A - -.'.'- --- v 1 vr-r ,-... , f -J.;. .s- - - -, 1 1 1 , n - - - - -- v ii -i t . ' - - .- .-U4,, , . . - -- - - - - : The Veath'er A-" FiaaIE(litioa;& irmer in Fair, vai rht. Sunday probably., rain. iTP3JiLpiir SIX PA6ES Jtle Southeast to East wng jj 1 ? r TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'A vol. m. "kIffMf- .,;r',' : V" - : : Greenviilr N.- 'C. .Saturday. Aftemtikmi Ftbrmry. 21, . 19201 NUMBER 207 Report 'v,:.?f : 1ST YEAR P.G9 S!f !CE OEG; IT v i CE TREATY STJJ . - . i.v.. . .. (,;:. I?.-. NATE, WEBKGT . ..... (Bry Associated Press) -Tht many tiays of n-c!r"ll2ton o,,..i.'Hr ovi-r the peac P n-Ive wav today in n, i . ss towards a disposal JflUJ' 1 ii!i niot. '., ju ;l yoar since the 4leUate ihvl. A v.)u- :it tho last -sea .uoii m' ex rleJ to be reached today. 0 With PivshU-nt Wil- ) tb(; Allio.1 ,ht t.i t!-o note hemiers on t!ii' Auriaiu.- iUVu t r0:i,ly for I'.isparc.i. iue ujuvrjaia it bt known tb:: tlioy io not as acute nor do 'ii':ltlf.T WTll Urd die situation I. 3,.r th.-ir t ho neei:y such a mm tnat tne uuitea will '-' cntorc-eti to cmsuier uglier it oiir.1.1 become a party to j Treaty of N't'rsaiUfS. The reply Ujo forward r "lay. HUES IN JAIL LATER DECIDES 10 WALK OUT warn 1 fipliitflv WOULD KOCN FEET OF UNDER MAN DECLARED (By Associated Press) London. The .German- government is rushing preparations to try; those Germans accused of the violations of law. of war and the examination-- of (By Associated Press) - London. Bishop Welldon, ' Dean of Durham, declares in a interview that 'society is threatened by forces which reputljates ; tbe Christian faith.' The RisllOTl' h.1S ll'St. rptlirilPd.frnm.fi finn. ferenee-on Christian "reunion at Ox ford which -was attended by moth con formist and nonlconformist ministers. mere was a general agreement, he stated, as to the necessity- of drawing churches together. "Tho world is rocking amder men's f'Et," lie said. "Society is. threatened by forces which repudiate the christ ian faith and the christian .moral code. ESSAY CONTEST j JDDQES HAVE : BEEN WED RUG STORES Tl NOT SELL BOOZE Announcement Is made -today from;. - Raleigh. Attorney General James the District ) KtecrultJng " ..oflice at' s. Manning, pending answer to" an in Greensboro that the judges for the! tcrrogatory, to Attorney General Mit Kational Essay Contest havd been sel-' ehell Palmer, relative to the stains of booze as a medicine to be Vended, iri drug 'stores ,is advising against the sale of the preeioH3 stuff in Notth witness nnd flreTimpn?j will hp A n nt. .',..,.. t " " c-.nuii.-ji suus a crave riSK oi nsin? next week according to a Central news . her influence upon national ife, the oisR-iicn, . decadnnce of regular church coinir baa Thy pleadings will open before the ions been a cailS(, of ty" Tllp sta. Uipic court wrthin the next month tlfo of divorce are alarming and ected for North Carolina. Those elect ed are Dr. E. C. Brooks State Sup erintendent of Public Instruction, Colonel Fred A. Olds. President North Carolina. Carolina Historical Commission nad', Two drug stores in Raleigh had Mr. R. B. House, State Historian, all joined tffe innumerable caravan of of Raleigh. These are the judges that- apothecaries who had begun . to pass will pass on the hundreds of essays : the oil of gladness overtheir--counters mat wm oe written Dy rne .cmuisen oi j again, but these stores did not actually North Caroina oh "What Are The sell Thev had the linpnse but de- Beneuts of an-Enlstment m: the U. S.! cined to sell unaer the terms imposed Army." Tiw essays are t i be written by influenza. Judge Manning has not in the school rooms all over the coun- . given an- opinion for his, oflfe he try to !;. In cases where tiic local' merely writer the head of the lega it is said. Livfldon Persons living in Great Britain, Franco and Belgium who are witnesses against: Germans accu3ed of ar crimes, will not go to Germany to testify an exchange Telegraph Com- I ""J " 1 j . , . Sncn witnesses it is tlated will be ..f... eexanliiied by commissiones . ent to senoois are closed on accourr or tue department under President WiLson infuonz i e-.'deraic the essay may be' ana it will be several days befove tbere turned over to the teacher. ' ;3 anj repy. . ..... nvi v...of no,n.o .:ii i. .... . ... '. . ... it my if necessary to reuuiiu unman 1 r'jf 1,1 auiu num xu? supply or lqnor wmc-n was morals from the foundation. . i ouc'a school by the teachatf ;iid thi available for drug -store us,, had been Mijeriiit--n!ent of school foiveach city . jrua rd-.nl bv the irovernmeut for mnuv " - . ..