"-rr:rjirr y -,y ---.a.. '- - - - - - - - - ;fy,ryy - rr . wSf f SFBP"" -s -V; 1 ' - v e --w.JI Greenville, JN. C Monday Afternoon January 1920. 53 SUGGESTSSI r -r 1 -,,, i : . - ' - ; v- -.j n , . - - . , J v. i, - r .1 LE 3 4 tfn-i gilt fj. iLaiiEl lI ifltrj LyffiffeLlfc liftlK - . ! ' . ;" . T-" X. W. '.VA. WHS f.llimifo I,, ing ltev. K a. Lapsler. castor r,f t-.rf :vJ4lspiin-Ws.i. - '.foe -was .travelin- f rT,;. - c i lun 4n Dk&iu "ticipatSo before ' .wS? f TarWro Cr -Qit -Greene (By Associated Press)' was on ih-n o,i t"- I -.-"wf.M-syer SHt-v.'ces on - ---.iii i u-.i in- i iM'.. Bi:-ii-ras.9t.vr. i , ' ly t'A dun;.-. He cbnsp "ti AH!.,,,.., -,;7 lfry;: 4W Ins subject. ne; showed Deri l" tllCil ?saini-tne Virgin . of . - hi ,os as s r Guadalupe, Mexico. Fifty thousand -f .JjT.ui-.TT; from aparts pf Mexico have juol vt'MJiJicieu- lueir weeK or nomage vr 14. ill T v i -i , . : , t m - it. ' - ' w m JJi. .. . . . &i4U to 41a vi ., t ' "1-41.11, tliat ,i1r. . , . - , 51 ionrpev ? ynsi'deraVio sibJe Lnfc th ..U;!:i'il PS"- bo -vo her best to the Maker.: Hvor Gan8S- h Axvmib-. "W,.v fusH- iiVinvArT :fiwf L" . rj" exbertod the youuir women to fol-! ThiS l'l'en,cH LANDS TO AMERICA srrc;id rsj'Kdi.- - n v markg the aSSth.aa iow ra:!uip:c, and-, beid forth th- i w :f ""' - to "Or- :o t!:f:t t'K'- v.-..Tia h iv..:.,,. "'" .'.uii'i V- ( By Associated Press) Bridgetown, Barbados. Lord Roth ermere's suggestion that Great BrituiT. ajaflama . islands, : Bermula, . British Guinana a.nd'lhe West Inda lsnd wifh the excei5tion of Jamiea. --ffr'was made b.Jio- f0r 'Briitins ,war debts has 'Mecck- or Hindus to the Provoked a stor mof ; protest in ' all these colonies. The idea has ' been de- I nounced by most of the newspapei' ofc xn.43ntish Aesf India ' 'Islands, in urittsh Guiana, Xruiidad,- the' Leeward LiiWOIIl CHAraAMI, Raising a fajidly of kids Isn't, the K easiest thing for , a boy who' has besn an orphan.-since -he was a .iadiinielf. suen is the in interpreting v CBy Associated Press ty ' - i being us tay,-to.tniater from NewpojKPrfi&b i or i -t0 u;-o f:r. KU:;iy T- o.. ;.t . t. . - - . . . : "SV 01 Undiil-'ar- v-4! s;;;;;m;U;:;;;, 'v"n ";'V.... '' - -r - : , In .":tv: -:: ,. ;- .: ... ; . ,,. Y; -.i-i&r v--o;4..,. tt; - - - -'vi- iJiea 2 5'. 13- -. ,' ; . ' ' ..." - - 1 :: ' -' ::iiiy lU'M-iii-'.e - .. -.:--r !;. . r , si aito in tllf ' " "i; ' : -'T one of his : . -- 7 - 1 - :-. -Ti:. . .. .!uav- t " - . , , lie w.s a 1 ! . u ! Y-'t " U v ' v the accident , " " 4 ' : ! -: ;. -vl ,z his n i.if: ao on , , . -a aluut it ojdr-- , t , .WV the ,,r !I: i:; : -: v--' ,-.:done:, th::ii- i5' " ' ( V .,4;, rV , ... f. -: . - t :i. r .s .tea..e-d hr a :::rcv, 'V.a -,ruc: is tr:o . i-. ,. ' , - i'i'i - e'a; i uiade tj br-uc v 5-.e Vt t.sst) who ' 4. 0 'he R;i2;y .one- lo jr-ik: ' bv' -;-,-ih--'( 'to' h-js--1' 'i---' ver.sion to .Christianity of -virtually j ' Is - and' ' Jamaiea.' Public" meetings Trimble-"; in,. Thomas .