ft TheWeatherReport Tonight and Tuesday mHd temper ature. Gentle variable winds GREI Ti SI lEDAHLY NEW S 2nd Edition ' VOLUME II. ALLIED REPRESENTATIVES HOLD CLOSED CONFERENCE AS TO DELEGATES CREDENTIALS i By United tress) l;iiiv With the American plan for ti,,. lfiu'i"' of nations completed Presi Vil-"ti is rounding dent out his pro labor legis'a- f, i- international tic" Tli l"' -ident's position is said to .... no iHav is possible until the!carried him to Cainn rivnC m.... tlin,lt ,,f rouio uic competition which I ,,11,1 ,!.-: r.-.v t!ie sare guard of labor i l fii'le-i ,..,, President Wilson met thej lv,,ivMi;t:itivt's of Great Britain,! Knii:t Italy d Japan at a closed cull f,.,,:cr tins morning ror tne pur- Iii.r nr tlio finntoot a 1" from tlx erodentials of some of the ,n:.n iiaiii -'i' ilelegjues T1m' ."ii tests mut be settled be Mrs- r- Perkins was carried to f, iv tin' i':ice conference can get downi tne hospital in Rocky Mount last Sat t(, i.ii-iii on the league of nations. ! urday for treatment. She is wished a I speedr recoverv. Russian Problem Formally Taken up by Delegates (By United Press.) Th.- Russian situation was I'ari f,.:iii;illy takfii up by the representa-j tivc .f the associated powers at a i nitctiiii: in uai Dorsey this forenoon.; Chinaman After Sleeping a Week PqQQpo H fflPplrC l aooco ui viicuuo : (By United Press) Miiundsville. W. Va. Yee Yonce, a i h i i ! .-i in a ii . died here today after sleep- j ii nver a week. Yonce was under the : shows all open and closing the school, influence of a powerful drug which it Please answer why? U iilh'zed was administered to him hy r FarmviTle and Ay den have closed the In-other as a cure for influenza. schools. A CITIZEN. IS. KATE BREW VAUGHN WRITES OF RECENT VISIT TO THIS CITY '.Mr Kate Vaughn, who recently de- !:vnii ;i most interesting lecture in riii- city before the Women's Club, in writ j hi; tn the Xews and Observer has riif f.ill.iwinj: to say of the East Caro- Tt-aehei Training School. Nniili I'aroliua has every reason to In- pi-i'inl of the East Carolina Training School ;it Oreenville. The school build iiiLr. new and up-to-date, are sit-n.tu- on the highest groni about the town, ami two hundred and fifty or more young jrirls of sixteen years and ALSATIANS GOOD TO THE WOUNDED YANKS Hy FRANK J. TAYLOR niti'il Press Staff Correspondent Straburg (By Mail) Strasbourg f "1 k keenly :i riTii-orMsi fo American oar- 'i-!p;itii'ii in Alsace-Lorraine's libera- the the 'A lii I, the armistice came Stin-slmi L'ei looked about for iieiirivf Americans upon whom to show- fed iv :,ir,...:; ing I' li;qiieiiel they were some Amer i''Hi v 1 1 . needed attention. Some two 'i'u doughboys and two lieutenants Uii.. ;,, yt..iL-tjKiirT hnsnitals. I''.i.. .. who were receiving scant at- " ui,,, , ,,. wounds, and scarcely if i,..,,.-!, ,- aiivP The Ger- , . . . . : 'ii-ci innnateo againsi pi isuui f ...i ........ , rimo - I in- kuou iwu iu w. . r 'ieii' ,)Mv. I i,!, the (Jerman doctors left, af eviiciniting the German patients, 'Uui ji-n the prisoners without food '"' intention. Their were wan and '"'-'i v .,,! in m.(Mi 0f help, wlren some A!.,ti. ,..., th ,,.hhnvS - ' 1'MIMH HUT ' L . - - The vtjite of tilings ehaneel at once Siininu- women took charge of the ;ind from homes came i i . m, . T lMents needed. Those who were I V. . ii . x , iL i. 1 .Ir, n.nra I iiidi in ii in eiive ineir ocu cn ail,- to homes for meals and ' ., , "!.-.. the United Press correspondent ; !lie(. donghbovs they w;ere clean happy and wore the appearance of a I..: . x I uie l.est fed humans in town. , 1 i- ., i, ,1 An A r - m me IIIMiail'llls mill v,.,..." M V in. the Amercan doughboys made . . ... ! ,V'7- aR tnP-v dul aS nKnr' i ;!.,d were worthy representatives ; l..-.r country Indoors as well as '"loors. though most of them say it : little out of my line, and tnese 1:1 --'(', 1 elothes aren't much to go . tO - ' " in." Some had no blouses, and Mousp hn.