- ... " 'Meanwhile the church is disregard ed li ause she is divided It is too t wil1 appoint a bxai board to award moritns. ';. Ilundmls and "thousands of local prizes. Thy best from each school gallons liave been poured out during i to be forwarded t; the IMstrict lle- lauth to expect that the world will list en to her when she speaks with many discordant voices. Unity alone wyi .'-tne 'epihemie. Hereafter it is uroba ... . . . . i f t-ruitmg umcer where the three judges, ble that revenue officers will hold on to unentioncd above will award the stale .the countrise named. Aneg:o man wearing a suit ot overjj 2? wa:kt-'l iiito tlie jail day before pstenlay and stated that the ,boss K the chain an,' had sent him to iim as he was not feeling well. This teg an unusual F-roeeiIure the Sheriff s notified but before he could visit jail and investigate the negro had to it upoa himself to depart and S Las not feen seen since It turned our that the negro escaped ram ihi comfy chain gang at work boat eight mile from dreenviHe. en tie convict were turned out of pea ea?e for work this negro in, pie way managed to remain behind. fto the rest under guard went fceir work he took advantage of iiags an-1 walked out of tbe cage JJ to freeing The negro bails from Sen and wus sentenced to the chain tior a ici-in of one vear. Everv -St-is boii:- wad e bv the Jorlties fy .-iii.rehend him. county Xur ruling passions -are apt to re main with us to the end. The last movementa mule makes is a kick. The epigrams of the Greeks were good and hence we- know their women were not. need which has driven political parties to coalition, drives reformed churches to federation. The opportunity has come with the necessity. It is now .or never. If ecclesiastical statesmanship does not avail itself of the spirit ex cited by war, the chance of Christian leunin of Jhri.tau intercommunion, will 1k lost and may not recur in the life of the living people." PRINCES ISSUE RIO PAPERS GO MANIFEST o -id wmm THE PEOPLE RATE, REPORT prizes and select the essay which is"' tobe sent to Washington to compete for .one 'of "the National Prizes. There are three handsome National Prize?, a loving cup, a jgold medal, and a free trip to Washington for the win ner and one of their parents- offered by the sick soldiers of Walter Reed Ilosiptal. There are a numberof state prizes and these are likewise supple mented with local prizes in many com munities, all of which has ereated great interest in the contest and en thusiasm is running high, A paper from, one child jnay ctvmpt to f jr. all ;v;zes and there :xiii ixaa 'imotwaT&-flie iiomea of tlo Echool children and schools this cTaJe' " : what, .rhcy jiave until there is .final ajud lent ion of old booz;'s standing i;s. ; mmicine. Meanwhile the' -.depart ment idi. reyc i:e iias many gallbae for use and. is" waiting whiie tht authori ties think and act. . QNACCT.FIU AUSTRIANSTO (By Associated Pres7 Cairo. The- six princes of the Sul tania family, who have issued a inan- (By Associated Press) Rio de Janeiro. Jhe fpurteen daily newspapers of this city which on Jan- ifescto to the people asociating them- uary 1 lobed the price of their pa- (By Associated. 