Weather Forecast N ' Fair tonignt tuxu ; aiiursaay. Moderate temierature. Moder ate to fresh northwest wiids. x 7s V. YV' A,7"--h Hews read THE NEWS, i GEEENVILLE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, ACTERydONr AUGUST 25, 1920. V. ( 'i: Prlca Fire 'C:-fi EUGENE LEROY HUOHES THINKS HOUSEMES hOOUM BILLSf 03 1 FINALLY FOUND WEASEOSflLflRIESGS' itliYviU..: EJSORBER SAVS LATE RE OFRGERByRra TV :x . . 'i .nw. 4n.- I I X. X' 3 VI. 1 I .M.V44V ' - - I 1 - - ll HM " . v.- .-.-, ..-'i.v...V-.:i V-jii-V.-. --r .. -1 .: --V;"-., . . , 111 1 'V. t - dumber 58. r - ' ,t - . ".. m mm if AllD I WO I S f IAN FifiiiDEiY PORTS He is Wai rmelheinDecon4 Minister of :War Says That Out of a Quater of a Milliohj Russians Participating in the Warsa tOfFdy:'Onll40900Q Hdve Been Accounted For; Nearly All Of The Other Detachments Hav- nted il A I Pnlire Autnonues nection with Woman Found ;n Trunk in New York Last in - Month. u as MEMBER OF CREW X nF BRITISH FREIGHTER p Will Be Returned to Detroit it Once Diligent Search Has Been in Progress for Le Roy for the Fast Weews. Ung Been Shot toPieces: Poland's Reply: to the Marion; o., Aug. 25.chas -m "V, w Evans ; Hugnes, former Repub- Peace lerms of the Russians a' Flat Rejection; lican candidate for the presi- '') dency, issued a lone statement ITZ ildennS" Senate Last Nighf Completed the. Work of Writ- ate fot Pr dency Endorses -i' a tL iu t Caroling, yiien,. Yoting Ojown .U'encfinents to the Reveniie Bil Passed the Meaure'ott Its Third flteading'. Hpuse Passes Resolution To Adjourn Thursday Morning. Senate Will Con sider Adjournment Today, date . Harding and Declares , Cox Nomination Brought About by Party Bosses. Marion 0., Aug. 25. Chas. Provides Means for ih Trsris- tration an Voting Vf Wbcica v Upon the ARatijfcatica.: of the a wraeieentn Ainenaineni. statemeni FIX PASSfiNGiSR MATES"! ' -1 , -THREE GE.PR.UL&,r 1 i i much rnrri TAXIERO, Brazil, ( By the Associated ietxoy, wno is police in with the London, Aug. 25, Krassin and Kameneff, Russian represen- today, endorsing Senator Hard. J tativp. hprp Qni 4. j ...mi .l i4. mg for the.presidency. He also. of Moscow Friday unless the British change their attitude to wards extending recognition to the Soviets the newspapers here say. ' (By Max Ahemethy, Special to Greenville Rews) MeSsasre v , ... . -v r . .. .. .. f;warsaw;H Aucr. f5. Th renorts frnm-various fronts itidi cate- that the Bolsheviki are aemoralizied ?aridi fleeing eVervwhere elieviTlg that the nomination .i i i i in great n isomer i np ininvatpr nt w o t- oova that nnt -f q mavi-ov i "vivai. WOIllHII W lxOSe OOtlV I --- wort vj. t ma. aj o uav vub ui c tuai bgi hv rne cinmcction au.a lu.i. tt ji I RALEIGH, Aug, 25. nuHfiL i.ria.1. nai uiiiw; wuum sh- i , ... cure the establishment of an International Tribunal. Ilie former, defeated candid ate also expressea nimseit as -i for. IK Ylirk lasr month by employes of one hundred and forty thousand have been accounted for and that brought about by the influence ui'' .ii"""-" . ucany anil ine omer aiiacnments nave neen anot to meces. inf narthmspa. I I I , . . - - - . A . . I V - MH. mj 1 -KT I -P T) I A. ' A i I TtT rt. . 