. 1 1 Weather 5 Forecast ' . " ,L'Read - all "of tody's r.wtra ForelghNatlonal, Stata'XL-J Tc at in. the . GREEIfVlLLU ',f' o psrij rknidy tonlRbt and Wednes . ,,,i oroiabfy showers 'Wednesdav' 2-. 1 i Xyr 'te-jr . .'- 1 ,.,t i.rtiou. Gentle variable winds. n . k. 1 - VQfJ'ME4; NUMBER 68 GREENyiLtE, "N. C TUBD AY : AFTERNOON SE MEMBER .7, 1920.' Pric: Five Clz 1 - ?; t - -. I I, ! v - " . H mi v i t jr. u FASWI 6 11 III! Ovetr nndign 1; f VI TV MASS! Greenville ' today faces 1. D I 1 an unique epoch : .in its if ices) and spntielegiinia history, especiaUyTspq the; other tobco mar- since becoming a tbbacco kets, acquainting; the far- j market a decade 6r ago. Between three dred and three hundred fifty thousand Dounds of tobacco ue on tne noors of the tobacco ware- houses unspia, norwicn-, standing the tact, theft to; opening day was mc upciiiiig break of the season. i iL?Z-:U(MA--L - j y a ..f v; 'fobacco town.early this dax- - They are determin morning working al We ; ed rip have a qtilare fdeal. with farmers - from fall? tsaytif they;aVef,to. sections of Pitt county, at J starve, they just as well this writing presenfsfi 1 begin riht? rib w 1 'About deserted scene, the bnlyohVtRn-dofHKe'tobacco thinL; making it appear oig the t6 floors men that the golden' weebVis tioned Uoveliadvbeeh sold iiere is the silent , 1 ' Afkl. 1 L4!' -1 owners standing -idly-By,; discussing matters inna minor key so to speak.. Occasionally a farmer is seen here aridthere disf plaving a countenance not pleasing from any anf pie and when one.rStp'ps io consider nisi serious-1 ne.ss invariably sympa thizes. ' - Starvation Prices" i he cause is due to the low prices ViWZXkatfit so low that he farmers in a body closed the sale and they state emphati cally there will be n nj'M-c tobacco?:sold on the Ci.'rnvillc market until satisfactory prices pfe- I he tobacco market at tnc opening hcre last " : . season averaged around $32 to $33; i. i ne averager today was tniiirh less than $20. It is said some tobao rr sold on the market hrxrr ibis morning at orrfe f(:it less than. the cost of s'raIinir. This state of affairs made the farmers r!Sf, up as one man, and (h " m a r kJ redress Notify Other Markets hnmc-diately after stop pin the sale which. Was coin g on .in the ware houses of Forbes &Mbr fn and the' Star " these i -1 ' farmers nroceeded at i ; - . t VVn .KK VOU SO POOR, LADY? 1 ' minister of n widow.. Did Hi.. "i Hi iiico mmmn fail, "to Tiar . "0," she said -my j railed to insure." . Rational Life' Ins drance- Co., of i Mutual), KdSLEY BROS:, ''e'urui Agents, Greenvilte,' . N. serits, Greenville-. . . ' - p R I n i T.V ,,r. .... j "dnce to the? teleerapK of If 0 hun-calling upon thcm to take similar action! ' ylt-was further eiven out .j tnac ine rarmerswiil get together here; tomorrow morning in , tne r Lxourt House, in . mass meeting: cuiumaL uieyj- ,wiu 'npia another meeting SatUr- sqIcL whehffieflcKmax ill lihttfl It fyr? fV-vt f.5 came'andnf-cameyith fortbhe meht kfieyt; rioj bpunqs.-ri Don't Blame WareKoue cil irieii aiid Buyetsf 1 1 $ Right hefe' Hit -rtiiayt fbe said to. the credit of the farmers, thereareno bet-, tef to bef ouhd anywliere than right -fiere m Pitt .1 v. v. - i ri'i county tney1 arracn no ii,. ..t .i i . ut- i..u.i: i i - r . - .i i warehousemen or the io cal bxiyeTsfor the'starvattf - iwyS' uon prices -tnev . were m " -mm handed out today. . N 1 he warehousemen cup everything within,, their power -ro protect tne -in- terest-or go- rdr as to .a con- hilT'v: " weed ta protect them, the farmers The buyers al- - 'Jit:' 1: mi- Lsppaiq jmw hi uu ptfmrAi M - - I haminous spirit . tbbacco prices naa uic uuumiu knocked uana nock, i JvJtltVu r . i Tr:' . y some or tne iaiiucio-iiy caning men iuuav.w lw their ',li6Tncp I fc I. A. L n ' amwho rTi r r.ome or iiuaoci iwuo.. oh" uation cannot per ivi uation cciiuiu, ivi v - as yet' A condtionpf .af, fairs are existing Rerp to J - .W - fArrfrtrnfr - raPiaiy SftWfi1 'Ipop' RocjcylMount to market f oralJ ? 