M GREENVILLE FROM February 10th to the 1 5th y-Up Th CarnnaUfn Run During "Pav-Up-Week Is t or Ihe Purpose of (getting The People to Pay Accounts Charged Against I hem IF YOU CAN'T PAY ALL OF THE BILL PA Y rAK i ur 11 ; I .if 5 s 'if V - ' il( X' 1 1 c:" S3 mm ;?f "' EL .i':v!,V 3 fi i fl i I UFal - s cie tY ... and ... PERSONAL J PEACING DE LUX WITH I PLANES TO CAKKx PRESIDENT WILSON I FOOD IN FRANCE W. (Continual from pase 1) The Italian king's imperial train, in which the President rode to Italy, has very narrow aisles. The waiters aboard were footmen and other ser vants from the royal palace all un usually large men. They couldn't pass in the aisles and there being no switch es within the train itself, there was much difficulty with the traffic. B. P. HoUoman of Washington ar-, rived in the city this morning. J. C. Meadows of RoCSjy Mount ar rived in the city this morning. i m W. A. Perry of Kinston arrived in the city this morning via the Atlantic . Coast Line. Paul Linke spent the week end with his family in New Bern and returned tj Greenville this morning Samuel E: Clark of Wilson ,was a passenger on the Norfolk Southern train this morning to the city. " - D. R. Morgan tf Farmville is a bus iness visitor to the city. I. J. Crisp of Conetoe is registered at the Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hollingsworth spent Sunday in Washington. ... . it "- Mrs. J. A. Warren, left for her home in Durham this morning. -. H. H. Proctor, Jr., of Grimesland was a Sunday visitor to the city. Rev. C. H. Bascom returned from Winterville Sunday afternoon where he held services In that town. m m m Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Claytor and daughter spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cherry in Washington. J. Ii. Carroll of Aulander was on our streets thi smorning. Miss Blanch Davenport spent the weeK ena wun relatives ui mauiua. Mr. Joe Evans, 'who resides near Greenville, spent the week-end with friends In the , country. Mounting the imperial staircase of the king's palace in Rome, one passes a guard of enormous men one man on each step of a long $ight each man dressed rn white kid trousers, black boots, wearing silver armored corslet and gold helmets. Standing motionless with axes in their hands, they looked like statues. They are giants, careful ly selected from northern Italy. ?usie. Mrs. Wilson's negro maid, has d:stii ct'.on of having been enter a::ud at the royal palaces of England rnd Italy and made the recipient of roral gifts. She has broaches bearing the imperial coat of arms of both Brit ish and Italian royalty and probably is the proudest American negress. En route to France from Italy, Pres ident .Wilson's physical energies were devoted to saluting crowds and open ing and closing his windows as the train pulled in and out of smoke-filled tunnels. He vibrated like a tuning fork between the platform for greet ing and his room or comfort. IS INDISPOSED The friends of Colonel Harry Skin ner will rejrret to learn of his slight indisposition and wish for him a spee dy recovery to health. gei?::an assembly elements all agree Basil The German majority social ists, the German democrats and the centrists in the national assemble have reached a complete understanding on the question of participation in the new German government, according to the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger. VESSELS LEAVE FRANCE WITH 13,000 SOLDIERS FOR NORTHERN CITIES Mrs. I. IV Lee expects to leave next Thursday for northern cities to pur chase her spring and summer millinery. She will be absent from the city for about ten days. j Washington. Departure from France of more than 13,000 officers and en listed men of the American expedition ary focres, including the 42nd, 62nd and 63rd coast artillery regiments, was announced by the war department Sat urday. All are 'due to reach American ports between February 15 and 18. By HENRY "WOOD United Press Staff Corresponent Paris (By Mail) The French gov ernment has decided to install an air plane service to feed inhabitants of the redeemed districts of northern France until railways destroyed by the Germans in their retreat can be restored. With 200 airplanes at least 200,000 people of the stricken provinces can be led daily, it is believed this number of planes could carqy 100,000 pounds of flour, 10,000 pounds of sugar, 10,000 pounds of butter, 30,000 pounds of veg etables and 10,000 pounds of condens ed food. While this will be the most gigantic scale on which airplanes have been used for feeding a country, yet the system is not entirely new. During the war it was successfully used by the British in carrying food to their troops in Mesopotamia, Pal estine and Macedonia. In November, 1917, during the French offensive against the Chemin des Dames, it was used by the Germans. A detachment of their troops, completely encircled, was kept supplied with food hi? air planes that dropped baskets contain ing bread, kraut, canned meat and other supplies. Still later, during the Italian offen sive on the Piave, Lord Cavan, in charge of the 3rd army fearing that after his detachments got across the river, the bridges might be blown up and the troops cut off from supplies, arranged to feed them by airplanes. In j this case