' . ........... - r , . , j. , . ' a - , r ... , r' r Newark- I I " - J . (Rj 0. O. MelNTXRU - ,: , . . niun-ticuuii.";.".;: r York. Sept. ft. A Trfn' fljr diary of modern Sam pel Pepys r 1 j p twtime. R. Kohn, the;-artist, inritinx hlmelf lo breakfast of wkicb r wao pnml apl mad great shift to .j.,,,. Mm. Had a pleasant'Valk and (l)pii r see mj berologet, and am ito.ut vHTuadeV to ..wear a -watqh .bout i-i f "fist. irtter nme Dy post irom my fath fP h promises to vilt me. shortly from th west, and we areWs&svtW irfrnliin1'- Crpentler, box. My wife pfftfisii iM)ut the condition ; of my ipfpcii. iii truth I did say before some rtranjc'-. "I .done,. .but it-wasl'a mr,. iip of tha tongue .which worriea g,e not a whit. Thr.nijck , thtown 'on.tha; omnibus ,,,1 tu' cnnluctr carried me pait my itatiou. with mean intent thought ,1,1 wt iiml high words, saying to him thinjcs fur which I was aarry all the dir. To the Algouql for. luncheon I did see Mt Theda -Ba.ra,-' Che ctufuiH piny ciress, ana-MT uoppe, tie EnsUsb artUt,'. . " 7 . ' i bouuUt Joyce Kilmer's poem Jtcr a tree on parchment od i fra,ne".j jt teinK the finest thing I .ever read. About the town is cried mightily that prirf are comiug down which hope it true. . ' i Z In th evening wtth..Ev.CarrqU and b play, a lyua pece(and..we satldii ,i hot. Later we walked' to- tbeAji- XUt - l4hftn .. 4a In xfha f fhrla v wTlT Th6l J- a'Bwj-t Elizabeth City isfk ift&iZ.--"1 essvisitor to the Oty'today. r CSf mb;?l flWflife k Ed' Matxews.f ot .Wasbington 1st JecQout and., they were ttfr apilt!; the i Ni x. Godiey of XnroJaas here r!l7.C? U arrlved' Tnree Attending ,;the tobaceo , opening.;" montbs-latercLanren met his old 1 Messrs. H. P. Quinerly, W. It. Hoili 'riM -TW1184-"Wmfor hlsay.-did E. v.. Bvans-of Grifton, mo- thercitn tbJslVniorning. " lkehrtting;gtmeiowr' asked the gatteftbwaite of -.Pactolus kre in the wiiu. it, is a tough life," sighed' city,. today, avujen, "1 can plot like a villain obW-pbiit durp it, I cannot write." ' I JfTQVp ot young lad9 were light npiheirflrsti clgasette after the toattne'Ih'Vi Fifth Avepue oolong par to&tovptkfr afte;poon. Two strang r.cameliy, and occupied an opposite, taW. beyMipeaTed to be' niid-West, ern buyers. They, ordered tea and tn-,.one took a flask, from his hin pocket. iHe started,; to pour out a drink when at the same fcime both saw motT "Ceta;get.out of VOteX th,ey, 1 1 H together. It seems didvralize .atough place they were;geiw;)in.to.r ' VG, Dupree, Jr.,. of Farmville was on our streets this afternoon. Mansfield Hollingsworth has gone to Abbeville, S. C, to spend two 9T three weeks with his mother. - ' K. S. Hobgood1 of FarWme- is here todiay on business. . " ..1 M ! t U4 nnaannnpnnno o p No Substitutes p for n ? Champiou3Wp;j3yii3r To Celebrated Chicago. Tne . Iiraetn -anniversary of the1 -pQfesvjnaa;a.sepaUi cnamflipu..; sMp1gajn.e ;wjlH Jt) celejjratey:! t by flie Ofldl "Timers' Base.ba,l; As'sociaCtion at a bangue here.Optobe? 0L3... The, game was- played . between t. the.1 .Concinnatj. Rod Stqckingw. and;fjthe Chicago, Whit Stockings Pctohe' la, lSTOl'aihebl DxtejltripAiiKParkf.lii this city.The Cincinnati, aggregation . wnV dowa iq defeat . 16 tto 3 a-.thej- hanis: oJhe Chicago, team. . t . This game was praqticgyy.tebeV ginnbgi. of .profjesgional i; basall,. at.-cordingQ-Al, P-.pinkJ. of Chicago the The 1 QJd, Timers'- 3asebaUv Ajssocja. tipja ws organizejl ; about jyaK ".ugoi. It takes t in pereons-who-.plyW jn, or who aw',the;gamei and, now hajr about 1,000 members, Tom- Poley manager of the old White5 'Stockings team, fs .