSOGOOOOOOOC CKSCXS OCCSil!!''C"! C!iiS Sell Your Tobacco With G NTRY & GORMAN, GREENVI 7 The BestMarket in the East, and YouWiU Go home Satisfi o The market sold this week 525,034 lbs. owhich Gormans sold 24&7S6lbs.. Our Friday's was the largest and best of the week. Gormans sold 70,194 lk7 at an average of $44.58 for the entire sale and we had 8,540 lbs. of scrap beside s the daptaged. Deducting the scrap we aver aged over 50 cents for this sale. Below wegfve names, prices and averages of a few salegmade Friday: PRICES AVERAGES The Board of Trade has decided to close thrsales on Feby. 28th. This will be the last Fri day in the month, which gives us 6 weeks yettoVell. Prices are higher1, than at any time this season and we advise our friends and customers tb make an effort to get their tobacco to mar ket before we close. Double sales will be continued, sp it does not make much difference as to the sale, a' you can get away early any sale we nave; However Gorman's has 2nd sale Monday, 1st Tuesdav na yyeanesaay, ist inursaay, ara rriaay. -O- H. McLawhorn 45, 67, 59, 70 Phillips & A 50, 68, 55, 70, 77 Jones & McL 45, 66, 64, 76 anning & Blount 40, 50, 54, 55, 72, 74, 80 iekin McLawhorn 40, 61, 63, 73, 79, 81 y & Hardy 47, 63, 70, 75 R. FsJicT awhorn 55, 44, 62, 70, 79 E. B. Etok-s 56, 72, 80, 69, 52 JohnsorVl W 38, 64, 80, 52, 35 A. D. McLawhorn 53. 69. 79 k ' 7 Hel 61.36 63.64 63.57 64.71 66.64 63.87 60.80 61.64 66.80 65.76 Gemltiry (GoraniSnnio U THE LEADERS Soocg&oepaocOooeoooe &Oc !x:ciiogaeMa. IIIIUIIIi, uriiuiH' o D o o D o