4! rriXW .1 . -ru L" c arfcorcim$rto the paper, and4 meeting with sympathy -. . -i - .i.; i I . ; - I rrprn an siaes. rit is to uc hopd that matters will a d i u s t'. themselves "as ' " 1 . " ' ' -CV'tL ofnnr',QO nnssmirv sii i nr .... - 4 market-can "proceed ac- prdihg ta s$hediteOtnp tn.g X ,, f& r prices go up the farmers thinff is sure: unless, tne 1 I ; ' W't-i V Want a Suit? Now Is Your Bes t Ohance Washington Sept. 7. Paper clothing, which has just arrived ; from Austria,, has ..been placed? 6n - xhiBillbir-nhf Unltea"- State Department . of ' Com meree today. It will be offered to" ? the manufacturers of the counr' J; try for, rigid ' examination. One suit waif quoted at luc f and is said to be washable. - 'ay, as a unit xcutuiciriiopapco remain '--w' i right at home and rot r Farmers Dissatisfied y i at Farrhville AccordingJio telephone message from the Farm yjll market opening to day, prices prevailing, on that market are very , dis satisfactory to the far iners.;The average is said toTbe considerably lower oan ear. ; T;m;Wilson : ' Tle "average price pre vailing on - the" Wilson ket, according to long mar distance telephone com munication, is around 22 cents and the fanners are grumbling. The farm- icrs circ iiieeLintj hi Lite th p . u v wr., Court House mWilso n ithis afternoon, according U t-u t-l come or this meeting had J -T3 not. been learned when the News went to press. Prices Way Off in - Kinston; ? AboHt500,000 pound? t -mo.c ; wets on rne nor3 oti fans ton ware-- ordmg, :?ai1 ff res i -tnu pnces receiyea were hico icwjiyea were eritHower, than was re- . i tnan was ceived last year. LWW term? ous:pro st mere. i yum in ame v -1 c i '.'nnWW " 1,000 pounds -i-t-.i ; ij m . L .o y--- ?" '? Per cent off, ac- ax mcris, i cii. un vi cue ULiier, markets- are protesting It is said that some of the tags have beenturned;3 t A. Ff &, A. ilJrO MEET v.TBere will be a ; snecial meetinsr of Qivenviile-'Idge No.284 A;r. & AvkT. 1 1 f in s ' "i ' : ' i T " -V . V n u A ' m I I i pwcic, uii tne i uuiuiu li Liie r.vpnino i ' lasVVeaY V J W -forrk.ln xnstruc- non, ; ' .v : ' -i . ? OF. NEW BERN Have Listed for SaleTwo Million Dollars Worth of Finest Tobacco Land in Eastern Garolina. Readers "of the GreenTille -ews are inyited to read the double .page. ad ver lisement appea ring ' in "Ihis" papet toimorrbw of the , Grffnthanf Brothers' Real -".Eisate "company ew;Bern, ;rhO are publishing a partial lit; of then property .hodings. "This large.' real estate! firm : is now . entering upon an mother -8ejaison vbf lahtJates They announce rthat they wbulci be pleased to ta lk , with ahy one In thflsectiion. j in terested In purchasing rear, estate and real values. This company now has listed over i: twd mUlion , dollars worth ; the finest tobacco lands in' Craveiv Jones, Pamlico, Carteret and; Onslow counties.. ' ':!' .. 