Weather forecast t i Head - all: of today's . Rttrar , Foreign, NationalStatc ar. J Lo cal in the ' GREEN VI LLC news 'y .'?a.i.v (K--r. Generally fair- tonight , and Satur , la v . Moderate west winds becoming southwest . ;: r t , V - --' r. lu : vPO Vk T7 "7 'n v volume 4; Kumber 71- - w-- C"' :. GREENVILLE; N. FRIDAY. AFTERNOON,- SEPT; EMBER 10; 1920-,t,v v . . : r .1 J .,s; v i Price: Hre Cents 1 1 . 1. ... ' 1 1 iii i i' ' .j," - - '- " Hi itii i- , i rl.lVi" ' ' ' '''.I'""- ii i - in r " - - I I I I ii II II Itllll Ii . i- 'II', II , II J I I v II- III II i"f.l I I i "'I, l 'I l fy ' lil' -Ii 111 I ' I. Ii t I I ' I I I I Ax'- ol Iv'I I II I I I ,-;.- I I 7 ' I I I 1 I I ; 1 II- M- ' v : '" --Jk 1 1 - IV " I I I I 1 I m - I I m . n. v ercigeur rice xr ctia jp of ooacco oaay idoih; oammsasn sxeivaa MAS State Board of Elections : i ;j- i . . if 5 ri''- j-" -'.. f-f- t" - COUNTY TAK . . ' I , : : -Vv. 5 1 m 1 franchisement of Women, and Also Normal In- crease or male V oters w no w m Arrive at ; l neir Majority in Time to Participate in Nqverober Election, There Will Be Upward New Voters Enrolled This Year r-; (By Max Aberoethy) ; KALKKiH, Sept 10. Divers em- of the State of North Carolina inclu liiig clerks,, stenographers, jan jcis ami othersr'in minor places, are iii ntly weeping because 4a crueLfate - r in the way of "an increase in sal nries for them which holds MpT tempb ri rjly the additional pay. 'v --y-' Tin' increased pay will not begin for sevt'iMl lays yet. This- is true - be ciiisc the law which the special ses sion of the General Assembly passed authorizing the council of tate to Miako adjustments in salaries of minor employes forbids ft. It is recalled that a week after ad journment of the special session the (omieil of state met and after making tlic adjustments that were considered absolutely necessary as a means of keeping in the employ of the State' efficient workersfadjournea lne die ' wit lumt nia king kjiowTT-Wh'ai employes had IitaiigiYeji, LierByAt 'tfia time it did not appear to -the .outsider the why or wherefore. But it was I' a rued today. - An investigation of the uct which i riii owcred the council- of state , to make the adjustments in salaries re veals the fact that the ratifying clause of the bill was omitted. The omission occurred in the engrossing clerk's office or somewhere along the line. The blame has not been nlaced and v ill not be, but it is known thatTscbqols r the institutional term of since the clause is j conspicuous by its absence the usual thirty days of grace subsequent to adjournment of the leg islative body will have to elapse be fore the law becomes operative. READ GREENVILLE AND;-- PITT ( OI NTY'S LEADING DAILY THE ALWAYS ALIVE AND, ALERT TO THE HAPPEN INGS OF THIS SECTION A REAL HOME PAPER WORKING FOR ITS READ ERS, ADVERTISERS AND I II E COMMUNITY LARGE AT SUBSCRIBE THE PSALMIST SAID X ' liis haste, "All meil are liars."We (, net say all men should, insure. Many men are already uninsurable. We action while you are 'insurable. Hates are most favorable foryoa now. National Life-insurance 16b,, of vt., (Mutual) -M0SLEY BROS., General Aget&; jCrreenville, N. GREENVILLE'1 NEWS B Estimates That 'WitK En- on Registration -Books The State Board of Elections T esti mates that with the enfranchisement of the "Women and the normal increase of male voters who arrive ttit".their maT jorityiin vtime to jarticipSte in the November . election tere will De up wards ii of llpolopo iiew- voters to be Enrolled -trtn ihkq irSgistra-tloxi, booiks( this year.. Under-the law the registration books fdt the State and National elections will be opened September 30 and will be kept open for ft period of three weeks, closing on October 20. Announcement is made by the board that new registration books- required may be had from the Secretary of State without cost, except for special elections of a local nature. One firm in Raleigh is said to have been doing a rather extensive business isupplying regMiirfe ;-with-tJJ.iM-.,"4 i some proiit, aii Lt. vvuicn ?wBf g tvz f fcel' 4iAs a meana of nliglxteiiing the registrars over' "the State . the boad gives publicity to the announce ment that the State provides the books( without-costK - t , . -. . As to School Levies Attorney General J. S. Manning hUs given the State Tax Commission a