O ' , - - 's ji . "vj . " - " " " ir TheWeatherReporf Clody tonight Mid Tuesday. Prob j1- ably rain Tuesday. (By Spelgbt AuCo.) X" I Cotton Belllnf in .GrecnTille today at 24 cents.' ' ; . ' 2? ? 1 c P h i e R e p o V t of t hV U n i i c P r c a o volume n. - . : GreiehviDe; N. Cv Monday AfteftipoMarch 10, 1919. t" NUMBER199 CR01MRM INVESTIGATE - A - CQURMiRTHSBURING Wmsm SEGMllER Cotton Kepdrt " - : - - V f fir . -' . ; PRESIDENT; WILSONlAUDIflG'AT:' BOSTON ' . ' ..B..w..,,., --iTnii---iiir-rtniiirinnriiiiiliTiiTTinnnwTtrinnr.-,nriiii)nrii)iir'i iniiI'Hiiihihiiwiwmiii m .Miiwim-li, n - " niiin i.'ni.iiiiMniiiiiiinii in in i i in i ' rUlll.l lil J fflffl BilBEil IBGi) H h --jr Yesterday was a very full daty in the v ngolirmpiUgnow.gQljg on it jjirvis Memorial MethodWch'ufdL' FiM- services featured the ' day begin ning with a special talk totljieSun !mv school by Mi1 Patten and' winding up with a largely attended and deeply interesting service last' night , In be tween eanie the regular eleven o'clock ,raehing service, and meetings 'forj-souls nu n n n't " wixau iuc vuiiouan aiiil Methodist church in the -.afternoon. The meeting is rapidly taking on an intenicmnoinational charactej'. , The oilier ministers of the toWn are work in i: in the closest hirmonjyj with . flAr. Patten, and their members are attend ing and assisting in the servicesC Mrl l'hillips of the .Presbyterian church jireachetl to the Jtoftesterday aftef- n.M.n. and the pajof ; the Baptis mid Christian hurches also particit pated in the service The Christian church closed its dotira lasV Bight, and pastor and people worshipped -with, the Methodists. Mr. Saddler wilt preach at the afternoon service today. ': Mr. Thillips preached a strong ser mon yesterday afternoon on Thy Kingdom to Come.V and told the large crowd of men present some of the" tilings they were doing to hold the kingdom back. Mr. PattepP followed with a clear and frank statement as to local conditions and pwtother, min isters present had something, to 'say. The result was that those present re solved themselve into a law and or der league, determined on a clean Greenville, a safe place to rearchil dren. At the same time the women -were . meeting at the Methodist church, un; and the Camp Fire Girls wiil attend der the leadership of Mrs. W. E. Hook- in a body. CITIZEN SUGGESTS N. 0 WARREN FOR WHtT MAYOR OF GREENVILLE Mr. Editor: . . , " I rise to ask where is the public sj)irit of our. town, and where are the thanks and 'appreciation of our ciit zens? After our heavenly Father was so merciful and good as to give us a beautiful and prosperous town, is.it possible that not one of our business men will condescend to- accept the leadership, when it would be handed to him on a silver waiter? God see ing the indifference and carelessness of his people do you believe He will let us continue to prosper under such conditions? I do not. He condemned the slothful servant, while. He cqm-mereh-d the ones who made their. tal ent count, and placed them heads of gr 1 cities. Ag 11, He taught sacrifice: and what do the people who are qualified to mo than the slothful serVanfc did? v w, what are our people doing gov 1 the town and whom have made gre msiness for themselves say when mil . ifhi ns to Xw mavorshio? In var ii ly they say I .can noVsacrif5ce my iiine, there Is nothing In the office aii" i'7 time is too precious w V off gn a la tile-. had a capable man, who held the e as mayor for four year' with business tact and honor, but, he too, could not sacrifice liis any longer. Why In the world n t the board of aldernien raise tin salary of the mayor to where it will he interesting to the business men and property owners to enter the race? And some people, Mr. Editor,, havs the most peculiar ideas at all! I. was talking to a man on the street about Mr. Dunn retiring from the race, -and this was his remark: Welk.Col. Dunn made a good mapor but he . has hadT it long enough; no man should hold of - MISCELLANEOUS PARTY There will le given a Mjceilanebus party at the Shelmerdine school on next Thursday night, March 13th. Ev erybody is cordially invited to be pres ent and the young ladies are asked to bring baskets. BntiHiminrarami D NEW ARRIVALS -DOLMAN CAPES DOLMAN COATS SPRING SUITS WOOL SWEATERS SILK SWEATERS n o II II y WOOL SLIP-ONS -.Hi ..