i CHICAGO LABOR GOES TO THE POLLS TO VOTE FOR ITS CANDIDATE i IJ J -r ; r . ' 1 - . 171 I - v Chevrolet I DS i . - - - ' H The " Chevroleit Car" j B .1 I 1 f D To the very smallest detail, the Chevrolet reflects the ideals of the makers to produce a really high grade car at a poplar price. I' A salesman's most valuable assistant At the service of the ''Lady of the -House"-. ., As useful on 4he farm m any other1 piece of machinery. The doctor must have a motor ear. . Essential to the contractor and builder For recratiori purposes Increases the efficiency of the business man 100 per cent. !wwii!BfHWHiiiiniwnicpra!r',,aiii!Bii!!niB -t. i 1 1 0 1 .1 I 1 1 Model "490" Roadster delivered $817.50 Model "490" 5-Passenger $837.50 Model "FA" 5-Passenger deliver ed $1,075.00 Model "D" Eight Cylinder deliv ered ...$ ,721.12 THE BIGGEST CAR VALUE IN Tl PRICE YOU PAY E WORLD FOR Tl E Greenville s Motor Comrfy Si a ft 0 0 v v ..; - (By-United Press) " Chicago. Chicago labor declared a holiday today to see that the city gets the right sortfmat70Jf.j-.: Whereeyer it could be done yfeutjjBftvere. a Jolt to industry union : inent absented themselves - from their tasks to vote for- John Fitzpatrick, the. new "labor party's'-, candidate for' the, chief exec utive's; job. 7 ' ' Father Dearborn had his pick of six men who are anxious to manage his big municipal busines8 for the ensu ing years. They are: Mayor William Hale Thompson Re publican. - Robert Sweitzer, Democrat. Caclay Hoyne, Independent. , John Fttzpatrick, Labor. . John Collins, Socialist-Labor. ' Rudolph Carna, Socialist-Labor. The elections today formed a stir riiyjt climax for -a campaign from its ,pre-priman7 period. ;- Hoyne, pointing to his record as Estate attorney, waged unrelenting war on both men. The labor party, beaded by Fitzpatj rick, worked more quietly, but had the backing of most of the city'sunion ; men, an organization expected to prove .a great help in getting out a silent .vote. . Fltzpa trick was expected to Retract much from the u,sual socialist vote. However, both the Socialist and LaboV parties were affected by a split which put a third candidate for those votes into the field. Labor union officials deprecated a , tendency among their following to term todajy's holiday a "one day strike". Industry was not -to be ham pered, they said, but all men who eould were asked to aid at the polls. fc ; ... t i: V lit V't '4 mi liillian Gish and Master Ben Alexander in D. W. Griffith's ??Hearts of the World" at White's the atre Wednesday, Thursday with daily matiness. mouth' of B and to keep the oral dbv charges of A out of the throat of B. This would prevent tuberculosis, in fluenza, hyphoid, ' diarrhea, . dysentery, and other diseases of this nature. the spreading jf his germs to his fol low menj it is his dutv to himself on the part of everybody, to guard against ontracting these diseases. The tftnh Board of Health believes that when Personal hygiene is the keynote of be. people acwpt the slogan "Public PUBLIC HEALTH DE PENDS ON YOU AND ME to Disease prevention in . any town or in any rural community of North Car olina depends upon the average man and woman. The State and the coun ty may establish hospitals and infirm aries and clinics for the treatment of typhoid and tuberculosis and dysentery and the venereal diseases but these disease will continue and increase until the average citizen practices per sonal hygiene and takes care not to spread his infection to his family and neighbors. The classeB of diseases which cause more sickness and deaths in the State are the dieases spread " through the discharge from the bowel and from the mouth and throat. To prevent ' these diseases, in the simplest expression of facts, it is merely necessary to keep the bowel discharges of A out of the prevention of the respiratory diseases. We have not yet learnd how to pre vent outbreaks of colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and influenza, but we do know that their spread could be check ed if the principles of personaf hy giene were universally practiced. Dur ing the last three months of 1018 peo ple took unusual precautions to pre vent the spread of influenza and as a result measles and. whooping cough practically disappeared from the State. The responsibility for the spread of an infectious disease lies with the in dividual. It is the infected person's duty toward his neighbor, to prevent JURORS DRAWN SOCIAL PERSONAL i ! E. H. Moore of Washington is in the city this morning. C. K. Council and wife of Newport News, Va., are registered at the Proc tor hotel. Messrs. A. J. Rock, Glenn Walters SAN FRANCISCO PORT NOW FREE TO OFF-SHORE SHIPS (By United Press) San Francisco. The port of San Francisco today became free to all for eign and off-shore ships. The move is expected greatly to in crease the business of thig port wi'h 1 rtrns-Pacitic points. Commerce with the TIawaiian Is lands and Alaska and the Atlantic seaboard will be considered off-shor or foreign tnde The action eliminates entirely the dockage rate ind cuts fifty per cent off the wharfags charges of ships ha and R. P. Holloman of Washington j ing reSular bertQ3- "Tramp" ships are are welcome visitors to the city to day. R. R. Hill of Greensboro was on our streets this morning. 