-ess 1 ' 2 !lllllllllfJIIIIII!lll!llll!ll!l!!ll!llllllii!l!llllll!l!)'i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIII SeiisatiofliaS ; Bargam i lEyee! : , For rMpeday j . . , Aeo I Mesoay dep Savings in J these your Ladies White Silk Hose $1.50 value, sale price $1.19 $2.00 Value, Buster Brown sale price $1J9 tments are . wori deration ;hy of mm m .in mmmmmmmmm ... and ... I llPERSOMAL ;$2.25 -Gotham Silk Stripe, price Superior c Qualities at Lowest Possible Prices. 40 inch Barronette Satin, $7.50 value, sale price - r 40 inch Fautas Skirting sale price SM9 .79 $2.50 True Shape, sale , i price J ' 2J9 IP '3-f30;all silk Full Fashion, e price -''4 $2.83 40 inch Fancy Dew Kiss Skirting, 11.50 value, sale price $9.79 ., Wcci Jersey for Sweaters, Dresses or Bathing Suits, $5.00 value, sale price . '39 iHir sue coMuaeo on a siricuy caso oasis- Bii r i U Alr, .Jamt Blanks -and a Mr. Wil liams of Olarksrille, Va., . are visiting Mr. Blank's brother,. Aliv Jack Blanks, manager of the Green vile telephone ex change, today. Mr. James Blanks is on. his way to Fannville where he will accept the management of the Farm viileoffice. - . . r b o o Miss Xeto StiwuV has gone to.Khy ston on a visit. . . o0O Mr. Jack Blanks made a short visit to Avden on business today. 000 W. E. Hdoks of Ayden arrived . in the city this morning. ' ooo - Messrs G. B." W. Hadley and J. B, Harding have returned from a business trip to Raleigh. -r ooo C. N. Dunn of Wilmington arrived in the city this morning-, via the At lantic Coast Line, i 0-00 ' '" J. D. Norwood of Salisbury spending the day in the city business. r , oo a - : Hi t XV T XTarMnr.lr vf TvlnciA'n ffn fn our streets this morning. - 000 John Parks, publisher of the Raleigh fL'imes, and Mrs. Parks, were Green ville visitors yesterday afternoon en route to New Bern via automobile. , ooo ''It. E. Critehfield of Washington is registered at the Proctor Hotel. - 00 0 -II. C. Spruill of Fiirmville is a business visitor. 000 J. W. Pane of New Bern is here on business. - 0 CM-0 Douglas Wier of Baltimore, a clev er "knight of the Grip" is in the city. - : o- o -o . Rev. C. C. .Toyner of Farmville was on our streets this morning. 000 Rev. C. II. Baseora has return! to the city. v Mrs. J." G. Clarks of TarDoro is me Lynchbtirg f are .the guests' -of .Mrs. Stokes' parents; Dr. and Mrs. Charles 6'H Ijaughinghouse on Fifth, Street - . . . , 00-0 ... - : : Mrs. . J. G; Clarke" of Tabpo is the giiest' tof Mrs. W. C. "Clarke. "u j R. Turnage of Ayden. was a Greenville visitor this afternoon. 0 0 0 - ' Raymond Moore returned to his. home kr Raleigh yesterday afternoon OAICIIICUS WILL EXHIBIT ON TOMORROW IS on 4 ; MRS. WILLIAMS HOSTESS Mrsr R. Williams entertained the members of the End : of the Century Club Wednesday evening . in, honor of Miss Muffly and her guests Maiam Annetta Ribecova and Miss Kathryn RiSffs. ' . " The guests assembled at 8 :45 andJ were met at the front dr by tne hostess carrying a huge tray of flow ers of all colors. Each' caller was pre sented with a flower and by matcling them their escorts were drawn for the theatres The entire party then at tended White's Theatre where Iw witnessed ,Tom Mix in the "Rough Rider's Romance." . , Leaving' thev. Theatre the guests re- I turned to the home of Mrs... William where they wexc presented with favo s consisting of small bouquets of flow ers tied with, tulle. By: matching the flowers each' 'guest was enabled to find their place at the table. On each table was a huge corsage of roses, pinks and snow balls which the guests cut for. The one cutting the higl et card was awarded the corsage. The -dining room was beautifully de corated for... the occasion in -rosesy potted plants and waxen tapers. The dining table was especially inviting wits its center piece of roses. A fo.ur course luncheon "was served. All de parted to their repected homes de claring it one of the most beautiful social functions' of the season . ImtUALL TiiE THE NO APPEII And Color Is Bad, Too Muddy Blotched. Know What the Trouble Is? IT IS PROBABLY Y01R R The Blood is Often Sluggish i, Spring and Needs Purifying to-Mangan Will ieip and EMBARGO DECLARED ON FRUIT SUIP3D3NTS NORTH "OUR DESIRE IS TO SELL IT CHEAPER" lllllllipillllllllllllilllllllll l!il!lllllli!ll!l!liill!liHII!l!!lllilllllllll;(; YOU f can retain thje original newness and color of your phoes if you select superior shoe polish. N Waittempre's superior ity on thise 3 points is world, famous. t. Preserrel the leather, f a. Gireg a Lore , UatiacakiBe. 