1 I ACH1UW w Wv unu.UKlrt, A. VA VO" in :i Till ii k in ui uiuiiuii liUBSiiiuH un.r Lic-.uiH.iinu- in inp Warsaw pitrtisivp. nniv i . . . i . . . -I , i , - - . . . I iueii ux tiic jiiiicw uuitcis. was j 1 1 T o-niiin-. wa arresrea aooara thp Briri!i freighter, Dryden, which ;irri veil in iortNhere today. I.cli'v was a member of the He will be taken back to ar ';i.-( v VI crew. iMrnit The New V"i-k. Ausr. 25 -trunk murdrr" mystery in con iiivn'on with which Eugene Le- Ki v was "ii:lt by detectives all mir tin connrrv and in Canada sit-1 Mfxifo. lias ramifications which extern I tnm JN ew 1 oi k to Miniipaii. Mississippi and Ala bama. A tew innnircs alter an era- i!iivc iif thr American Railwav Ex; re." coiiinanv here had dis- iMvcft'i! tin' mule and mutilated !4v of a y.iunr "woman in trunk srirt.,l iu the' unclaimed UiYv warchnnse. police oil New Wk ami I'cTroir lean folkwin:x the train ( cvi'lcnce which led to ;iie victims iilciiTjt'ication as Mfs. Karherine Ln Jackson, of Stnr p, 3Iis.. ami the location of A A. Tatiiin. who-c: name and a De -river addri'ss were found marked un rhc trunk which con waied the (.rime for more than a month. At I".". Harper street, Detroit, Tamm wa- niiknown, but sonie ""f then- tol.l detectives that a viuiur con,,!,, known as Air. and i'fi E. he Ky had disappeared frmthar i;,l,iri-ss about June 10, f; 'T'' ii which the trunk wis ";'!J'Pi r.. .fv York. The Mihlicirv given the.-e two nd ,Tatum. brou-ht ward drev Bm.. a Nrevv JkexnivvMnan. who said he h-Uny under the name of "'id-.. H. Toia tho poiiee he j ha'"lM a rnmk for Fernan-. I."R.iy. who. lie said, also V'1 tiu' of O. J. AVools. 1,"J-r,i,!,;'l a inter from LeRov, '"t: a check for tie trnnk in tl.r- hodv was later found. .London, Aug. 25. -Poland's reply to tbe peace terms of the VIRGINIA FLOODS CAUSE Russians amounts, to a flat rejection says the Manchester Guar-dian's-Minsk corresppndeiit in a Wireless message which was filed last Monday. . 7 r-'.V vs , In creased salaries for the const ittv .itional officers of the. State, and ;yirtually all minor employes of the various State departments, were denied when the House, at last night's session, tabled two of the three biller-providing for in creases and defeated outright the mira one. The first bill . provided for the governor and the council of State to iix the pay of all mEnor salar ies in the. State departments under $1,800, that figure being. the max- (xovernor in, Special Intimated Impossible-for the ..State., Officers to ; .Keep 6 Help Without Increased Salary. ; - f 1. V 1m. fir. .! Paris, Aug. 25. The French 'foreign office announces that France is invaccord with the rUnited States and that the Polish aormy should remain within Polan d's ethnographic frontiers. IJEATH OF FOUR PEOPLE :imum amount that could be paid I I It affected clerks, stenosf-ranhers. Mrs. Eliza Martin and Two Chil. inm'tors nd nthor rJ dfen and An Unidentiied Wo- work for th state. After a wqul not repeal the law because he Relieved t would ; help defeat them in the comimr election. This furnished the opportunity g.. th- mornim? Wonted ftlio ; -. for Senator Horace