t M Weather Forecast - . Gener rally fair tonignt ana Hmv. Not muclT change .If you want the 'news when in f" st and northwest winds. t's news read THE NEWS. ""t V umber 57. --- '- - -v 1 -ri.'-z- J FREEFOR HL ;fiif STAGED' : IN SEMATE OMIB MOMAY . " -i ... I : . ' : c mberland County Citizens '"for andAgahfit -'a Board of Audit and Finance for Their County Engage n st Encounter-Lie Passed Before theCommittee Hearing While f hairman Con Pounded the Desk f Or Order Efisihterested "arsons Managed to Hold the Pugilists Apart Order Was Finally Restored. s " Auir. 24. Oiim citizons, for and ..Ml. .1 mJ2 Mcinl ot auuu aim ii- 1 1 r tluMi c( unity, stajsod a i-t tiii'ht in the oen- .fitr id' ;t srt. rlianil'i' . ,i the eapiroi venter- tj;lY iifrcni""!! reffiitativ'' A. Veil! a i';!1' ;lt t'l;e (Miin'niU'''- an,! town-. TR. Cuiiil't'i when tornier Jtep 15. Hiwee called ntative George Mc-N the heariii" befor--on cities, counties and county folk bl bwii -ntntf. t lie opportunity of pre?oiitii argument lor and wliirh would provide akmlot and Three mt'inhi'' lit composed o vesterday after .v,n hv tlih cnate eomlmttee. i. - ... i ii u't.-.i. r h.i l rli, lire innnaries had been Alio ii" r . v ...n,l r.rovnlinn- lor thirtv mnnues ar. unient Irom each side. tile dUcll !! opened by Iie1 II, who stated rrHitativt.' .McX'ilh rV,,r u-hile ;i cauiiidatt for renonii- ffitiou he .le.liied the Cumberland roters rlii r in the event lie was re rnraeil f( tin1 l"ver house a bill a- lie hail introduced would . -ii 'he eiiii.-te'l it In- cttorts could be (V-mml un:iit. n'ed'-e. in- tatt'd Following this the courthouse "rim:" iinnn'iliatcly arrayed them i it HrlvV' auainsr him ami succeeded ,111 ik-leainiu linn u a iiaiiuu ttimiu. a M'fond primrav beirf, firt'farv tu tin -ii. Petitions ask :22 far a board of audit for th' .nii'.irv was circulated and present- T!ir.ii:'li the nre.-. Representa tive MeXeill stated. . , -Leading the right against tlie f?--aire of 1 1 1 e 1 1 i 1 1 w a s f orme r. fflirespiitativ) J: reece who to! le committer that there was no pi'iilar iKiiuuid fi"'i' a board of amii'.- that the voters of the conn ? had e.xire"ed themselves a? y,h tu the hill in the recent primariV when Re. MeXeill waf fe'tptl mul he urged that the Hi I? reported unfavorable since lv the niiimritv faction wfls V'lHiriirj it. Ife vas sumrted i'Vl'. J. Cnoj.fi' in his contentions. At tlii' conclusion of Breece'- M'h-f?, Ki'i'iv-ontative fcXeill 1)('1Miin-ii in ti lii'firxnmo n wion. I he pel-mission was 'an'ed and then came the ones 'iiln'r you M-rve as registrar "That lnisn't aiivtlung to do an- Ml t il- llllltt,.)' I .."n.j ..TV 1 . "Wlit v., u reenter twentv JBP voters Lcnvee n flip nrinn.r R''Piv.-ciitative ArcTCeill 'ried. -X V unln t. h'l til l int. v.,n "V "U i i lV.lt i '.ii rt Ti.. , n.-rhr Vil, r . fllI T?,,v,.e " ".Nciii rn-het across th. m"'t tu ;). ,.(.t,.,. r.f l.'. 'k Mr. 15,-eecc with 1-! tu . - -l Mil' i he men grar" 'gh outweio'hetl an. 'idofa a It,., lv. Ii C'umlrlmid lltaiiv, lililielil lli ii.lo r( 3e -Mtt) f' rHimi-L-Ml.l,. ,11 n LV. J I s ""111 "Mi'i-nt-r ..... t IJ. "t the two cham "i the melee, at first "' 'if i.nrno-e. of sen- ri""riii;v , , - l" (-olltef;tllI but th" 'ti thev had an- l .1 Hill v,'ini;n a dozen sec ,;d v.-a--; sounded f'miai, Vn flu oh- ( ;.!,, otitioi-. Princi wr. : Capt. J. tiiiii.-i- "f the repres c( -ill, a bro mg !il( l,f s,'Vcr;i .t her svninnrhiz- iiig tile ion piece of les-is fcfthi K, ablv sinv. w . a, ,,!.,. y)VOO(.