ItlfIB; STANDING aDx joyner, Bell Arthur . . . ; .. . ... rx. c. 209,500 anas yeima qwens,- Fountain .v.. ....... ......... u.,. ... .W'205,850 Miss JSladysWarren Bruce ..... N. ....... 207,650 W -iLlohi. Hookertou V. i; . v M' . . .V . 210,850? MissRubyBtltt, Farmville . Miss Emiliy Trevathane, Plnetops . i ..... . ............ 72,900 SECTION THRTCE r i-s Includes-;the northflrrf" nor-timi nf-Pift miinv unaea 03ger;E lotfi thesbuth : and the east Every member of the "SOOQ eiubiiasr thTr?? opportunity to win the Capital Prize a, -Double Trip to the Battlefields -pf France l&dafi&erSI ,sr if pash value S1200' ; - : '' nhmAi The Section Prizes mtist bewb in: their Martin 1 active sections, regardless of - the numh. Af?m?S SU arS r:2im ?j& votes cast m any otner SECTION Includes all of the i 1 - s. -a- -v 1 i w -4- r THE PRIZES: Ten-Day Trip toasMniton: rilSS D. C, Niagara Falls; Toronto, Canada New York feennie 13 dak city :. ..... ...... . mtw m n;Ur orP S9F RnnV Anmif $1fi Ponlr A v!rv-.-. 1 X i KoeDuck, Stokes . 201.40(1 IS WJ,C1 """" .w ""'t-wmners. Includes the southeast uortion nf rRti mhi Miss Nina Mayo, Box 155, City . i .v- -20j88O: L hniin a1 -Tn j.1 , -. j , a a a a- a a K . a. a ..' . I bbu a ii - w m m r aa a- a a a 1 a -WYYfirm U xl Uii j t -. , ----- WE SELL McG ALL PATTERNS 10 -15 s. 20 25' centT W. A. JB. Hearne, 701 Ward St Miss Helen Cox, Box 3S6, ...., Loui Cnrry. City Miss Leytha Brewer, 219300 104,600 i 1 1 1 . . . i n nn -wi n n ova ; fr- a.- w-. a a -&J(.&AJ. kJa SECTION TWO Includes the southwestogtiof bounded by Tar., riyero lantic Coast Line on thstiorie ern portion of Greene county and the southeast? ern portion of Edgcombe ourilil !fl ! THE PRIZES: Ten-Da Trif) i Washington! D. C, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Canada, New York Gfty, etc., $25 Bank Account, $10Bank Account 10 per cent Cash Commission to all non-winners,1 byttie Atlantic Coast Line railroad, on the east .r--vtr--- 75 yeatiiort countyarid on the e&fand souffibv .. 604 Pitt St., City ...... . vineryaenruanranan and urifton. - - OTB.:J?MZES:. Ten-Day Trip to Washington, D. CNiaga ttoBnlQccount, $10 Bank Account, 10 per cont Cash Commission to all non-winners. t Edward Dinkins, Ayden J . - C. Dawson, Hanrahan HErly Nobles,-Winteryme . ... .... . . 1 (S Vt'VN i ll"' duty to be an IflM::-"-: ciency " Your ESBO Model for every t&ifepf figure in etmer front or back lace style find isoeeial example ot cifi- S3 3ixiMoillwil not Drilvlito- Ji LAC3S ANDlBACK LACE ' ' 1 t O 3" ' -i 'Wr i act tne part 01 youtn and em- COBSETS. over "Lint Morltf1c'M-Sl4rf f ,rxr ' wkoaf,Xl t 5 -W V 0 - r ;:wxjtxg tv vxy puoiuun. ......... 101,000 v ip. A. Clark, Grimesland Mrs. M. R.- Hooks, - Grimesland W. H. Gbwer, Qrifton .. Ivy Murphy, WintervilW a - aaai'awafma f . . 217,550 . ............ .I... 210,400 201,900 ..; 216,800 ...... 224,650 . a. " - i IMST DOUBLE YOUR FO November. 