, - ' N - v .. - -T r UU , Ij1U2i12UI V JLLOylJ , lioiro - v . - SAG3 rOU3 SOCIAL - ino1 v PERSONAL : ; : Charles Laughingliousey arrived in i t'he ci ty la.t nfeht from tb '.University of North Carolina to-gPnd the Easter - tolidays with his parents. ' . - - " 1 - f 1 - -. r -Teilcrt Rountree of xford is spending" the day in the city on'-bnsi- ' - " J. -M. Little of.Haleteh ariwd :n v- the i oitv'v this" mof nins via the. Norfolk OOULill'ril, : G. 'A. House, J, Loyd Hortpn and McHortoni of Farmville 'attended: the Democratic convention here today - MRS. WINSLOW TO ENTERTAIN MISS. SOCIETY V The regular monthly missionary meet ing of the ' Jarvis Memorial M. E. ( Church will be held Monday April the 5th at 3:30 o'clock at the home of ,oouuiern,: -: ;;;f.f;f:r;-;;VMV ton: 5th .street. ' t - r i TAll strangers and new; members are invited to attend this meet- -V , Jj; BV .Farmer has'returned ,fx-m a usinesHripvto ilmingimiil ; j - H;:W. Clifford, of StatesviUe was bn l ---"ur. streets this' morning. Mrt.,M, V. Godwin of Selma,; ar-'"- riVed 5n the- citv tliis morning via the Atl ntic Coast T.inc. PS.e(T. Burton ofVilmingto:?, N.. C. -;is'iheii toddy on business. - . ,; - ':Mi?VMis-'Helen 1 Wyckoff,;&ef J operator'f .B v ;My- 4 v at ;the lncal telephone excnange-, leu. V this -norni ng for her home iif; Hender The following program will be given. Hymn. ; ; - . I . Bible Lesson Leader Mrs. J. E. Winslow : . v . Sr : .... ". Prayerf v . . 3Business.v. k - ;. . Vocal Solo Mrs. R. L Jones. f-OuiKwork : in China Mrs. C. O. H Laughinghouse. ChVistian Homes as x recruiting sta tions Mrs. Key Brown. Reading The , Traveling Man. Mrs. FORMER KAISER, :?ASjaOQ f ' .l. : T(By Associated Press.) - ITJkulele Sacred music. ' Hymn. ' son to spend Easter. : - . Ir. and Mrs. E. W. Hellen arrived - from their honey moon, stopping' with j - " Mr! ind Mrs , J . N'. Hart l-:' V'; ; " i L...Spence, attorney-at-law of . Indianapolis Ind. is expected to ar ' . iive in-tnety - this afternoon to visit t - hi rbrothe.r ,E VP . - TURNER WILL ARRIVE TODAY " 9i ib mind the fadt that in addition to rifiting this news? f paper we do job work ol air' lotncL Wheri" r .- i - r in -neea 01 an lk U Ifitf York . Colonel Roosevelt u is shown in ; the, rolevof a "diplomatic let ter writer to European royalties, , bend ing even former Emperor ,JWilliam of Germany! to his will, in', freshly dis closed : correspondence' edited? by Jos eph. Bucklin Bishop, . the late . Presi dent's biographer, whicb will appear in the-April 'issue of Scribner's Magazine The - correspondence includes letters to and ireplies from King Edward, Em peror Nicholas of Russia, the Em peror of Japan. Albert, King of the Belgians , and Queen" Elizabeth of Ru-4 mania, in addition to the lengthy epis tles that passed between the Colonel and the head of the Hohenzollerns. Writing 'on August 14, 19 to' Henry White, who ; was then American am bassador at ' Rome, Colonel Roosevelt said: " '' rr' - , "My course with him (Emperor William )efuring the last five years has been uniform I admire him respect him and like him . I think, him a big man, and on the whole a good man; but I think his international and in deed his personal attitude one-of in 1 f7 most polttp "with him, have-done my best to avoid our faking any attitude which .could possibly- give him legiti mate offense, and have endeavored to show him' that 1 1 was sincerely friend ly to him and to Germany. Moreover, wbere" I have forced him to give way I' have been . sedulously anxious to build a bridge-of gold for t him, and to give liim -the satisfaction of feeling that his idignity "and reputation in .the face 'of the world were safe . 5 v "In -other words,' where I have had to take part of - te.. kernel from him, I have,' been anxious that he should have" all the .shell possible," and have that shell painted any way he wished. At the' same: time I haveihad-tov spek with expre(s ' emphasis to. him - on more tlion one occasion; and On one occasion (that of Venezuela) have had to make a display of force, and to con vince him definitely that : I would use the force- if necessary. " , . Jklr. Bishop, declares that in spiteJ of the .Venezuela incident of Decem ber 1920 hich .m.ust have been "a humiliating , check," ' the ' former " Em? per or cherished no resentment and subsequently wrote Roosevelt the most kfriendly Meters He also sent ' the CoJ- onel a number of photographs" show- A" grave discussion;? Carnegie look out!"-and ."The Chief of the German I Army ."thanking the Colonel of, tn Rough 1 Riders for the honor" qf in specting" his . troops:?' Mr. Carnegie, by the way, once had , credited "a, ru mor that Germany ;.was - buildings a strong- fleet' to Vttack , - the -United States! " " ' " C.