'Press. "', ciiii3l. yiuutcei- Jamaica. British West Indies, Income so wiiip.n,i . ... v . (i ' i L. lit I I L1C Pi govermneiit has, egislation $: peering Act. iasJrt'011 askerl tn P legislation sin.f- t.. tm ,.. Ww i,uv, UigllOU selves with the demand for the. com plete independence of Egypt, hare alsoH i sent a note to Lord Milner, head of the British Mission investigating con of the -Egyptan nation bntrare solid they "not onlypprove.lBi demands ly with it for the formation of a single united body claiming the right of our country and demanding absolute Inde pendence." - v The noze is signed by Kamal-el-Din, Hussein tmar Toussoum, Mohemed Ali; Ibrahim Youssef, Kamel Ismail and Mansour Daoud. RVE NOTICE THAT mm ehi oni m w UM TULIII OS ft i a ( nrv, . .i tho of up a seven prom. inizarion leaders tn Platform". thp A. dc rPry--. - . j , totice vo- . . '":-aT:on, serv- tive ?' n prese,lt and Sewi, . utn,iai candidates in Z C"Uo 'Pate ar- 4e ' , U4'"K out unmistak. tetter A 0f eath candidate Li Diir ,,-.. . con t Fat"' PrCSid6nt Chaman of ! Un'n- i'i (By Associated Press.) ' appoimt- Horace Pliinkett as representative of Irish farm organizations, that a dele gation be appointed, to attend ah in ternational congress on agriculture at N del Z aPPOlntluet of an bz ittoA ,nt- rceed 1 AHure 'at f I th V19 avid Lu' VnKtof CatperWewn S buvi, Ter: the 'i?ht of T Mission - he Fe,ieral tinent ; " Section with r and "."Kation of i. fh 'Via that congress to on $10 000 to e tevitatiQa from STUDY FARAIINO SWITZERLAND Even vthe lines of a. poor poet are apt to be cast in pleasant places when be goes lishing. . . , - MOVEMENT IS ADRID CITY IN (By Associated Press.) pers because- of the increased cost of; tfl Material, especialy newsprint pa- ' per, entering int- their production, ' have restored ' their old price of 100 reis. (about 2 1-2 cents a copy. One J Vienna.--Arangements have been paper which had concluded an advan- made with Switzerland permitting the tageous contract with a Scandinavian' sending there of large numbers of firm for paper annulled its agreement' Austrian youths to stddy Swiss" inton- wun tne otner papers to maintain tne, aive farmin-. -methods. The dairv in- price at 200 reis. dustry, particularly, will be studied In announcing their return to the as the .Austrian government is endeav-1 old price, the newspapers stated that oring to induce the farmers to im- 100 reis did not cover even the cost, prove and extend this branch of agri- t.f the white paper. Dubiu luring the present year,. was accepted. Sena-tor Poindexter of WashihgtOW; addreslsing the conference at the f ternooi - session, characterized farm ing as the greatest industry of the nation and congratulated thehation al board upon : its dceision to erect a permanent home in, the capital where its members could keep in close touch with the government; ; . Any experienc- ed farmer shoula be Selected .to head the department ijof agriculture, he said, . and .farmers ; ould.die feiven that freedom ctlonnec obtain the greatest, possible legitimate results." ; S1.':.J;; ' , -""',. Maurice McAulife,':president. of the farmers', union of 'Kansas said ;,the. co operative ' venture., of farmers in - the United States already: handled, busi ness . of $1,000,000,000 afihuf lly and should easily. Increase to six times that figure ' withina decade He and oth er' gpeakerg warned of the ob3truetiVe tactics which Wuld bemade whenhi activity - began to ."makeV aV "dent ln AN HONOR TO TRY THE GUILTY ONES HE SAYS (By Associated Press.) Berlin. Preliminary proceedings in the number of cases of the -Germans i accused of violations of the laws of war i3 already begun and- progress is being made in collecting document ary material Minister - of Justice Schifer told ' the newspapers. The accused persons 'will be tried Leplsic by a . court of seven judges. The government he said, regards it as an affair f honor to punfeh those really culture. TO BE MARRIED IHISWINOi REPATRIATION HUN PRISONERS (By Associated Press) Paris. Repatriation, ef the German war prisoners in Siberia was author ized by the Council of Ambassadors to day. . The disposal of the various enemy warships was taken up anditheir al location decided upOn. (By Associated Press) London. Miss Chrystal Macinillan, Brjtish suffragist leader, who has re- cently returned, from Madi-id JsayS the- woman's suffrage movement is making rapid progress in Spain.. "A nnmber of women iiold imrwrtanKdu cational positions and others are work ing as journalists on eaiding newspa pers, but as yet: there are'comparatlve ly" few women physicians. The Inter national Women's conference is to be held" in Madrid May 2 to next. , The women of four Spanish nations, in 11F031 1 - 'rt ' '" . . ;' ' " ':,"V'. ., v -ylM: I VT- " 7 ' : -' . - -,. ;i r i . . . -i.. . mm 1 ill!, ; ; V-" , .