-mnvr ciwrwrra ' attViJ Mi VKUSU DUUlil dJao o s II LET US SHOW lfOUv " a E3 n CLAUDE TUNSTALLvv 4V cqsslng problems vponcerolo "the ug.me or tne town. - MT'r ?ten preached two earnest ser mons; to larger congregations, in addi tion to his, Sunday 6chool talk. In the morning , he talked more directly to the Christians, about the power of their example in the home andln th community, and put heavily upon their their personal- responsibility for tne salvation o& those ahmu f-hm l in the evening he used Jeremiah's story of the potter and the marred vessel as. the basis of a strong appeal : first that the life should be kept from be tog marred;- by tTieiding to God in outh, but, ;toUlilg in that, hat in manhood afld. womanhood the life should be matr to God In order 4hat Hejmighsake something rth.nUet'Jf.v - The -meeting .-.last night was attend ed- by another overflow congregation, most of whom were stirred to the depths by the evident earnestness and devotion in. .tlie appeals made by the minister. There was a seriousness, ov er h$ congregation that has not been seen" before, and many took a positive stand for a better life. TherQ will be the regular services each day thjs week, at four and se-en- vltation to tSose-who are not church' Z i v - . members. 'They are asked to make yp a. lai-ge part of, the congregation. To morrow night the Sunday school teach ers, and their pupils will sit together. Wednesday will be father and son night. Thursday evening the officials of the church will occupy special seats, and Friday evening the Boy Scouts ice more than 'fcrar "years aaked that gentleman these questions Did you vote for. Small? His answer was, Yes. Now, Small has been "in office for 22 years, I think. I again asked: Did you vote'.. for Wilson's sec ond term? He said, Yes. Well, I said that makes two terms that's 8 years. I went further. I said: Di(d you not try all in your power ta.keep ,Mr. Shoreas ryour pastor? He said: Yes. Well, 'I said, why should' you discrim inate. I then said : Well, why are you agaiuif Dunn? He said he was for a wide open Sunday, that s all. Well, said I, the candidate that you oArratvTl m told went into a S.v-1 rian cafe Sunday morning and solic ited liis vote telling the Siyrlan he was like Col. Dunn; he was for wide open Sunday, too. I said now what are youi going to do about that? He said : Did you hear him say it ? I said : He said: Well, I'll bet he did No. not sav so. Well, I saidr Suppose our town should be represented In some big city, which would you have go to represent us Col. Dunn or your candidate? He. said: Rice, (you talk foolish, I rather Dunn because he has more experience. I saw I had mm whipped. ' Then I said : ol. Dunn would stand before that great body with the look of a statesman pouring forth .words, of wisdom with ihe ora tory of our beloved Zebulon B. Vance or Chas. B. Aycock, while your little candidate would be sitting in some cor ner shaking like a -sick kitten on a frosty morning and if he, did venture to say a word he would -sfammer and spuddle until he got everything into a laugh and muddle. But," Mr. Editor, I see, that the wish of the town seems to be for a layman. NoWI am going to call todutry one who has been tried arid his' ability proven, and everyone will say hallelu jah, amen. lThat man ls N. O. war ren. . - " . Yours truly, W. L. RICE. 35 Are rom RR. r - (By United Presa) Toledo Thirty-five persons were in- lured, none however, fatally, it is be- nnssenger-'train at the cr-ossing in night at eight o'elock. - Injured ltingF Collision President and Mtb. Wilson coming ton sh:H-bor. Lieut. J, C. Taylor of US. Navy Here for a Few Days Lieut. (M. C.) J. (.'. Taylor, Tnited States Navy senior medical officer of the U. S. S. Plattslmrg, a troop tians- , port, inhere visiting his parents at 503 East 8th street. Lieut. Tarior has been engaged in the troop transport service for the past eleven months. He arrived in New York on the 8th inst., with 1,500 sol deirs and 500 wounded and sick from Liverpool, England, adn Brest He has crossed the Atlantic ocean twelve times in this service and the English channel four times. In. a conversation with a Daily News man this morning Lieut. Taylor stat ed that the United States navy is -now doing its utmost to rush the boys back home. Fifty new transports (United States), he said, are being placed iu commission to speed up this work. ! This will make over one hundred In the service which should easily bring irtocMgft-AijSBgtel1- a11 of thg . transports