'fjy, -Tbosse interested in f Eastern Jorth Carolina dirt would do well to visit thej farms which tUis company have for sale; They will take, pleasure in showing aU some real bargains. ; The headquarters of the company - is In New Berne. . Watch; for - their largt announcement in Wednesday's News. What they have to say, will interest you. Wade and Willis Both Lose Postmastership? Washington, Sept. 7. The : lohg dfawu oiif fight over.tthe" "postmaster ship at : Morehead City, Carteret coun ty, has been ' settled Unless undue, jaoll- I wttScteanieu ioay- timi a. r; ,iviurria. a Democrat,-; a . former postmaster?and an"xservice men with a year's ovew. i;eass service -to., his ci-edit, has "been re commended for appointment' ovef Rob't. Wad?, Democrat, and editor of th Morehead City "paper, and Groveri C. Willis, Republican, both of whom w;ere contestahts for the place. " f -Unless Senator Simmons and Con gressman Sam Brinson can bring some charge against the charactfeir of young Morris he will be nimed f of the job. Unofficially it is reported that Wade and,, his friendt have already alkeu tha: the appointment be held up pend ing charges whieff" are to be fUed lat er. . Dempsey 's Share Of Receipts $55,000.00 Benton Harbor, Mich - Jack Demp sey received : $55,000 for battering Billy Miske of St. Paul, sevtn and a -half minutes, yesterday fora knock ut i round Jthree, Promoter ' Fitz- simmgns said today. q. . -y : " V ' Hiitti i-'t oy in Greenville to have one of SKULtClPS TH NEWS is Givirv'o . .. AWAY ' Gome teethe Circulation or- nee and see s about it , ,y " APPEALS Says Value Jof Such An .'"Institution Cannot' Be ? iVIeasured All; Slfould Help Iiiberally LONG AGITATING A COUNTY HOSPITAL Writer Gives Some Facts Based Upon Being Pa tient hi Protestant Hos- i pital, Norfolk, Va : (Contributed) ' , Ilowever men may differ in their ideas, our lives are largely the out growth, of our individual experiences. Incidents that come to us in the pres ent often serve to take our thoughts back to experiences of long gone years, even to some that had ' almost been forgotten in the changes arising thru the lapse of time. If Mr. B. C. Pearce, Mr. John Flan agan, Dr. McG. Ernui; Dr. J. G.' James, Mr. J. B. Cherry, Mr. Alfred Forbes and others who might be mentioned among Greenville's prominent citizens of several decades ago; were living to day and the name of Mrr. Smith N. Briekhouse was mentioned their presence, it would be the occasion of some very complimentary . remarks to be made of that gentleman.. ' In those by-gone da"ys, :Mr. Briekhouse, whose residence was in Norfolk,' wasja trav eling" shoe salesman. . Eastern North ..Carolina was in the territory he -covr Wed and' Greenville &He"6T "IheLtowns was one ofthe old1 school: 'afble,geA.j )sLlf courteous- gentlemen,' wno -g maqe friends wherever; he; wentxanarheld thei? esteem. " I ' - Astriking 7caterWc fa?1 Brickbouse was lW-c10-tYo,ji. : He carried- his Cristiaiit with him and lllved .ttf In con tact and dealing twithl l$ ellowr man. Wherever the Sabbath day f oupd hhn he was sure to" aftea the' house of worship with some of; God's "people, or even in the week if there aa : some special religious meeting in ' progress when he was around he Nfou5l.Aad time ;tQ attend v On sjjch oecaSMW it was not unusual for Mm to lie call ed upon to take .part, and it was sel dom that hUlkscouldbjurpassed by ahy that were made,. J V . It was a: recent exper$en of the writer that'recalle4 the' memory ot this good man. Not beislg immune to all tbe ills that, beset mankind ft visit to a hospital for - treatment bew came.-Tieoessary. Good' fortune- lead hini to the Norfolk Protestant Hospi tal in Norfolk," Vaft-where it-was soon learned that Miss Caroline Briekhouse, youngest daughter ofJrvi.Stftlth'N. Briekhouse, was difectress tl of this large and usef ul institutioftNo,rbe ing prepared Jto find a woman? occupy ing a place of such importance: and re sponsibility, some t ihquiry brughtt out the fact that Miss Brtekhou8:nadt en tered this, hospitatlS ,astuiteht jtfUrsse in JL903, havingde&rminedioeyote, her lire to ministering xo sunenog ur manity. U: Her' ncbmotionvthrough'Hhe-vaffl courses of . study and 'nursing tgra--! uation was rapid, and rinonlya :few years her