Stacey of Lum-1 measure i nrovidinir the. machinery berton to charge that the meas- for the feftistratioh and voting -ol ' ure'was not introduced in good' women upon,the'ratificatiori.of;the faith, and to suggest that some of Nineteenth, amendment, i. paesej -the other votes of the majority of thc bill . fixing .tanterstato pas" . ., . , the : Republicans, especially those aenger rates, mNorh Carohnat , t on Revaluation, had not been casV threB cento per mile, increased the . in good faith but for the purpose salaries of clerical help" in theof of making campaign thunder, f ices of the Insurance department, ; These charges were denied bv Sisk Treasurer s office, 'the Secre- - ? ,k aj t .ia: ' it. tary of btate and Governors of- sessions, and by Fisher -of Samp ffw. "kl??d?-TWP'y. son. wno voted tor revaluation in "h av, 1 : a : courthouse bv refusini? to' concur " ' V i trs-A;,a iL r:,T I . v. ..A-iv.. uue treiicrai scaaiuu uxiu aiiHiuai 11 . , . t . r r , , . , . , , man V ICHKS VL lllC IVIVCl J ti rrtll v rlKofo o a V,, .Ttci, I . .i. ; rin. itn a I in t.hft Hm.sfl flmendments.flnaVor- t. i --"rt'". c . i, wiouumjat tne special session, xue rmi io , r: r,; , , . . . T', " .. ." I 111 I'M M ll(r i T 1 V Ul IQrIDQ Or til I 13 tlmni . I 11 U . A A 1 I T , 1 IIAI'IUUIU 1.111 . niRllIII DUailllA Roanoke. Va.. Auir. 24. IT TmY " " , t repeai me auseuwse voiro mw war . - - - P ....... j . ' -- rf i rno ri ill ro a . 1 atao wVnMmhn i 11 i i a i iiiii ik. t-r--1 it .i 1 1 1 f i i iu mi. iiinmi. floods irom tne lye ana unaio - , . rfi Fnv rivers m Amlierst and XMelson - - h . f , r. , The Senate last night com plet- message v - I vuuiiwvoi TAAa,A.Aw a.vaw "'O I i A A - 1 ) 1 "N 1 C1 1 T II O xxmTIT f T 1X7 T-l T 1 Tl fT Tno rP 7-1 I- I vrnli'l vr imiuuolh a K v .lit- Paris. Aug. 25. Negotiations looking to Ihe surrender to the heavv rains last week, caused the rr, yv.r V. .r"" J7"";:Ai.v Ltl 'l' - I S ' I t 111 AT-ft-l TTT - - I a ft- I Mil 1,11 111 M.I .1. 1111:11 111 7 IAW 111 X I L 1.1 I I f Tf-IU J f I 1 1 I f ri. II 1111 I II 1 1 lft-l I 1 I U1VI III Poles of the northern Russian army have begun according to a death of two women and two w. , ' Tir:n:l j cT-rtn whr, nffr voting .Inwn Wn fur. ;oi hin ,ta. Vienna dispatch here which places thelussian prisoners at sixty cti1! accoraing loreporw re-Je(1 the fiffht in opposition t0 tll0 all amendments to the Itevcciie tiona salaries were poVided,"aiur; thousand. - z 13 Foreign Posts Of the American Legion Outside of America Indiahapolis'Aug. i?5 4- An nouncement j has ibeeli riiade ; at M. Browpuis idisad Mrs Brown NalionaT lle'aamiairters of the American Legion here of the for mation of foreign posts of the or ganization in Japan and Belgium There are now thirteen posts of the Legion' outside the United States. : A n, i I 1 ' '-illlif r!,ar i. 'f yonnj wo if reni.hved from iuoliousp and storefl l.f'Kov should call in- '4 t in 1: : i lien the bolv woman arrived and his wife LeRdy" on, wite ot of Sturgis, "ii'-ftnan, Leo Truan ts the front, ;df iil his wife knew in;m who hved with v iiV at the Harner nif. .. If. 1 I " imini.-,.