, . . . . I .. . . .... ';.j'"'v .:,':i-.i.7v-:.?.?ifc:w:, '. .. 9, ,' - L . .' s 1- "r: :" , iU FOKJh SALE-SEVEN , niA i f i -m.TIOff ITOl ,a.-FECl A v C2 1 moflle1 liMA i nAlsf-lilSLilS-: J llol Acirr rnMn'RHODE ISLAND RED 1 '-Ws'far hatching $15 . for "15. 'jp'JIw. L. H. Bowling. Phon- 2S5-L1. ;;1 2 24 stp F - JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT of k ?Red BliSs Irish potatoes. J. F. Dav- lenport. 2 24 3tc 5 NOTICE I WILL OPEN A TAIL oring and repairing shop No. 500 ' -'Bonner's Lane, this week. I guar x ' autee my work. AH orders will be 'v v i given prompt attention. Also do '' - cleaning, pressing and dying. ' f T?rnk Sawyer. , . 2 23 lwp ffsfBAYED-WHITE FRENCH poodle 4' r .-,; vin Rraved away -jsome nV-tima Saturday- night or, . Sunday mvI WAiJi4i x f . ;Pitt street, f J- - 2 23 3tc -I TAKEN UP I HAVE TAKEN UP 4 hogs, 1 black sow, 1 red sow, 2 black pigs, at my farm. Owner can get same by provfing ownership and paying cost. .G. W. :WUttB, v Greenville, N. C.s, R. .4. ; ? i 2 23 4tp ' J 2 V ;WE CAN FURNISH CEILING, floor " W, cidms. shingles, etc., for tm. - ; mediate shipment. wuwuw Moore Lumber Co. 2 23 6tc SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND Eggs one dollar fifty and Two dol- lars per setting of fifteen delivered. Three rosters for sale. Jacob Mc ' hotter, Grif ton,. N. C. 2-19-6tf. v SOW AND PIGS TAKEN UP AT i my house. Black sow, weight about 100 lbs. Sis pigs Swallow fork to T ; right, Crap and -aUt to left. Owner can V get same by paying all damages nd cost of this advertisement. J. T. May, Winterville, R. No. 3. 2-17-10tp ALTERATIONS AND SEWLNG done in rear of Joe Hatem's Specialty Shop. Nina Mayo. FOR SALE THREE HORSES, ONE mule, lots of farming implements. W. M. Moore. 2rU-tfc. Kill SH V OFFICE W TAKE DESIGN LL (By Associated Press.) 'London. A design for the British HOUSE New YorirThelioue; cat promises E k I ' rniTJrSF,T OF to-become actable f upbearing ni IfM liaises ir Ty-' Llltih IjiasJOi UI v. :-tvnriiV-fel2. each here : .:.?-! ox ifirH .1 " . . " ' " . - - ' " 8 8 R R a o o -C! Folks Judge by Locks." AppJjr;.OBah f, TTair' Color Restorer, Tlvc ' v t ! Safe to. Use and Darkens Gray Hair (By Associated Press.) today at the ; annual fur. auction'' of thV ow York Auction; Sales corpora- tion. This is an advance of 30 per cent over October prices. -,. j . . J , DcSiCt' forget 'tIve your snl- '; News & Obserr'er 't6 MrsI Ollie :. UJarK at Lraiiy wews oinee. rv Dentist ' t 8 S04:30; Nation ; , . o o rk a 8ieei : c r-r- . L - iLI a scnius is a man who is not muca When Q Ban (pronounced Ku Ban) ! " Wshington-Ju-ke Kailoy of cthe, els . Halt -Color -Restorer is ..used" it relyI):s1-nct of C6mniia Stomo- Court, - . ; j , becomes wonderful what pleasing ,re- rr?t "ru lilL : j ' 9 suits xan be produced in restoring an ' junction . against "die United States l().MvVoo o o o o o 0 o o o o even, soft original dark, shade" to your" Shipping Board to proven:, the sale of- - ' . ' v gray or 'faded hair, wind in the growth ; tlie twenty nine former German liners. rLUMBJNCT AND - r-P maxrr tq TW is nnf"hino- sn. sat-i The court consented to the requst'ft ; ; HEATING isfactorv to be able to see the eclor of the board that th- steamship Sew- 0 Repair . Work Promptly .Don - o . . . . r j i lSiaCipOiy WU . VV auic iv occ iuc vuvi . - -- -r - . OI your nair resioreu tu us ui;gu t.u ti ..v,,. - - c C shade and beauty. This happens when j-dollars be excluded from the injunct- 0 vou aDtdv Q-Ban Hair Ck)lor Restores ion order. o so your entire head of hair becomes ji lustrous aarK snaae, son ana iiuxxy. , : , , f a. lustrous aarK J brought the nrtceedin, furnished- ten : Q-iJan also stops iauing umi Ma.. - . - .. . ... 'London.-A desdgn for the British todxufL--' It cost very, little to make,- ' . . v .f j i ' - - i . . .i e- i' the shinninsr hoard against any oss. , Victory Medal nas Deen auopteu i the experiment ana is, saie io - --, .--- - . 4-he War Office. The medal wiu De ; to your Hair; an orscaip gs pru-.usa i 1; of bronze witn a ngure oi wmgeu vie- Water.f ass , any urusfcii tory on one side and on the other the counter f or0-Ban Hair .Color Restox- . .. . rf-l A IX.. ! T-P T 1 J! .:,,r -pr Vintf If inscription ox xn& urau i iU1 er. run mrctuwia L. CONGU3TON Phone 515-L ?3 m t o o o o o o o o a o. a o 0,0 o Let us give you an estimate TvT ill vr e ao an kkiub ui wiring ana reairio' MOTORS A SPECIALTY All work guaranteed ; Yours to serve GreeiiYiIIe Eleetdcal Soppl? Co . Night '...phone 344L Day phone 60 liilllllll!'