rul ing on trie matter of county tax levies to provide f und for . the opera tion of six "months. In his opinion the -term cannot be restricted" ny legislative enactment under r the ten percent pledge, the commissioners or the counties being authorized to levy ad diional rates necessary. The opinion follows : . ; ..j-nii-j-'ic ''You ask the opinion of this office upon the following statement of facts: In W. county the board of education hasmade out a budget under the six months school law which' is stated the' am6unt of money necessary to. be raised in W. county to run the schools l of ; tha'f county for ,the constitutional termdf 6 onthSy A ten per-cent increase: upon the amount of Vmoney lev(cni and "raised by tb!eci;mty in 11)1.0 will not meet the sumhieh the board of education has found neces- ! sary to riiTi the schools of the county ' for the full term of six mouths in 1020.. .Has the board of county com missioners authority to exceed the 'ten percent limit of the revaluation? "In our opinion, it has, if the addi tional levy -is necessary to run the schools .for "the ; six months' term. The constitution ; itself, imposes- this,; duty upon the board" of cwunty - comm issionV ijyjjd even if the legislature has at tempted to prohibit the additional levy, wThlch it has. not ' done, the constitu tion itself would control New BerriVGets.feoat Line tp iSalt&ore, Mdl Washincton. Sept. 10. Senator Simmons ... . 1.8 - i announced last .night-: thai within, a short time, the war -department will open a.,-;. regular ... line of boats Jet ween New Bern 1 and Baltimore, including stops; at -intermediate points:,' . , According" to Senator Simmons, this 'action isinvaccord with, the ftcd.' operating inland waterways. " .i3 service -wilL' be exclusive for f; ireight;, and "a number of g6v- " ernment barges, will be used to start th9.1ine."' Jt is expected that the , new line will greatly" facilL tate and chcapen'sliipping from New Bern o points on the coast. ' Other -citie and f towns, , in East-, '. era North Carolina IiI also, bene 'fit by the establishment , of the lino, it is-believed.'? .,- . . TT TT T JTm T T UHNG M Chairman Winslow . r Names Committee .--- v.- i . c The committee . appointed iy the; mass meeting of Pitt county farm ers gathered at -Greenville at , the court house Sept. 8, 1020, elected me to serve as chairman for Pitt county,, with ? instructions p . ap- point a delegate Or member from each township in Pitt county. -In accordance therewith, I ; hereby ap-J ' poi4t for their' respective . town ships : " . : . ' .JE'alklan S- prisp. - t . v , Fountain R. A. 'Fountain. - FarmviHe J. T. Bundy. lieaver Dam Will McArthur Bethel Henry Staton. "" Bel voir L. Parker. s roluw- L Perkinsj- t ' Pactolusaul i Davenport. 4Chic-iUa FancetterV Winterville L. C Fletcher. Ayden John R. Spear. Swift Creek Jesse Allen Stokes. The other counties of the Bright Leaf Tobacco section have been in formed of the action taken in Pitt county nd as soon as any defiuito information comes as;o" their Action I will call the committee 'together for necessary action so all the counties can work to the same purr pose. J. E. WINSLOW. Crm. ED BOLD BURGLARS Home Entered This Morning " and Safe Cracked.' Money, Liberty Bonds, Etc., Taken. -v No Clue to Thieves. The home of Noah W. Tyson, who resides nea r Frog Ievel, this county, was entered this morning aixut 11 o'clock by party or parties unknown. The safe was taken from the house and carried to the woods nearby, where itwas broken into, and tbe con tents carried off. 1p ' i't The surmise is that here were sev eral thousand dolljars in mon -y I,il erty bonds and war sayings stamps thesafe. . -'.v, ' . "'&X this writing here is no clue as to the perpetrators of the deed. Mr. Tyson and family are in Greene coun ty today attending a picnic and as yet iire not aware of-the theft. v ' Mf. Tyson, who, is apout 5(X years of age, is one of Pitt County's besr known farmers. London. The Herald, ;labor organ, announced that it had 75,000 .pounds of Pplshevik gold and, must, accept it, r rajse its subscription i-.ates. Warsaw. - The Polish armies on, the Northeastern front ; idelivered a series of successful atacks .upon, the Russians yesterday, taking 3,300' pris oners fourl guns andv two 1 armored trains, an official statement