.k. JUL , S3 NOTICE 3 Effective March 1, 1920, The Edwards Electrical Service Co., are dealers for : Delco Light products I Q fE'R'SOW'A'L in the territory listedNfoelow: v. Pitt CountvFarmville. Falkland and Bel- P voir township; Edgecombe county Nos. 2, V" Mr.knd Mr. James L; Pairo anfl famHy - of Charleston, S. C, are visit ing Mr. John -T .Palro and family, . Rev Dr. R. T. Vann went to Raleigh this morning. t ' M. Bogart of Charlotte is spend ing the dayin the city. - 3 V 4 - Jess , Harrington of Washington was here Sunday., . ' : - V ' ' ' I ? !f " 'V ' ' ! J; W. Capps of Oak:City is In the city'; -' "r j ' - ; ; . -k ; L. . C r Berry, of Elizabeth City' is a business visitor - - E.' J. Becton of Kinston arrived in the city this morning.! - . .... V'.-, , ' ' ' - 3 arid 8 townships. n T Service rendered on call v : Edwards Electrical Service Co FARMVILLE, N. C. D I John T. Wilson of Wilson, N C, ar- "l D. Mathews of a'Rleigh is regitt- Norfolk Southern - , . .-- . Henry T. King left this morning for Greensboro to attend the Republican State convention which is to 'convene in DETECTEB (Ry Associated Press ) 1 is, the easiest thing in the world f Vh--uml ". toVstif up trouble; All you have' to do fir - , ' is tell, the- truth at all times. 1 4 , IN MEMORIAM. . In sad but loving rememberanee of our dear litiic ' daughter, and- sister Anna Ruth Elks, who departed this life Maroh lst, V39. r One yea? ago t3day,you left: us, -And we hav-i cf ten wondered- why, -hi the years wbn we loved you most, You were called so soon t j die. - Shanghai.: Chinese residents of the; International Settlement here; have The moonlit stars are - Q -in that city Wednesday. Phone 173 ; B O. Clark a member of the firm of Representative J. C. Galloway , was Clark Bros. Co., Grimesland, was on a welcome visitor to Greenville Satur our streets this morning." .; day. ' R. H SlcLawhorn of Winterville, is a welcome visitor to the city. W. S. Shackle! ord oi Tarooro ar rived in the city last evening via the Atlantic Coast Line. ' B. J. Porter of Chicqd was a Sunday visitor. Bruce Wilkinson of Washington, motored to GreenviU yesterday. Julian Joyner? returned last nightl from Kentucky where he has been in the tobacco business. . . suffered defeat in an alttempt to Gleamin gupon a-snt grave slst upon - no ' taxation without , repre- j Where sleeps without dreaming mentation. Chinese merchants refused : Tne, marling we could not save. . 5;. to pay taxes unless they were permit- j Xou a re gone ; dear little one, rbut not ted to . elect members of the municipal council which is composed entirely of forgotten, Xor will you ever be, - foreighers--six-British, two: Americans For s ortS as life and memory last. and one Japanese. The Tabulation of . we van always uiuut-oi tnee.. the. settlement numbers about 30,000 foreigners and 680,000 Chinese. The merchants, resisted payment of Miss, Mary Warren returned Sat urday night from Weldon and Parmele where she hs been spending a few tax but were compelled -to capitulate days with friends and relatives. when' the tax collectors seized prop- ! ortv in the Chinese stores and carted 1 ,v I ' . - . . .. Honest TOM spent Saturday and to police headquarters. ; ' Sunday in Greenville returning to his ; The municipal . council has offered Your Devoted Mother and Dad, - Brothers : and - Sisters. " - :"' - ' by taking AS at the sign of the first syep. epsated Aspirin is purrt aspirin and pepsin co& pounded in tablet fhr i . Retains all the medicin2 quaiues ct aspirin, but Does Not Upset the Stomach. home in Washington this morning. E. V. Smith, an old." Greenville boy, 'was in town today shaking hands with his many Tfriends. He leaves to morrow for Sanford. to refr the question to a vote of the taxpayers next ApriL t : . ' The .Round .Table Club , wil lmeet'- Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 -with Mrs C. T. Munford. V I t .. j ' I 7T IT I M 1 Mrv W. A. Bowen returned from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore I last night" where he has-been Xor the last ten days buying his spring stock Mr. Bowen says he has 'the most com-j nlete line arriving daily, he has ever ehown in Greenville. A visit to his store will convince you. vernstn 8 Saved a Business A man who may be called John .Jones, because that wasn't bis name, made mighty good plows for a certain tpc of farmer. COLDS AND - sore throat: Nature's Warning of Infection. The plow had been invented hy John's grandfather, turin the implement in crude, homely vay. who supplied hi? near neighbors, nianufac- John's father had r-t up a little mere madern fctorjy and from it turned cu-t p!cv3 cr.oug! tc . supply the farmers of several counties in the immediate vicinity. When the business cam into Hs hands, j'ohn determined that it should be a monument toathri and grandfather and something he could hand down to his children with pride. 'v- Tilings went well for c time, but after a while the 'farmers of the part oft the country in which a Junes' plows had been sold 'were forced to change their methods and grow other crops than thos2 . in cultivating xvhich these implements were useful.