MIUIvIC SATS ottxjma vi Tut LETTERS IWfxX 0t UUNG OP At esses POST OFFICE FER AOOfctS ER J. CONRAD LANIER, President; JAS. L. MAYO, Secretary & Manager. Entered at Jhe Postoffice at Greenville N. C, as second-class mattre Jur 15, 1917, under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. POSTAGE , N TH HOTUIH- Of "ChK 1 CNM ELOPE SOS THE VUN TELL WHO TO RETUR.N EA . TO, SW'O THlfclK. T WOULD A GOOD tOEfc PER BVCAtt BOON T WANE US PWNf 6,rA A BOY. OF CNMELOPES NYfH THE NAME AMD AOOR.ES6 OP IN ONE CORNER The Greenville Daily News Spring Dr V V Published every afternoon except Sunday by Greenville Publishing Co., Inc. (Delivered by Carrier within specified sections of the dfiy or by mail) Subscription Rates: ' r One Year $4-00 Three Months $1.00 Six Months $2.00 One Month 35c (Subscriptions Payable in Advance) Subscribers desiring the Daily News discontinued will please notify office. Otherwise paper will be continued at regular subscription rates. To Injure efficient delivery, complaints should be made promptly to the Circulation De partment, No. 319 Evans Street. Telephone No. 70. Wednesday Afternoon, March 26, 1919. WHY THE PROCRASTINATION? We are still of the opinion that a building of some character is the most suitable way in which to memorialize the deeds of the Pitt county sol diers who participated in the late war. We care not what is placed in this building so the names of the boys are placed there and perpetuated. This building can be a hospital, a gymnasium, a library, a rest room, or what not, the main point we are endeavoring to make is that a building erected as a memorial is the right step to take. If any better suggestion as to how to memorial ize the deeds of our gallant sons has been, set forth we have yet to hear of it. I Notwithstanding the fact that the State of Norh Carolina is gong to erec a memorial build ing in Raleigh in wtrch the names of each coun-' ty's soldiers are to b ; placed, we think that each county should erect a memorial separate and apart and of its own. The citizens of this good county of ours owe it to the brave boys who left their homes and went across the seas to give their lives if needs be for home and native land, to erect something tangi ble in the way of a memorial and why there has not been more interest taken in such a proposition in the county is beyond our comprehension. If 11 f re is being anything done along this line, and tLc re is a memorial organization in this county, v i re in ignorance of it just at this time. K'j sons fought in the late war more braver than those from Pitt. Some today bear the marks of that memorable conflict, scars tha will go with them to their graves and shame upon us who re mained at home if we do not show our gratitude, our appreciation in placing before the coming generation some evidence of our gratitude for what they did for the freedom of the world. We hope that the Pitt County Memorial Asso ciation will take on new life and start again on this memorial business and not stop until some- thing is forthcoming. ' We can't see any reason for procrastination. WILBUR E. COLVER, Sergeant, Company A, 1st U. S. Engineers. For conspicuous gallantry In action near Verdun, France, Oc tober 9. 1918. Sersrt. Colver was awarded the Distinguished Serv- : ice Cross. Volunteering, with two other soldiers, to locate ma chine gun nests, Sergt. Colver advanced on the hostile posi tions to a point where he was half surrounded by the nests, which were in ambush. He killed the gunner of one gun with a captured German grenade and then turned this gun on the other nests, silencing all of them be fore he returned to his platoon. He was later killed in action. Sergt. Colver lived with his father, William H. Colver, at 202 Helen avenue, South. Ozone, L. L, N. Y. J Striking 1 Styles VFor To Cleanse Dainty Waists laces, and lingerie, perfectly and safely, make a rich lukewarm suds of MULE TEAM BORAX SOAP CHIPS Launder as usttal, squeezing the suds repeatedly through the fabric so that the Borax in the Chips can dissolve the dirt away. Rhe carefully and your gsftftetif will look like new. To mdi Soap Jelly for gen eral Inadry ate, add three Uble pooofala of SO Mole Team Borax Soap Chips to a qaart of water and boiL Add to wash-water and oak or bofl clothes it usual. Aa '8 6s. package of 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips equals 25o woVth of ordinary laundry soap. It's tk Boras with tht Soap that dots tht wort AT ALL DEALERS lllliii! -i ADVICE TO YOUNG LADY READERS WHAT SAY THE ALDERMEN? We see no reason why the city authorities al low the parking of automobiles on Dickinson ave nue and Evans street when they could be just as easily parked on Fifth and Fourth strepts. nnH tnus doing away with the crowded conditions in tnat part 01 the city. Evans street and Dickinson narrow thoroughfares, in fact, too 'narrow, for appearance sake, it nothing more, and when it comes to cars being parked on both sides of these streets it make a congestion of traffic there is no excuse tor and we respectfully submit should be stopped. We believe that if the board of aldermen would pass an ordinance making it a penalty to park a car on either Dickinson avenue or Evans street longer than twenty minutes at any one time dur ing tne day it Would go a long way towards reliev ing this congestion. It would accomplish one purpose if not more: that is. chance to cross the street if he so desires. Satur