w A a i . .1 "V I f I;1 f il 1 f r - J." r.v fi. The Greenville Daily News J. CONEAD JANIER, President; JAS.- L. MAYO, Secretary & Manager..' Entered at the Postofflce at Greenville, N. O.; as aecond-clasa mattre Jiw 16, 1917. under Act of Congress of March 8, 1878. Subscription Bates : One Year .'-. 4.00Three Months sw 1-00 Six Months 2.00One Month 36e (Subscriptions Payable In- Advance) Published every afternoon except Sunday by GreenvlUe Publishing Co., Inc. (Delivered by Carrier within specified sections of the city or by mall) Subscribers desiring the Dally News discontinued will please notify office. Otherwise paper will be continued at regular subscription rates. To Insure efficient delivery, complaints should be made promptly to the Circulation De partment, No. 819 Evans Street. Telephone No. 70. Monday Afternoon, June 30, 1919 NEW STANDARDS FOR CHILDREN V ! A series of conferences in nine cities is now dis cussingn the light of local conditions the stand ards for the health, education, and work of the American child drawn up by the Washington Con ference on Child Welfare Standards held under the auspices of the Children's Bureau, early in May. Says a press bulletin, issued by th? Bureau (Washington, June 1): "According to the standards, sixteen is the low est age at which a child should go to work in any occupation. The only exception to this is that in vacation time between fourteen and sixteen may . . . . -i - i. be employed m agriculture and domestic service. Children between seven and eighteen should have nine months of school, either full or part time,' each year. A child must have finished the eighth grade in school as well as reached his sixteenth birthday befpre he may be employed. If he gets a job when he is sixteen, education must be pro vided for him during the next two years at day time continuation schools. ' The working day of minors shoufa never be longer than eight hours. For children between sixteen and eighteen the working day .should be shorter than adults. Minors should be paid at a rate which, for full-time employment, would vield at least the X 7 - 'necessary cost of proper living'. They should not be employed at night or m hazardous occupations. "In order to protect mothers and babies, the standards declare that narental care, trained at- -A- 7 . tendance at childbirth, and adequate nursing and domestic assistance should be made available for every mother. The necessity of prompt and com plete birth-reeristration was nointed out. "More health centers should be established, and a public health nurse secured for every two thou sarr jjulation. For the schoolchild there should be better school-buildings, more recreation and better care of health. For the adolescent in school or out there -should be advice and instruction as to health needs and ample provision for whole some recreation. "The State was held to be particularly resDon- sible for the welfare of its defective, dependent, and delinquent children and for the supervision of institutions or agencies caring for them. Only as a last resort, the standards declare, should - a child be removed from his own home. "The standards set forth the nrincinles of Juve nile court organization and methods of care for the mentally handicapped child and the child of 11 -a . m - illegitimate birth. They urge that more social work for children in rural parts af the country be undertaken. The appointment of State child- welfare commissions and frequent revision of child weltare legislation are recommended." o IS FRANCE RUINED IN VICTORY? The terrific price in life and wealth paid by trance lor victory is now causing grave concern among her statesmen and publicists, who hope that the Allies who stood by the Republic in her aarKest hours will crown their efforts by helping her to rise to a firm footing aerain. Since Ger many can not pay the Allies the cost of the war, VkY- -1 - muni -Li- - i n - ii !t iimat j-cui on me victors, ior somebody must pay it, and it has been actually figured out that the French with their smaller population, may have to" pay more per eapita for the war man the Germans. Thus far the French have Fieservea a dignilied silence on this subiect, din oi groans and shrieks that they were being x umcu uy uie very moderate demand that they pay to restore the wanton damage they had need- Kzziy aim mwiessiy done. The Teutonic outcry very properly leads the French to state their side of the matter. A French financial authority writes m the Echo de Paris as follows: situa W !fQdJ-w-d uH es mustJ not foret us situation is a difficult one, and our f ightimr eoni- onJy solution. The fhfaS team work of the war period must be continued Through her habitual efforts France win attain eJ rTr pr2sper3y ani rise from the ruin U "left thltu0l War with this cooperation. But nV,? t0 hersel France wi" inevitably fail New SSWIS! Great BriKand icTlottl - the Videos O Out of 1 o . Peop',3 SuKer orgule d 1 e e s n lcT fcAc!2" Stomach. 