-H. Incfe latest me.ss-e was ' dolivcred v? u foe -1 all.Indiaus in Mexico au.l 'led to- the!and legislative coyncils have also "j'e-1 PPlay. "Crooked traight?;. which' ohr.rra0 ' " ' erocti.n hero of,a magnificent cath-1 nowneed the project. -. comes to White's -Theatre ais;a Para- "1 'nlc waiJ a ;.ii:u si- 1 TJcr-t and :i syo-ird uvi- t.1 by tii? r-hoir. (h au several chapels and the shrine It has been a. week of prayer, 'church- vo-ii'g ;t::tl ticataor ths" Indians. 1 . . : West Indies- into aVceptin gannexation T'h . ha-hiont ff, ae..)ay baij its origin "transpired,- .ae-i ions made ' by Canadian visitors cr-mi; - to tradition, in 15; I:;h" . is said to have witliin. tfe'e-'nextraSr"! days atii be lifcved ;that; aiji acute ,vaf erif ainme 4 . Ju some quarters 'it- sogges'ted that i W1::10': Hrperemucii; i ' irVac XacjCt. -e'L ' r, i this' character Mr; Ray has to teach4a .f snfTprinor ,rifW nVi' oUaiWr ri'V"',;" -" ""i"11 xui ara to seare tne ' , . ' - , &-'"&r Vir..wv. -siivV- uuncu or youngsxere now to wash their .. .- ' '; v. t i i .nil.. - . 1 rtm wTuVi. f'.o rr0.!tn Hip rr.m?nn c h , ,i-j--s an uiase m tnc , ears, - no w-v to - . i:tjssni -uieir Httir. ajiu out Ult'lT ClOUies -j.v:-: rrnrn r Sill iff" fl 71 1 Willi ZLZiG' A 1: .5:n-Avh an! Barlcidos. that, the Canadian g.voca. j on' nit,comes iJ tSlMWinL mel on theJm,,t was willing to y.: orerrnrcs ' ' ""' ""4 i 'ni'S' "fWiri 't'-'' o village ythei from the West Indies, looking to com-i .lot. h l86 " iE it ! -i V.. hv:: :y uu?.;uo: " ti ? :d--ec,i - tor whith .nearly: all. In-' . , , " . . dians of Mexico turn for one week (inrii.g rhy year. . .. .. a. President Wilion to-: The jeakin bearing the. imprint is rl .Secretary of the Treas- .still orcseiTod . in the shrine, encased. ;- ' !;i-- ' ih" White IIu;-e for a" in silver, gold and gems. -t ai ;::e -,i which it is nnd'erstoou ; : 1 i ta- ::u'...vj.-ur. to Mr. Glass will tepnTpn A f i " " S' wlP lilli Ii The ;;;roiataj iit is . expected soon ILd B SSJl II E ?: en that Mr. Glass can takehis"seafe in; the yea.: ::. ra?c.-eeding the late Sen ator Mart La of Virginia. The West -Indian idi tl . is to h:ve .JL-' rtnl in, a' s - . . . , . community that .they . wilr have van ttV ,utuic lllutA u MWt A"um" enjoyable evening 'at the Band: Con- dcrmlhion ombr-icii.:? all the Atlantic : . . . .i. '! : : - "" f . . , .':: . ..:. ceri -Fomgnr. ana tarnoeiri.. posjessions oa . oreac Bri jiin. - . . people "of ; Greenville ithe tpurwniwi 4"- ! : Pi IP II fi mm m in 1 I Messrs G. II. Buck,. B. C." .Moore j and N. R.- Edwards of - Griiaesland, tvere Sunday; visitors to .tireenvme. J. B. ' Fisher ot - Salisbury arrived" in the .city this "morning via' the Norfolk Southern. . - " Band Concert, 8. o'clock, Training MAGAZINE BLOWS UP I i)erie& as'"areri'Minf'Tax: : w, oi tne xumuoiim uu-tu:uto: magazine suburbs of this city: blevr -.up, this morning, . , . , One . man. was - killed "and . .Pf ' cterienslj' ininrW. - The toss ifisld?tQ ! : 'i to see i-. btca iio!.:. j ' ' : OUi cf P1 H -7 : I! : u a 5 Carr. c ti. d hi h r-n 7 J a Itxl tLa fit V B E Q bfl tl U V M I I ' 1 :-r giSrS? .ycwrrtgrt" 4.4-. e.