(, ail(1 ilo( i"- ""''-U" JTien. thf. ,( ,i;,'.n,,;ii ( 'e.nnor pound nirti(i t"1' disinterest- io hold in i ... i i the i 1 1 ;i a div in1 YOl'JR CitEDIT S o h7V'our health- 0ne HtG Tj three essentials for Jce: TPiness is life insur- "ecur?a7s" the other two t Mutual lUrance Co., of S a1LM05ELEY BROS. S A2entsf Greenville, N, nd and Grants Belgian Food Ministry Sells Food to Germany Brussels, Aug. 24. The Bel i'ian Food Ministry has sold to Germany, in exchange -for 3,000 Vail way cars, -a- part of the food bought last year from the Amer ican stocks left in. Belgium. The transaction amounts to some six tv million francs. iOVERNORSU LEGISLATU GGES "ate RE FO Chief Executive Sends His SdyentlTSpecial Mes sage to the General Assembly -He buggests for Things for the Negro: First, a Reforma tory ; Second' Sanatorium for Treatment of Tubecular Negroes ; Third, Estab lishment of Teachers' Training School, and Fourth, Amend ment to Transportation Laws. X RALEIGH. Aug. 21. Gover-.who qualify themselves for high nor T. W. Biekett last mjrht snt his seventh siecial message to the General Assembly, this, one deal ing With the negro proble?u and suggesting some remedies he would like to see the Isiaturelmaker The mtssage follows : ... "Gentlemen of the. General A-d sembly : "Last year I heard a neTO bish op say in a public address that the negro had accepted the white iiians God and knew no other. We owe it to that God and the 'theciyili.twu we hahe builded on His wjll t deal justly with a tribe, of Hi chldren less fortunate than our selves. "In Xorth Carolina we have 'definitely decided .that the-hardness of iyfh naees requires tliat white government shall be supreme and unchallnged in ,011 borders. Power' is inseparably linked with responsibility, and whenwe denv to the negro any partcipation in the making of the laxTs, we saddle upon ourselves a peculiar obi i-ra tion to protect the negro in his life and propertv and to help and encourage him in the pursuit of happiness. 7 : , - "In the discharge of tKis , jli ligation the state owe$ itetQthe negro just now to' provide: ". For the establishnent of a reformatory where delinquent ne gro boys may be sent andpatine 1 m the same " way that, tt!e wh i le boys a re tra i ned at the Stone wo 1 1 Jackson Training School, at Con cord. "2. For the establishment of r. sanatorium for trie treafnient of tubercular negroes. . Te negro is peculiarly susceptible to the rav ages of this disase. considera tion ;of our ow nwelf are, as .well; as 'that of the negro requires the es tablishment of such an institu tion where those afflicted witthe disease may be. treated and; ma v also leant !iqw-to keer;fromTiv im- the disease to others;:"', - "3. For the establishment v'of a strictlv first-class teachers trarjt , S .i , - i scnooi mat wni.uoxipajnrj.v-1 orably with the: Je'ahcra;, Pl'Ji ii,nnS - the ' whites' at 3 in an . effort ' tcflstop. an . school for the whites at Greenville. Most ofthe.vnegr"oe.s Somewhat a substitnfe bilLVn liruil v restored witn rne wssisrajKiv - r"it- - WQViW ;e A srtKeant at. arms. .Senato'r: lKnttA -, . . i - .i . . r: i ; iv -o iron rnp .itht.ihi.ivh. ih ' uxiiaiii-ft l lvo etrrne and Ihht the cantrrnu-1 "yi r .V - x.ir. i iaV rs lit v f . .r' . ' iiUA'AniintT in .17 r ir rii' II il"fl 1 rl HI 1 'r V was cleared of allxrjtt:mernDer: i M'vA willowy fno-etfT v. r thrt nTTlTnitree. i-'i , .; - I . . a T -11 1.;l..r.Tn? y -vi Whe smoke; of .battle.Be- 1 - drawn providing -ioid&iljtAvf, ("unrnerland county, tlie 4Wrd "ti comTnissiOhera to have autnomy r' employ the auditor, or auditors al a cost not to exceed' $5,000. The audit mils xuegm wiuun v v.P T th dll 'cover -the: period .begins I irom.ne wxues '"r. j iTii Greenville, h.'