( oa mmnn as ! ful dress borrowing in college. FROM INDIANAPOLIS from tlfaLHrii:"lr:tU'-ned nnbr ,r,i0.o . " ent cate a deserter f " . i Sergt. Abeyounis located hs l7Z'!ly' the fire dPtment went ahead located his man and Sei'St. Abeyounis was absent for twn-f - v'fe 111 "Vs. He states that he bad a fine trip. HAS RETURNED Ml"' C'' L- Perkins has returned from Rcky Mount where he recently under- "r111 " operation tor appendicitis in hOSnifnl Ihora XI!.-. -i are glad to know that he is convales-1 cent. END CENTURY CLUB The Ind of the Century Club will meet with Mrs. F. C. Harding at her home corner of Fourth and Greene ( streets tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o clock. All the members are urged to be Present. PLEASE ANSWER WHY? At report from the health office to ; day of Pitt county show 226 new cases of influenza developed since last Tues I day from six doctors heard from. And I there are seventeen more doctors to be heard from ' in the ronntv oAr tho. tres 811(1 Playnouse of amusement, bil- liard rooms aiKl dance halls are all open. Where is the consistency in keeping the pool rooms and dance halls, theatres and clubs, and picture older are being trained in all the prac- tical and some of the ornamental arts from gardening, cooking and sewing to drawing and music. I had the pleas- ure of talking at chapel services to these prospective teachers of elemen- tary schools and afterward to on a tour of sight seeing of the house. The buildings were spotlessly clean, well heated and ventilated. The dining room compares favorably with the dining rooms of the best hotels in its beautifully clean linen, glassware and silver, its lighting arrangement and its general ar of comfort and refinement. I knew what to expect for lunch be- cause I had seen the menu card hang ing in the kitchen earlier on my sight- ; seeing tour: steak, candied sweets, rice, vegetans sa.au. u-u. - rolls and tea. a dessert 01 peacne later. one or rne mosi aiiM.n ..hf. facts lieing that teachers, pupils ann authorities are all so apparently satis- I asked Mrs. Jeter, the interest ed wholesome dietitian, "Do the girls ever complain anout tue ioou kx-,. i.wioo.i " hf answered. "North ... H M 1 ' . .n,DM. nient of i a roii n a i nuumiiM's - i a.o.wu, ..... Our buyer gets the best 1 . . i ,. ; on T Vf he ashamed aim ui g"". v - : :" ,' they comp.a.nen. i cu . -uu , the gjns aim imur.M........ - - nnnreciate my efforts. But if a girl . wanted to complain she would hesi- . . . v, thar.a wnnUI tate to do so, ior an wn..- mob her." One class of girls was at work in the orchard, pruning peacn trees, anuu class studying son ihuumi, ...... ,,..,fi,,.r fn- rht mnrn- another cias vniwife v. iinsr "The Model School". This model . . ; o.iiifActnrf. location. CIlOOl, III our. i also model in teaching methods. ; etc. food that of the training school that Dr. Claxton ; fif!ht is on at present with the "powers n the county from Tuesday to Satur T was told bv members of the facutlF I at be" on an unsanitair nlarket, and day. They were five cases of pneu- ..... . ti LI tl V IIieilllHI 1 1 L lut v. . .t- was tola Dy me ,f ttlO Tr.lllllllt; M "1"" ' : . . . !..: ,.,.v,.i fiiat i ir i IHXLOU. i - , , t minfuf on. fre- head oi uie fQ them t0 ; . M.oir methods of education. Last , study their methods or e nriii2 thev entertaineti ior a if" Chinese delegation in America i' ..1... .ii.TinP or Studying muuiiiuua. , r otiili7.nr educational , k- OI . 