it was planned to drop the : packages of food by means of small parachutes let loose from the air ; planes. Although every preparation ; was made to this end, the English and Italians were fortunately able to keep the bridges across the Piave and the I lines of communication open. I For the airplanes that will be nec essary for the new service for feeding the north of France, the French gov ernment will first of all make use of It own bombing machines. After this it expects to be to utilize not less than 100 planes turned over by Ger many under the terms of the armis tice. In addition, France hopes that both England and the United States will place at her disposal a number of their bombing machines now lying Idle in France. Vital as the new service will be for feeding the north of France, it also will help solve the problem of the gradu al transformttion of the military av iation service for peace times. K. Sproul, Jr., Assistant Cashier Columbia-National Bank, In di&napolhv Indiana. Says: We were bothered quite a lit tle by rats in our basement, destroy ing our stationery, but after distribut ing your RAT-SNAP very' thoroughly, I we are pleased to report that we are no longer bothered with them Mzes. 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $3.00. At Warren Drug Company. FECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE: PURE DUROC JERSEY pigs, registered, ready for sale. See or write G. T. Hyson, Jr., and E. M. Tyson Greenville, R. F. D. No. 1. 2 6 ltw 4tp SNOW LAST NIGHT Advertisement in this olninn are lc Four i worn per Insertion eash, unless yon have an account with the paper. . . Each initial and figure count as words. Pre ferred position 2c per word. AH Mack Adr. This section of the state was visited FOR SALE: last night with a snow storm and from Buick car. reports it fell generally all over the eastern section. But for rain preced ing the snow It would be considerably deeper. In consequence of the snow there is very little tobacco in town to day for sale and every other kind of business is hampered. FIVE PASSENGER In good running order. Apply to Taft & VanDyke. 1 18 tfc HAVE TAKEN CP ONE SANDV- colored hog weighing about one hun dred lbs. Owner may get same by paying for this ad and for cost of I keeping. W. H. Norris, 1407 Dick- STRAYED OR STOLEN BAY mare, 1118011 Ave- 2 1 tfc j blase face, hind feet white, weigh I around 1480 lbs. Finder return to FARM FOR, SALE: FIFTY-TWO AND j FOR RENT: BARBER SHOP FOR white people. Good location. Higgs Bros. 2 5 3tc Wm. Cook & Son says we are pleased to state we can sider RAT-SNAP is without doubt the says we are pleased to state we con finest rat and mouse exterminator we have ever used. It does all you claim and more too. . Four sizes, 25c, 50c, i;,1.00 and $3.00. anil. - n I,.-.in, -i-.Baagj Ingletare Dairy f j r a i arm mmmmmmmm mm i Business Pure Milk and Cream Delivered Daily Phone 212 R. L. Smith and receive liberal re ward. 2 10 tfci Yards Company, Jersey City New Jersey. Says: We used RAT-SNAP pur chased of you about our plant for the extermination of rats with marked success. It is a wonderful prepara tion. . It did beyond question all you half acres. Thirty acres cleared. Lo-1 cated on Greenville and Washington j road, two miles from Greenville, north side Tar river. For terms see or write C. L. Thigpen, Greenville. 2 4 5tp LAWYER'S ANNOUNCEMENT Having been honorably discharged claimed it would do killed the ro-jfrom the United States army I will re dents, driving them from their haunts, ; sume my law practice with my form ?r and eliminating odors arising from partner, Mr. N. W. Outlaw, under the their death. We cheerfully endorse; firm name of OUTLAW & DARDEN, Greenville N. C. its use in places infested with vermin Four sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $3.00. At Warren Drug Company. Adv. I 2 15 lOt W. A. DARDEN. K. W. Cobb of the Atlantic Coast Realty Co., and who is now making preparations for an auction sale in Kinston, spent the week end with his family. H ave M -o- We wish to announce that we have mov ed our office next to the telegraph office in front of Proctor hotel, on Evans street. When you need a sewing machine or ma chine parts or want your machine repair ed call on us. HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR NEW PRICES FOR SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO J. C. WILUFORD, M G R. If you have not it might pay you to read our list slip. Dcn't forget us when you need us. t phone us. Have your laundry ready on Monday and Tuesday for the quickest and best service. Greenville's UNDRY A. I BROWN, MGR. Phone 10 aoooooooocxxc jocsc :::: skskz&s&i ;m m , , , , ; " liii ""'iiiii" "'n(liiiii' ":tiiinii'!"iiiiiiii'Mt, n'Miimniiiiliiinn "iiih.niii'f inn in, ell Yonir Tobacco With GEN TRY & GORMAN, GREENVILLE The Best Market in the East, and You Will Go home Satisfied. 9 SALES WERE SMALL TODAY. Gorman's had 9,852 lbs. and we averaged 5046. We had 670 lbs. scrap in this sale. ' Prices were well up. We have 3rd Sale Tuesday, 2nd Wednesday, 1st Thursday, 2nd Friday. A few sales made Thursday: NAME PRICES AVERAGES Frank Dixon 36, 62, 70, 79 58.18 Manning & Braxton 25, 35, 40, 55, 56, 70, 71 58.94 t 5 lmS 44, 60, 69, 70 60.32 Terry ' 36, 58, 67, 70 60.90 f s s emiibry