. c: Tuesday afternoon, a Mexican -President Tells ofcHis Future Mexico City, , Aug. 24. ional President Adolfo -Provis de 1: Huerta -alreadv has announcer what he intends toxdo when tenure o-f office expires Decem ber 31 next. He has-just told Mex ico (-tty newspapermen that he plans to become an - inspector of consulates. r "I do -hot intend to retire t private life," he said. "T work to live and I must liv - -ing .mv country. I believe thot the employment I have outlined foi myself I can best serve the irv ests of my country. ? TS REMEDIES t NEGRO RA crrndp teachers tro to schools out side the state. This is unjust to them and is a blunder from the white man's standpoint. If fhe ne gro teachers are educated in the North, they ; will absorb the ideal of the Xortti, som of wlncirhave' a-1-ejideiic.y-.tCLJinfit thentiarnse ful citizens of the South. Jt we teach them in our own schools they will absorb Southern ideah and will transmit . these ideals t the youth who' come untlei- their charge. f v "4 For the amendment of our transportatio nlaws that will se cure the negro safer and more fan-itiu-v cTjmmodatioii3 when he rides on the trains. It is abso lutely necessary to the neace and happiness of bot braces for whites .and blacks to ride in separate ?irs The question has been set tled in the South and no amount of agitation is going to disturb it. But we cannot get away from the simple justice that requires that when a negro pays the same money for his transnortation that the white 'man pays, he is entitled to ridein a car just as safe and iust as sanitary as hte one the white man ride in. "To the end that these matters riay be brought to the attention of the next General Assembly in an intelligent way, I recomni' ml that this General Assemblv point, or authorize the governor to appoint, a commission of five menibers, whose duty it shall h to make a careful investigation and studv of the several propositi' above outlined, and subrrvizilieir conclusions to the nexf 1 ) of the General Assembly.! , - Shotgun Brig f 'prganized in 10 Take Bank Ro fc'Dubucrue, La." Aug. 24 gun brigades, of tcijtwens ficers ot tne peace are hend thieves, . particular robbers. State authorii Associa tion has sent-but- 'noticed that t ; is Sieved jtHaaf (ieast .three worked in the state recently; arid with the aiq of , speedy automol biles- soon , arelbng' . distances CE I ine lowa oaiiKci a : ATTITUDE DUE TUNOTE SENT DV UNCLE SAM Communication Sent by France by British and Italian Prem iers is Said to Be in Accord With United States. TROTSKY TRADE JEWELS FOR AMMUNITION German Border Troops Calling for Reinforcements as. They Are Unable to Stop Russian Soldiers Crossing Frontier. Paris, Aug. 24. The FreAch foreign office says that it regards the new'attitude taken by Prem iers Lloyd George and Giolitti concerning Russia and Poland as due entirely to the American note which has been sent to Italy. The communication to France from the British and Italian pre miers is said to be entirely in accord with the United States and France that Poland would en danger her independence if she accepted the Soviet terms. ' London, Aug. 24. The Times correspondent insists that Trotsky visited east Prussia recently and arrang ed with the representatives of 1 the German government for ammunition in return fdr cash fromthe Russian jewel fund wliich includes the crown jewels. The correspondent furth er claims that large traffic in arms took place in the neighborhood of Soldan. Berlin, Aug. 24. German border troops are calling for reinforcements because Ihey are unable to control the in creasing tide of Russian sol diers crossing the frontier tole interned. An Allen stejn dispatch says ) that many Chinese are among tnem, London, Aug. 24. State ments here this mornincr from Moscow bring the new .tnat the Bolsheviki forces were engaged in heavy fight ing against the advancing Polish Legions. The terri tory is said to be about 75 miles northwest of Brest. Japanese Spinners To Curtail Production Tokio, Japan, Aug. 24. Jap anese cotton spinners have decided to curtail production bv 31 n, r cent to help the cotton vara mar ket. After this action the mar ket became firmer. Many Tobacco Barns Lost Near Farmvilfe Farmville, Auir. 24. Xpi .