1 ii. t . . . zth n1 i, a -oir onnnnea new uitu : ,lo- give a solid foundation ior t Greenville. A most pro- VeiP; woman's Club under the lead-' forCe at East Carolina Training school; J has afnn needless to say they are both, ership f Mr , tiennue , veioyu.. . i . enffaeed in war woik am. -' Iieen eiiaf, . . . t.Uiu. nlnac1.ro . Tl akes pleasure in maKing a. . . n . irov president 1 p.Ca - statement that "ureenvme i , with thP the top in every war unc. Full Telegraphic Report of the Greenville, N. C, Monday Af ternooii, January r HE m W T 7FR Tn RFf POLICE, SCHEME WOflliEO FINE Turning in the fire alarm is a nnvoi way to get a policeman on the spot ' when wanted. This was the way it was done in Greenville' last Saturday aftertM worked like a charm. But in addition to- the noliee offir or officials responding nromnt-'the and did likewise. It all originated ' One T. D. .Smith and one Samuel Mer.er. loth young white men, who ' had been in the employ of the Home Telephone company for the past week in the plant department, conceived the idea of getting some cash, so they se- cured a National Bank check and eras- ed the name of the local bank and in- oai'tmi f l , .. ......... . c . i t-. I euevine ann tnen drew a check for $2").(X) in favor of T. D. Smith, sign- ing the name of L. K. Livingston. Af- ter filling out the checkand signing it they endorsed it as follows : "Home Telephone and Telegraph Co., by J. P. Superior Court Convened Here This Morning Pitt County Superior court convened in the court house this morning at 10 o'clock with His Honor Judge Oliver H. Allen of Kinston presiding. The term is for the trial of crminal cases on the docket and the dix-ket contains sixty cases with one capital case. State vs. Henry Cox, colored, for murder. On account of the illness of Solicitor J. Lloyd Horton, Ex-Judge Harny , Whedbee is prosecuting the state dock- et. Uhe best of the entire week will be consumed in clearing the docket. Judge Allen this morning charged the grand jury as to their duties, etc. His address was a most able one and was listened to by a large number. The following compope the grand jury for this term : J. W. Elks, foreman : Joshua L. Ross. J. W. Whitfield. G. T. Adams. Edward McLawhorn. George J. Woodward. Jes se Phillips. Lewis Ives, O. P. Pollard. A. F. Tox, J. T. Lewis; L. H. Roun tree. G. W. Haddock, A. O. Meeks. J. D. Overton. L. A. Corliett and J. T. Flanagan. ROUND TABLE The Round Table will meet with Mrs. .7. W. Higgs Tuesday afternoon at :::.",0 o'clock. All members are asked to be present. Move's Store Entered During Saturday Night Thieves entered the store of Messrs utmK 1D ray-,me J. R. and J. G. Moye sometime during win success. Saturday night and relieved the firm ne patriotic and public spirited cit of two revolvers. izi'n- Nvho prefers that his name be Entia.xe to the store was made by ' withheld from the public, was so well raising the latch bar which holds the pleased with the young actresses and shutters to the rear windows with a with the spirit of the senior class that ;. Mine. viiei iuis was uuuc int- nun bars were Diized open sufficiently with an axe to gain entrance into the building. The robbery was discovered early Sunday morning and immediatelp blood hounds from Raleigh were wired tor. They arrived on the scene late .n.rdav after:u,on and put on th I'esreruay aiiernoou :mu pm mi trail. The digs took the scent at one' flM(i went from th store to a colored iQ Mm Town an(1 from there direct to the Atlantic Coast Line station and jumped up on the ticket window. The surmise is that ! the tjhieves after robbing the store ; went to the depot, purchased tickets , and then left for parts unknown There is no clue as to the guilty parties. war won the influenza situation in mn.nia.nl the club is turning its at-. v.v, .....! tel,toii to local civic needs, ineir nrst ; j . lit- J 1m an un.'n i' ' ' ' . lw lv ' ... c - Viia loans nn rn nruer ivues ui sauna. j l- .Ti ppfnrms. Tne DUDiis oi tue training schoo. aR weU as those of the high school, helped to pick the cot-! nign , j ron or rni -uuul... 1 gins in Trernu ( tuto Krenen omnail lOl a j- , i i ' 1 - UI(. r , t-nu u.""" - i .. aiI,fri hahv he- rnnis io sui'imn - i " Two Raleigh girls, Misses Willa Ray ndElizabeth Steel, are in the clerical Beckwith, mother of Mrs. Uvler, bifnrv in State College, College, who .au,... --- - - ... 