- - . - - - - - , .- - " " - .. - . -C - - -- - - , - T - ...... - Z - r-i - Z - - 1 . ' 1 The 7eatherReport;:; feW,fe3 '1 c &i'y -iim ,:ltra!f north Mdstwtods..-. ' T-r-iTI TUP ,,.ViVt,., " ' ' W-t-IMA.- H" ' ' j ?7 ;T-Sirtt&S&5l toMl&ilffciiT f ' VOLUIME III. - V-r -V'w r -i- . '- i " V, , . T" J ' '.x ' - - -;weenvme, N. Friday Afterno ; : ; :i NtT .VjsSR '71- rifAnnnra::;fnnnnnn(mm SENATE THpiSlIiEi? TEN DAYSISKOTEMSIFO TAPERIKG OFF 1 lIBSPfTALS (Bff The Associated Press) - WaU:nsrton. With Senator Sim-1 mens t:kins the nt'jra t Ive, the senate del bat.-l y('ter.lay whether a pint of li till! T -vTV 111 days is suf f icient to hen a fellow is under "tap-r .ff on" when tiv;ir:r.t nt after a spree. The North Car"!:::: smiator. of course, did not speak fnnn rsonal experience. Xey etrh lr he asserted that he was adris ei !y a constituent who condncts a hik. y cure sanatorium that a patient cani 'T Lt soleretl on so small al- lowa'.lrO. - - 1 Tln senate finally amended - the pt'tulhii prohibition enforcement bill NEW ENGUSWtmOF HAVE ROOF GARDEN;! I.ii:nlin. ( orrespondence of The As-wK-iateil Press) Twenty passengers and a small cargo are to be carried" on tho first airship from Barrow- In J'uri ue t Hlo de Janeiro some time this fall, according to an announcement Lfii-. ( vners of the aerial lexiathen inrtnd if the initial. voyage is success ful. r maintain a regular four day se:vi-e lftween the two points. . Til1 airship, it is said,-will be rout ed via LisMn, Sierro Leone (West Afrii at. and thence across the At lantic to Kio de Janeiro. The return trip will 1 made by way ox. the same p-iiit. - sir Woodman Burbidee. is reDorted tu haw I tooked three berths for the NEW PRINCIPAL OitCilY KIGil SCHOOL AIMED YESTERDAY I.t. J. II. Rose, recently discharsed fr-iii active service, and who is to be hi the high school buUding and-all stu . . . . , . dents and patrons having high school principal of the cit? high school, arriv- M -. , rtMril in the citj yesterday. Mr, Rose is a srrailnate of Trinity college. having " finisiicl there in the class of 1913. .- For tw.i roar he was princpal of the high m liciul at Kinston, and also spent two .vears a head of the school at BetheL hiivina resigned from the latter, posi ti"ii to enter the army service. Mr. U'i-- is a native North Carolinian; hav i:i;r his liome now at Franklinton. Mr. assumed his duties at once and STATE BOARD OF GREElfl Acc-onling to the State board . . of tifalth Greenville's city water is pro ii'inncfd pure. The county, hearth of fi'r advises the citizens to drink the tity water now instead of Using welj yr the month of August the county I i"'lth officer reports the followm in quarantines . - ; 1 Typhoid 15, smallpox 11; septic sore niroat .:, whooping cough 7, measles j., "'arlet fever 2. ' '. -'." DANCE TONIGHT i. i The young men of the city will give . a 'lam-e at the Carolina dub this, eve- LLE CITY VJAT ui me uirams ciuu uierrv7, , . "insr. Uancin? in -MChednled to bejrtn Promptly at 9 :3( The" evening prom, ..... - .t. i, to be one of measure and -iiierrl. -:, -. ..- The ladies of the Episocpal church will have a Cake Sale at the Princeton hotel Saturday morning beginning at 11 m t 1 w - by striking ant the, pint limitation! 5 Senator Knute J5elson of-Minnsoti, chairman ot the ieiary nittee. said he belieredvplnj every 10 days was a snfficienfl6wance. Senator Simmons conten that a man could not-be cured oftbf liquor-habit un less .he could f 0t lnore than a pint for tapering ofT.'i purposes in sani tariums treatin'alctholism. X i ; - Senator Simmon said he ' had re eeived a protect fimn the superintend ent of an establ&mS whiskey eure in stitution in NortJtf pjrolina pointing out that the propoiortion of a "pint eveqy 10 days", irtwld not do. ECi!,ETC. flight for" himelfr his wife and r a friend.'' The price ot these tickets -was I5JQQ0. ear h .... -a 1:,; The airshipHs knowri. as ine It oJA" It has a gas bag . capacity of loO.OOO cubie feet, more