-.se t ;;n uuUHLL mi ae IIIL WfAil Olih W IT "4 " lljfl 5. r' H y - 4 WLlie the h livid'ry th :, c::i'.i2irig a coii.si m. aad bug.y held to blow was too much ,i - y a (By Associated Press) Copenhagen. Plants to scuttle the : .r i arr, .a, ae yant on or --riu German warships which have not yet )f cars to tho pnblic wiu be from aa .1 ianded ia the bm lands. Th horse been (leUvcrei to the Allies is .being thirtv (o f0vtv 1)er cent compared with v,.;5 :aa, ha-a Ti.1 . i.agy csea"i.l with considered by officers of the German reent -one or the wheels being smashed. j navy a .-cording to information re-.j " . Although sniveling coivsiderable pam, ceivca oy uie majority boaaubis iw- white of Lewiston is in the city. (P.y 'Associated Prest.) hvaiaL.;. -The lr.-st step towards, the in-oduciion of cheap motor cars on a ; large cal i.i this country bas just been taken in the formation of a ' SV0,0C0,OCO amalgamation made up of, Two of Kaleigh's best singers, Miss several manufacturing companies. By Annie McDade, soprano, and Prof, i means of- the stasia r4iza tiou system, 1 Lehman, tenor, are coming with the u hh h has been used so successfully, State A. and E. College " Band aid in Amrfcn. ttr row combine expects j will sing songs that will add .greatly ultimately to turn oia loy.OOU cars a to the program. year "for the multitude." The plan' is The concert, by . the band will be to place the British motor uianufact-J civen at the Training School this j u:ing industry on a scale of quantity j evening at S o'clock. The entire lower j production comparable with that of floor will be given to the puVie. The ' the United' States. It is v stated that the reduction in Ls said. Carr is doimr very well ers. Berlin messages quote tne ier- it i i i to lay. He lesides about three miles lm newspapers as saying tnat tne mgn, Q Jefferson' of Fountain was -,c -. Cr--nvilie on th" north side of, German officers who lnjormea ine ieau-1 L-m of what America ha.; been .' literi'.aa com-aer-. . . y- n . is river. f 4 . 1 ers. V2 jse, ie- i caajiii.'i. i i ,ht on . board ;a V;--vvit -is a bihs ' were V art: t i . J - vzi vim Sw mil i a S 'fiV on our streets this morning. T). Dixon of New Bern is here to day. J. D. Moore of Raleigh is a gtwat Hotel Proctor. . , young ladies of the school have vol unteered to take seats i nthe gallery so that their guests, the public, may have the most desirable seats. Such an attractive occasion as a concert by a good band and good singers will doubtless draw a large crowd. Every body shonld come. It is free for a.'l. The prog. am of the number .5 tc be played by the band was published in Saturday night's paper The numbers by Miss McDade and Pr.f. Lehnvon will, be interspersed through the pro gram. . j, r . .. ; .. . MANY DEEDS OF TRANSFER FILED FOR RECORDIR tnrns in the Bwdoffiats'rily . enues, inWaangtoi-DC? rf ; . i - i 'Oiwing.to his being recpgiiized bytha. -go&fpaentf as Jan-' expert l&'tl&fiin' he offers.thef; people" ttGretenTiUCacl, -t' u texar; -.'to ithapreparatioii - ittjih it returns iff oV thleafl9?tAi v -; The -i&e:-tam1&aii::( comey tax returns : is liinltedj - do .Hot - put on: .nnui tne. laavainuxeihjut c:all 1oee'biai;;IJreryJn4atr who liaa T aniiacome - of ?2,0000imjd .Tlifere Is a :peji&Uyfbr; failure;". toftA$,- ', the return. '4- . BRAN AND. WILSON IN y ACCORD ': OH t ONE T3nXQ?tl XI- 1 s-.t ChicagQ.-William Jennings - Bryan.' r ' . Wilson agrees in-nposei T-' U'f b eV. "We both want immediate. rratiaH. I ', . cation of the peace treaty and. jpee4f h vi: y" ; settlement oi Tne league or nunona,".- - -. -rau 3 UlLL ot C'iai ia .,.-(; iati d Press) , : I i f 1 liifPl 'it h . Rev. "S: K. PbiIlips has-'rettined.;. '' a. cnica.- .viia-X : .. ; ?athcural h tv.--y': r;r na ah 'l.: r tjars "due to t ' horse ; 1 1 Au ,ur bron 2:.: fa rude of iiil linen yat :xi 'plaes ; K;0iiJ -h.ia - tw.r r transfer to lio'uio hreri ketit to ;r.-:ia ; ;:iis. or abstract-, r. CBy Associated Pres) Raleigh. Crurchill Godley under a: :cc of being couvieted of an al- from Richmond. . - - London. rdinal (B Associated Press.) Amette a few fashions be a love of the true and days ago, in a pastoral letter, deneunc- j the abbreviated garments for worn- ' the beautiful for never did . fashions as" the do today so grievously militate against the canons of :goooV taste and U-yiod attack upon a littlb white girl mar Sraithfield, Johnson County, is ' mornina , , J en popularized "by Parisian fashions-, the laws of symetry i Ch.-rcra.or Bickett today announced j "father ..Bernard : Vaughan, of - London, 1 "I cannot Jmt arrive at the con- e , seat-; who in the past lhas said many Lard i elusion that today's fashions are de ; tbingr, of thoollie-; and extravagances '-signed- and cut not to drape the .hu- iifi'-'A ! i-ot tuo ncn nas nonv, in an mrcrview,4 w.iu-ugure auu jvevy iui, wau: es and, . Icl'KF IS PAEONED BY y.llowed the Cardinal's example. lie tifut and comfortable, but on the con f "When I ask myself what is in-' called costumes are created with, the Duke. ConsiderationaSOO U H. .J. Williams and wife - to -A. B. Nelson and wife. Consideration $8.000i II. J. Williams nad wif ey to Willie Buck and wife.' Ckmsideratioh $10,000. Wm. McArthur and wife' to 'Jaines Hines et al. CoBsripOjQt. r 1 -pntlcftdx; by5. Birkki " 4 y? - '1 'Z.-Frf-I?TZ&' -FTr V de.-truct-, .. j- ;:G v.-;,Tikl not. corn mute - j ..-nee to life impr?somacnt. i a .- th IViv' tkenby' cran) cv.to. .;u. -Aiirauum x uei, - j ? nirn3: tins tendency to nuaify . in set pieii'.f oi iiwaucuuig u maw .vv' f ! former political "boss," couvieted in l women's wodern', costume "itrv ansver holy ; desires and .perhaps of, fanning the- were' San Franc i3co of bribery, was granted.; is it cannot "Tie. ja righTful desire' to on st.'-ll a pn'r3on by Governor Wm. D. Steph-ll promote the healfti of our debutantes - I ' . j i nU, ? - ., -, r-.