8trttn-vrith todlKertion, heart burn. blching-, food-rapeatiDg. bloat, our. nut gtomaeb. the entire eyatem eventually becomes affected, every vital organ suffering in tome degree or other. Yoa see these vic tim of Acid-Stomach every where people who are subject to nervousness, headache, Insomnia, biliousness people who sneer from rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and aches and pains all over the body. It is sale to say that about 9 people ou of 10 suffer to some extent from Acid-Stomach. If yoa suffer from etvmacb trouble or, even If youdo not feel any stomach distress, yet are weak and ailing, feel tired and dragged out, ItckP'pep" and enthusiasm and know that something Is wrong although yoa cannot locate the ezaot cause of your trouble yoa naturally want to get. back your grip on health as quickly as possible. Then take, EATON 10, the wonderful modern remedy that brings quick relief from pains of indiges tion, belching, gassy bloat, etc. Keep your stomach strong, dean and sweet. See bow - your general health improves how quickly ' the old-time vim.vigor and vitality come back I Get a big 60c box of EATON IO from your drnggiet today. It Is guaranteed to please you. If you are not satisfied your druggist will refund your money. ATOMIC FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) lb EDMmSFIXXER Contract GreenviUe, North Carolina Flans and Estimates Cterfqllr Into Class WorianaasMp CIIESTNTjT ST. " PHONE S9S-J HAVE YOU PROTECTED YOUR FAfllLY? Investigate the Contracts offered by N. 0. WARREN, Dist Mgr. "Atlantic Life Ins. Co. REGULAR CYCLES OF THOUGHT t ANOTHER SPHERE FOR WOMfchl Possibility That the Flr 8ex Will Carry Off Henors In Field f Naval Architecture. "The women who have stormed the fortress of naval architecture have won a place In what Is perhaps the most Interesting professions In the world," says Manchester Guardian. "Mr. Chesterton has commented on the odd fact that, while men have been building houses from the beginning of time, they have not achieved anytning like a perfect house, but the position as regards ships Is still more curious. Your house may not be a perfect house. but, with proper precautions, you can be sure of getting what you piannea and of getting a house that will stand. tr-oar, nnw if la far otherwise witn ships. Take the case of racing yachts. Two vachts may be built on similar plans by the same firm ; one will be a rrlumDhant success, the other a ran failure; no one seems to know why. Big liners are built nqyadays In pairs or trlDleta : vet any seafaring man will maintain that they are entirely distinct In every essential particular, and even In the matter of speed there win al most certainly be a difference. Stranger than all Is the case of warships, wnicn seem to delight In puzzling their archi tects. In the case of one class of splendid cruisers In our own navy rad ical changes had to be made after trial trips, and It Is pretty well known tnat some designs have been far from com ing up to what was expected of them ; yet at this date It would have been supposed that experts could not be de ceived. However, it may ptrhaps be said that woman will find a natural affinity for these little peculiarities." eco- Mlpht Be Described aa Periodical Waves Passing Through and Agi tating the Human Mind. Just as we find a mathematical rule at many of the bodily movements, Just to thought may be supposed to have Its regular cycles. Such or such a thought comes round periodically, m Its turn. Accidental suggestions, how ever, so far Interfere with the regular cycles, that we may find hem prac tically beyond our power or recogni tion. Take all this for what It ts worth, but at any rate you will agree tXxoL rr- are rjtaln particular wTiehts that do not come up once a day, nor once a week, but that a year would hardly go round witnout your having them pnss through your mind. Here Is one which comes up at Inter vals In this wAy. Some one speaks of It, and there is an Instant and-"eager smile of assent In the listener or listen ers. Yes, Indeed; they have often been struck by it. - All at once a conviction flashes through us that we have been In the same precise circumstances as at the present Instant, once or many times be fore. Oliver Wendell Holmes ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS SZSSSSI&XBSnnnrBBfnisiniMminiri'K,,,,... iiiumihiiiiim i ' i T 7 . ''miMiUiMl,m;;: EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING ! 