t v -V - ! ' Pi1! MM t W "fW"" rrILliJVDAILY' NEWS C -v.;- TUESDAY, MARCH EASIER TO GET FOR SALE-ONE: NEIW- WAYNE T ' Gasoline pump and" tanki Box 246, .Washington; N. C. L 3-18-2wp V DRINKS DOVfii SOUTH CLMfl FOR BABY CJUCKENS , AND ' Square deal U- Ct Hess Hatchery 'v Harrisonburg, Ta,; Leghorns '$16,00; -. Rocks '. anfr Reds $18.00 : Wyndotts $10.00; pir hundred. AH High Grade. . .St. and Tues. Till 3-30th.. ; B. E. GRAY AUTO FOR HIRE ANY ' where any time." ' Resident Phone1 264 Ii. Garage Phone 234. 2-26-lme. : ': . . : Wf WANTED - AT ONCE THRE OR four rooms with good family, or house in good location. Apply to P. . O. Box No. 1. -'' V 6 tfc: FOR SALE QUICK AT BARGAIN. 1 Chicken' Incubator" and Brooder. Fhone or see Mrs. Ed flarfis near Model School. 3-12-tfci LOST ONE KEYTO FRONT DOOR of office. Finder please return, afc once to Daily Nexrs office. - . EGGS FOR SALE BLACK MINOR- cas, and Barred Plymouth rocks at $1.50 for 15. Mrs.' J. J. Jenkins.- 'Washington. Claiming it : is easier to get a drink in the Democratic south than jn the Republican north,' and that there is some politics. -in the "enforce ment 6f prohibition, cerfrain:Tlepublicm members of Congress are-stldto vbe about- to demand an .investigation' of the operation lof .the Volsteai act. Re-: 'preventatives Dallinger and Luflcin of Massachusetts, Republicans, are listed as amongthe leaders of the movement The view "of these Republicans is .that the law is being more: rigidly enforced in Republican districts in tfce nor tli so there will be a "kick-back on Republican 'members of Congress in - . NOTICE ' 1-r, o iVTTT the text jcampaignw Southern "'members cf Congress deny it -is easier to get a rdrink in their districts than 'airv wleie else. ' , Rppesenfative DaUr.ger, who yolocl for tie : Volstead act, 'says in certain parts .of-- the- country "it is '; bein; eri-1 forced yith;-tt deliberate purpose 'of making' it obnoxious. The" Teu'.i tioiis have, gone1 far beyonrlisvhat Vcti gress thougiai.'they would, heyCcia plained.' ' I . , t - "1 LnoAy : the - regulations -are ofng' enforced very -. rigidly p in Maspaebu- 9 ,'rsald Representative r Luf khi. "It is'to the; extent Vf .inaking it' a farce.' Representatives wbs iwould not J per mit use '6f their nams. said they im dersf ood , it was .corn para tively easy for j;et liquor, in a, number of ; sou"ier:i statt-s. , i- ' - GREAT INVENTION .vice if or sawing wpod : and the . rha-; .chine-. is. -one's of the, most complete, things of ' the " kind - ever seen here.' Mr, Green gaveg. 'demonstration" with'H his machine1 ",last Saturday at: .Five points. " It saws wood at any lime' and anywhere. You attach the-ylevice to yor:'automobile,'hra the crank and you are ready for work;-'You can saw woewj-as fast as " three .men. can bring ft To tbe saw. It saves, time, money and labor. r It is truly;, a .wonderful invention., ;Mr. . Greene v will , gladly show vvll interested the'workings of; the -Lay Porta power. It's worth see-; TO NAME MORGATHATJ AMBASSADOR TO MEXICO 1 vvashingtpn.