3rd to lOsOO P. M. To Win or To Eose- POTES! WI- ..II .Ik ST . . VII -4J ? flPPflliiiil Whic To gather in all promises of subscriptions which could not be secured last week. A grand opportunity to back up the good work done thus far and make sure of leading the field for the DOUBLE EUROPEAN BAT TLEFIELD TRIP or $1200 in CASH. e DOUBLE TRIP OR $1200 INCASH ONE OF THE LESSER PRIZES? Get to work early as all indications p oint'to an 'even1 greater rush of new subscriptions this week than at any previous time. CITY MAY HAVE BIG FUTURE DakaiV; In South Africa,. Promise to Davelop Into Something Like Another Liverpool. The city of Dakar in South Africa, less than half a century Ago In a really . primitive , condition, with naked chil- drea. running around the streets and mothers working with babies strapped upon their backs, has suddenly come Cf5 .feiT-tT i-",t. ii .r-' fOT-catme eieotclo,. Grinder. .4 J A Ii-H,. -atva.' I TtSo3 o Africa In the keen shop, desired to be moved competition that is expected beeen elghtb;to e? hor8epower placed America and Europe for trade in South Vhe k - v f oDeratofa Africa. Dakar, it is believed, will have gj 3S.&S wS a S2' an Important role to play. ; Blxteenth-lnch holeto receive an ad- The French, are today making exv Justable shaft for interiijr grinding, tensive improvements at Dakar. They . an(J the ase Qf interchangeable grind-, have spent much money in enlarging tog wheeis adapts the little 'machfii the dry dock and making the harbor tQ a wldeLjange &f work. deeper as well as Increasing the facil- i - - . y Itles for transferring cargo from boat ; Practical Economy. J:. to train. The Dakar of today is a j wlfe eVer get an economical thriving town of about 25,000 people, u streak?" . if v with wide well-laid-out streets, a large .Sne does. Only this summer she technical school, hospitals and work- ftgured out she could save $8 in one shops. There are, however, a great week y doing her own housework." majority of natives, being in fact, omy how did it work out?'. ' - about S.5W Frenchmen. i She got a cook book. I gdf dys- These natives have been said by pepsm and the doctor got the $8." some to have formerly been the mas- uoston Transcript. ' terslbf-the'Mediferfaheafi. They are. H i" wonderful fighters and it was only ' Unavoidable, with great dlfilculty that in 1862. Gen. Hub Oh, don't worry about the Faldherbe, the French governor, was cookV crankiness. : Don't take any no able to overcome, them, Thns he paved tlce .cf the wayifpr the founding of Dakar. : wife I have to; she's Just given It We may know a great deal more about Boston Transcrtpt. . on November 13th 1 lrfflfe'-B mmm-1 Land tffbe Sold KTHI -i II lit III . A ..- Atl'W. . I IOI I A. n" l M 2H JaM : k: Act Now Try hard for Extension of Subscriptions that have air eadrbeert turned in, thereby gaining thousands of additional votes. , i Read! "A subscription once turned in by a membetnd extended: at f any time during the campaign beyond the time it was txirhed in for, will have the same vote value as though the f ull subsbnptidri1 bad Weii Originally turned in". ' : ' :: ' - - ' The above paragraph is reproduced from the rules and regulations of the campaign and is of great impor tance to the' "members and their friends these last two weeks of the : ca wKo have given a short time subsenption' to Extend their1 time and thus you will gain many thousands of additional votes during "the last two weeks of the campaign. - r'" , - GET BUSYKOND WIN! - . Year astCh ... ' -1 - I f t-. j . -w-r Ai . -r- Tl. Ti.IT ' 1.Tx .