-r fore has" this section been visittd by so mauv tobacco barn fir t TIT , 1 ' i . " u ltnin a radius o ten miles ;f . this town the loss of hamc 1 obaceo will aggregate at le $50,000, it is believed. While this amount does i t appear large to some, many sm .11 fa rmers; find themselves on 1 ,e verge of ruin, unless prices of i bacco are extreme lv high ti-is fall,' which does not now, seem p- . hable. 'Unfortunately, the f -mers as a whole have not tal. advantage of the chance to ins e their barns and tobacco, and t1 1 the amount .of the losses coveir I bv insurance is verv small. In ma ny res pect s , howe y a . crops around Farmville are e--eeptioiially good. This is espec'a1 y true of tobacco, of which thiv Lis one oi tne nnest crops ,e Jgrown -ere. Cotton, too, is nr. suaMv fine. But neither corn r l o minor.crops, peas, oats, wh ; are above the averag. Hf -as a whole, this year promi -f; one of ,, prosperity to l1..-. c Imm.ahuel Baptist Suti day School.' All members of the Immn uel Baptist Sunday School a Al church are urged to, be at iVi cbur,ch at 10:30 o'clock' Thurs day morning to attend the pi: Hie. Cars and dinner have bc i provided and no baskets are ex pected ijgust i92(T 1 frlWrrrpiTii iTinhi mi iiitt ; rt iLiincnoiiurtiiuvmrHi COUNTY IS TENN. GOVERNOR m AMENDMENT Nashville, Tenn Aug. 24. Attorney General Thompson of CERTIFIES enTnessee announced this morn- are needed to complete the teach ing that ' Governor Roberts had ingi force in the county with no certified Tennessee's ratifica- very encouraging prospects as tion of the Federal Woman Suff- to supply. The majority of rage Amendment and that he had errt the sertification to petition for the writ of certioH ari and supersedeas was arcmed before chief justice Lansden of of the vacancies are in the two the supreme, court at his res)- room schools, with a few scat dence last night nd was grant- tering vacancies in the others. ed nor that the writ vevted the ex- isting injunction and certifica tion followed. The opponents of ratification charged the proceedings as vio- lating the supreme court because hthe other side was not notified ot the hearing. Meanwhile the original injunction case is now in the supreme court. Disciples to Hold Forth in Farmville This Week ...v -r-nrmvlllel Aug. 24 The Hook- erton District of the Disciple them even before the close, of ckvrch will hold its annual con the various summer schools, and venKon in the First. Christiai a grave shortage exists so far Church of Farmville on the fiftl as the smaller schools are con Saturday and Sunday, Aug 28th cerned. and 29th.' . Rev. grnard Smith, After a heart-breaking strug- oi liinston, tviJI be the chairman 1 he first of tjie five sessions t he held will begin at 10 a. m.t of the 2Sth. There will be three ses sions ! Saturday and" 'two rSnndav; The finarysessions. will close Sun 'i tiav afternoon aT -6?cI5SE Among the attractive' featurer of the programme will be has ket dinner Both Saturday and Sun day. The dinners will be seryer? hv the members and other friend of th FflrriVille rhnre.h. Thri' will als bea several mterestin? speakers :who will, address tnf convention. AmonMthese are O E. Fox of the First Christian (ureh. Farmville; Rev. J3arn-l ard Smith of the Gordon Stree Christian Church.- Kinston: and Tean Hillev of the Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. The ITookerton District - eni.