I 1 1 , 1 11 i innoi hjarrr- " .. LOCAL THEATRE" .Vflers mkpirela plaiyed to Urge tdn. at rWiti's theatre. last night. flniwrae respects the show, ws fdis- hpppinting. Tne costumes looKea we Wor e for wear and the orchestra was not what it should have been. The tolc work of Elliott and Sam3on and the yodeling medley-by -AlTtnt and th specialties by Harley Morton. and fthipreat' Knetzger, . master of the xoSmg hoops, etc., were decided fea-l tares 01 vne snow, some ox. me jua.es I we're new while, others Vihave- been Heard .oitei Dei ore. MnereMiave oeen bettershows in GwenVille.aiid there hiVe been worse. . V' 'v1. f Lucy: Ckiitton," who." has -thev!: cbj;ef .:-S.0CIAii AND Vh T- m rf TkT JV"8r J - -li I r 1 1 hi iv. t v XL & w x rak, jm I ' J?"J.Satterthwaite ofTactolUmo- tored to.. the' city this morning and is spending the day here oil business! ," u, .- i v : . ...... v :' Charles ill -Little of Washington is spending the day in the city ; on busi ness. : .4 , lr r r- I. 5tl "Mr. P. M. t:ilpfttrlck of Ayden was a business wl?l visitor 4a the. chu yester- 'I '1Z. j ci DOROTJIY -AND SIARY be glad to suggest and show you what to give him or her for Xmas.' B. S. Warren Drug Store, the picture at White's Theatre , tomor row, . matinee and night;, is a Texas girl who has sprung into much promin- her-Jb!ramafic career in The Quaker r Mrs. Jarvis Harding went io Wash ington yesterday morning and return! ed yesterday, afteroon. She is a kins- I h. ut latA -Tkl TrkViri n UlrtTlTlf. ence recenuy, ior ner nne, woric on xne, ""f f .f . , i j i ri -ni-n .-. tArnnnn - . . . " . ! ' siage uiu Buwa. miss vuiiuu euu V?'iJ!i! h 'T ahe writes. brcs3atgg rise tq. fame via? ;. "Little ; Women, "Turn - to the pight; and 4p In Mabel's Room." J . NOT SO WELL "The- condition of the .son of Supt. 8.' 6. Underwood, - who lhaa undergone two operations in the Moore-Herring Hospital in Wilson, is reported to be. not" so well today. It is said that com (.., . ---------.-f " -- . plications have arisen which are giving the 'surgeons' much concern. . iwf"ns mor nnr- ""vnrf c:PJfll I fill II ill In fl tit UN -IS P Bill lJKLJiil vtSli HI I'IMU'I Hr'IH 11 Located at N. S. Junction ) e iiuvv nave ub nuiiu i ivo cars :fl 1! o! hard nut coal and several cars of i i rived in the city this morning via, the Norfolk Southern."' l J -L. iSatterfleid-of , Milton, C.,'Is among those registered at: the Proctor HoteL ) tonic, helped JWr8.-Wfl; r S f,') I Him Everss!3,-of Hazel I O I h write 'I hada l I wtsia A Giri," playing second understudy to . . K7 L. Telverton of Fremont arrived j V I general" bresU the siai.BBtii ' a fortimate'. (focfLuaif )t : ':eity : ;inongTiathe-At-1 1 fy Jicf'lay'bealiSi;'. accident gaveJKr tfceopportnn .: j appear in the lead .and attract the. ' - , i.'", vU -5 .' attention of the manager and the nub-1 eorge jo. auuusob o- .oaiM.uury r- lic. That wathe beginning of a speedy bed or weeks taabla to ; (9 J . . and ths jadns wera very jBcytrcw. .a inesa told eel fcad triad eTerjr V 1 4 J ; sooa eaw it wss fielpir j? IL.P.olloman of Washingto'n Tis L- ?fM 0J here today on business. " f. ,J --- VATTT? ? I. i Z. B. Jones of Faorettville j-as.oai V- T f tl f 1 ai o o " our streets this morning. fT. H. Crisp - and -H. H. Crisp of Falkland are welcome visitors to the city. . Mrs. Blount of Ayden was registared at the Proctor Hotel last evening. . , - :i',y: T. H.