1 A State school to train teachers for the pub- 1 Hr Qphnnls hf North' Carolina. Fvprv j -is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free 1 1 to all wiio acrree to teach. Fall Term Win y y September 24, 1919. 1 Jbor catalogue ana oiner miormation ad- i dress, ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President Greenville, N. C. i 74 UBlteHlflHiaisMSinifflS WE ARE EXPECTING PEACHES and TOMATOES We have on hand a nice lot of young and old Chickens.- Just received, shipment of Moore's Best Patent Flour Plenty of Eggs, wholesale and retail. E. E MOORE & CO. Phone 75 ! iiiicMiiiMMBimnioiflMniPiuiPiM ! Cause of the Querry. As soon as women have the vote and the league of nations becomes a reality, says Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, she is going to be a "gay jionng girl." As it Is, no one would suspect her of being past seventy. And she likes to tell stories on herself. This is one he told In Indianapolis to a group of friends: "When I was In California recently, folks kept coming up to me and say ing. 'How young you look, In most surprised tones. Well, it began to wear on me. Why shouldn't I look young? So when a young girl came np and said It for the 'eteenth time, I said, 'So do you look young.' "And then I learned the reason for all the surprise. The newspapers had been told that I was In California In "96 with Miss Anthojiy. It had some how got twisted to read : 'Dr. Shaw was ninety-six when she was here with Miss Anthony.' That would have made me about 120 years old." Cauflht at Last. A father said to his pretty daugh ter one morning: "What time did you send that young Simpson home last night?" "Oh," replied the girl, "I don't think it was very late." "It must have been close to mid night I" "Why, father?" "Didn't you send him out the back door and hurry off to bed when you beard me coming In?" "Why, father, I had been In bed for hours." "You heard me, then?" "Yes, you woke me up." "And you had been In bed for hours?" "Ur huhr "That certainly Is funny ! "Why?" "Because when I went to light the lamp I nearly burned my hands off on the hot chimney." Youngstown Tele gram, j,. No More Insects or Plant Diseases. Now that plant quarantine No. 37 of the Agricultural department is in ef fect, prohlMting the importation of plants without a permit, there will be no more garden insects or plant dis eases. If there are It will the fault of the federal horticultural Doard, for no insects or diseases can enter now except with the permission of the bonrd. Do not discard the sprayers and lactctlddes, however, as they" will still be useful to combat .the old and new troubles that are bound to appear. We Cleared TJur Summer Home of Rats," by Mrs. Perry. -3 .'V,. 'When'e opened our seaside homel 131 aiair, it was aliive with rats. They'd gnawed : all the upholstering. we cleaned theia out in a week with RAT SNAP. I ; prefer this rat killer because "it monies In cakeform. no mix ing. J3a?e xltTtylrig hands 'sd plates." Three'iae. 2St. Kftn i no guarantee Wa,rreg Prug Co.freen Perilous Bays in OMe Virginia "Also during th spring of this same year one of tho oth5r planters of that settlement of the name of Fairleigh was attacked while turning over with the plough a piece of new land for tobacco. One of his horses was hit but, being a cautious man and having always his musket with him, he managed to drive the Indiana ofi." Notes of a Plsntmr tt Virginia-Carolina tobacco tastes better" Test its taste and see! , We've been saying rightalong that Virginia- Carolina cigarettes have a flavor, a zest, and a relish that smokers of other cigarettes miss entirely. Now! Put this tobacco to the Taste Test vSmoke a cigarette made entirely of Virginia Carclina. Right afterward, smoke a cigarette of mixed tobaccos. The second cigarette will taste "fiat" by comparison. Make this test and you'll know why we keep saying, ' 'Smoke Virginia-Carolina tobacco straight smoke the all -Virginia -Carolina cigarette, smoke Piedmont" The Virginia Carolina Cigarette NOTE Piedmonts, with all their taste-quality, coaf ess than cigarettes of foreign-grown tobacco which have to tack on the cost of Import duty. If yoa want mil va7ue in place of part value, ask for Piedmont, the all- Vtrginim-Cturolina cigarette. 20 for 18 cents ville. N. C. Ifc -?.' . v : " ,r --.- ' -v -4