-.,'.-r--'; .'".'"'";; MAriDEIDSi TRANSFER FILE I Illl IlLlilfSliJ II ilLU NG Ate4 Frets.) 4 Washington .Assuranc . w glten. ' '. the RaUroad"; anizatW today .W , the Ra ilrpad rAdminlstra tfoii, that the , ; - return of tb'e'Jrbadiri ;ftrclirit would not affect : the negotiations now Im pending is ? tv othe interpretations of T' ' the various wage" . agreements madfe ; A '' with the : labor groups during the'Fed-, eral eoutro ". :Vi;'"4';--!;v? it'"' Wasliington. The ' opposing factions -; : : ' of ;th3 aRijoad reorganizaticm.(vbiU: lined up"-for .the last stand iii 'the ' The following, deeds' of transfer : hnvp hepTi filed in t.hp. Ttpffisfer of rx i r j, i . 7- . : 31use of llepresentatives toliyMvith. -tf": Deeds office foi" registration, since the , . , - " . 3 , -' : last report. j the lnal vote on the Esch-tmmins: Jennie W. Proctor to R. D. Edwards, j Consideration $3,000. j D. Elks to Levi MeGowan. Consider-; ation $2,000. " " - ' B. B. Besden and wife to D. Lan caster. Consideration $3,000. J. O. Cox and wife to J.J. Lyoii and wife. Consideration $300. P. C. Harding and wife to Noah Worthingtcn. Consideration $8,500. Charles James and wife to Louis Ayers. Consideration $4,000. ii. A. Tripp and wife to Mary M. Moore. Consideration $500. compromise measure, scheduled: to be 's cast before adjournment. v ..: ". The indications are -that' the vote wouldn't be reached before evening: .Vy;. In addition to a majority of the", 'j' till. because of its financial ' uprovisionSr.":! .members, of both sides were ready :tbv.7& attaeis it im cause or the objections. on the part of organized labor :i The in!'.' effe'-tiv-w t tj convince . a contrary Trin 11 at ho is wrong, is. to igfee with hi-i.- .,- i rarieft'nii ..v 'v:: The. younger a man is the more he knows' about the women he - thinks." -;; ; V I?;' an -official: .tableof 'figureaico 4 i recdto;;-brnary; 4(pijat:$: oy'tne.:r$tattica:ibran:.ofjth&gen- izJ9Wiir: xepartm entrinet autn-r ' -rs ; a mm . v. (By Associated Press) Hangtnng, China. The inf uenza epi demic in this district has caused so many deaths that there is a shortage icof caskets and :thfetr. price has risen 400 percent in recent weeks. .-.-.-'".-' III immmmsm$m: Division leads . Bll other :;dlvis! the A E. F, $h the number,' of Medals Iv: - v V of Honor awarded. -This number;: la '. twelve, while the 89th division comes next with nine,. Th second Division r'S -leads in.; the total' number of awards, ; i 093. . l'. -ineiu.Pihed' set-y ? , 'V vice Crosses and' Oak Leaf Cluster .V,'' ;A as well as the Congressional MedAl of Honor, but doe3 not include foreign .t decorations. The ' First Division tak e$ second place with &0 decorations -l'l jkAwu vile iiaitu u. uic Auieiicmi lfuv r "i-r. Because of this many bodies have Umenf and thp tWutl, ntVn VvS&'r 7 es fourth nlace with 319." Thfl wntw V seventh-Division which was the; hWsg uig , raaie oi ine oven, gets vh : . " ' the large number of awarfs'iheCyi S."v -second Division 386 went ..to Marines; ;: -4.'- been hurled iri shrouds only, a prac tice '.common even among;the poorest Chinese. Another departure that has been : forced upon the people by the existing situation.: is that Feng Shui, or the praetieevof geOmancy in con nection with funerals by which grave Division. Of aU the-awarda niade ty sites and times of burial and other j the Army 2d per cent made 4 to Ofli- details are determined, is being ig- cers .and 61 ner cent ta nHstfi mtt ; Spain, Argentina, Uruguay and Cuba,f ; r- ixuuy w have now an;ld fov atRliation with tice be taken of lucky or M &Mon was madtf-farrtoM'inr;.: tbe international Women's Suffrage lucky das f 0r holding funerals. Whole and before the award was made : : Alliance - i ..w a - - . .ucu u vw ia iuumi omu ujucu epiaemic. .. I the commissioned personnel. WILL