- Bland of Klnston is in the city.. . - . " . . : - Shorty Gibson v has gone to Phila delphia to visit relatives and friends. - Editor- Rouse of toe 'Farmville En terprise spent ; yesterday' Taf ternoonT' in the city on business.' ' - J-' r.,-". '; jdo you lea wesz j . !dali and pine vraod. 11 ' . WW f i S .,. f I ? t 5 .j - ' . T 1 AU orders ven prfapt . 12"-'- t ;3-- PHONES 367421 LtCETJSI COTESII IYEDNES-, ; " 7 DAY rNIGHT KTIYI-'S 4, . fc vxuixi.B2ui2rrxi:ii ij . wwr - a . . . . . I vu wvonesoay nignc at :w Knyl's Orchestral- Sextette will appear in i a I nl health. I ' O . f 4 popularrconcert- In the r auditorium "of f L J " Ask tome Isii 4rfeci L " the High School.. ? -r i . . , The members of this company .are gifted musicians and ' their- concerts; are .highly enjoyablev A large' audience is expected, f or this v5s ihe kind ot tQUsic that taes with all classes , of peopie. . xj. -wonwwfl-.lil year lsckcf coodbealSi csssed frosi any cf . Cie coo- 0 women? Then why not 4- gve Cirdtd a trial? It- many women rshonId t cas.oone tort? . ( housanda of p!her ? j i u who atfSeceAjr O J blS'.Uzea-Ci'" J;-T riUfert you; bow; It : aJ 1 her. !Try Cards!. .' r . ?' . . .r sir i ..-i vi ST PiAfTI.SrmTRCTI- 1 ; Wednesday: ' Evcnlrfg prayer - ' ' ' - - r.- t m m ' W A -"BASKET PAETY- ; ida.;higbt ; December- th4 Kh,' Cqx's vfchooli house a very successful party '.was- given, r realizing ttlxe strm of -three-hundred dollars-tThere' were .twenty-one baskets";soldJ thdlhJest basket selling f o 'one-hundred and ten dollars - that being the teacher's Miss Maybell Elks, y t ;- J1 '- 11 " 'i 1 . j ; - --rfjtationery PerfttmegrToIIetArtf cles also Xmas cards. ' - - v . , :.B." S.-Warren. Drug Store. 12-io.tfc. : v . : " r - x WAN312D NIC-J4-- FU E KI S lib D .Boom". bgentl'enumABplyVto i a! bfilcAiy -letter Address Arion. .5 t ;. I 12-10-3tp. LOSTUOTAY' AFTERNOON .&t Ayden'. and Greenville road autotno-. , Due license woaoxzz. rinaer please. V? joyC H.li.v EweM nearl Grifton fflftjld give. , , J f : v v, ,y , I yeara old.' 1 bay mare. 7 Fears old i . 1 1 .. B. S: Warren Drug "Store 12-KKttc. 