-. braces seven districts of Ea torr North Carolina, including Wake Pitt, Wilson, Lenoir and Greonr counties. iiiere are 25 JJiscmir churches in the District, renres- pntinar four thousand members." This church is ver strove in tlj' Eastern part of Korth Caroli ;. . . -TT '". ' Kentucky Governor '' Declares War On t- xl rr4- rpl I jrisiui luicia j. iici c Louisville, Ky., Aug. 24. Govl ernir Edwin P. Morow has de clared war on "pistol toters' as Kentucky calls those who hab itually carry firearms conceal- characterized them as undesir- able citizens, a menace to good oraer ana puDiic saieiy. The Governor declared that i A 11,. t, moTr caii vniK ucauiv wcapuiw '"".r :L"r'" .rr r""!8-"1". "1" ri f irooZr fvfo afVfoirtft; Sunday by the Police Com. sist m saving the state f; : Jn k V ' , i..n" what he termed Jthe "dis mii of its homicides," and jred them to faithfully execuco Ihe law which provides for jail fnr.o fv iho first nfTaA nf 1 for the second disfranchisement for two years. To Stamp Out Drug Habit in Copenhagen I ( Copenhagen. Auz 4 Th police are making a determine1 effort to stamp out the dru-evi' here. One raid has just., result; d iri the confiscation of 800', bof les of, mofprJiie. . : . ; Thc drugs were destined f vi ermanv and in an effort, to A hem thvousrh the customs a falsr d yratioirwasanade by the c.r rm rtu : : ; According nderwood Forty-five Teachq 'S Jure Need ed-, to, CompletUiiTeaching Force with No . Encouraging Prospects fts to Supply Ma jorities of Vacancies Are in One-Room Schools Rest Are in Two-Room Schools. According to County Superin tendent S. B. .Underwood; the teacher situation in Pitt Coun. tir is becoming acute.- At this time exactly forty-five teachers i these vacancies- are in one-room t schools In fact, only two or schools have been secured as yet in the entire county. The rest that the activities of the entire educationale machinery of th county have been directed to- ard the employment of teachers since the first of May. The discouraging phase ; of the -situation is that there are more than twice- the vacancies now than there were at this time iasi year, mere are simply not enough- teachers in the state to supply all the schools, and Pitt County is sharing the fate of the other counties. There were more teachers en rolled in summer schools this A "I 'S. 1 J a . year man ever Deiore, out tne larcer-schools pmnlnved mnat'nf gle last year all the schools fin ally opened, though, some of to Suptfc them ere not able to begin uh- TZlv fttt!'p-u ' hi VTonwo r.rr if iio 1 developnient of.. Alaska's; re- , if r it wilLhei impossible secure f1 enough: teacher to otien all-of the' schoolT' yfe were 700 schools in Wh Gara- that a mi o a iina that Hi rtf of ;iVT P things W be locked'up and ,. year, and it looks as rif the namS"; .35SiS: - ' ber wiU.be greatly hereM;Z'i,Lty thfs. year. The increased salaries annlv th trirA f.k. V"?? J ll . . gtauc tci tiiicittca iajuat wnai it was last year. Educators are of the opinion that most of those Who have been teaching on sec - ond grade certificates will not tpflcv, ot aii rtT, QMf -.-P ui""" 1CCUCU LtJ proviae easier low J salary. -Some of them are w vhva m V Mill wll MV'V VA bllC going to school to prepare them selves for Jetterieertificates and many cdtljamj-are going into flther lines of work. -' " " Asked as to what would be done about it, the superintend; ent replied: "We shall keep pegging away at tne job and find as many, as we can. It is some time before time for thp country schools to open, and we shall search; the state for qualified teachers who really know enough to teach T 1 TTT 1111 ii frc bui uu mc very fc? f n f r I tTt. n K n I I - i wvm. Dest we cah'to meet the critical situation thatconfronts us.' y PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE NATIONALIST PARTY is Destroyed in lisborn rS.