- 1 , A- letter the7 Colonel -wroe' to Ed ward VII of - England on April - 25, 1906, contains a .reference- -to, -the Algeciras-Conference of that year, an -international parley r, which ' . at the time was said to have averted a . gen eral European - war. The biographer states that "the secret history, of Jthis conference, ' which-stands revealed in Rosevelt's - correspondence and' which is far too 'long .for- publication in the magazine; ; shows ; conclusively that it was arranged by Roosevelt , at the insistent request ( of the Kaiser, that Roosevelt drew up the terms of set tlement "which were adoped, and that he' fairly compelled the Kaiser to give bis - unwilling consent .to' theBa', - . ,.. Roosevelt's impatience with : the ceremonies and etiquette of courts found vigorous expression. Mr. . Bishop says, when he ' exclaimed, after .de sfcribing his, -experience with poten tates of various kingdoms at the fun eral of King Edward, at which he represented the United, gtates; "I felt if I met another king I should bite him." Amused and irritated by the m - : . r-' - -1 J ' ' ' " - tense j egoism. I have1 always beelrf-the German army. On the autographed ing himself and Roosevelt - astride magnificent horses at a manoeuvre of fussy anxiety displayed by the ruler; of pictures he hadN written: "The Colonel of the. Rough Riders lecturing ' the Chief; of "the German. Army." "Total agreement abjout the general maxims of life and policy - between America and Germany," "On the Muhlenberg; Rev Dr. J. B. Turner theN pastor elect of the Immanuel Baptist Church accompanied by Mrs. Turner, will ar- rive Jn the city this afternoon on the 5 :40 - Norfolk Southern train from Wake Forest and while' in the city will be the guests of Mr. E. B. Higgs and family on Dickinson Avenue. , Dr. Turner will fill the pulpit of the Immanuel Baptist Church at both the morning, and evening services to morrow and no doubt but what he will be greeted by a large congregation, f Tomorro wafternoon at four o'clock Dr. Turner will speak at St. Paul's -Episcopal church on the occasion of the Easter celebration at that -church. The general public has a cordial in- jvitation to be present. POLLY FULFORD WAS WINNER IN . THE CONTEST 1st Grade Grace Wayne, 2nd Grade Huldah Nobles 3rd. Grade Edward Thomas, 4th. GradeLaura Overton, 5th Grade Harry Perkins, 6th Grade Polly Fulford, 7th. Grade -Johnathan Overton. At twelve-ten the school assembled to hear these representative talks. The judges were Misses Claudia Lewis, Mitee Beanman and iLda Taylor who ' , . decided, that Polly . Fulford was the " , - winner with - Harry Perkins a close At the Model school on Friday one seconj to threeN minute talks were made in ' v . each rmlP o4he Anf-SnitHn lw sPh were all wonderful . . - : , ' - Jy Sd considering the childrenhad uj. tireenviiie. anu one cmid ciiosen to v, A . ... . . ..... bad only three days in which to in represent the grade. The following form themselves as to the law and to children were chosen. ' prepare their talks. And one child chosen to represent Polly Fulford will give her talk at the grade. The folowing children were White's Theatre between the two chosen. shows on Tuesday night. a. petty kingdom about his; preroga tives and the nrecedence td which he was entitled. , Roosevelt at another time saidr idrawing upon his fcird lore for-a simHe t "He is nothing buta twittering wag tail.'' " Writing again to -King Edward of England, for whom he professed a high regard, he said fc'.1908: "I feel very strongly that the real interests of the English-speaking peoples are one, alike in the Atlantic and the Pacir fie,; and that while scrupulously . care ful neither.: to insult nor to " injure others we should yet make Ut7 evident 1 " s. that we are ready and able to hold our own.' ' ' ;V --. Greenville RealEafelCo For Results anL Square Dealings see, . phone or write Greenville Rea Estate. Co., ofllce opposite Norfolk Southern depot Phone No. 327L P. O. Box 41. We do business W. H. ALLEN, OLA L. TUCKER lilililLafiiiiliW MONDAY r X: Matinee and Night Is4 NORMA TALMADGE in "She Loves and-Lies' J Can you imagine , Norm Talmadge as a matron of fi-tv-two? Well, to mirrVthe man, ahft IovpH sKp VmH . fool him so she put on a wig .and became the old lady. H ; Then she proposed to him 'telling him; she could 1 save M nim irom rum iinanciaiiy. Kijater at nis stuaio, ne falls in love with her---his wife biit did not know. You'll . - - - -(--- - . . " enjoy this picture from start to finish. TUESDAY NIGHT " DOROTHY DALTON in v "Blackls White" .V''-: WEDNESDAY Vllp in Mabel's Room" Seats on sale at Samj White' Piano Co. Tuesday Morning v 9 Tim f A Arrnrt icitirf in Tloilir Monro Tf noire ' ; i fifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiilllillllllhlllllll aiiii i 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' - - ' j- . i iiiiiHimiiiiiii iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM I I i - . ... : L-- lieu O Midi ""-' 1 -. ' :':': ':' t: -, -. , ? r You must see this cr to appreciate the striking beauty of this new straight line, high cowl body design, distinctive radiator hood, bevel-border fenders, octagonal lamps ; r':.:.--, ::ri.-- About the: JHotor in the Velie Six This motor, the Red Seal Continental MOTOR, which has stood the test, and recommended by all who know it. f . - A TRU . -. . - . - . v . . . . . - -r Y ' OEPEMD. Has, More Speed, More Responsive Power No Vibration ; v 1 Costs Less to Run. Gives Better Satisfaction.- Keeps Down Repair Bills V CAR J Contains so many distinctive and exclusive features that it is impossible to mention theni all in ' this space.: 'You must see this car. to give a liiijyiujSTKAXiujN rA a . . Fo Other Light Six Car Can Compare With It TUT' iv-r"' -':-v- fill lo-r;yt r? V? t? ' ' " . ' ' itsri , . ;.. 7 A ... - Vr r . - - . ' - -. . .: lis "'- - A U , ' II Pactolus, N. G. f j . - - i ii i- -li-. ii ril be glad J A&nt for Pitt and Beaufort Counties

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