4 - IVUiitiiil XHU Adzniraatraior's i, ' m . - ---''w- ; i and aljjeorn; twisting of about 30 b Sale of FcrsoraJ,Prcr barrels,4 and fo4ieC. together with ail iBytyirtueof poWetWe'stM in me?aif ftndtbekngingtd 4he said Geo. W. adininWatoi' of theYlat4;.leotrwl Patrick; ' Kilpatrick, I shall sell ; for -r casa : to the highest bidder at public auction at the home place . of . said Geo. jWi KIK Patrick, oq ijthe ; B.vGajmonarm, about one mile and " orie-half from Rountree's. Church, in ; Aden Town ship In Pitt County, air of the personal - iir:i' li.t !'ii.V ' prgpeixy ot wmca ; mo -iate ueo. colt-7 months oldt 1'sow and 3 shoats, X stork, cutter, 1 mowing machine. several r'p&ws and -aU.other farming pbeusus'ju iwa.no.se. wagon, l buggy all ; house-hold ?iDd kitchen furniture,' other personal property on said ulaee 6ale wftt'be ieid at-11 o'clock A. m MondayDea ,23th, ,1919. ' KBear in .mind i&e date and come to me sale '- v ' ' ! WilU Kilpatrick, " : ;- Administrator " of fil-10-4t paid. -: .- - F03 SALE , 2 ; HOUSES AND LOTS il.water Jaad lights. Easy teitnai -Apply PepkLCola 'Bottling iWorka,.- ; .' 4 WANTED i PO'SITION tN jGEOCEXtY store by Jan.Mst. Have had good . News officer Ask ' tome lsiy ,tte: i wfin Ii9(a helped her. iTryCardsi. 1 '.: r' All 1m iu. ji-j- xi " rr-; ....v;4:-r United-Statea aRih-oad Adslnistrab - - j: , announces ' t - k f . .nrponiANT ciiangsw ) passei;ge3 train :scii-a)ULCS : : ' Ncrfa 'it XUnroad' rEffetiv December 14th, Ul9 .. .. Main line.' '. V -; 'Train No.. 1 now Jeaving Norfolk 0:40 A. "M. will leave 9:10 A. M.; Eliza beth City 11 -16 A. M. ; Hertford 12 :03 A. M. v Edentort-12 5 P. M. No change South of Edenton. Train . Na 2 will leave ' Edenton , 2KXJ P. M. ; Hertford 2 29 P. M. : Elizabeth Mty 3 :15 P. .M arrive 6rfolk 5 :35 P. M Correspond ing changes at . intermediate 1 points. Train" No. 5 leaving Norfolk 8 :Q0 A.M. and Train. No. 6 leaving Edenton 2iOO PM.; arriving Norfolk RO.p. M; Milli be discontinued. - No change r in - trainsl leaving Norfolk 835 , ?M and . ais rivingj8:4aA. M. Trains 11S-17 leav- Ling Belhaven 6:00 -Ai -Mwrfor.Ealeigh and .Trains Nos. 18-117 arriving 8:15 t. Ml from Raleigh will be Discontin ued between ?Belhaven .and Washing ton. . Trains- Nos. 17 and 18 operate on present schedule between 4 Wash ington' and Balelgh. v - i i r Correspoding . changes J at. 'infermedi late points. Consult ticket agents ) and :1 v f illTEf 1 pi r '.'-111,1, ' . J T I ..- a l ' I i r: a 1 .4 & CIJVRii in lllcSlue'' Dark" i - ;:VG!5EHoWfcnIdud IWitlPAnivAll Star dust 4 . ... if Sha iriarri love i 1 !'-- wwOwLz -.rL2 t j .Tn.Wed. ' . . . ! O '3 O w f' AH Railroads making radical changes ' " 1 ': 1 j '"'""-t'" tin schedules X effective December ! 9th. , - ... . V J". 5 AL' sales r ' We sow esdaci; ourap ana CTrnmon nourifls sioy,zu pounqs Aut $14Cpp8r; ihuiidf ed-Prioes' ver good !e JUVUTUIC 1 :l;theap j!4isenatt sevcral.teU tiffttaHhsM tsard Jones' & Dixon 824 50 ICO 107 120"---:.--- 34.78 103.73 -f; Harringtons Lang 102 2 100 104 104 168 112 120 10529 100.08 x - i . v v 'T?r?t. i - -V-1!?;1:? 'Hy&v ':. C's r-Jenkins &:S Garrls,82S-i75 ICS 158 lCS-.lCJs C8.62 103.70 SpdsaleuiirsdW ,..Pf-MAS and GO.MiirFSOOIiS'uEd fia-Gteim PlaM-3't.rGst 4" r " v"---- 'V--;f: r 420.S lOOS 1 14072100.48 -j -k. , j v-.-. V " J ,1

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