--The gelection of Hen ry ; Morgan thau, ? former ambassador to . Turkey! to be ambassador to ; Mex ico,"1 is -expected to bp announced soon from the White House:" . ! . L: Nq' official announcement was' avail able--but-- it lis known .that Mr. Mro granth'au's name, is foremost: among ' Mr. ,Robert Greene is" the agent for the Lay Porta power, which is a de-; tho.e under" consideration.; 3-19-Iwq : CAKES FOR : SALE-IRS. LEON Rives will be glad to - take orders and make your Angel Food Cake at $1.75 each Phone 491. 3-10 3-23 , .': ' ' WANTED TURKEY EGGS. Will pay 40 cents apiece, delivered at Manhattan Cafe. " ' 3 22 tfc EASTER CAKE SALETHE ' LA - dies of the Presbyterian Church will'1 N have, a Easter Cake sale - Saturday ; April 3rd, in the Princeton HQtell Front window. Phone your orders In ;.. to Mrs. Norman Warren or-Mrs-Ed ' Harvey. MWlllll'lllliHiililiillilliillilliiiliiili 1 COW LOST LOST ONE YOUNG Jersy cow "light color, . unmarked. Left home about last of Feb. Finder notify and receive reward G. L StancU, Route 2, Bethel, N. C. t - 3-22-lwpd . , , . . f- " TAKEN UP YELLOW COW mark ed Jn both ears calf about week ,, old.. Been around jny premises 1 about month and " half. Owjner can: seeure same by paying eost and prov ing ownership." " W. I Forrest, Wa terville, N. Cl ' ' ' 3 '22 4tp 'ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE " 4 Having qualified jis administrator of J. R. Whitehurst, deceased, late of Pitt county North Carolina, this is to notify, all persons Savin?' claims " against the estate" of said deceased to exhibit! them to the undersigned on -or before the 22 day ofMarch 1921, or this notice will be 'pleaded' in ba.r - of their recovery: All persons indebt ed to said "estate will please make im mediate paym'ent. ; , . . FASHEO&k FAVORITES. IN spmMctime msM i V ! .V--l,' J This the 22 day of March; 1020. ,. . W; K. Whitehurst, -Administrator, 'J - 5 .' i ' 4 f-.i'l iVv' " 'j0h Si; COATS, BLOUSES, DRESSES AND S KIRTS Sprinfirtime Fashion finds most effective expression . through the "Suit ; and the essemblage of new styles now ; displayed. hvtmr skirt; store is one to compel admiration. Every favorite of the new season is -represented in the - very best, ef f ects--rjpples, straignt 4ines, ; short coat ' models, flowing leevedesignsrthe nevv accordion pleat ed suit skirt ; and, the strictly tailored models, too. No woman can viqw the display' without the conviction -that the line is complete. j We urge our patrons, however, to select early, that their taste and requirements may satisfied to the-fultest. farce mm. , Spaeta & Co., will - ' present , at .Whit'efs theatre ,this evtenin ',their third annual laugh festival "Fair and Warmer"., l t , ' This xarce - rn 1 for ' one" yea? - in New York' city l and seven months .ia Chicago. " -x , , 1 Avery Hopwood, its author, put , a. new : pagei in - hi- own brilliant record which included "Seven Days" and 'foobody'tf Widow,"'- and Spaeth . A company mairitainedtheir , reputation for, havingthe season's greatest-Success. v-It will be shown here under the most- auspicious circumstances .with" a': beautiful production, wonderful gowns and I a highly skilled company. - t do hereby forbid any- person, man, woman orVchihL to shelter, clothe or aid ray wife, Alice- Moore,, in any way, as she left - my -premises". Without a cause,. - - ;.; -' -. " - March 15, 1920. ; ' ' ' ' Signed KINCH MOORE. .--Witness Pv E: DEANS." 3 16 Cic' , k rap" 88 :3 8 8 8 . 