9 "J. R. Turnage of Ayden was here yesterday afternoon on business. R. B. Simpson of Wilson is a Green ville, visitor. free from all dockage charges. Rates for fresh water were also rut from $150 to $3fr for 100,000 gallons the average amount for ordinary cargo ships. VESTRY TO MEET GUIDES GETTING READY FOR "SEEING EUROPE (By United Press) Paris. An army of prospective guides has already begun drilling and rehearsing their patter on the forrn- F.: S. Mott of Raleig Is in the city er battlefields of France in prepare There will be a meeting of St. Paul's vestry at the rectory tonight at eight o'clock. All the members are urged to be present. FECIAL NOTICE Advertisement In thta column are le per word per insertteo cash, uniee yoa hare an account with thetwper.. .Each Initial and figure count aa word. Pre ferred position 2e per ward. All fetich u 0 S-0 The following jurors have been drawn for the Pitt county superior court to convene as follows : Monday, April 17 Exum Dail, G. T. Gardner, J. L. Brown, J. W. Sutton, Jas. H. Edwards, L. H. Adams, Sr., J. Rufus Galloway, Sr.. J. B. Tucker, Jno. Adams, W. R. Whicahrd, W. B. Cingleton, W. T. War ren, T. B. Holliday, W. T. Hunter, W. B. Brown, A. M. Moseley, Fred Worth Ington, E. W. Braxton. be A lth depends on you and me" ainl act with it, that infections will disu p pea r. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & STOCK HOLDERS To the Stockholders and Creditors of the Proctor Hotel Company : You are hereby notified to present your stock and also any claim which r.-ou may have against Proctor Ho tel Co., to the undcrsiyrQHl rife.'ver of said Proctor Hotel Co., on or before the I'lst day of April, 191D, or this notice will be plead in bar of any par ticipation in the distribution of the assets of the said Proctor Hotel Co., which has this day been placed in my hnads as receiver with directions by the court to make the above adver tisement to stockholders and creditors. The property of the Proctor Hotel Co., will be sold by me as commission er on the 21st day of April, 1919, and itiwill be necessary that all creditors and stockholders file their stock or claims with me on or before the said date. This the 28th day of March, 1910. H. W. WHEDBEE, Receiver of Proctor Hotel Co. L5 29 eod to aprgl c E 0 today on business. W. H. Dail, Jr., is back from a bus iness trip to Charlotte and Richmond. J. E. Lane of Farmville Is here to day, j Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Bal timore who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norrls have re turned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hadkriey and daughter and Miss Lula Hackney of Wilson passed through the city yes terday afternoon en route to their home from ; Washington where , they spent the week end. Mr. E. B. Brown of Atyden was in town thig morning en route to his home after having been on the tobacco mar ket in Carlyle, Kentucky, for the past few1 months. tion for the tourist hosts from Amer ica. The National Touring club of France organized before the war, hag resumed business. Its first act was to map out the battle area in twenty districts. TWO FORD TOURING cars absolutely Al con dition, cheap, Percy Forbes, Greenville. 4 1 5tp PHONOGRAPHS FOR ONLY $60, IN eludes 10 records and cabinet 40 Inches high. Splendid value and aiuranteed quality. Claude D. Tun stall.; . ? lQtf FOR SALE: LARGE SIZE PEANUTS --two hundred bushels. Write W. C Chauncey. Pactolus, N. C. : MARRIAGE LICENSES The register of deeda hag issued the following licenses to marry since the last report: W. M. N. Stokes to Martha Lee Pol lard, white. John Adams to Martha Smith, white. Jasper Chapman to Nancy Cannon, colored. Walter Barrett to Laura Jones, col ored. Sam Fleming. to Annie . Roberson, colored.' - A Full Stock Of Large HATS All Styles for All Women. Come and see. .1. F.LEE The Exclusive Hat Shop. , WANTED : TELEPHONE OPERA- tor. Apply to chief operator at Tel ephone Exchange. 3 26 lwc FOR SALE: ONE YEAR OLD BULL, full blooded Jersey. For. quick sale will take $10O.Qa cash. , A.-,"W Bar- ber, Greenville R. . 3 26 8tp ' LIBERTY BONDS: WE BUY LIB- orty Bonds and pay you cash at your bank. Write us what issue you hare and number coupons tbere on. Atyden Loan & Insurance Co., Ayden, N. C. 2 26 lwc WANTED: A HOUSE IN GOOD Lo cation either three or four rooms. Apply to P. O. Box 177 or see B. L. Manning. 3 27 lwp s Yd 0 s MRS TOMATO PLANTS. EARLY AND mid season.- Ready-now. Pondero sa and Brimmer ready April 10th. $3.00 per hundred. x D. D. Haskett. 3 21'2tp NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS IF ., interested in the purchase of a cash register, credit system or ., haye a register which needs meehanicjal at tention, phone or call F: S,- Mott, Proctor B&el. : ;t 3 313tp "v'fl i S 0 S Va "Well Built" The admiration for the Overland is due not alone to its sturdy and graceful appearance but to its utility as well. By its use thousands have increased their efficiency and added to their physicial well-being. Over 600,000 Overlands are now in use. More than one-fifth of them are Model 90. No more conclusive evidence of public approval could be had. Overland success is largely due to the fact that Overland" owners have not only bought Overlands themselves but have enthusiastically recom mended them to their friends. 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft Dail. Oveir GREENVILLE, N. C. Overland Model Ninety, Five Passenger Touring; Car $985; Sedan $1495, f. o. b. Toledo. ft ft ft 8 1