( : "ir- I nunhnll , i . i . "I'-' it .. ..r.. . r -r-r jn-'i n:,;ii South came pos- ..T 7 I". Khtvhi r0U'!1 u'a t0 a11 for what I T ' w,1"1' ask(,,l -'to tell anif. M'!' rhe luan '-whose tnmk !Pu,1V;1 "n rlie mysterious r!,rr police heatl- Plaim. ,'"l'",,lir,,am- Ala.,' and o ' " '''"licet ion with the 1 U., :n,rlli"ities thaf he 1-at, "S" Ja('kso11 in Bir ,tt, v,"'rf' lie works as. a : V" '" At her in vita- United States Bureau of Stan dards says that the balls. Babe Ruth has been hitting for home runsv are just like other balls used l in professional baseball. It is therefore of the' opinion, reach ed long since by most of us, that the reason Babe hits 'em so far is because he hits 'em so hard. ' STANDS CHILDREN UP AGAINST WALL BLIND Fresno; Cat Aug; 25:- The 8; year-old ; daughter of Mrs; Laura bill,' it passed that measuro on its upon the reading of thisJHessagc, tniru reaaing, wua six ivepunii- oenator.Ajtioiaerneas ; , oiierea tuc :i. cans voting against it. feena.or Rellif bill' which was, passed and - Sisk of Macon voted for. the meas sent by special messenger to tlm m ure, saying that while he stood bx I House. rx ... ,,.,: 'i f ,A , his party piattorm in the main, Ke I he-Scales bill for the registra";.. - J ceiveu nere touay. iurs., Mnrtin anH two ehildrpn and van I " u irninVntififid woman were drown- Lnder the provisions of th1 ed in the Tve river Thursdav. second bill, the constitutional ; Mrs. Martin's body was foundifieers of the State Treasurer, Au- Saturday in a tree top a mile J aitor, ?5ecretary of fetate, Attorney FflT.nFn- SHOOTS THEM kmn ,o fnr MJ00 f 4l,n Inf 1 nno TtrhiVh wrnld fiY thoir I peneveu revaiuaiioix a srep iu me uon oi wcwn::aia HOI get .Dy. L M. v.J-'. ' , w-.. t, j- . A A AAA VA V. A J A 1liV. UUUlti L A AAIV. A iww, . . . . . . . 1 a J 1 U I -.1 1 children. saWies at $5,000. . The bill was urui uuwuuu, auw wr Vi""u'' au wenameni oy ocna- tahVd witliniit debate .when, it Vlt 11 now' ne icl m, aav. tor i warren,.wno-UK)ugftt.4liebill , was seen that there was -strong otV riV nasAed. anoint re LWl8- .M1 - 'KHfiKb tstioii to iAersinff-a bill nrovi dine' for increased -.nav NEW YORK FIRE mfr her'. "lO-yearplHson: are ' se riously ' 'wounded by shoots which were fired by Mrs. Brown. -ytev '-4Seu atoiv-$ea Jt;s,J tUougb; ' -' irfi Vl "if IrlldniVA h!a kill Vv A i wA a.1 New York, 'Arinfdincr tv thft rioliee Mrs. people Were Brown stood her children blind7- which trapped scores of families folded against the wall and then J.n an east Sld tenement. The gun. The authorities' believe that the woman is , insane. Mrs. Annie Pittman left this morning for Asheville. O. L. Joyner last evening. returned - home CHICAGO MARKET RECRUITING STATION streams of water on the tenants huddled on the crowded fire es capes because of the intense heat. to be opened here Old Colony Exchange f. Reported by IV E. Taylor & Co., Brokers. Phone 547,; Office 212 Nat. Bank Building, Greenville WHENT- December 2.34 March 2.32 CORN 1 September 1.46 . 1 December El.20.7-8 5 Iay 1.19 OATS September 67 1-2 December. 67 1-2 May . .697-8. LARD ' ' September ..18.00 December. 