3. Keeps shoes - looking new Use Quick Whit in liquid or cakes , for white ikoes. -. if .r- fif.tttJi., CHINESE TO STOP LIKIN TAX (By Associated Press.) Peking. The Chinese government I has notified certain governments hav ing trade relations with China that it intends to abolish the "likin " or ' . . . I mternation tax imposed on goods in transit between urovinces. To com pensate for the loss of this revenue, '' which is the financial mainstay of rli ? provincial governments, it will be - cessary to increase import duties on foreign goods at sports of entry, the government has announced. It has re quested the powers to take part in a revision of the Chinese tariff. Tampa, Fla . Shippers of fruits and vegetables in this State have been notified by the American Express Company of an embargo effective today on shipments from- this State. The notification declares that due to the recent strikes of railroad workers in the. East and West shippers in these congested sections have been using, the expres lines to nch an extent that there is an actute shortage of express ears. The embargo-will be liftej next Monday or probably sooner, the state ment says. -' -: .Young America in" "Greenville is all expentancy today, for bright and early tomorrow jnorning th6 circus train will have arrived with its many . cars of wild animals, .tents' etc. The circus train :-, is coming, to '"Greenville . from New - Bern x where-; the .' big show ex hibited today to packed tents. Mr. J. L. Fehr, Jr., the advance ad-, vertising representative of the Main Big Shows arrived in town today for the purpose of making the. final ar rangements The Main Circus has" many side attractions which will prove of - interest to the visitor, one of the stellar attractions? being . Serpinina. She is said to Je a wonderful , little woman and attracts no little, attention wherever the Main circus - has exhib ited this season. The circus will give a mammoth street parade through the principal business streets of the city promptly at noon. W ;. Two performance 'will be given, one at 2 P. M. and the other at 8 P. MT The doors will -open at 1:30 P; MJ will; pitch tents on the large lotfnear- till the" blolod has purged itself 0f the - Atlantic Coast Line " station on winter accumulation of poison. Jickinson Avenue. ' ifc ceases to be sluggisli till j Large crowds "from all sections of 1 gained yits' color and stienga the county are; expected here tomor- - i ears ago people took su row to see theshow. - molasses in the Spring to blood, But nowadays, instead. take. - PeptfQf-Mangan, a nice-tast agreeable and quickly effective h tonic Pepto-Mangan is approved physicians everywhere. It has he thousands of run-down, listless pn get back their told-time vigor and thusiasm. .,. Everyone in your family should a good blokud' purifier and builder Spring!. Get Pepto-ilangan t.n Your druggist has it, in both li and tablet form. Ask for Glide's to-Mangan and see that the i ''Gude's'f is on the package. adv. i The blood is life itself, yuui uiuvju gets out of order, nc seems right! l'ou are blue,' di, aged and out-of -sorts. Fooa' los taste, 'and sleep does not seem fresh you. You don't want t0 and'cannfot have a good time. - Then you Sa,y to yourself, the matter with me, anyway?" j you think of your blood, and n you don't. Spring, is here. And Spring, than-any other season, is the time pie suffer most from blood disri Sometimes it is just "Spring f,.V( but conscientious, -bard-woi-kinj really suffer from Spring fever. They drive themselves, and w na df ret but get little done. e: PECIAL BALL Al DIAMOND FOR YOUTHS (By Associated Press) - . Cincinnati. For the purpose of -encouraging the playing of baseball by the. American youths the joint rules committee of the National and Amer ican leagues have designed a special sized diamond an da special size boys ball for boys under sixteen - years "of age: - ; BACK FROM HOSPITAL Mr. II. L. Hodges has just rctc from Richmond, Va., where hefe went, an- operation about fiftesii ago1 for appendicities. While not fully recovered he is iwpm daily much to the gratification of many friends." E ii O ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Friday Litany 8 p. in. ffi I ' T-r -. rzzEm III I in iin-rri a wn til b EATRE SATURDAY Matinee and Night The Invisible Hand" ' ' with ANTONIO MORENO .-x -" . also i ' ' ' ' ' ! : A. MACK SENETTE COMEDY. "A Ladies Tailor" I a'. - Q II lift1'! IWU'Wlllllll llmuiUiijmini.m .: : TONIGHT BESSIE LOVE in 'The Little Boss" II rfw wvilG8 HI 1 1X111 'em cWy ty spraying II 1U Preve"tol Do the same with II I I Bed Bugs. These insects J 1 1 I carry disease. Also spray 22 J Preventol to kill germs, R 1 O i odors,moths. Expels flies and j M 1 1 ii '"uuuea. opeciai com bin- I -y ation Sprayer and Pint Can I 1 1" gi in handy box saves you I M ; jsf money. $1.00 at your deal-. I I C fe? d TP 60c'' Qart. $1.00; I g . M OiEtS Q jf x ' 1 1 i J. o D :;; ; -. y . , . .v, ... ,. . . , . . l. , t-. .n.iJ; . . -1 : k . . .1 . -. . i -i ' - . . . . StS M, I .. mm mm v .- ' : " 1 :-' - - K as RAGES At O'c :k There will be four races given at the new race track of the Pin COUNTY FAIR Two races for Horses and two for Ponies i as follows: Clas A Trot and Pace Purse ClassB Trot and Pace-r Purse Glass A For Ponies Purse Class B For Ponies Purse 1 $75.00 $75.00 $10.00 $10.00 Money will be divided in the horse r aces, 50, 25, 15 arid 10 per cent of purse. f v j - Money, will be divided in pony races 75 and 25 per cent of purses. The track is in-good shape and we have a large entry list for the above races. . kj . A - i ' Admission . . 50canld25c ' 1 - : PITFCOUMTY FAIR