than half. ? thesfee of the famous R Zi. " She jieoaLsidered the most perfectly constructed stream line tjype of airship and has a speed of sixty miles per hour. She is 535 feet in length. r; . "I 'I- v Passengers living quarters are situ ated on top of the hull and consist of cabins of - sleeps ' berths, a roof gar den and a shelter deck. There is an observation car below-the hull which is connected with the living quarters by means of a passenger lift through themiddle.. of the-craft. C can be found every .day at'his office ay September lath, should confer with him, . Prospects for a .very I large enroll ment, in the high school indicate the building may be; filled to. its , capacity this yeSr. When the building was" erect ed four years ago; it -was thought that Greenville: would never joutgrow its ca pacity, but no. one ; at -that . time had iamagined the : rapid . growth the city has made In the past few years. HEALTH SAYS E Get your Cakes. for Sunday from Princeton hotel, the ladles of the Epis copal church will serve you. r . ; . .. - -: yL i ' " adv. ; 1. LIBERTY fVABEHOrSEL : " -.TMa well known" wawtamse liad one o sale of tebaceot In Its history-lasr xue$aay Opening day, and the fajmers BeUSnri their tobacco tliere.ae-.na mwj ncver received higher prices anywhere. They go isep further and say that tne nrices :at the tibrety" on the opening day ,.werj. higher than on the- other warehouse floors. The fanners m eon- ! Af tl madeal.fly aw s rwnviiit a .'T" - i.m . Tii4k ttift.lu Libert i - ... - -.. . r .a ... - .r-- If new emplotrment must be : found classified advertising shoull make the RISPURE YANKEE TROOPS IN LONDOWSGREAf ' 4VvC4f X. f N A photograph taKen from the roof the monument can be seen coming the uouEnooya. . r--- STCnEKDl'J DIFFSCUlTTftSU - Florence, Italy: (Correspondence of. The Associated Press) If Dant "All-j whieri lived in Florence totlajy he might i be inspired to write anotner imerno with shoe stores as the prime cause of evil. .Nothing has been so evident d'ur- inb these post-war days as the need . of Italians for footwear. " . Therecent public demonstrations backedby he Camera del Lavoro, or : chamber - of labor,'' beer stocks of . goods of all; descriptions in the hands of profiteers in many cities were com- f mandeered and ordered sold at redui- ed prices, precipitated unusual some ersaults of trade, but the wildest scram bles were in ; the she stores. Here the demand for shoes produced scenes of, the wildest disorder. . - In Rome, Milan, Forli, Bologna and Naples . the search for, shoes continued nppniiMT nc PC HDUUUH I Ul ULIU1 With the American Forces in Ger many (Correspondence of. The Associa ted Press) An account of Germany's new "navy" , is given in Mttschiffs, - a German naval periodical, a recent is sue of which has . reached "American headquarters, describes ' the Iron tor pedo flotillas both-of which have been organized since the armistce. ' .. v: 't- The Iron flotilla consists of twelve tori pedo boats, - which have been engaged in maintaining . order on the" western coast of Germany, says the paper- Some of the vessels have been used on sever al occasions for- policing the port of Hamburg, such as guarding allied food shipments to-the Czecho-Slovaks and similar work; during periods of dis order. The. flotilla, has its headquar ters at :Wilhelmsnaven.--. a -lanumg corps of about 360 men is distributed among the twelve boats, such of which has a platoon of thirty commanded by a naval lieutenant. The clothng and arms of members of this landing corps are the same as in thelnfantiiy. .:;. The Haff flotilla is supposed - to be .doing similar" duty, on .the Baltic cpast near the Russian boundary, witn neaaT -quarters in Koenigsberg. The flotilla . Aatitw bv de- i - : . .