The Weather Refort -2 Onera'ly fair tonight and Friday. Not' much change ha temperature 11 Cotton s selling in Greeiivi tIy t- 32 cents FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OF THE UNJTJ PRESS VOLUftffi III. Greenville N; C, ThurUd: Af ternponA 31, 1919 'ii, a. ' y - - 2? Zr- t J .- vf' -s i r i n 5 4 - . t- . VT .'' .' ' r y clv- i n n rr -: i i 1 , J 1 iL 1 r M Will I'Q ,, S II Daylight : -7. DEATH lULL ! UHllMuO S RACE riots MnwiniBnMTOibTv SHOTS EJSCHAf ( Rv United Press) chic:!!:". The death list of Chicago's four (l:ty race rioting now shows 30, 17 iioirnHS and 13 whites, following tho ii. Mtli of Thomas Coppland, 18 year ,iM ni'uro. this niorninjr. The black bolt where most of the ;irson and rioting hare taken plae j nitw calin. J This district is now being patrolled hv six thousand, two hundred militia- men ni'nilers of the national guard. The m.i.'rs were sent to the negro ,1 isr ri r at midnight where they werer distril'iitod thronghout five sonea. The sW liors were given a baptism of fire and rain from more than one hundred "shoN. As soon as the troopers made their appearance they returned th fire. No casualties up to the hour of 9 this dispatch have been reported. Prices Will Not Go Down Yeajfor -Two Says Premier (By United P(feesV '" . ' J London. Premier ,Lhd. Oemw bi.t1s wui also' M examined. ! .1...1.1P0.1 thai t . I of reduction. NOW WITH DR. SPENCE .( II. Holland of Kenly, who is -riidyins dentisfFv. dorina' his vaa tion is now working in the office of Dr F p. Spence in the National Bank hnildinj:. thar pri-ere goJmrjiftnwithinijhe tneince? state health officer fallen in : Tar rtversthree leet since next vear or tvro.'He stated that h th,a . ln?Jructions .had been given the it fhs.t began td, Recede Part f the sl. rtase in raw materials aridTwfo stuffs were too world wide to permit 'score "aft points Hgldly.'- A r'eporfoji .was"cieal bTateV"this afternoon and STAR WAREHOUSE CAPACITY GREATLY ENLARGED FOR SEAS A Piily Xe$-s representative in making his usual rounds this morning happened to take a peep-into the Star warehouse. Messrs. Smith A Sugg, proprietors. an,i found brickmasons ainl ("trpetiters busy at work on the enlargement s as to have everything in tip top shape for the opening of the s aon. Tuesday, August 19th. This the third time since 1914 that n "'i' lias made it imperative for the Mar to enlarge its floor space SO as t take rare of the increasing business. Ih - win i,e readily under stood when, "ii" -I.-t in -es over the record of Messrs. Mint!, suSK. both of whom are Pitt county u.ys. and proud of the fact. I" LM 1 they le?dn business, 1915 their iii-iii. increased 28 per cent, 1916 it '"'"eased 1,7 per cent, 1917 the 350th 1"' cent mark reached, and last year ""T I" asted of an increase of 600 per vnt The star stood second last sea M,n in the number of pounds sold here. FEDERAL CONTROL OF WIRES, ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDI a-iiintjtoii. Government controNrf tel. i "in l:Mli and telephone properties will at m ill n ih. tonight. Orders for private ownerships thei'- ret uni to "'re issued '-""era I I'.ur yesterday by Postmaster eson as reauired under a "'-"lilt loll signed l,v adoptetl by Congress and President Wilson ten dajys M I'mleson. in a stnrement ac- "lllia llvile, l.i .,...1 J .V, inn uiut-r, sain huuiiu jiuir '"' "Pinion ultimately would determine now that thi- trust has beep met" and was content ohllo hv tho rm, s,llr I'-ides this reply to criticisms "I lis " 'i ifremenr of the wire com- Panics 'he tH)stmnitor tronaral aliuV teuV 't " ''"' nig shot at the Postal Telegraph' f ""ipanv most of the nffteAwi t wMh 1 Were "a i isi removed several months ago be- ? ' wlat he termed interference 'GEO liST f j IGHT ecting Hotels f twiieign. in the endeavor to bet rter safegnard- the health, of snmmer vacationists inspectors of the; North Carolina State Board of Health this wee are making official inspections of resort hotels in the western por tion of the" State. The effort