!llllilHI!llilllllllll!llll!ll!ll!iii Civilizationi" within an ornamental border . Caused by aosd-M9iiiO! Xet EATONIO. the wonderful modern stcm mch remedy, give you quick relief irom dis i EastiiiK beichingIood-repeatJng. indigestion, bloated, gassy stomach, dyspepsia, heart bam and otherstomaebmiseries. Tbey are all caused by Acid-Stomach from which about nine people out of ten suffer in onewiT or another. One writes as follows: Before I used EATON 1C, I uld nbt eat a bite with out belching it rig. ; up, sour and have not had a tit of trouble tunce the fiimona.are victimsof Acd-StornscK with out knowing it. They are welik and ailing, have poor aigeexioa, uum u"i""i;,'- -MJrr . r . Tw o at honrtilv. Grave sn that vou can apply this prepara tion in the privacy of your own room and it darkens your gray hair fo even tell. Mail orders 75 cents. Address Q-Ban. Memphis, Tern. We ofsten $ee weak old women and' week old babies. v i - oil in Sfi.00 ner vear. Tliis step ished although they may easneariuj. v.i " WANTED - YOUNG MARRIED g.S if S to be taken en aC ?unt of " 'ie Iltgll COSI Ol lievrH mi inJ the increp.sd cost of labor. couple desires board ana room wim -roftheinany COUpie aesires ' . Bm.cnthese are ouly few of the n private family, conveniently locat- auments often caused &7 AcWtomach. . private xtuu-j, sufferer from Catarrh of the Stoma( ed. Address "C", Box 52 2 11 tfc . . n...,h ihn Stimnrh of . r tup- I hnd ratarra ot ll years euums ..w.. j , the stomach for 11 long years and 1 never found anytmng, torn in uu, -r- . temporary reUef-unti I used -AiVJi- TWO DISHWASHERS WANTED . urKmed,8Dd Tay $10. a week and board, ureen- There are no flies on Father Tijne He is alway on the fly. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS " This is to give notice that beginning March 1st, 1920, the s.jbscriptinn price oftje Green- vilie Daily News will lie advanc- United 'States Railroad Administration ANNOUNCES . , w 1 rT..r. FplFM via " Norfolk Southern R R. to Cleveland, Ohio Account National Education Association De natment rtJ Superintendence- TiMrot nn aIp daily February 18th j to 24th, Final limit for return March j . .1 I lot the price of $1 00 per year will hut after that date saw fe v " Still With "Alii PolSoMo" Tlie Mutual Life Insur WORKS PHILADELPHIA. PA. galt: VORE. MD. NORFOLK. VA. BAUGH & SONS. COMPANY N F 'The OJd Sfhcfy" NORFOLK, VA. ville Cafe. be without it." . ... ... ! the subscription will be advanc- d. Green-; if you are not feeling oite i . . m i energy ana emwMiu uu uu u"'' j"'; i ft. iv o.w. ..v 2-21-1WC. j where to locate tbe iK7 '! I,Uv NW, fnr I he romhtS vear i SShSSTmS beuereyou7Wia fei' ia ' Daily XT9 for the roming year T ottivpi -ppp c RVi it a 1 dras stores-a big box for fiOc ana i ' ai ?.w )u na:i writiri i w FOR PRICES ON SHINGLES By j yr0bk ff8yCu are not satSi. j the offi,c at on.?p Neet.ssity fom. ear load or less man on Whitehurst-Moore Lumber Co., j Hoberonville, N. C. 2 23 6tc , I our mom-y u " the oiu'-e at once. -pc.s rroYc!:7fQ?.tACg) .i ' B3 P I" ? 1 its y ! To Loan i ft i Baugh Brands are made up to pre-war guarantees for 1920 and their Potash content is derived from French and German Potash of which we have ample stocks for the season. SOLD BY R. C. CANNON & SONS, AYDEN, N.. C. J. R. HARVEY & COMPANY, GRIFTON, N. C. D F. & R. Q. LANG, FARMVILLE, N. C. rp- f ri j r -J. 5Si ri h I ff 01 lfif IHPFI C1 This is to give notice tfeat kgmaiag M arc n cue. Si - '-. ! j I :he ' - i w: s it i C i ' i'.J? This step had to be taken on account of the high cost oi newsprint and the increased cost of labor. Between new and March 1st the price f 4.00, per year wM lioM good, but alter that date the subscription whT be ad vanced to $6.00. If you want the Daily News ior the coag year at MM yoa had better call at the of f icfe at once. Ne- sitompeilsus to make this anBOHacement .- ' vr: . ces .V!. ! t J - : X Tr p. - ' . - - ' . p1 - . - r pwi- ' - - ' : '-. - . . .. ' - . .... X . ' .1 v. ., ' . . , ... j, ' . . , . , . ... ......... , . ... .... . k .. . jr y v .. A .-. . .. :W - . Sf . .-3,. v'Vn-i ' kartC IHMM jaMMta MMM4 iHaHMa ' . ... !