18.35 May , - RIBS4- ' September .".14.72 I)ecembe: 115.15 2.33 1-4 2.30 1-2 'j ' : ' 1.44 1-4 1.19 1J2 67 l-2b 66 3-4 68 14 ; ; 18.05 18.45. 18.85? 14,67 ! .1540 i -;ii visited herein JUI) of THINKING sL. ,. . ohedby $ iaTTy thinking.about wed by a period n rance won't heliTanv-if "cw n-t ;4. i . . lh . "A X 9. 7a " "uuiu come jua- Chief Machinist Mate T. J. Reasoner and Chief Water Ten derEugene Atkinson, of the Unfted States Navy, hsuje per fected arrangements here by which they have opened in the postofiice building a recruiting station for enlistments in the Navy. These gentlemen will be glad to give young men any information desired about the different branches of the service of the navy. Took in Large Sums After Fashion Ponzi Boston, aW. 25. The Old Colony Exchange company, whhh imitated the methods used by Ponzi, is said to Inive taken in $346,000 during the seventc n (lavs of its operation. The re ceiver announced these figures io-jiicm, but had failed in that. Sisk da . I A lat 1 o'clock, hut the 37"-,'; "XZZ ;v?r ; a : i ti - J against -it with o the imjhontv of H : not sure, that the engrossing "T. a .i. w ' .Jlt , V; specTal session on Th.uiday m jrh 1 11 T Aug. 25. Eight f for other State officials not includ was imnrori in a -firAipri in the other hills, was also fa-kUi v 11 K. n , j . w j .. eici iv wuuiu U? icauy . u v iiiai. iiuk .i . o' a- .viif . i ' . bled. and leff the matler of adionrnmenl .nV W Wimm..4M, The Senate at the night session over until Wednesday, when it wi Tuesday developed 'the first dc be in a better position to know the bate that smacked of partisanship, status of its work. The indica- wlien the Long (of Montgomery) tions now are that both houses hill for the. repeal of the absentee wiH complete their work. T h e voters law came up for discussion, indications .now are that both Senatpr Thompson defended the houses will complete their work in bill, saying that he believed it cor- time for adjournment sometim. rect in principle and that it should Thursdav, but the; probabilities JEJ i 7 u 11 I i " be kept a part of the election law. now indicate that one session will rlA Senators Fisher,, and Sisk aid have to be held on Thursdav at "a1- ".r m least. bill fixing - the nassenger-rate at there cent. He thought tbi mat- r ter should either : be 'left as'-it is at ..the ' prescnrtime,f pr should be referred .to the Corporation Cam ; mission. ' , ' - ,'t,'-il . 'tfI A bill passed in the Hou'use tor, ) day provides that pensions jof Coh- iT they were for repealing the nieas ure because it furnished the op nrwtmntv tor iraud. and because i it was furnished the opportunity for fraud, and because it was no administered in the correct man Both houses ground out a 'lanre number of local measures, the only one to which there was anv objection being a bill which wouh' l"" I' II TTTill A A- ! 