6 8 J8S '8. S S 8 ; k 8 fir ,8 300' NratioBal 'BstO: ' Bld:. - H Rsr-Kay'UroTTn,a.cd rids f ' -.Work, k Pp?ctal . ,V 88 8 8 i IS 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 Si Vft I 1 .x. -1 u if f f r f. v.jffr m m m m m m u . iii n 1 . EE3 .2 I I ! H LI "i II. 1 1 Hi ' 1 - u II Br 1 in To Loan r-.. . - v . . - Long Time RdyfFIanagan 1 SOFTENS w LEATHER 1,1 COLOR Mlostr e R Superior on three important points i-Preserres the leather I a-Giyes more lasting ehine 3-Keeps shoe lookiaj new Gilt Edge fam oua the world - over N U V C BALERS 5 r vcrc-. nil 1 m - r : 1 j - ' T . i . , : l' 'jS&iii y?5 " CV . m. , .y... ; vsva'' y.wwiliB. 1-XrSk X'SSfSK 1" ii-' tfc- feC IS te.pp K -3 " to keep in mmd the fact that in addition to printing thi news paper we1 do job work ¬ er airy Irind. When in need of anything in this line be sure ; Mnee 23, ic E- G. FLANA0.1' ! TO RICHMt FOR TREAT!; Mr. E. G. Flan-,gan gan Muss Rosamond Roy Flanagan a11( jh. J O'H.' Laughinghouse left wg, in' a private PmlmjH the Atlantic Const f;nQf " V a., where Mr. E G r for. treatment ia a " A3 the readers f thi3 i recall Mr. Wanasau his home on Evan. j past several week He I taken with 'influenza which': thought that his recovery recovered sufficiently to J m(xnd for further treatment tire city hopes that he uuiiseu again. Mr. Flanaa-an ?c substantial business men and aj izeh occupies a warm place I Greenville Real Estate Cc If you want to buy or sell J business or residential lots, lands it will i-ay you to get hi with the Greenville Real Est" Phone 327 L. P. 0. Boxi:' W. H. ALLEN, OLALTUCKI Easter is only a few days-, hence. Therefore, we urge you shop early. , - s f-1 KT.-1 i'fee Quality 3-22-Cvvp. 4 ' Parmele. N. C. 1 : ; 'p. 'oiiiiiiiytaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiHijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ii'iii; A- WORKS:, PHILADELPHIA. PA. BALTIMORE. M0. NORFOLK. VA: BAUGH & S0NS;C0HPANY "7 Stcn&-Jby-. NORFOLK. VA. Baugrh Brands are made up to pre-war guarantees for 1920 and their Potash content is derived from French and German Potash of which we have ample stocks for the season. . - " - 7 SOLD BY ' : 1 R. C. CANNON & SONS, AYDEN, N. C. J. Ri HAH VE Y & COMPANY, GRIFTON, N. C. ' D. F. & R. O. LANG, FARMVILLE, N. C. n ' - - --. . . . - . N' un account or tne lare quantity ot silUNULJiS we handle we are enabled to offer f LI our customers and friends the Mlowing extremely' low prices- IN STOCK , fe ll" No. 1 Extra Clear all Heart Red Cedar at . . . v . . . i T ; No. 1 Extra Stars 16" Long . . . : a ; s V . ? . ; ; : no. 2 perfection- is; : ,, : : vv-" jo: :s;-3 ; : : : v; 9.75 per Thousand . $8.75 per Tousand $9.75 per Thousand . TAJ TP A AICJTrn No. 2 Red. Cedar-16": v. .-. . :r.V-7.' " 5"n:trr.T' r -'--, r-,-V .v-" : Uuu, uuj,iur TODacco. Darns ana. out houses. V $6.75 per Thousand - : f.T- to F,Mri WJK. : orSnd other bui.dig aid appreciate year .. - . -, - - - -. - -- ., . . . . i . .1 . - -- - f --- -- i - v. wmmEMBMs r ' -. - . -"'.:. ? . ' . - - I.' . "T - . ' j ... .,' L ' ' " . .. .. - v : - v-. " - AllVphone and mail orders ; .--x . - .i- ; " jl wvvyxiwwita : rObersonVille, n. c. : ; inqumes. TUBE SB CO, V V 11 x -Tf TJI JX' - - . v -ii ' i irf i i ij i ' . ?- r'. '