. J: ff; -t- - ' V - - . - -, ' . ' ,- y ' " .' 'v. ; ' L.I V "N -'-I - 1 r r 4 n : C r -2 it," . : ; :. t,. 1 1 1: 1 1 '13 'Mi- " 2 ilt' 11 Near lmperial Tobacco Factory J: r "7 '1 . .- STARTS TONIGHT r : ;t . "ST" 4 EBON POST BF PIM CO! A I.HDWAY OF 5IIGHTY ATTRACTIONS .- 100 300 10 100 io: y- PERFORMERS AND EMPLOYES ,300 NOVEL FUN FEATURES MONSTE R SHOWS -r No 49" Camp ; t , I '.'No Girl Show- ! Dontiliss Up High Billy Klein 4 In a hto raising death defying: dive for life. Free on the Midway'at . -. 5 . . - .' ;- i 4:30 P. M. and 10 P. M. daily. ; J i v Amusement for Young and Old-Everything to Amuse Noth- x, . . . . : ' - ' . ' . s , . - 1 - ' - 1 - , ing to Offend . 1 t f . 1 CLEAN MOR AL REFINED V - - , . . i ALL VEEK DAY AND NIGHT ADMISSION 0 GROUNDS FREE '1- ' ' - . , 'xoposed Quarantine Action J by tKfe U; S. Department of Agriculture The execution of this, .'agreement and plan of. action arrived at! by the Pe'deral . Horticultural Board of this Department and the o. .cial represen tatives of the States of .Louisiana 'and Texas will, make it possible, the. Sec retary Of-Agriculture states, to limit the Federal; quarantine to . the - non- cotton and the regulated - zones, de scribed as,. to! these two States. t This action ' will be supplemental to .. the State quarantine sand for the' purpose of giving . Federal1; authority and aid Jn-theirr, enforcement. '; it will place no restrictions on- me -movement .interstate , of , cotton and cotton product out of the sections 4f Texas, and . Louisiana' not , included ' in the quarantined ' districts ; in other words, the districts actually known to be invaded by the pink bollworm and the districts which have,, been placed under" regulation on account of con tiguity ? to,sucn districts or.. suspicion of ' posible infestation through move ment t of . cotton , seed. ; It is believed that it wilV be possible to discontinue many if not all of the regulated zones about oil mills in Texas and Louisiana which are under suspicion on account of having; received seed from the invaded- districts -in Louisiana should the thorough inspection of the season of 1920 show absence of invasion by4 the insect at these points' V , "- -... Cotton Product Included T is proposed that these 4quaran: tines and restrictions Covering move irient'of products out of . the noncot ton and regulated zones of the States .of Texas and Louisiana shall '- apply to all cotton products ' other J than oil, including seed cotton and cotton lint-1 baled or unbaled-cotton seed, cotton seed hulls, cotton seed cake and meal. bagging and other containers, that have been , used with respet to cot ton, and shall ' include also provirfon for such inspection and cleaning of common - carriers, ;veh4cles, " etc , as may be -necessary to prevent the I ac-' cidental transportation of cotton seed; t . The Department believes,' and has been tentatively so advised, "that this action on fthe - part' of Texas and Louisiana as " cooperated i in by the Federal - Department of Agriculture will make it possible for the other cotton States of . the South -which have . already issued quarantines or are contemplating issuing such -quarantines against Texas: and Louisiana on account, of the pink bollworm to accept the Federal quarantine as fully meeting the needs or at least to limit such quarantine action to - the. areas and products covered " by , the Federal quarantine and ' by ; the quarantines promulgated by therStates of Texas and Louisiana. COATS CLEVERLY DESIGNED ,-'.,(' ; : 9 V v ; """f ' ; , 9 l: . 'v. ".. ," ' ' ' Hl I " ' ' . sLl 4, .: s . v.. . i t - 5 ' . :y..y.':.i: ' f s ; - .v.'iv.