days it is almost next to an impossibility to get through the streets on account of the numerous cars lined up on both sides of the street, and they generally remain there for hours with few excep tions. There is no reason why these cars, especially those that the owners expect to remain idle for some little time, not being parked on some other streets than Dickinson avenue and Evans streets, which are principal business thoroughf aerrses in the city. We trust the city fathers will take this question of the parking of cars in the city up at their next meeting and pass some ordinance to relieve the situation which for some time has been the subject of adverse criticism. We be lieve that if such action were taken, the board of aldermen would receive the thanks of the entire citizenship, those we mean who have the best in terest oi tne city at heart and desire to see it go forward instead of backward. What say the board of aldermen? E3 1 In the splendid I styles for women now in stock are -some of the j smartest and I most exclusive I patterns that it has ever been our pleasure to rec- ommend. H There are distinc i tive ideas in mod 8 elling that will I readily anneal to 1 all women of good taste. Young woman, live to make others happy, and Tl 1 O. m- m . you will De happy! Live tor yourselt and you will be miserable! There never was an exception to the rule, there never will be an exception. Plan out your life on a big scale, whether you are a farmers daughter, or a sheperdess among the hills, or the flattered pet of a drawing room filled with statuary and pictures and bric-a-brac. Stop where you are and make a plan for your life time. You cannot be satisfied with a life of frivolity and giggle and indescretion. Trust the world and it will cheat you if it does not destroy you. The Redoubtable was the name of an en emy's ship that Lord Nelson spared twice from demolition, but that same ship afterward sent the ball that killed him, and the world on which you smile may aim at you its deadliest weapon. Appreciate your mother while you have her. It is the almpst universal testimony of young wo men who have lost their mother that they did not realize what she was to them until after her exit from this life. Indeed, mother is in the ap preciation of many a youncr ladv The maternal inspection is often considered an obstacle. Mother has so many notions about which is proper and that which is improper. It is astounding how mucr more many girls know at eighteen than their mothers at forty-five. D FINE BLOODED HOGS EGGS SHINGLES COTTON SEED TOBACCO FLUES B This is a "brown" Season and interest naturally centers in the dark tan oxford. But we have a good variety of blacks, browns and whites most any heel desired. B 1 o m n I I keep on hand at all times one half million or more all heart cedar shing les. Price from $5.00 per thousand up. Will begin making flues March 1st ' and can make deliveries after that date in any quantity. During this spring I will have 10 1 broo.l sows and gilts, all full blooded Duroc Jersey and Duroc and White Chester crosses for sale. Have about 15 bushels Ricks Cotton Seed for planting. Thoroughbred Black Minorca and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatch ing at $1.50 for 15. i. J. JENKINS Office Gonnans Ware House pel 5 RIGHT Glasses forWRONG EYES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE This is to notify all persons that I, Lidla E. Perkins, has this day duly qualified before the Clerk of the Su perior court as administratrix of the estate of the late L, T. Perkins. This "s to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to file the same before March 5th, 1920. or thqy will be pleaded in bar of 'heir ! recovery. All persons who are indebt- ed to the said estate are requested to . make immediate settlement to the un dersigned. This March 5th, 1919. LIDIA E. PERKINS, Administratrix of L. T. Perkins, De . ceased. 3 6 6wp Right Glasses right in quality, ap eparance, accuracy and adjustment Wrong Glasses wrong in focus, pow er, strength and clearness. I rescue wrong sight by furnishing right glassse DR. W. L. BEST OPTOMETRIST ! , "The Greatest Thing In Life" The Latest Styles and Designs Just Arrived ! ! They are beauties and just the thing for spring. $25.00 values yours for . $18.00 $20.00 Values yours for . $13.98 THEY ARE BARGAINS SURE All Ginghams going for 27 1-2 cents per yard. X R Abeyounis Five Points At the Busy Corner Don't Fail To See One of D. W. Griffith's best produc tions, featuring an all star cast. A picture well worth the price. White s Theatre THURSDAY Matinee and Night Admission 25c and 50c 33 of '' ' ' ' ' II Dr. Alex Viola, Jr. VETERINARIAN Tucker & Clark Stables PHONE 447 P. R. HINES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office: Edwards Bldg. Practice in all State Courts GREENVILLE, N. C. fA HASH GASH PAYS NEXT CLAUDE TUNSTALL THE DAILY NEWS IS PITT COUN TTS LEADING NEWSPAPER GET ON THE LEADING MAILING LIST H. W, CARTER, M. D. "SPECIALIST" Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. WASHINGTON. N. C. DR. E. P. SPENCE Dentist Third Floor National Bauk Building; PHONE 142 ANNOUNCEMENT -o I wish to inform my friends that after several weeks illness I am back on tnejob, ready to resume my practice in this section. I wish to thank all for their past patron age and ask a continuance of same. JOHN F. THIGPEN Veterinarian WINSLOWS STABLES Phones: Day 11, Night 484 i