-V J ,h Tc AT-liDw, Says Twit Udj, Ifct Nop i- ;ty;Ttrv-Mary. Kil . W1f o.thipmeeiVaayBrAf twr Vth bfrtliJbiny lltUe? gftl-. . Any aide com- netcejl ftKburt njv I , had ,to o back . W-bds ; Wi, called ; Ota doctor, .f . Be 'treateitmev.bttt I got lb ' better-: ; : - B?k TO r"1 qraft the,mi8r7 y ra ufltTearablev. .1 waa; in cbe'd for ' WtNnontlia arid suffered such igony rjat wusrdfwn:;iBlia a knot,, ' I tord'tay-hitfibflnd If he would get. j 1 . i - - ' ma bottJa of pardnl I would try It. . . -i I commenced faking -it, -however, that; eveajl lled.m tamily -abQijt: m.. tdkil .kae I ? could ndtIasti he better. That was is yearii ago and I am still here and , am ft wall strong womftn, and I owe my life to Cardui. , if had onlyt taken halt .tho bqttle' when I began to feelbetten .The mlserytlh my side got lesa:.; Continued rigbt onUaking the Caidct ntll I had 'taken, three bottles and I did not need any xhore for I was well aid never: felt. betterIa my Ufa:. I liave never had any trouble- from that day to this." t)o you suffer from headache, bacjc; ache, pains tn sides, or other dlscom forts. ;each:tD)nth? Or do you feel weak, nervous and fagged-out? . It 0i vfvj..i.w. Viu1im Att mon tbn 7ft ft 3--1 orcanie Olaeaaea can ! traeea tfAcJ-i- Stomach. Startln with md!ae4on. lisV5- burn, ' belchioffv food-repeating'. boat, ob M ' KertxBmft: mmwtifWfMm veitai.r ; beoenw afleceJ.tvrT vital organ juifenc rj - in oiae-Jaree or other,- 'loo thes vl -. "i. Bm of Acki-StoiDaeh vrrwhara peo,9i . whoare anbjMtOfBervOBanMa, headacfl. Inaomnla.biMouaneaa people who anfferrrorat . rbeuraatiamifuiftbag'tf.bclattcaand acaea aedT ... -pains all over ih body. Itlaaalatoaay Usas' ' about 9 people out o( Jo snfltr to aome artaasj - IronixAeld'Stoinacli.- ;v . It you auffer from aWdascb trouDte or. aven; , - if yondonol feel aDyatomacbflte". vet ar weak and aiIto.ieTetnd" -sedpBj - lack'"pep"and anthnalaam? an&-know taa. --1 aomethins -la wrong i altbongbi yon - eanac , locate the xac causa ol y-urtronbia-Ayova - -!! natnk ally wan to gnn bx. s xciir rfp rat i - bealfb aa Kioickly a-po4l. -Then ta . f; KATliMCV the" wondeffr:!- moiern reman ? . tbatringa quick relief rom.pi-JB of lndlM -" tlon; belctoina. waasr Woe, .' SP T - atomacbatronfp, clean and awee. - Sea be , yodr general beaitb improv bow quick. - toeOl3-4tavim.v1soraT5ivHs'!ty coma backj Get a big 60e box- of 'EATON IC from yoaa - ! :i draazist-toaayv-rlt ta tuaraateed to plea , you. II you are not aatiafled yoat droit f - will ratandyontmopay. 1 - r6k t6ttR AfafajTGCAC j t .--1.. v ... . to-... g B. H. Mallisoh of Rocky 'Mbttnt AM ... A shbuid hot ba "dosed!' S Thedford's H 2 -J'e V . . -PFy 1CK-DRAUSB ti give Cardui, the woman's tonic, . , .v')'?? - - "". . T ' - , . - rifed in thecity thfe afternoon via. the 1 '?V - " vf-vl ti'!ft Atlantic Coast Iine V- -V : -- spiaoisapisQ- V am ltor for frozen creamraeMiW.Pgf of Vuta aopv&)Aptt - V oflfao rrer joined ua. Then home aiad. ao to bfd m Purely H llivdr Medicine H i: h -! f.9 ni :s vi.' JP-J Nw York, ba said goo i.e-hnr. The lajtt: three k let to pastures lajft ee." n Man-S tur sToiti of breathless adventure. A To h. from the top or a JMMS-tae en fn. airiiiiii(r nn Vlfth A von 11 hart imjro of thrill than a morie Khrillesr i- H0n crixp momig three "years 'ago the- Hrl? pMlestrlais tlrft two rowt-deep fiTinue from Fifty-Seventh street. A. imii horse stumbled. All wat d6wn tad Hlil on the smooth icy street for t bin k. then arose miraculously1 and wr rf like a