-!rSK:. r...t? "". S"."1 ori i,i,o-K.,f oil iQO "37.. J:r coiuuavcu kv. vur ihkh. a u : 4-u rui: Sinn Feiners. Oh iiccdunt of the Reprisals sent JZ ' rtT r rVrI.1: l? - TO t .the destrAiction . prop-: 1 ntinuea throughout the-day; - - - - FpUEST, FIR.AIB TO -Pllfe VALENT IN i COUNTRY OE'VANCOUVEB yancouverliritisn Columbia Augv24ThejreAave been more than MwJ '4itt'ndred'; and fifty sep aireurest nrt repOTteum wie ew5daysveiefirdffare pre valen t";in the . district - south of ;theCampbeU: river and hve fc&u : ed 'destruction to thousands ot iccv or ,timDer,v The 5tm waJJecemDer -4i.zo r'r ter a istrict- is tsam jo jae a vast e . of-flameg. ,a r-: - -1 Price: Five Cestii COX DECLARES HE -. - tS -; - ' : -.'1 v- ': CHARGES S001 IS ABLE TO PROVE ... 1 1 -" :.. ; . . M Governor Seta Thursday Night f - As DateJ for;Revealmg ?Pactr p' -Relative to Magnitude of Cam paign Fund. (; V; HARDING IGNORANT ABOUT LOTS OF THINGS Democratic Candidate for' Pres idency Prepared to Prove. His Charges ond Intends Doing Sol ' . Dayton, O., Aug. 24:--G6ver- nor James M. Cox, Democratic imiuatxor ine presioncy w-.. 11 ; j 1 I DUCU OUIliClJlCUUl. LUIS IIIUIIIIIILL IU :at ne woum prove , hla chare? anst the RerMibl - . ;; can campaign fiinds The caridi-.. date states that he is thoroughly prepared to prove his assertions , relative to the magnitude of; the M " Republican campaign 'fund and -that he will present the informa tionin his address in Pittsburg . next Thursday night. i Says Governor Cox: - "Harding denies rny charges ; : .. about the campaigrt fund ; and , about the .senatorial - oligarchy i rising, i am prepared to prove these facts. I believe that he ; . ' knows nothing about lots'; of r J j V things that are going on around him. This reveals a very danger- ous symptom r ') '; v rCy K ''".." 1 ' '..'.' Secretary; Payne To Urge Speedinjgr Up Of ! Alaska's Resources : Minneapolis, Minn., Aug, 24.' ; John Barton Payne, secretary : ; of the interior, who, passed y r throungh here with . Secretary. ? i : (i i strict conservatioh . policy " can- ' 1 not be applied to a flew country "JXJS1 cou.nW s"iy seiuea wmcn must inv crease its DODuIatioh bv usTncr i& resources. I believe' that for a timet Viq rooUL jt xu" i iZ I Jhid hPJfwf H17 ' 1 ?he benefit Z ' m?1 T1?1 i S?5 Mre. Iels a- access to Alaska. Transporta tion, both for freight and pas sengers, , must be cheaperand provision made to handle trafilci uunng ine -rusning season, s Legislators inBraziri Give, Encouragement ? POinV 'Hio De Janiero. Bril m OT!t ; of t he. productions . nevsprmr . ' , ;: , paper in urazu, wrwi tpe Jaiect-o remedying the difficliltfeilwhief le-fij-tr the 'newspapers, are- eripncih,7 in importing: sunicient paper -at J4 reasonable price, is proposed by . bill justyintfoducei: in thej ChaiA- The bill proposes that the first : three factories' established in Bra isil and producing.SO tons of pa- per daily "bafore" September 7. z' 1922, the date of Brazil's rcenten-' nial of independence, shall ' Have " remitted all expenses incurred in taxes on ana transport of mater ials necessary for installing' such f actories. The employment 6f ' na- tive, raw. material is made a condv tion' of such favors.. i. ' -' v UIJIUMUUI ll ink ih il y vrr ... . v Iteporlfed bjr 01 E.JTaylor & Co ' H'ii 'Broker ' - ."' i t s' 9 Phone 547. Office 212 NaUfcarikp- rsuuamg, . vreenvme. 1 ? -." :'si WHEAT -s : December 2.28 ' 2323.: March 1-2.27 23lHV' i CORN v September., 1.42 . ;- , ;1.4G ?tV. '; December .Gl.18 1-2 ; ' ! laf-fc? t - V : Mayv -,..lr 14t.y X,19 3-4 T September. .165,7-8: o -67. f ? December-i 65 8-5 X? May lJ& " I September A -24.40 liecemDer - . ijs.ou . r-; provisions closed firm. r'A. U j lit- - . Hi mm cwith- December 191S." ';7 f . V-X -i . "