1 1017 la lndv tsummer smoui, nfinmni. ann ndds much to the dignity - ---- - - nf Hip RCnoOl DY Uer KrucilUDUCTDO. us m- M7 Tumor piunr Trnrmin" the eck was presented to 'the National Bank for payment th officials called up Mr. Turner and hfe very promptly stated he knew nothing of such a check. Mr. Turner attonce hurried to ti,o hi, h io, L f.f ivoung men in Question were in their room in the Prfiieeton hotel. He then began to make it search for an .officer but could not locate one so he was advised thatr- he could sum- mon the force by turning a police alarm call throush thei fire alarm box. This Mr. Turner did (with the result that not onlv did the police answer, but the fire department also. After matters had! been explained the police arrested tlie two men and j 're Trieu wlwfe . i . i . i i r i pon their promise t leave the city and paying all the cost which included j Mr. Turner's offense for turning irvj the alarm, the mayor suspended judg- nient. The young meif did not tarry in the citrr long afterwards. & SMITH AND SUGG i MARKET REPORT I , .... j . A . crates ligm again Mway, uui prices , I higher than ever. As previously an nounced the market closes Feby. 28th, Get your tobacco ready, bring it to u: ad you will get more dollars than 'u h&ve ever received for the same tobacco. Here are a few sales just made on our floor: Nichols 55c, 56c, 66c, 67c, 2c average $62.96 Onan Allen 65o, 72c, 79c, av. $69.04 H. J. Jolly 56c, 57, 70, 73, 80c average $69.10 C G. Sutton 45c, 50, 63c, 68c, 82c average $69.59 Double sales insure you a quick sale every day. , 1 2tc lp Unnamed Citizen Gives $20 to the Senior Class 19 The by the Mother Goose Fantasy, given seniors, but If the whole on Fiiday night was repeated to a small but appreciate) audience at a matinee on Saturday." afternoon. The audience was composed chiefly of chil dren who were prevented from coming on Friday night on account of the in- clement weather. Mother (ioose and her family performed successfully , their roles upon the stage. Miss Mar- gerie McMurray, under whose direc tion the play was presented, is cer tainly to be congratulated upon the success. This is greatly appreciated not only h' the seniors, but byt the whole school. It adds a great stimulus to them in their work to feel that the ho.Wjsjof the citizens of the town are with them, and are helping them to lie nresented twentv dollars (S20.00) to the class to be added to the amount already raised for their Liberty bond. 226 New Cases of Flu Reported for Past Week . Fourteen deaths have taken place in Pitt county since last Tuesday up and thionyh Saturdnv. This was the re- port given out by the Country Health officer. Dr. Frver. There are twenty- four nhvsieinns in this countv but on- ly reports were received from six out of the twenty-four last week. These six nUrsicians reported two hundred ' . . .... and twenty-six new cases oi mnuenza ...... .. . . - " ' i, ,io uioina nuu imiiimi ur-niu. ... ht r aruivi o and AVden nave oeen cios- el on account of the epidemic. niTO.FV RPTTF.R mi- innnii l onci in xj. iuv.... will ha .rlorl tn loom that his enndi- tion is better today. IS IMPROVING The friends of Mrs. J. Frank Har- rington, wife of Clerk of Superior Court J. Frank Harrington v will be pleased to learn that she is improving nleased to learn that she is improving . -fn-m v.a ottonlr nf inflnenB ( i.w. ut. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS United Press 20, 1919. Program of the Progressives is Being Shaped (fiy United Press) Washington.