- - r . . - .. in nhfainiTMr timwiivi mninnwTir n .na44 . n.A 4innan . wirn . iimii: iuik. Kuua OTns'asTweir ' The flotilla was organiz ed -lor "operation in connection with the East Prussian Freiwillige corps and of Buckingham palace, with the Victoria, United - States troops Passing around T" t 'I many days. The struggles in each city were great that few law abiding f Persons tried to procure shoes. ere appwireU;cr ' VT Ts i es and the buyers took them seemingly not caring whether .they fitted or not just so they were on the basis of a fifty per cent reduction in price. It was a comman sight-to see a man loaded up with shoes for his entire family, To' obtain admission to a shoe store was fully as difficult as buying a ticket if or a world series baseball game. For J hours, the shoe hunters would wait, in long lines guarded by soldiers and po- Hce before they were finally, admitted j. into the storerooms. Shoe merchants i , fixed two hours in the morning and two hours in the-afternoon for the opening of "their stores but the long line was waiting for shoes, several hours before the scheduled-time arrived. , -f (I II to the commander of the northern ar my. These two flotillas-excepting a few vessels which, are either but' of com mission or of little or no use consti.1 tute virtually all that is left in active service of the Germany navy. ; - - : : 4 More Bandits Autiiorities 1.1 (By Associated Press) " Mexico City. The military authori ties in the district of Tampico have reported 4 the capture " of four more bandits - who are accused with - being implicated in the murder of John Cpr- rell.of Ida, Qkla. .... : Meeting of Dem. IfBysbciated Press) ' WashiHgtoa. A meeting pf y,the Democratic national . executive . commit tee lias been cauea,ny xne cnairman to meet, to Atlantic- City on September PERIODICAL PEACErPARADE: monument Tn the foreground.'. Behind the statue on the left, are also Yanke - Entertais&atBer Griffon. On f lif tfrpnlnv nt Sonfam. 2 . . m- ittnymta tailimeilts of the season was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harvey, when their daughter, Miss Edna, enter- tamed in honor. of her house guests. Misses Irene Harvey, Doris Hooker, Ma rjorie Lewis, Martha "Pierce and Bert Dixon. " ; ' ' , " ! - " . Numerous games were enjoyed during the evening, after which Mrs. Harvey, assisted, by Misses Lucille McCotter, Ray Dawson,- and Mattie Morisey? carroi uiimiie oroflm mii nto t a late hour the euestadenarted. votin, Mk, Harrev a-diannfnff hnRtPw '. "" . ' - - ' " " ' " ' -:rs To Erect Monument to Inventer of the SegHachine .Lyons, France Correspondence of The Associated Press) A monument is to be erected here soon in honor of Bar- tliolemew Thimonnier, whom ' the. French . claim was the inventor-of the sewing machine." - ,.- , v Thimonnier,' a tailor's assistant, com stiucfed his first working model in 1829, and was thrashed by "his: fellow workmen who complained that his "devilish invention'- would take the bread ont of their mouths. Destitute ana rorzotten. xnimonmer aiea iu j.oo. i when 64 ears old. No "one had ever given him any aid or. encouragement. The device of- Thimonnier wassaid to have been quite different: from that of Elias Howe, the American inventor, whose'sewing machine was patented in 1846 and who is regarded in America as the originator of the first pracical ap paratus for "mechanical stitching. Howe's machine met with 'Similar fop- position. Its chief feature was: that c of haying the. thread pass through nea r the- point instead of the: top Ol tne needle. 'I to lance . (ociated:Prem..l. dnced in the National Assembly . require higallrmy H officers to " immediately take theoath to the new republican con stitution. . t - ' :: y:. . : O. J: Bock of Washington la here to iIiss Edna Harvey Army Required day on business. SFiilSJii swoiaiOTWJouR nenfEAC Reaction in High Already Set in Say .. ; (By' Associated Press) ;r ' . Wahington.---The federal Reserve board's Treyiew of business ' conditions in the month of August said that a re action of the high price level which was established during the war has already set i And. that declines are noted in the prices of foodstuff s, wearing appar el and shoes. , . . i ' Confidence is expressed - in a N- satis factory 'solution : of wages "and -. price problems.