-.-. ,vCv.:. s " t: 1 1 mT r 1 TRIED TO LYNCH PICKPOCKET WHO ROBBED CHURCH PEOPLE DM IM ADS mm Lai BMEAS D " j New" York. At attempt to lynch, a -. man accused by worshippers in a Rus- sian church in Brooklyn, of ' having ' , picked the pockets of two persons at- . tending services there,-was frustrated Sunday, by the police, who took him from , a mob as he was , being dragged to a' park. A .rope had been procured and the' ma nwas' badly beaten befofte the police arrived. j After his rescue, he gave his name as Jat:ob Halpern. He is alleged -to have taken ?960 : from . the pocket of . one worshipper and $65 from another. He is held by'the police on two charges - of grand larceny. Nothing requires more at -the hands of their designers ' than . spring -. coats. for they must be made to answer many purposes: ' The , average, sensible worn an buys one tnat will ao ror tne street, for traveling and ' motoring . and -de- I Sotkzt And Peu'sv'jial .His Honor Judge George n. Connn. of Wilson, ; is" registered at the proc. tor. c. . Thomas " R. Andrews of Bethel i here on business. ' ' 1 ', F. T. PauKof Washington, arrire,! im the city , this morning via the N0r. folk Southern. - . R. R. Fleming of Pactolus ras on our streets yesterday afternoon. 1 t ' ;. , . y- i - Vance : Hall of Grif ton KT)n4. 4.1. 1 day, in. the city yesterday. '- - ' ' " " . J. H. S Hodges of Ayden t guest at the Proctor yesterday. " ' ! . Dr.; and. Mrs. -E. R. Beasley 0f Fountain : were here yesterday noon . , " - Atlantic Coast Line. mands snappy, style without too mucn - Charles D, Nichols of New Eerai. empnasis in any one uirecuou. . - t , i r- ed in- tne city tnis morning via fce Th new'- coats are usually three- t - ut quarter length; and made in quiet colors of ; soft wools'. . T Large . pockets, ample collars and. original ideas in -construction give them character."- This is illus trated in the' coat pictured above, with sleeves n& ' body,: cut in one, and set on to' a- deep yoke, clever pockets and a narrow belt of patent leather. Models with' much the same lines as this one, are made without belts and allowed to flare from-the shoulders down. It is always safe to choose these loosely ad justed and. roomy looking coats - that hang much like a mantle on the flgurW MACCABEES ' HAD Blli TIME LAST NIGHT IN THE EXE CU TION OF" A DOUBLE-BREASTED MODEL, THE FASHION PARK DE SIGN IN G tRb OMS HA VE GIVEN FIRST ATTENTION TO THE BREADTH AND RISE OF THE SHOULDERS THE GARMENT BALANCES A D M I R A B LY , A ND E N JOYS THE FREE, ENGAG ING ASPECT TFIflCH RE CEIVES GENU INE RESPECT. .THE COPYRIGHTED jY-1 LINE. S H OULD ER T RE A:T;'- MEiN T HAS, BEEN S UC -CESSFULLY INTRODUCED.1: - . -i : . v l custqm;service without the,ann6yance of a try-on : f "READY- TO-PUT-PN TAILORED AT EASHION PARK . JFMXS. TMt.-Jtfan, a tfa n 'm1 Book At FRANK i" "J- LSON V' ! f ' I T 1 ; -- . . . t , " L . . . .. i , , , f "-. i V'- XV111K' ; V1UUHC1 . , . ' - - ;:; i.t j-' 1MANY PERSONS KILLED IN GUATEMALA B05D3ARDMENT Guatamala City .Many. non-com-batants'have been killed in Guatemala City,, which has beeu-nndei. shell ! lire of the forces of President Estrada Cabrera since Thursday morning. The' city is , undefended except by volunteers around withrifles.On one day the bombardment 1 was kept, up from 10 o'clock in the m jnin,rvauntil b o'clock at night. Shells fell in vari ous parts of the "city : a ad casualties are believed to have been heavy . Cabrera is strongly entrenched in De Palma ' outside the city MEMORIAL SERVICES . Pitt Lodger No. 34 of the I, B. P. O. Elks of the. World had their .annual , memorial and v