- At firs:- John was pretty badly discourage by this turn in his affairs, but he soon made up his mind there-was a way cut and wrote to the publisher of his favorite farm paper for. advice. The. reply advised Jones to go to see the Brown and Smith Advertising Agency, in a not far-distant city. " John Jones never had advertised and knew nothing of advertising agencies, but he went to se? the Brown and Smith people. They found out farming conditions still were favorable' to the use cf Jones' plows,' helped John to get dealer agents in that territory and prepared advertisements for the farm journals and newspapers which covered it. That was only a few years ao, but now John Jbncs is making and selling more plows in a wee'e than his father did in a month or his grandfather in a year. And advertising has so reduced his selling costs -that even in times of high-priced materials and labor he lias been able to lower prices without cutting down his legitimate manufacturing profit. Your problem may not le cf the tame nature as that which confronted Jnez, bzt if ii lias to do with sales there is a Pert far advertising to play in solving it. Any one cr oil of the advertising agencies of tie Suth, named belois, svill be glad to edeise you about the eppli cation of advertising to your Lusi ias, free of charge and without obligation on yotzrpart. Basham Company, Thomas Louisville, Ky. Cecil, Barreto and Cecil, Richmond Va. Chambers Agency, Inc., New Orleans, La. Chesman and .Company, Nels.on, Chattanooga, Tenn. Ferry -Hanly Advertising Co, New Orleans, La. Johnson and Dallis Company, Atlanta, Ga. Massengale Advertising Agency, Atlanta Ga. Staples and Staples, Inc., Richmond, Va. Thoma3 Advertising Service, The, Jacksonville, Fla. Members Southern Council, American Association of Advertising Agencies - Till' mdvrt hem nt &rtard ky Tk Thomas A dvtrtUinf Seraict vwhtmnvill. Florida Never trifle with a Sore Throat, Cough or Cold. They are all Nature's warnings that infection has seized on the delicate mucous membrane lining of the throat, mouth and nose. Disease germs are' at work and must be destroyed at once for they multi ply with amazing rapidity. Sometimes a healthy person is able to throw off unaidede tha' multitude of microscopic germ life, but think of the needless risks you run! You have got to apply a remedy quickly for these symptoms are the forerunners of more serious diseases, such as Tonlslitis, Quinsy, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever ani Diphtheria. Musco- Solvent is the remedy. It is a pure, harmless vegetable compound and a specific germicide. It stops de velopments of disease germ life dis solves all mucous and heals the inflam mcd parts It ma y be swallowed or gargled, used as a spray of douche. Never he without this Household Remedy. A serious attack of many dis eases may be prevented by its prompt use. Get a bottle today of your druggist or write Loewy Orug Co., Baltimore, Md. Price 7o cents and 1.50. - Adv. BILIOUS Caused by 111 If people who are bfltous are treated accord ing to local ijmptomi they seldom get very much better. Whatever relief la obtained ia tonally temporary. Trace bUioafuesa to its ourc and remove the cause and the chance are tttat the patient will remain etrong and healthy. - Doctors tay that more than 70 son-organic diseases can be traced to an Acid-Stomach. Biliousness is one of them. Indigestion, heart burn, belchingrfionr stomach, bloat and gas are other eigns of add-6tomach. EATOSIO, the marvelous modern stomach remedy, brings Quick relief from these etomach mis eries which lead to a lone train of ailments that make life miserable if not corrected. EATON IO literally absorbs and carries away the excess acid. Makes the etomaen etrong, cool and comprtable. Helps diges tion; Improves the appetite and you then get full strength from your food. Thousands say that EATON IG is the most effective etoroach remedy m the world. It ia the help YOU need. Try it on our money-back-if-not-satis-fted guarantee. At all druggists. Only 50c for a nig box 1(0)1 w 1 A lay lei 1 w when you can ricle and Jo better work .without put ting any additional load cn your team. . There is a riding plow made specially for the farmer who has only, two or three work animals a plow of few parts that has every adjustment needed to do first-class work. Its name is the kvevy '-litis Indian1 It has exceptionally light unMes the operator to take draft because the rear fur- ; more or less land instantly row wheel acts as a revolv- ; (o straighten crooked fur .ing landside, reducing fric- rows. It also holds the tion, and all wheels are fitted f plow, to its work on sloping with dirt proof, threaded j ground. grease caps, making it easy ; burnished with 10 or 12 to force grease the entire r ihch "bottoms and two or length o the axle spindles rse hor8fe kfc. without removing wheels. -J .. , It won t cost you a cent The landing lever controls j to come in and look this the front furrowwheel and 1 plow over. i i, M r . . : ' . FORBES and BAKER' i!!i!!ll!l!!l!i:i!!!!ll!ll!!li!!i!H!!l!!ill!i!iil!!i!IiilIi!li!i!l!!l!!ll!i!!! ii .lIErillfil ' " - TUESDAY NIGHT ETHEL CLAYTON in "The 13th Gommandment" -. - s TONIGHT NAZIMOVAin ( FOR YOUR ACOSyMACH) J3 lilllHIIIIUIlIlliilllllM 3S!BBniQlBIIIIB!fltan!!Bffl .. . . . . . ( r ,-,,-H1,lulWMaIMlttlM1yMlBlU1BiiHlttifila 0: LI IT'S HERE WHM YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR - r. TT it mi E The car with a reputation, value been offered to you. PA Haveit demonstrated to you and be convinced that never S. D. Hooker . HOOKER B?0S MOTOR CO. ' . ' At Liberty Warehouse - ' ' . 4" F. B; Hooker B i a i E a s s B O u B s niiDiaioiiiBffiiBniBi!