are. running and in good condition. Conviction of . Debs Confirmed " by U.S. Court (By United Press.) v. Washington. The United States su- preme- court affirms the conviction of Eugene V. Debs, former Socialist can didate for President. He was found i guilty of the espionage act for a speech delivered in Canton, Ohio. v At the same time the court upheld the espionage act. Debs claims that fit violates the constitutional rights of free speech. Quart Whiskey Turned 6ut to be India Molasses One of Greenville's citizens is now a sadder but wiser man ; that is to say, in the future he will be more pa r- ticular when he xrders a "little for his i t stomach's sake". He" ordered whiskey ! but when it arrived it was pure West India molasses and just to think, he shelled out $2.35 for -it, two. dollars for the booze and thirty-five cents ex press. This citizen has been slightly under the weather for. some days and his phjyslcian prescribed a little stimulant and so convinced was the doctor that it was essential in his case that he signed the certificate for his patient to order the liquor. The patient did so and had been anticipating a time like those he used to have in the days of Auld Lang Syne when the quart ar rived. Last week the said quart turn ed up-in Greenville and to the express office. It did not remain there, how ever, many minutes for the patient was right on his job and went hurried ly t6 the express office with his thirty-five cents and his prescription. He entered the express office with a smile but this was changed quickly to ne of scorn and disgust for upon opening the package instead of liquor it was molasses, and It was a poor brand of molasses at. that. Parties wishing a mm rn's h 1UUS IAJ fiCl. ilto ashore from the,t4ktet Ossipee; which ...... . v ' x r I GLEANER GITY DEMANDED BY MEN'S MASS MEETING SUNDAY From the handwriting on the wall there s going to he a genuine old-fasli-ioued house-cleaning in Greenville snd it is not going, to log off, judging by what was done at the men's meeting held in the Christian church Sunday af teruoon. Theauditoriuui was filled wirh cit izens representing all walks of life, there for a purpose and it looks as if this purpose Is going to bear fruit here at no distant day. These citizens-want a cleaner Green ville and they are going to have it if within their power. After hearng a soul stirring sermon by the Rev. S. K. Phillips, Rev. j4r. Patten made a talk referring to local conditions in Green vile. The other pastors of the city spoke along the same line. Quite a number of the; citizens present spoke selves together. The meeting yester and all agreed 'that something has .got day is being discussed from all vfew- 1 1 lie ftnilA Till il v tHa onm tyi n rvi f T t( i f i t Inilur 1 1 v- tYia ri t i itm a ran f Vi o .dhave Jjgttftv towj In which to stieets, in the shops and stores. The . live and rear . tneir cnTlflrenrow twiite- Ftaxday s, meeting -of -.the Enthusiasm for a purer town reigned supreme. A law and order league was UNITED STATES POURING FOOD INTO COUNTRIES OF EOROPE (By United Press) Washington. The United States is now pouring two hundred and fifty thousand tons of fowl into Poland, Jft glo Slavia, including Serbia, Rouman ia, Czecho Slovakia and Armenia in the near east. The food administration states that Herbert Hoover is now directing this week under one hundred million dol lars food relief bill. Food is being shipped through the straits' of Gibraltar to Mediterranean points and through the English chau--nel to Rotterdam. Modern Bakery is Now Assured for Greenville Greenville is to have a modern bak ery at last. Mr. J. W. Massey, who is engaged in the bakery business in Ayden has decided to come to Green ville andopen,up a "business iiee. This fact was intimated through the columns of this paper some time ago and no doubt it will be pleasing news to the' readers to learn that a bakery is now an assured fact. Mr. Massey will open in the building formerly oc cupied by Mr. Herbert on Dickinson avenue. He is now busily engaged in cleaning up things and getting in shape. He has the best wishes of all for success. GOES TO GRIMESLAND William Bagwell leaves this week for Grimeslarid, N. C, where he expects to go into business. He expects to enter the automobile business there and the stiyle pt his concern will be the Grimeslarid Motor Co. For some tlme 'Mr. Bagwell has been connected witli the Dail-Overland Co. He has theest wishes of hts friends in his new. home. .-. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH A .'SUBSCRIPTION TO -THE DAILY NEWSDO IT NOW. . . met the S: S. Georgd Washlngtn in- Boa formed right on the spot with between seventy-five and one hundred members. The following officers were elected ; President, G. E. Harris; vice presi dent, W. E. Hooker; secretary and treasurer, B. W. Moseley. Not only were local conditions discussed, viz: blind tigers, etc.. but the question of next mayor for Greenville was one of the main Items wrestled-with. The league Is determined upon having a candidate for next mayor that will do things, will see to it that the law is enforced and that god order prevails. Whether the league purposes to bring out a candidate for mayor is not known, suffice it' to say thq? propose to have a clean town though the ele ments fall and for this purpose and witlT this aim they have banded them- men is awaited with interest for the? mean business. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Tuesday : Evening prayer 4 -J30 p. m. Wednesday : Evening prayer and ad dress 7:30 p. m. Thursday : Evening prayer 4 :30 p. m. . , Fridaiy : Holy communion 10 a. m. Litany 7 :30 p. m. Saturday: Children's service 4 p. an. HAS RETURNED HOME Mr. Wiley Brown returned home Saturday from Baltimore where he has been under treatment at a hospital in that city. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he is now con valescent and will soon be ableto re sume his business relationsif nothing unforeseen happens. He will be with the Willard & Smith Co., on Dickin- sno avenue. Perkins Resigns as Policeman for the City J. F. Perkins, who "was elected a member of the city police force at the last meeting of the board to fill out the unexpired term of Policeman D. R. Oliver, this morning tendered his resignation to Mayor Dunn and the board -of aldermen to take effect im mediately. " Since appocting the position as po liceman Mr. Perkins finds that his other businesses such he cannot give the position of police the attention he desires so he has decided to resign. 'Mr. Perkins is vor appreciative to the mayor find the board' of . aldermen for their c ' 'Vev.c? in him and his election to 1 '1 (!; position made vi caut by oli- enun -Oliver. Mr, I'cr kins will aga.n 'resume hiss trade from now on. JlTST RECEH'ED CAR LOAD OF: ninety-day. oats and. a car load ofr field, peas. Hall &s : Savage .Bros., . Phone 15. "'"""'" "3 10 5tc eutBranMey: rites BackHoMe From Overseas . Granceyv SThipe, -Dept. C-ote Div. France. Feb. 10, 1919. t My Dear Mrs. Clark : - Be careful don't lose slip enclosed in this letter for you will be proud of it after having, read it Sometime ... . ago an. order- came down from divis ion headquarters containing the names of officers and men cited for bravery and having heard of Ollie's actions un der fire - was sure bis' name was on the list. Today I toaaaged to get my hands on one of them to see If Ollie was 'given what he deserved and in it I found what I'm enclosing to you. Of course you Will be proud and the proudest little woman in Greenville and you have eveny right to be. This is- the clipping enclosed : Sereeant Ollie F. Clark : Co. G. : For conspicuous bravery In action bur ing an advance near Hermeville, vember 11, 1918, was advancln-; machine gun nest and y&fi wounded in the arm. ItWever, he kept, on fighting and refused to go to the rear until ordered to do so by his lieutenant, instilling great courage ia his section." j Since Ollie's entry in the army have watched his rise with a great deal of interest for I knew that if given the chance he would make good and no doubt had the war continued he would have received a commission which he deserved. - I last saw Ollie at Chatel. Sure missed him when he entrained for the .Verdun front ; he was in the bestof spirits and when I learned of hi wounds 'twas with the deepest regret. Ejje now. I hope he Is back withyou and I know you are the proudest of all the women a round there. If pe is there ask him to speak to my wife ad- tell-lietL just how J looked when. he saw roe last. ' -:-!'w -Congratulations to you both. The next time I see him my hat comes off, for he'is a -real man. Respectfully yours, JAMES F. BRINKLEY, Jr., 2nd Lt. 323 Inf. ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Julia Jones who formerly taught in the Durham high school has accepted the position as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer in the in- surrttice office of Mr. A. White Mr. J. S. Willard who has former ly "been devoting all of his time '. as bookkeeper will from now on be th chief bookkeeper and outside solicitor. WAR COUNCILS MBf PROGRAM MAY' BE READILY ACCEPTED American People Are Responding Wilson's Appeal (By United Press V Washington. The American people are responding " eagerly to President Wilson's invitation to discuss the Lea gue of Natons. While controversies over war poli - cies drew a tremendous number of let- hineut of neutral credit by Germany, ters nothing lnthe memory of con- Third, use of, Germany's gold reserve gress has equalled the present aval-- lf rhe mollPy raised by oflier means aenhe of'mail to their offices. 'falls short f the amount needed. The senatdrs are simply unable to j T,lis prft(jj.lU2) constitutes no back read half of the mail addresses to ,loxvn by the, allies It fits completely them on the subject they stated today, ' itu 1U1. H:litIonnl terms included in but what letters have been read show j f arulistice during .Tanuair. one thing clearly: the country has aVj... .... ; , ' Tea V ""realized the vast importance of the question. , THE LAST CALL If r"u want "O. Henry" at the spec ial bargain price 12 cloth' bound, gilt tcps. illustrated volumes, $12, $1 with . -lorn vorucr-nn.i i a monm. uu ...u u- your order not later than March 10th, and ma a immediately to J. T. Nors worthy, The Yarborough," Ralei:b, N. C ' 10 3tc CASE OF SJL1LLP0.V ' JJie caunir V health off fee today,-re- - port a; case of" smallpox fin Grcville. The yictim -Is William JiefiaicK. TwL'fl.Ml ho leshles on??h7it street he lesj'es 05 tS (By UnlffeiVPVws).--. Washington. TheVlnyestlgatioa - of court martlals during the war has been ordered by J udge f Advocate , General Crowder. ... In a letter to Secretary of War Ba ker General Crowder stated. that the Inspector -JeneST" of the army will proceed, with the work immediate! General Cppwder defended the sys tem of court1 martial in referring to the enrages of cruelty made recently by Brigadier General Ansell Who for a time was acting 'Judge Advocate Gen. eral. ' ... I'- " ; The army officers are taken - from all" walks of . life says Crowder and they administer Justice during the war with the. penalties which are. authoriz- ed U7. congress. - ' ' President is Suffering From a Slight Cold United Press) 4&?2.isfir George "Wa shinrfHJ. Presl- Jlit Wilson Ls suffering from a slight cold, but Rear Admiral Grayson' said that it was not serious. The President .hasNweived a great quantity of wireless messages from, Paris detailing the progress of the peace work. " It Is announced that the President will go direct from Brest to Paris and get into immediate topch with Secre tary. Lansing, Colonel House and other niemlers of the .American delegaton. Big Leaguers Are Leaving for New Orleans (By Unite 1 Press) Cleveland. The first of , the big 4 leaguej-s to hike for the southland leavejfchere today. The Cleveland In dians with pitchers and catchers in charge of Lee Fohol re due tp arrive in New Orleans Wednesday. Fighting Reported Still Going on in City of Berlin (By United Preaa) Berltn.-r-The revolution appetra to bo yo thft cotitrM of. ita leaders. Although ' the general strike waa of ficially called off (yesterday afternoon following ' a compromise' agreement with the government fighting Is still going onin several" parts pf the city. (By United Prees) Paris. The, supreme economic com mission ls expected to resume "its con fwnce with the German? a"t "Brussels immediately. The new program which has leen mapped out by the mipreme war coun cil will, it is believed, be readily ac cepted by the enemy. The first is a partial removal of the economic blockade permitting Ger many Jo export suoji commodities as lC,ai an(j potash. Second, . the estab SPRING riSPLAY F le a'HWuiees her first Mrs. I. oiiening'ofprlng uiUUnpry for Wed nesday. March 12th af which time the latest creations in Pattern hats and also untriniriied shancs and the latest will be shown for your ap- ' nove tu'm - - uny in nmvjii. j . - vited t-1 present. 3 l6 lc ' CJTON IARITT ( Reported by Speight & Co.) New .York Futures, New Contradi r-Openln:? Closing 23.15 22.42 ; .day . .' 23.10- 22i5 21.1 V uuiy (t lr V-1 1 I 'r -. 'rt - ft -j-.

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