thanksgiving ' sermon and celebration Sunday, April 11th, at the Sycamorer Hill Baptist ,church.' j The sermon was preached' by the Rev.f George L. White of the "A. M. E. - Zion church. All brethren were pres- ent and many members from nearby r' lodges. Music "was furnished by the Joseph K, Ricks band of; Enfield, N. J , The Methodist choir furnished mus' 1 -ic for the occasion,, W; M, Redmond, 7- esteemed lecturing knight; was mas ter of ceremonies. The honor roll of dead was called by the secretary J.B. Taf t. C Samuel" Johnson answered ab .. sent, by the Esquire J.,WJ Green. ;t The" lodge held their annual banquet . Monday April th at .the" .Centre ' Brick warehouse to which, many at J tended. Muslcwas furnished by, the -': Crystal "orchestra; - . . . . -V '.i Lonnie '-Waddell was chairman of the social function.- . . '. J. B.tTAFT, Sec. , ' l ' W.,P. ORCOTT, , - , - - Exalted Ruler, ; l;-'3ryr. GREEN, Esquire.-" -N ' " Last night- the Greenville ,' Tent held an open reception 'to .'Hon Jas.' E.' Turner- of Norfolk, Va . ; who presented to the local ; Tent the - State Banner won and awarded to Greenville for the largest growth in -membership of any Tent in the Stated States Commander Turner of Virginia ; was born., in the Tar Heel State and blazed the trail of Maocabeeism in this State In 1905. In presenting the ' banner - -Mr. Turner complimented ; the aggressive and : por gressive . spirit shpwn both by the local members, and the City of . Green ville and . expressed a wish to , return again some time in the near : future, Mayor D. M. Clark accepted the Ban ner on behalf of Greenville Tent and the -City and made an excellent - address- indeed. State Commander Bryns of Greensboro made an acceptance speech on? behalf of the: State of North Carolina. Ha informed the local mem bers that they not only won the State Banner' but that ? Greenville . Tent led he1 entire Maccabeean Jurisdiction -for Tents in her class and would be a warded The International ' .Trophy Which i a handsome mahogany Clock. .R. T. Martin of Farmville was ther yesterday; on professional business. .. , ' t v !- .. i. i ' s , . ' J. ' W. Taylor of Washington was pi- our streets thismorning. ' ,' i.. r i - .... :. ..... Charles Turnbull of Petersburg is a. business visitor, - i - R.' L. Walter of Kinston is here on business. - - ' i F.- S. Mott of Raleigh is in the city. . -' ' .. " - " Ed "Mathews of Washington is here today. , ' , . f ""Rer. C. H. Bascom leaves today for Goidsboro -to 1 attend the executive meeting of Sewanee university. ' 0 "Miss Tessie- Willoughby returned yesterday i from ' Rocky Mount where she spent the week-end. CHILD WHIPPED BADLY A little girl .sitting on the curbing1 of. a "certain street in town crying w was asked by a person -passing -what her trouble was. The little girt said her step-mbther had whipped her and displayed whelps on herj flesh and in some places the blood was actually drawn. This will be 'presented some time in May and the members are looking for ward to the eTent w!tll considerable interests State Commander Byrns will try and - have Supreme Commander Markey of .Detroit make the presen tation at that time.- V CAR .FOR SALE HtTMOBILE 1 Touring Car for sale jri-good condi tion. Extra Tire, self starter lights ; and runs ; like new one will sell cheap for cash or good paper. See me. quick for a bargain. Ollie Clark. :or o o tfS 10 o ! VEDNSDAY NIGHT -1- ' ; tgt - , ' , x i . rv - r - J , JACK PIGKFORD in 0 II . -. A" 2 o TONIGHT ETHEL CLAYTON in , "More Deadly rrt Vrr ft - is' "'',. f ltp- : , ioiior f

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