ability became , so . recognizee, as to causeThet selection as directress and . manager of :- the. Institution.0 Busy. woman as she t 1ST udatheantiltitude of ;dutieser posItiBf inippses, aeldoia a daj passes, bti it 10 he goes .through the entireinlu tion knowing per sonkily ind ;shov .iryfc?f kktr in the welfare qf - the many t patients3jGnder her chargeer!ia rm ing- personality: and cheeing . wordsf'belngareii .cfcin take a .fcjpw-grip on ife. A : ; r' VU vvmie;it ,is a pmtiegeto write tnei foregoing, because df; the' Te?eeding worthiness not the ubiect,cotipled wiui iiuu nuuti luatT-ic majfiiS9' proTj of someuterest'fO the IreaderVf there is yetJEhefiisherrmctiie tor beaefithV jnapity by usingthis.to; emphasize his community's " grea test eed.If ' in glr ng one's yndivjduiltexDeriences to others-jservear toflea them to see aud embrace a -real opportuuity. 'for- help f ulhess to. their neighbors, then tfieef l fort is'not inlyain 'Heheef1 the fore- most purposS of- this' article: HOSPITAL IN Pin AMERICAN CITIZEN Took Refuge in a Ranch During Flight of Mexi- can Bandit; Official Ad- ' -viceaf.State.' ESCORT HAS BEEN SENT TO AID HIM Mexican T!breign .'OflSce , r - - - ?- XT 'ri jjenies Receiving a iioie from United States As To Petroleum Situation. MEXICO CITY, Sept. 7. W. A. Gardiner, the American citizen 1 whft was captured by . the" bandit, Zamora, has f escaped, official " advices received In this city today state. ' It is stated that Gardiner took re- f ugeV in a ranch luring the flight of the bandit, and" that an escort ' has been sent for him;. Mexico- City, Sept. 7. The foreign office has denied receiving a note from Washinfton relative to the petroleum situation r: It is iearried from unofficial sources that the: American embassy has receiv. fice .has 'declined to formally accept it, claiming that it is couched in such terms as to make: its acceptance im possible. ' : Washington; Sept. 7,-r-The S t a t i Department 'said today that no 'forma note had . been .'dispatched to Mexico although 1 the vembassy was instructed to;, make ao: informal rep:resentetion.jto Mexleoaainst Oertain' oty land -poli cies. EAltTIIQUAKE IN ITALY 'Rome.!- yery marked f earthquake; shocks arer rep'ortedy f romuTuscanyi and" casualties: resulted" iAid has ; 'been senL :.J ' . v ' .;-;;--,V A shock lasting five seconds was Harding Off tftS&Pdufc - - Marion, s0.s : Sen,- Harding hoarttr ed a Special ttailt jtoday St. '-iPaiflJ Minn., where tomorrow will.; de liver i$s0 irst Campaign,, gyfeecb, : put- hospital in PittsCOUntyTt" visit to Norfolk was the personal experience as a hbvj tient, and if anything has wX , Ing tomaker him an advocat cal hospital; t this exprie; would, e sufficient ..to m, thuslastisr foeLfltfchtalinstitui r Soaieiacjtsj: f or comprx "son fonrLaf k -tna' I; . - impr points view. V j- the iWiolk Prottmtospit fil "ji 'a community enterprf-eit is incorporated and has a ' eoverningr board. It has a -small endowmIent,the.: Revenue f rpm this-i be ing augmented some Jv; ' receipt? from patients; ?who-can payfor their care ud4athient, jtatJptjlyo Jxas to, depehd miainly jf or vsupporf-Qn the contributions of beneVolentreitizeasi and 'enterprises. to raIse,i.money to., help arryon-Htne;greatj.woiK-t.TO Pitt : county . has s f or some tlme, been adtatingthe: establishmeht of fr-'c&mv -u Jr x.ZZ a. .i xi. r! . year 'has the effort to secure.' It seeto. ed:hopef at ot fruition. Something Jlke half loiHjt. desired fcr;puildfnif atid. ejupping the- plant "has Already JbeeuJsubscribed and "'the; campaign ' i jpow, about tbf; renewed xfor securing the f balauce so. the "Work of construe tioaf may spoh ,begin.t . -' We.' understantf aid help loTnake. jt lndpd $ comiRun- ifyospitaL .Thint r; - --htesiins county.