BE HOME COMPOSERS OF SONG, STATE! -Vv'V ...... y- BOLSHEVIK:GOVERIESflliip ; -. .. .: . . - (By Associated Pres's.) WAR YET FRAN nirn ist b .nninnaT ' nn rt n t urn mmi v 'Rumor is current a quiet-way this - afternoon just before the Daily News'goes to. press 't;--?!?. ilii's nopULar; y mihg lilies prominent "tobacconist will . be , united Later he. was appointed: American Con in iiolv 'wedIock before ; the .day" Is snl -at .Xeweastle and Cardiff. fajor over If is Understood that the. JieeHgife 'Jones was -member of Parliament "for j '" (By Associated Press) London. -Major Evan , Rowland Jones, an American war veteran and a personal acquaintance., of Abraham Lincoln, has just died in-London. Born in Wales, he went to- America at the age of 15, enlisted the following year; . in- the 5th Wisconsin Infantry and jaftained r the: rank ? oif; brevetta jorf Lhg, than a unneutral service-perhaps .;-v ; rit-; casus belli aiida reason'tOvStrikeiat' v7-' arV the re-ipus of-' Turkesian.!' lies, pre- -. ,vv ; ' (By Associated Press.) Greenwood, Ind. With the dedica tion of the Polk Community House here recently, announcement was made that it was to be the home of the annual national contest of song composers wl8eh will be held here contestants will be selected" each theory Bolshevism could not. r.eally-de- BItL; PROVIDES year in annual state, contests ;wdien dare war upon a non-capitalistic coun-' ? " ; SUMv FOR CAHP; BRAGG! Peking. Danger that the Bolshevik trates further to the East,. wiL con-,-. government of ltusgia may make war? sider! that this ' is somethmg more ' T on China is pointed out in the Peking than Leader, Uy B. Lenox-Simpsom, writ ing -unuer . tne pen name oi. .x-utnara , tne regions ot- xuriiesvan.: He., pre WealeJ ile is the author-of several tic ts that Japan willattempt', to come 4 v; works on China ana recently was re- to an arrangement with the? Soviet convention andj "statistician" reporting directly to the v-pViee Japan ; wU , the first of j President. ; ;, . , nevt June. , )Mr. .Lenox-Simpson says'" that in ' ' ' - : i-- Jl ' . ' ;LARGEvS:MV;.Vs :;; .' the composers! wilt compete . ior tne try wnere tne millions ton as niuca as . 7-- ; .;.-; .fvte-: best American Folk-song and the best do the Russian milMons ; butf never-. W Amerjcah ;Art;. song. ?Pyizes willbe tlfeless,, CJaina i cf threeyageray.campsarid offered f roiit a f imd ppded by. Grncej intes.deepiya writer. - The first sjfate competition! government, of the late takes place in '-V Floiida - this month! olas have not "bsren' defini The . Indiana contest. wilU ye .lield here niid also . "because Japan in March. x'; . :' ; ; The. community house, . which 'ivas ereedjiafcos by James' T. Polk, contains , a - large "gymnasium, swimming pool, showers. Krolirit .i.nn-ni sTnnm f Avi a mlp and' tlXl "auditorium ' wih a 'seating- capacity SjTJiVidftUoro Community agree- ta proytdoor fulf illmer.t of'wtir- tw' . ' th the" time ..contacts? Emperor NMch quipment of numerous other military V. , ' tely cancelled posts was finally agreed .to .in; con- ' v .. ? has been s ecured nd, that 'all that Carmarthen Borough'sT fromr--1892 to-lfousag ;,?jt ia TrlT Lilt mcavuri v-' .s-'' -uv . uuv luiwi u.; uwuiiry stphg unturned to inherit mlcnts 'ahd 'arrangemeri iThe author- seC a KdeHratipnl Of me .ooisneY iii i is leaving nilence conf erejic5-dfaf t -f 'apesfiMe"i&erfr, w days: , h-' . f 'e ' war - on X'hina". by!'. Among ; the . projects . for completloft . v:: . ,Sf , ; old Russian, diplomatic and consular; alj e.ftateC; roan.tudiig3 at , ."'. v ; estabilshmen.tHir Ciima has been sup-' BragN41.1,OOQ.3 ported-;:! Cihiese V . 'COTt -ilSTOTVTJi1 . ttjic, father of .Grace Portal Boxer mdemnityaccount.t US' quite - ' - '" :--"'"? -; " ;:i,'a:';;;i;-;,r- "-g'; " " field-Polk. whd originated the" Wea 'of 1 Kjtelr' " he asertshat ;!- Russian Cotton is sellintr iri 1 GienvnTAila-a---tT:vv e'song contest- -. r : revolutio'iiaryijoveriiment, s it pene-1 f or C7. cents. - . - ; ' v ' t ; '- ' ' Sir the business vol the . wholesalers. J

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