flash. Such a thing jeonl.l never happen of i fffff , 1'ark Kdw reporrers wno stooa wnus hirtiiri street the fire horse was the fH loir unflinching at the electrocu tions of Ie ker. Gyp the Blood, Lefty J,oun mtl a score of other Death House rM flint uiHile strong men quail, ad. nit that the last oue they witnea.sel t o much. Two hardened scribes i ictus II v swooned after it was all over. rr-l.e KHl.ty.a siar,; lot hp riNim throtigb the green door on ifg Hp was smoking a cigar. "It hard work on one foot,' he smiled. "Toul im v to jve me a little time. .fip!" When he reached, the Qhjlm 'be threw dowu his cigar -ami saW.lX m rHdy:" A few mdments later he vto pronounced dead. The smoke BUI mrled upward from the cigar on the floor. It was left to die a natur al death. There was not man in the Ill K-'S ! ft TB&I?- 1-1 II three -years 'ago the ' i-VITi:'!- YA WtnriJ intFfttix,' ' ,rfl!.fr J A stow for men and: hoysl Mrit- nqxt Thursday! offer- noon awd( evening from 5? to F. Mi fee I rwm who lid not .leave with a firm retolvu t.i rtfrht Tnr tm a lvil iahmotif nt U the college miss and .'for .the school girl of six ; i ind u'fjwarda, the Middy is the perfect solution of the problem of "What to wear?' 't t;H. injeirutiUty.dsfervi mako them as prac- . - j tical and eriomical as they, are stylish and becoming. No girl's school wardrobe is tiuite complete without a few Middy Suits and Middy BlJuses, of both cotton' a wUabricl. p all MiddfespCHSTYLES Suits aJid Bkrases beit fulfill "the exacting demands of school wear, because they are correct in design, of highest if I qtaUty, materials and faultlessly tailored. f. The leading local store. ellTECHSTYLE Middiea. - lf your dealer does not have: them, write us. ' '- .VrVreliatyla-MJdBl-wae Lonadala TwiU. Indian Head , CMaaah 'SMfaaattTrfoinhiriahlte;1 Beach ClotV lawhite, Copenhagen ; i- -1. T..4.l .1 Sim. (mtn - 4 Ml awrftWadk; creasy Fra ahmk and fast color. Cat cenoronaly f aQ j dV'jk'frontand "Ta-doble-tftched 1 . . . fie Everybody inireenvilte and Pitt: have a cordial invitation to gs guests ot the firm Look for this Label- , j fw aisia-aep 3-lnch btefts hmJ-wi(le coiiara;. ff. . wJTon'affed leefcrwitfr ;cloW fitting xoa- - wjtu the flr8t tang of Fall weather, Mis are rushing back to, town. Thf cai4tant vrtMlara nra onf in Union of hi . new quarters- an entire .floor r p: ' "I h taithmp Uvmaih'oaJr't iaUty men. tt.h,Vanderbilt,lioadcomTnief 'Wbbrald. ctely M. - rtlafc.out on rue burlesque ctfrtiit. , - jHrT tt betaiitx dives' do in .the.ainilf. (3..-; liiSMli rwai MJUUMja i ttfC Dichitison Ave Ml. Greenville i C. 4" -..'k Jt ft r t 4f ft r V 7 OUR GREAT BUMNG. POWER, GUARANTEES TffE PRICE,. QUALITY AND STYLE. WB DO NOT- SELL TRASH OB SECONDS. OUR; MER0HANPiSE--lS'., CRISP tAND NEW,. DEPEDAjfclg NB LOWPRICED MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON EACH AND EERY. ARTICLE. BUYING; SHODDY MSR0. iSSAJSS iBCpijrpfljap .es202stj3ut I'ING HERE IN OUR BIG. DEPARTJV1ENTS. CREDTJ: PRIVILEGES LITTLE MORE AT OUR STORE AND ISTWICE AS GOOD, W WW -x uv.yttam HJ UU YOUR SHQPl EXTENDED, .... .Mg.-'V r'.T-- v . . J it k? ' " trs i. i r" " t Mi " i - j'- i ' . ' ; .-i -a ,,,-,--MaaMBMtaaaaaaac DRY. G0PDS LApDSS' FURNISHINGS MEN'S FURNISHINGS -1 SHQES j GROCERY FARM SUPPLIES HARDWARE ..." . ..... . - jjpa - ' -i. -ff Vs t . .4 : .if' ' -.. ' " - - - . M "GREENVILLE'S BIGGEST AND BEST STORE" GORNERDIGKERSON AmUEi AND,mGHTaS " '.;K .1 . w - . - - . . - . T - . , 1: -.,T r1 ' .... . r-' - . if ' ' ' .

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