-t ri J r i .i 1 i tr r l.' j i " f ? i j i. r i -i ' ? . J horses j-ens yeicioay.- iuu. atlvunliii.ijr "-r joscause touay s ,wigTj; oi-ciotnes is sav-. tores to Ruef tba rights of citizenship. agery exposing thara to consumption. .: 'irie.i. tonqu'ered to adorn At ;'l t. v.C.- 'II. Newto. not rarmviiie is at- dreds but thousattiOs. So ltm. assureu !i the, part ot giris areata P,wn vnws. nlu P!aJi dh ' tentung -coiri. iouy. ; uy compyenf auqaoriby. uur jgiriawu fj.. ucteui vau- itt"- 'v fnto fever flame those already kindled. "How such conduct can be defended it is impossible for me as a Christian man -to conjecture. : Personally J feel dnd iits kmdred lailaients. not byuni j.uite ure. that stjidled immodesty, on 1- Tlios. illarvey . of Kins ton arrived Jm .-.ought 'to- lihv.to ih& ripe- ilage drobp, J ay grrj and make- herV the queen hOtWa . . ' . f, . aii-ji v-.y- -.,r-v, i - . 1 . ;vi;v .'..a- - '.xriyav ti-aiiA: r- : " - fj-kt at WAer- .flH u- i v - - i ti -to -their oiK the city" th- morning via uie uauuc oroxj and de l5fe -nowexS- uatfia y nearx (TBapemwfSHw ffw.. ; a:a a i ' .--.', -'."-T? ulrrVUey-r Coast-Lino. ' J ' war "ai'5pirahi.mprcrlfc4 U "g,tob3ktH55!5.. The following deeds of transfer haver. be n filed, in the Reg;stsr of' Dcdr efftee since the last , report f.--registration. " " L. D; Dixon and wife to J. C. Dixon Jr. Consideration $2,500, iy J. Williams, and wife' to Wto-1 he said.- iIt la- unply.: -aJ4 &tfhf t oyer zaethoda- aad no,t,a purpose. p fnere is .no. Teason wny,. advocacy OI a compromise siioum oe mverprcveu..:sy; as opposition " to. thePresideEul ?fr V 'x r: t Wilson is an official" and his decisionst 7'a iis.m Braxtoa et al. Conslleration $20,- 000. R. M. Garrett et al to W.C Clark. Censideratain. $5,000i; . E. G Flanagan arid wie to W. J. 'tinkins et a .Consideration $1,500. . '. R. M.. Garrett et al to-Joseph "Palm- e.-. Consideration $5,000. R. C. Cannon andwife to J. H. Harris. Consideration $1,500. IPREMECOto . The. Training School invites the pnhT ' i 'V lie. to a Band Concert at eight o'cl:a.r j this evening. L. M. Manning ands-wrlte tr&fy?H ake. Considerhtiona5S00. ." . -I : PMdclofbnnii .Inedinc.tbL''.'r aajtin tne city on tura wests. 4 . RESOLUTIONS ' - - 4 - w r. SchboJaayanttaryjll, ;ja20 . We tie membera i oi. the Baraca .Class : Lof ' Harris ' Memorial-ikethodist;? San ? - 'J r.- : ; - -... . fiAt-ii.";,--:!! '''- , aayocnooi nayeyneara ui-pieawrs rf of .the ; 8trcms;wobabiiity. ot.!;"X'i?'':. iWTrvir-Fir '.iif Ativmefeh toutyfir -reoawi; HlBi Tl" 111' I A III )rluijiihr-:pnMPmenf of t. a MvtatloaV ? ? yWahiognTh S W Jss,. -lsdi t !q?Cr :" f "e7ieEx ' - ssooal-bg jnheren iiifiti :aeia1 f orcement-i my Ne'wV. Jeeyr. Th b'i ccmrt -t. -y '"""? " ' ' 2 ' .i.,.--v-'--Ii-r;;;;.4Ti0flri-'dr i. -v --''a.'-rs-r- " - " .-... ." ; . J. v-. . ' ' t - ; 1 . . .:-:.., : - - ... : - -- . . --

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