-The program of the .i.BiCOD rawing snape. me irogressive? are the only group now in congress who " l'ai lu "rtve ttUV UL a in their possession I The,r wcl1 "L'fined aims lyqs t,,era ! a distinct advantage over the Demo- trats ann rne n"-l!" "epunncans m the next congress, it is believed. The essentials of their program are these: The immediate and adequate liquidation lir the government of its ' ohliffations to the rcturninS ldiers 8 nd sailors' prompt rneetin of th j Pyn,ent problam followed by a ; citifi- handling of the question. M 1 rm m iTprtTlfln NPflflQ Mruuwp Protest Against Russian Support (By United Press) I Berne. Germany has sent a note to Russian government protesting against the latter's support of the Spartacans in Berlin, a Berlin dis patch announces. Colonel House is Improving From Illness t tfy United Press Paris. Colonel House so far is im proving his health. He is expected to take a walk during the afternoon. FROM G. ft & to YOU. Mr. Swanson is very fond of speak- ing of the high school as a community. So when Mr. Saddler came to see us Friday, and gave an effective talk with unity ;is its central theme, we could almost see the superintendent nod his approval. And Mr. Swanson was not the only one who approved. All of us enjoyed the talk, and felt most grateful to Mr. Saddler for his visit. In various ways we had all been prepared for the Mother Goose Fan-ta-f. which was given Friday night. In talks from the platform, the prin cipal and the superintendent had caused us to form all sorts of ideas as to just what the performance was going to he. Mr. Swanson first made a distinct faux pas by referring to the show as "one of those che paplays." i daughter of President Wilson, left to However. he quickly and most nobly ' day for Berlin, where she will sing corrected his mistake (after a talk with Miss McMurray and Miss Mc Leod). YetV, Respite all preparations, we were very agreeably surprised wrlen the curtain rose Friday evening. Eva Hodgs. as "Bo Peep" completely won n,Q .noil hi, n.t. -- .... ural and well-drawn impersonation. Annie Bet Smith's "Mother Goose" was very impressive, while Bessie Brown in the part of "Old King Cole" made a distinct and altogether merited hit. Helen Brown as the "Queen of Hearts" looked royal indeed. The other char acters of the familiar old tale were interpreted by young actresses who seemed thoroly capable and not in the very slightest prone to stage fright. And right here, let it be known that the mysterious "Humpty-Dumptjv" was played by Marguerite Manning. "Hump ty" was greeted with joy not only by ... . ii the snow as "one or tnose cneap piays. . also 7 a certain bald-headed man just under the balcony, right back of us. Rth in rne loie or simple mmon ...j .-..,., "tt .vmuf et-i.v i, "'i".' rne most numerous euaiaeier. a iihiiiu wig so camouflaged Ruth that even Mrr wni,i nvPr hve known her ......... v . But the make-up doesn't make the ac tress, and to Ruth alone belongs the credit for one of the best hits of char - acter sketching ever seen by a Green ville audience. Th announcement that there would be a matinee performance Saturday afternoon was greeted with enthusiasm ! by the large audience I Now comes a very pleasant duty. ; The senior class has requested us to thank, thus publicly, those teachers and pupils who have aided them in their work and to say that the sen iors will not forget it. iors will not foreet it. Also we were requested to saiy, the class of 19 thanks ivou, the audience, for your "kind at- tention' GERMANY NEEDS PEACE NOW IN ORDER TO SECURE MATERIAL SAYS CHANCELLOR EBERT Berlin, Delayed (Copyrighted by United Press) Chancellor Ebert told the United Press that Germany will do everything to comply with the peace conditions based upon President Wilson's fourteen points, but if the Allies make further de mands he will not take responsibility of signing the peace terms. He said that Germany needs peace immediater ly in order that she may get food and materials so her people can go to work. He declared that the Spartacans had lost their revolt and that no further serious outbreaks will occur if the people are fed, but if they are not fed they must be ready for anything. , When asked what he thought as to ther: fu sibility of the war, Chancellor EbeJft.: v J that question could not be an sweredv"rSnd, -personally I feel that the blam is not Germany's alone. PARIS PAPERS SAY CONFERENCE WILL CLOSE BY NEXT APRIL (By