1 1 ner. Thev declared they had KMnnu i ." niaMd an WncstNjffort to get t-heKPO? for the ccmplc ion bill amended at the regular ses v. uleclaml that he hoped the Senate of Boone Train highway in-Wilke countv. The bill was offered bv Representative Steelman of Wilkes .who said he wanted the measure stead; of twice a year under tbe rovisions of a bill enacted in I01t. - . - . ..... .. , it . .' . ... i Department of Justice Toy age War On The Coal Profiteers, Stated -' ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiii The- TOBACCO PRO imm Washington, Aug. 25. The Denartment tf Justice today an- killed because his people hanot nouncc that ,kcampaigh .would 0i uJ. a& . would be inaugurated against pro-' nit and, he did not want 2. naugiiraceu agaiwi pro- tention" to Tidewater points.: ' voreu o nu anane aia not want ... . .:, .' a T- k to force the measure on them. " ,m un special Indianapolis Will Entertain G. A; R. . September 19 to 25 Ambassador Davia rd Not Expected to Re- - ,f'.f Detroit: where she told him she-i had married. Tx?poy and hat he was "terriblv ie'albus." 'Shortly nffPi-warth Tattuit sai(LJie-return- in TJ i rmTttaharaU He declared 1 that the next he hearToi the. wo: maU'was wKeh he rpad-of the dis.p Jleports hadonifcrt in. froni; every quarter, ptrtne couraimi jh d Wtinfr that TleRoy, had'been see - in fhiofthat place. A $a,000; rcwaid, offered-by the- T-j Detroit 'stimulated jthe search and liortia TP.nrwtpd vafriouslv asi e&" J" I - L-.;i n I sr I (I.a. insurance Co.. ofl nannur to Canada. IT AI U ,. i I ' i1 . hts, breenville. NJ 1 ..inns nni mw r ns ."eii ju niu'-.t O f T h e il; h ,.v- i A r . U 3 v uireeinivMJie , - , Will Be Issued FRIDAY, AUGUST 27th? It Will Completely Cover-he History nnd E)eTClopment;v j of tlie Wonderful obacco Industry in, Pitt 'County v . Vi; ' A'.:j i:: -ft: -: ::'uh onnamnmonf 'nf )hA fironrT ATnx; I of the-Republic. For the ; first g!!5r time since 1893 the national w - T V, " ' ''V ' mfin(r ft fhAHranH Artnv twIIW partments thinks .that 'nor vpHldftl; v r lap of 27 JW LISiarCT:!-.'!' will again entertai the. annual W. ; Davis; t American' , ambassador , r f r i V 1,1 -wnw"cw-AKiTTT.r. I lniormatioa ha unoctea hif planjs. lT. XAViU IAAAO JTKjCLt, AAA AAVJ J..Vl9IVJA I a 1 I ' t ' 1 V 14 I - 7 eniak. Sntmber, lfl th-. PW'WqTOrewiCn i ' ' - " - i ,n;4W v. ... . 4i. 4 Aiv i.x . Ciq;Wnitte:w:.Jow.;pIan 00 visitors l j 'r v -"" . i ate one or more of the wwcu ma5 oe-wuu w Civil War heroes is . being ctompil? 81 r05ei -r 'V'gy comfortabh able, for eV - Numerof tnrgs are being prepared. ; There j 'Jn junction itltCzZt t win ne airpiane noes lor veteran . iyrjvi"":1 ,i;rf ; ;rf yWgayiretMig'--abroefrYb&the- iliv i.?-.;.u.-v. i.. j ;xy it?.'.-- vT llff wartihaevepurage; AutoHnobilo 'Washingtoij, (IfLagi "2ti.&n. apK ' I tHps haye" been arranged for many klieatiofl for a;iniunctidn?ta:re--i -f others, : tfj -T IT . i T 1 . 1 Vv t 4 1 ...... "... ... ' . . nwei neaaquarters nave oeen promuigating the ratiication,, of " assigned "to the 33 ' s tote depart: the Womaix Suffrage,- 'amendment I ments of the G. AURi- Arrange- was tGfe&'t6$iyfl witH I tfco-0i8tric1;,ir mentsfQT the gathering are beini Snpreme'G6urtUVHhe ' American " maie,y a commvis ci ouu ous I ionsTitntionai ' Jpaie.'-. Justice ;m u' :.vro: i": it m.l t a:: ' - pf, - , - . . "' 5 A " t'V-vft " mess-who re " -. ' -1 : f - - - . - , Jl.: ' jj , detlVdireetion'1 ofYah ecntiVl rtHhe?-V11tor -for-ro ,1 ; ... .... go. ' 1 v , V