-wha ire t deprived i. of Jfie .rJ poriuujiyr ing'BOspitairja distancelVy? placing'? near - 1 f?5F -! mea ns of 'restoration Jto h-41hSpnd perhaps saving of, life. ' - "The .vnlue.-of such a hospitaCfo the county caanot,! measure; an41t is W 4 u J hi . a e he thia yilttakeJt an earnest appeal . f1??- VT?. ' to help lUerjlb;iu . ' , . ft co'mmnnitrhAMUfa.Ietff JC? is to Im- mss of your t hea rt 'Ke a. bWi., n o t Li i . : - . - - - - EVIDENCE, r.OORR - mm. Cox's : Representative Before 'Seriate Ccnirnit-' t tee Today v to; Furnish" Irif brriiation.V ? " JnltlW ASK committee 4; TO CALL OTHERS Had a MassiveBHcf Thafr Contained Several Hun-m- dred ? Papers. A Cat talion of Moppe7S-Up CHICAGO, Sept. 7 The - JSena" investigating - committee resumei 'ittf ; sessions today., w'th HMoorp, 'Qor: Cox's representative, , prepared;" to givej. the committee the Democratic candid date's information concerning the; Be4 , publlca n campaign fund. -'-- v 4 Kt . Moore ; told .the' committee" that V?' ' was ' not seeking the' . bes evidence : to provft jGoVernor Coxes' charges; 'indiiov asked that Col. William floyce Thompt son, chairman ot the Bepubllcan , Ways. and. Means committee, and sixty' meg ft "paid organizations'! be called V Moore had "a "massive ,brief of, the ase -containing severalrhundred papers embodying evidence. Av battalion !ot oppers-up," partof the Republican' finance organization, ; andv: he juunsdr several men, claiming one kad ieft: . Yougstown after hearingat - a. T&iv quest haft been filed for' tC subpoeaa j for him. J "' ' ' J ' ' -'t ' Geri. ObreironvElectea : i iPxeiident' ,:ofN Moiaccj Mexicov.City; ..CLeneral. Alvarob. Pb-v Yegoh, one!, f ,he ifiVjitary leadersiVotr Mexico -has won. oexasvery tnecoa Obregon - is practically 'assured jjot l ilectiftn by these returns, Every pro. . -rlnce promises to give. him a.hahdsom.ft- naaloritv. Th total vote 'Wllt.l'Jja somewhat'lowiiuormaljj.ltr is state4'v T 4. .w i i 1, il ii ii n full n - js 4:hat jhis vote, will -be twice aa large,. 5is,that ohis opponent, , ? E j : : IN ilRMRTEIIS: i - 1 No Similar Building AW : wnere ourpaccc3 nc -xn. Beauty .'-Has Every Fa- . cuiiy lur uiiiii.' 'm ii if, - i. .-Si- i '.-v - .t Cashier Paul Clodf elter is ? today greeting his friends and-patrons lu ht 7- -testow.'ne ,.presiaency, accojramg. aed:jof dai dyeseiya, her todfir from. the eiectton heIdxSun4aR,i4 ' l.'nlilTlLbxUnlili.lu new bank :.. building at; -,te cornet Aot ,v Pflt street a nd s Dickinson; . Yenue.! Thls" $5000 -buildlnV for, -tW; fanrrers' . Bank has vJ)tegnvunder. coftstrCtien lot v-' a year and hy without flo-vt, 'one" t2: . the handsome 'structures' ofrthfr kizi In Eastern Carolina. It wuultl credit to a city many jlc j lirget ttixi- ' . vreenville. ., :,. - VVAlthQugJ,; ill dijjbjp isilieiirvfel -marble fixtures haye.c6t arrived sull " "j- v cient ' haVeto;-give visitors ome csttf- ception of rh?w; heatitlful iands atti-.: ive" this naanclal'itituticaXliU. Jjf?' ' when every thing! is in places Ifroia ita t : Architectural sUtidpolnt, It v Jat doubted . -If a-similar buijldlng i-the''stalte.txr-v ' passsrmv y"4 - ' ' -V - U " Thi lntertors!Hs J?-? ti. conveniently; arranged "tor botS'e , oc I r;atrca The lobbyils, tiledv uL-I eJ attractWe"chandfe .oi tix - veiling.' 4.1XIM res . are .ue v.ry. - - latest for banks- ,r: tie reader n?"vtt?t a - 5)eepsinto'i: -pnlpinOTer ' txn-t ceive.iat v of its"beauty-l ' . i j i - , , Frjm- nowon '.rtroiis-c$i. .Ird tv3 ' Farmers' Bank at tv pew'hf iat the " corner btPitf-. street :V-nA -T ' . M ; -jih- press'the Urgent need o a, commumtyJuume As-w ;

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