United Press.) Paris. The French newspapers, which have been consistently pessimis tic regarding the probable length of the peace conferenc, now predict that it might end by April. They based this prediction on the ap pointment of Premier Clemenceau as permanent chariman. He is noted as a speeder up. DEEDS OF TRANSFER The following deeds of transfer have been filed in the Register of Deeds of fice for registration since Saturday: L. C. Arthur and wife et al to K. T. Strickland, consideration $1,334. I i John T. Thorne and wife to W. Bar- bara Davenport, consideration $2,500. j F. C Harding and wife to Peter Nel- son. consideration $550. F. O. Harding and wife to Stephen Holton, consideration $615. R. C. Flanagan and wife to P. W. T. Spell, consideration $400. Will Sing for the Soldiers in City of Berlin (By United Press) Paris Miss Majrgaret Wilson, for the Belgian and British soldiers. STREET FIGHTING BROKE OUT AGAIN IN BERLIN YESTEROAY South Carolina j Insurance Law is Sustained (By United Press) Washington. The United States Su pren.e curt has sustained the section of the South Carolina State insurance code which prevents a non-resident fiwim mil-ti nr 1 1 rT1 0i o O art 1.T1 Q11 10 tlPP broker. Phillip Latourette attacked the law. I THREE NAVY AIRMEN KILLED IN ACCIDENT AT PENSACOLA lanctic association, embracing many Pensacola, Fla. Three navv airmen ' churches in southeastern Carolina, will were killed near here Saturday when be h'1 Winterville January 24. The a seaplant fell into Pensacola bay. The , $1,000,000 drive for the denomination . Thev were student aviators. All the al schools and colleges in the State i,odie.s were recovered. ' i Yards Company, Jersey City New Jersey. Says: We used RAT-SNAP pur- chased of you about our plant for the extermination of rats with marked success. It is a wonderful prepara tion. It did beyond question all you claimed .it would do killed the ro - dents, driving them from their haunts, and eliminating odors arising from their death. We cheerfully endorse its use in places-infested with vermin. Four sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $3.00. At Warrep Dru Company. Adr. NUMBER 159 MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION There will be a meeting of the Mer chants Association at their rooms in the Edwards building tomorrow even ing at 7 :;?0 o'clock. All the members are urged to be present as business of importance is to be transacted. Higher Court Affirms Ruling of Lower Court (By United Press) Washington. The rulings of the low er courts knocking the Interstate Com merce decision of March 28th, 1016, which it is claimed invalidated con tracts between railroadsand .telegraph i companies was affirmed by the. United States Supreme court today. More Italians Named as Peace Representatives (By United Press) Rome Premier Salandra and Sig ner Barzitai have been appointed mem bers of the Italian peace delegations by the council of ministers, it was an nounced today. WANTED : AT ONCE THE FOLLOW- ing copies of the News : Nov. 28th, Dec. 2Sth and Dec. 20th. Mrs. Ollie Clark. (By United Press) Copenhagen. Street fighting broke out in Berlin when the Spartacans at tempted to destroy the balot boxes throughout the city yesterday. The fighting continued through the night, according to dispatches receiv ed from Berlin. The Spartacans attempted to storm the Vorwaerts building. There was fating in Wilhelm, Strasse and Hul- lexche gate but the Insurgents were repulsed everywhere. BAPTIST CONFERENCE JAN. 24 Kinson. A conference of Baptist ministers and laymen of the Neuse-At- will be the principal topic for discus sion. , RELEASED PRISONER Washington. The following Ameri can prisoner of war from North Car olina has been reported by the War Denartment re'.pfifed from a German prison camp and hospital and returned , to France: j Privar- Argus L. Alwran, route 4, , T.awnda.'e. , JIST RECEIVED: A SUPPLY OP seed peanuts. Hall 4 Savage. 1 20 lwc