-m;l , 1 A b nption on-tneiUouDifj . voieiuu:.m. -juLariuy ?xhuita aiie TDUF-vnei ess votes Next Veek. J0hly 2;Mofer to Wm. - r : : . . I" J ALWAYS GIVE - ; GOOD SERVICE. Every pair of "Diamond Brand" shoes is made of solid leather throughout. " 'Li There is nothing, to cover up In. a pair of .these shoes, for inside and outside, they are. -honestly ixnade and built to give long honest wear. it .-' " The shoe IDusuted is one of oiir light ; 'vrelgUV juunibers. for every-day use inT the r. r: Spring ' and Summer. It is made over a full, easy-fitting last with- a U soft yet tough upper, and is a splendid shoe for? all tuuuu viae iguti .uuw We have this and many other good" shoes . in Black and. Tan, for we are" for Peters "Diamond Brand'' shoes, and SAVE ME I AM VALUABLE I -I DAILY - NEWS ; ;v rt ; e ,; :;:,-; ; 5000 CLUB 4 i, . Good for '-. i C If" 50 IVOTES Name .., i. ... . . r 'nrt SeetioD Number . 4. . . - s. This coupon is food for the number, ol.;votes, shown .bove-when properly -iilled cut v and mailed ofl brought. to "IKWO"; Club eadquarters, Greenville Dally fJ'ews; Green- 1 Void after November 12,'19I9. fLAJmtiAN EVANS?r& Atferneys-at-Law GREENJ.N,"; C. ; : Temporary office on Fifth Street hextrto Princeton hotel r; 1 . T-'- r 2:30 pV 'm. the auctioneer berfni to cry for the highest bidder. lou'may be. that lucky "one. ' Those interested to Pitt county real estate are going to' have ahdther cbanc3 to secure some of it oh Thurs dajfr .November , 13th, for'the Atlantic Coast Realty yCo.,announces that on that day they will offer for sale to the highest bidder the R. L. Smith's Lee farm which is a art of the..Sn- san Brown .farnT which .lies on the " store." This most" excellent' "Tanning laud has been subdivided Into splen- f. , did small farmland you -Will get some of thii? excellent ?farmfnc land on t?rms that will be eas(y. The land grows everything that is raised in , Pitt county and has good building and j out houses and is in a most attrac tive neighborhotod. As stated in the FOR RENTTtlij HARRIS ! HOUSE located directly In front of Norfolk ; Southern depot. Best location for an .upto te boardlng' house or ho 'teV'in the i ijest 'tobacco? market and' fastest growing : 'to'wn ; In ' eastern : North Carolina. Apply 'to' WH. Al len, P. O. Box 1, Greenville, N. C. :10 23 tf ? 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8'8 8 888 88 8 DR. E. P. SPENCE 8 i,-Xl . . .. Dentist : i 8806TNatlonal Bank BldgJ 8 ;S Ryrdwh-x and Bridge -8 Work a Specialty. a 8 8 8 8 8888 8 888888 8 8 888888 FORDS FOR SALE: TWO FIVE passenger and one roadster. Good condition. R. A. Fleming, Grimes-' land, N. C. '' 10 30 dtp fti&lKt&inqtgpy&i&i ;f il TFYOU HAVBJFARMi LANDS Of. estate "that will bringy on line 'teinrn ci ty" property for saler 'see ' Moseley w 'one hand afcr thjs saler. ' , Joirt for- Brw?TtVThev .Selt If. .5 erthe day nd" hur.' ' Potnptly it Ayion4 -Ifc? ,' . IThere Is a diamond Brand' Shoe For Every Purpose; A race tor iwery rurse. . f M mm kU -I-11--1 - I. Bl - IHI nr. I- 30 PW K 5 ii n i P. IHI 1 Lec 3 ake it easy . tor, a w We" !S. THROUGHOUT. 1 :' & iv lira. ruri;; r. "w f 7T!y Ikfrv ' Is THJiHi'iiiM, inn mt ui'ii'i '-I ' . .y"',,. """ ma enjoyment, xnai smoyuM fevoiCTfSi to spot down to the last Ktsui.muM ft -I" ' -