will be made to reach all points in the moun tains and to carefully, examine all places catering to summer tourists, i Acting under an act of the Gener al Assembly of ,1917 the State board of health adopted rules and reguia- j tioos fox the sanitary management of ; hotels in the State. Provision -is made for n Inspection at least once a rear, the place inspected to be scored in ac cordance with definite rules. In- connection with the - inspection of Ihe regular hotels the railroad eat ing" places Jthat -receive' the . patronage ot ucn porttOB of -the travel- j tms connection ljwas stated at the entire mountain section will be available in the next few days and will be made , public J Misses Aliya and Pauline Taylor have returned home from Ocean View. They were accompanied by their broth er, W. G. Taylor. Approximately an addition of 115 x 100 feet is now being added to the warehouse and 100 additional stables, which will give -them 300 stables U all. JVith this late addition the Star will have between forty and forty five . thousand-square feet of floor space which will enable it t handle about 400,000 pounds of the golden weed at one sale.? ' Notniy are these marked improve ments going on, but when the farmers bring their tobacco to the Star they will be greeted by a handsome firick front to the warehouse. Last but not leas:, Messrs. Smith & Sugg are erect ing camps for both white and colored. Taken a41 in all the Star is one of the largest and most complete warehouses to be found anywhere in Eastern Car olina and. is a credit to both Green ville and the popular proprietors. Their motton is, "We sell the tpbac co, not the man." j IRUT luni with government managment. ' Th postmaster general did not men tion the company by name,; but said that "with one notable exception, the reason for which Is thoroughly under stood by those who have kept inform ed" every wire company had given him loyal cooperation ' Under the resolution of congress in structing the return of the companies, ( government fixed intrastate lexcy rates areo remain in force for ape- riod of f our mnntha unless sooner , ehaneed by State conrausMW'B. provision; was made :' as. to Hegraph J Urates, f ClareiiceHac 5'' nf "the Postal- CMBpaBJ ires to. provide for speedy return of the nrooerties said nis twynw reduce rates 20 per cent and still earn a profit . . ' ' . - Board of Health Nowlhsp OH i - ... I I V .!JNDED5qjaiIERSfc.tEA wounded soldiers, con.valescins nt N. Y.. nre being given instruction in farming and agriculture. Not only does this help the men recain their strength and health, but provides "them with trade which they ioay fojlow after demobilization. - wmm. 8 im alfciWi. I is esUmatedt : thathe water has a force of hands are at work putting it back in order. The Atlantic Cbast Line working force is also at work on the road bed, abuttments, etc. At the A. C. L. of fices this morning it was stated that trains in all probability would be run ning across the bridge the latter part of the week. Elsie Ferguson "Eyes of the Soul" Theatre Tonight Because the law says that a 'baby under two years old :iiull not be pho tographed under a strong artificial light, Emile Chautard. director for Elsie Ferguson, in her latest Artcraft picture "Eyes of the Soul." which will be shown at White's theatre tonight, opened up the Ft. T.c studios after they had been closed all winter, and in a w.irrn sunlit atmosphere the scene ct Miss Ferguson holding her infant babe was taken. The baby, who lv the way was onlry two days old, behaved in a very lady like way and alrhm -h"she v .