-- . . " ' ". - - PRICESlpBMLVliERs MS T iMfeeirBeciK in Vienna With Great Snrprise - . (By Associated Press - Geneva. The peace terms have been I received in Vienna with great surprise and indignation and it is now believed that the Renner ministry wiH-fall. This is In. accordance with advices just re ceived here. " r ; , - ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS SECRETARY REDFIELD TEKDIEM?: RESIGfJATIOIJTO PRESlM ;FeeP0;; tobeTkeanmg lnreirograa :" - ' . J ;. - r. ' .. '; t .-I ... tary would. resign following "a contro--l: ;' (By Associated Press)- - vefsgr' .witSi" Director Generaf ' Hines Stockholm. A famine is reported to regarding the prices for te and the threatening Petrograd f ollowingan J out DreaK or cnoiera in mat city. " v ;' "-' .'-. . Geneva.-A dispatch fom Constance that government troops are now occupying the principal buildings in Mnnich, the capital of - Bavaria. . . . Paris. Thirteen were killeg and for- I injured in a railroad crash which occurred .in this cit yearly this morn ing. - ' ':';:r Ttv n nw Knrnn process arc lamn carbons are mechanically covered with a thin coating of metail, which then? . ..." . . - , . - . i is thickened by electroplating. - 1 j I'JILSOM HAS AGRED TO ORM iftnlvrrr'nirrvrftr'- nh:Trt5KTrt-?r: v Kng Albert and His Queen Sails v.-. ' v- --f, (By Associated Press) Brusselsr-It is " announced . here to annr TCtjw Alhprt: Onwn Elizabeth with ithe Cro Prince" Leopold are ex- pected to sail for the United States on Sfptember 22nd aboard nf American w,rsbip.W: mm- ; - (By 4&4SSOciated Prags. f--'r St Lpuis.-PresidentUT: here toay and he is scheduled fe speak at a luncheon and also- thisayE&t&g'at the . Coliseum being, the' building in which t he . was nominated - for the presidency . in 1916, and where recently speeches bitterly assailing the treaty of peace ere made by Senators Reed and -Johnson. . . - l '-- " -Presilent Wilson is determined to avoid ill politics and to confine him self strictly' to explaining ' the - treaty and urging its ratification as the very best settlement that is obtainable. He has challenged his opponents to offer, a substitute or quit considering the Versailles pact. V -" ' ' ' - " ' ' HE 0?Et 'ii 'G D AY -There is another great sale of tobac con. tax the Greenville, market vtoday TbeiDl:"as'muchaii3ia for sale.-" The prices received .. today. ' are considerably higher than. Con the opening day. "It win be possible to sell all of " the ""tobacco which, means another block. f.As was agreed upon 1 before the opening. of the season, there wilft be no sale tomorrow, Saturday." The ; farmers are sunply .delighted with the prices : they are getsg suad -are : gong : bade fartheir respective -)Rmes jubilant..- ; - V . - V-K. D. .Baiter of . Rocky Mount is a welcome visitor to the city today. - r ' . (By Associated Press) ' Washington. Secretary Of X3ommeTCe Redf ield has tendered his - resignation to take effect November first; The reaiv . ignatlon has been accepted by the Pres - ident. " ; The announcement " followed Secre- dissolution of the price fixing borad of which he' was the chairman. Germany Vill Not Oppose Union of Austrb-Germany ; - . "(By Associated Press) v -' Berlin; The German reply to " the u"le ylulco""s 6-- w TVT 5. Relehsrath stated that Germany could not oppose the Austro-German desire , -. . for union with Germany.- - - ; (By Associated Press) t Washington. -President Wilson has- - . agreed-- to bring about a conference be-' tweenT-the representatives of .the steel Workers and the officials, of . the Unit--ed' States teel corporation inan ef fort to avertT a threatened strike, ; . SauiGomperasefit ! arrange Ae: confereiEre ::x4U 4s:. Tuesday when the President of the twenty . four internatjo. unions in the steel todustry . wm meet here to to-thecontroversy.-o ; .. 1? r - I "I- o clock.