-Displaced in a strange bed with a strange moth er and smiled at hy strange persons she did not seem to object. When the camera bearan to sri Mtd she closed her P7is and was soon fast asleep in her movie mother's arms. Miss Ferguson1, fearing that she might awaken the child, continued to hold her long after the scene was over and the ride home was made in Miss Ferguson's car. . Late Sleepers Disturbed by an Early Fire Alarm The fire auirm -ivas turned in this morning about 5 o'clock. At first it was-thought there was a blaze at-the John Flanagan Buggy Co.s plant bur this proved to be erroneous. The citjy alarm was given due to the fact that tlie fire alarm- at the factory was svumui The air pressure got so lw during in the sprinkling tne eany muruuig system that it . caused the water to .rash in The fire alarm is so arrangr ed fhat when thjs is done warning is given, - Passers by hearing the alarm sounding inside the factory thought there was fire and gave the city alarm. No damage was done. It disturbed tae late sleepers, however uf-( ; 'v' ' . -i " I- base hosoital No. 1. Gun flitt Road. e --a . i 1 CAI 1 CM IM TAD Bfif m Ml . I EETUP TO AFTERK . ... f. i M Senator HisBac er as to tenant (By United Press) Washington. Senator Keyes, Re publican from New Hampshire, left the conference with President Wilson this afternoon declaring that his back was stiffer than ever as to reserva tions of the league of nations coven ant. HOME AGAIN Mr. Jim Allen, who has been in the 5th division of. -the Atnerian E. F. f for some time, has retunM homeland 1st ereetine his many friends wbo are pleased to see him toine agiin. Better distribution of eightt is the claim of an inventor of a motor cycle in which the motor is mounted on the front wheel. TWOKILI IM A REAR E! JUST A CHICKEN (By United Press) Paris (By mail) Egg shells, not bomb shells, are matters of the chief importance in Douaj nowadays. The first newly hatched chicken in the devastated town of Douai, "TDepart ment du ord, stuck an uncertain yel low head through the hole in its shell a few days ago, to the breathless in teres; of crowds of childjen and grown f )iks. It was not pnliy the first chicken hatched in Douai since the war, but . the frst one ever hatched there in an j American incutyator. They are still 1 talking about it excitedly at the cor ner cafe. The glass fronts of the two incubators, the gift of the American j Red -Cross to the town, have been be- 1 sieged by the children since they first arrived. . There are now 25 eggs1n each in cubator. Five eggs apiece are suppli ed by the ten families who hover about with proud, if anxious, -expressions. Porsmouth, Eng. Declaring that night firing practice by the fleet is distressing the many nerve-wrecked, war victims in the jixea, the local au- ( thorities haveappealed to the Admir-J alty to discontinue such firing. Messrs.' W. J. and Person Nicholson of Kinston arrived in the -city this anoming,, j S faun LED AND ' 1 " 1 : : . k : IS. ating . 1 J ... f Bymlftea Frees) New 7ork. A-milion dollar fire "In which, over one, hundred air pT&nes in -first class condition -it is .-allegM, were destroyed in -France under or ders, of the American armjy officers is the center of investigation by tba con- tgressional suh commiee on the con duct of the war. FLOATED DOWN TAR RIVER WITIl 8 MILES OF WASHINGTON IN BOX - The" following article appeared in yesterday's Washington Daily News.: A trip of over 15 miles on top of a dry goods box over, the rapid current of the Pamlico river, was the excit ing experience of Harley Griffin, age 9 years, son of a well-known farmer near Greenville. The bop was rescu ed about 8 miles above Washington by a negro in a row boat and was tak en home last night. His parents had believed that he had been drowned and were almost frantic with grief "for several hours. .Harley was playing nearMhe river and was throwing sticks into .the stream to see hom rapidly they would flopt away. Suddenly he was seized with abright inspiration. He went back to the stables, found a large dry goods box. took it to the river and plac ed it in the water. He got inside the box. intending to paddle aound near the shore; The swiftliy moving cur rent swept A-La Jnw n V kftV Infll midstream. "An eddy upset and threw the youngster out. How ever." he managed to retain his hold and draff cd himself across the bot tom of the box. In this condition he was carried down the river at the rate, of about six inilgs an hour. His calls for help were unheard until he passed a small farm owned'by a negro. The latter saw the boy's predicament, sprang into a row-boat and rescued the boy. He was unhurt but admitted that stream to see how rapidly they would he "was scared to death". Two gasoline driven engines have been invented to f ill trenches without the use of shovelers, wagons or over head cablewarys. - The fibre of a plant growing exten sively in Argentina has been found, to possess sualities similar to the Philip 'pine kapok. - i Invest ittFraiice THREE INJURED WRRCOLLISi (By United Press) New York.. Two men were killed and three injured early today in a rear end collision between two freight trains near East Port, Chester, Con necticut, on the New Haven railroad. An electric locomotive of the second train crushed the caboose of the first train. All four of the tracks are now blocked with wreckage holdhur up traffic. Failure to observe the signals is the cause of .the collision.- NEGRO GIRL DROWNED AT GRIMESLAND, REPORTED A negro f?irl about 10 yjars of age was drowned near Grimesland Tuts- day, according to reports carried in a news item in the Washington. Da fly r News. She and several others were in a boat, rowfngovc:r the flooded Tar river when the boat ran on a hidden log and turned over. The others la v thepartjy managed to "save themselves."' RETURN HOME Mr. J. L. Pairo of St. Louis, who -has been visitbag TSs son Mr. Jk T. Pairo, le.ft for his home this morning." ' Mr. Edward Pairo. brother of Mr; J. i T. Pairo, after spending several weeks Vat 'the Isle of Palms, S. C, and the" past week in Greenville as well as his ; wife and daughter. Mrs. Ralph Barnes 'and his grandchildren, J also left this morning-for their home in St, Louis. : Ulitt!L Uii LUILU I liUV U1LL REPEALING DAVLIGIlTSflVlf' - 5.v , v.-.T. .-- , r- .!. ;Jr-i t-H i $ FRE PROTECTION AGAINST TYBOH) FEVER Every Citizen, White and Colored, in -' Pitt County Should be V v Immunized It causes no sores, no loss of time. It is safe, almost certain protection. - Convenient, practically painless and" : free,. Typhoid has been practically "eradicated- wherever vaccine has been I used. If you will assisjb us by coming ' to the health o'ffice for free treatment t we can eradicate typhoid fever in Pitt county. j Since ' the use of vaccine the armiy has reduced typhoid fever among the( soldiers 3,500 per cent. - Take your family and get all your neighbors to go -to the most eonvehi- z . j r ent dispensary for free vaccination, in each township in -the county. Dates will be made for several places Watch the papers for the dates in each community in later issue. The eounty which gets the greatest percentage of its population vaccinated will have the lowest percentage of typhoid fever cases. Get busy and be ; vaccinated against typhoid fever and small pox. Help us make Pitt coun ty the healthiest county in Ndrth Car olina, "Everybody -from three -years of age to one -hundred should be vacci- .Three trMimTitR nnp weAlr lau, are uecrasary w protm. rnere fore be sure to visit a dispensary on the opening date, in order to secure all three treatments. ' DR. C. J. CHESTER, Health Director. Dublin. Remanded on a larceny charge. John O'Brien requested the" Mulingar magistrate-to djrect the. po lice to 6rlng him a pint of Guinness' stout, he paying. The magistrate ac ceded and O'Brien drank it in the dock Troy Rouse of the Daily News force , has returned from Ocean View -where he has been spending several days. LOVJEn PRICES OR I I DEMANDS R.R. NEW MEMBER OF FIRM OF "WILLARD & SMITH ARRIVES IN THE CITY Mr. O. W. WiUard of Charleston, S. C, who from now on ir to be connect ed with the Willard & Smith Conine., who sell everything for the farm, ar rived in Greenville today via auto from Charleston. N He has been several days '( en route due to the high water and bad roads. The Daily News in the name of Greenville extends to Mr. Willard J a cordial welcome and to the firm best : wishes for "continued success. This firm is now getting ready to occupy , their additional store where they ex-:: pect to carry groceries and all kinds of farming implements. While they -have been in business here for the past few months their patronage has grown ) at a rapid' pace. Their - store is -a ' credit to both the firm' and city. $1800 STOLEN FROM A GREENVILLE NEGRO WOMAN THIS WEEK" Henry Cobb, colored, was arrested in Kinston Tuesday night last, charged with the larceny of $1800 from Annie ; Brady, with whom he boarded in this city. The arrest was made by the f mnsron ponce m response to a teie- . phone message from Policeman W L.:. Patrick, who on being notified that. his man -had been apprehended pro- e-- fT4naf am a it si "Yw-frrl-v Ti im tr GreenyiHe. Thevictim 'of the t?ift' went to Kinston with. Off icer .Patrirk j an idetifled.Cobb. ' ; . The : negro : " woman had saved this j money during the past 7 years, rhe . 1 d. 1 She had the money hidden about the house between tne ceiling .and weather- ' hoarding over the front door. , - - - J---' - .-TfX-.. .--V-- tWr.l,- mm; tBy?IInltedVPsssi Washington Daylight ; saWngs ia now at the mercy of the ; Senate t Ac ';:?::' tion is now expertedpntiiblCwh has" airead-ypassed the House f.V repeal - ; v : the,;law:', '. . TJJ--t-:h'--i-$k: Senator Calder of ' New ' x"o;"fe u- thpr of the original day hKvs : ' k measure, today , admitted "tVat' -t1?; te" peal of the bill would la' all probabll- ity: be passed, rr. ; v However, i the , question whetheJ. or .nor the Senate can . mleta i thirds majority so that it can lpassr 1 ed oyer the possible Pr esWentlat-yeolf. . If the two- thirds yoWjraot'icast against the extra nonjtfMy iight the , friends of the- sayings plan ex pect that President Wilson will, again veto the repeal. . Li orugar a Small Fire The careless throwing out of the 'win dow of a cigarette or cigar ; stump from the Carolina ciub this afternoon caused the awning n front of the Har- -dee &. Moore pool room;. fire." The alarm, was givenhut . hy the time the. department reached blaze had been extinguish ing was a totaf loss. ; ghted Ci day Several times prior to this the care-' : less throwing of cigarettes and; 'cigars..". from the windows of ie. Carolina club . have Caused damage to awnings be- - . Iqw. Some steps should .be - taken to "stop it. . It is gross carelessness pure -4 . and-simple. . "It's funny why S0nW folk-redisplay such poor judgment . If 'those , who are guilty of it were imaitati shell i out a few dollars pertapthetT wonld: be more careful. -- - - ' Dr. B. E. Wasldnirn 'of ,the North' Carolina - State Board of Health was ;: in the city yesterday" He. retairned to -Raleigh this morning. , . s ' . -; filers (By United BROTHER 1 - Washington. Tterprobl rmg V ing down the high cost of living s. nowx squarely before President" Wilson. . -, The problem has been put np to him r bir the brotherhood of locomotive en- gineers who made, a flat demand of i ' lower prices or higher wages. -'. ; - ; - : ; There is now keen ihterestj mani-' . ; fested in congress as to what. the. Pres- ' ; ... ldent is going to jdp" aboujr 'ft; :-:gf : A resolution lj$bfi stfntative Wood is now pending in the r L " House asking the President what. adV. ditional authority he ;needs to bring , ,.--down" prices. - Action qnvthis rsolu- tion is expected -soon. -. -' BETHEL BOYj'SCOUTS GO j': TO BEACH irOR- WEEK About a dozen members -of the Boy Scout troop at Bethel passed ; through'; the city )7esterday en routior Pam-' lico Beach, where they will spendltboot a week. The boys 'were underjlhe pervision of - Rev,- Trotman.---Wa3h- "ington Daily Newsj f r..vv. - . notice;; -2 ?k.i-JvA:: , appreriale aD renewal sub for tbeews id Observer. er on Mrs. OU2e Oatfca.- . .. . .-.y-. - .. v , - , j- CO 11 UN t S'V-,??3:--r -v-V. ( RepOi;.U(l.pfc - XtWVtmmWrf. &s: Openlnsgsf "?C1"- n October .:'.Z32fl'J December r. .-. ..5St3S -313 JanuaryTv....;.... .34.45 , liiii : v r

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