says. Spokane Wash. .Gof.Co arrived ln Eajstem Washington after' a stren- er several speeches, Including dne at th& fair grounds-' here. " V . ' 7fS?. : - . - aT --f ' Harding, in gation today, Jklaricfli; d. Senator a speecfi' to k negro'delegation today, r said: "America has not and will' not EV. ROBB UUAYBr BULLETINS fail .the American .negro." He told passed, another v bad tnightt-and "3s the visitors that service was measured great pain,vbut. still retains '"raascins by; citizenship. He said:- the -negro , ness,- the Briti(n.; prison bulletin says. knew this truth and has met the test, I?Tc U0T7"on his Sth-day, - . ? .. --x... rrj-i- ;t;-.c-- .t..uif Zi'rriJj, . FARW1VILLE1S STILL ON THE INCREASE L,-.. .,.1. -j- : . "" V i. r' ' ' Estimated That $2,000,000 Now Being Expended in ; This Pro gressive Little City- for Im v prpvenents . TOBACCO MARKET , IS NOW REOPENED Structures of Every' Conceivable Kind are" Now XFnder "Con struction and More Contem- ?rt plated in Future -v t. (By Special Correspondent-) , FARMVILLE, Sept. - lO.Probably no town to North Carolina?, with a population "under five thousand is pui cing so , much money;, in erecting new buildings as in the town of-Farnrville. Structures of every description are being built as rapidly as possible. 1 0ne of tbe local construction com panies is erecting two handsome-residences valued at ninety thousand dol- iar&t:.;';Si,ip . a w ' A ' big coSistruction company of Nor folk Va., is - erecting - a theatre and wo large stores at not less than a ost of two hundred thousand dollars. One of the largest companies of its kind, the Wise Granite fend Construc-j "ion -comnany.. is "erecting a vbig ItobjEtccoi ijteanuery nere xor tne lmpernii. xooac-i umost one muiiou aoinars. V The Joe v. Htoutuonstrucaoo.j.vo., of Sanford, is building, or has al ready built, all kinds of houses, for various firms. Among these -- are about' -fiftjr .cottages, two larger resi dences, several big stores, a splendid up-to-date bank building, a big gar ige and the graded school building, which will have no superior in the State, it is .. -said. a . The estimated cost of the: erection of all' these is almos one million dollars. - If js estimated that the oost of all the construction work now done, or already done this year in 'Formville will amount to over two million dol lars. In 1910 Farmville's por Elation was, only 816.' The last cen ;us re port has not been made public ; Tobacco Market Has Reop ned The Farmviile tobacco mark t reop ened yesterday but the farn ?rs do not seem at, all anxious to se I their tobacco now There were - ot ten thousand pounds, of tobacco,.wl ch had not ' been on sale before, on all , the ware house .floors combined.. 'Chia-'is a . new record for small sales "during the last few years. The avera was a little higher than Tuesday's : lie, or about 26 cents. . Atlanta. The Atlanta, Journa says complete unofficial returns frnm the Georgia primary show former fena tor Hiadwick lacked f6lir county unit votes of a majority and a second y -lmary is indicated in the race for governor. Boston; The- Prudential Trust cdmpany, with a capital stock;f .$200,-1 (Wiu-au tab-on nvap hir KttnV oTlTnlnBM today. Its troubles are said not to be connected with - other .recent bank cl i s A.' - A- s ? Buenos Aires. Peruas raotin- ed the rights -of the. proyincesWf ;aj' na and Arica- in favdr sof. "Chile forf six: million pounds sterlin'lhuidfei)0suigi of the most seriousmehace. q pouth American peace, acoordinVfetOvdi8- patch to ,a XacionXrom &gxtf4g8j j ' T 'r -y.-J- . .Jt Constantinbnle. ' irig Tarsus, -Itlie blrth'piace of si Paul, the 'Biblical- character. The 25 00OJ . . 7.-.. . .-.... .l7 . . "v 1 innaDiBaqtanor ine,ii!TencB.;.nTnson are short of f ooVao't i4ey-eceivprt here stafc ' V f .Jf '" 'I ; - - London ..... V A ' v J BULLETINS TWO HUWDRED Tt!01ISflD IDS. OF TOBACCO SOLD 0?lTtiE LOCAL IMEHOUSE FLOORS 0 FlIIOllY Grades Offered for Sale Were Better Than Open ing Day, Tuesday, and Yesterday .---Knowing Ones Will Stick tc Opinion If Fariners Do Not Crowd Market Prices' Wlil: Flood Market is Advice of Warehousemen. About two hundred thousand ) Greenville warehouse floors for .7 . . i ' n " " i ' '" . 7 " i ; r - in& io ine Desi lniormauon poiamaDie me average price iur mc entiremarket was about the same as yesterday ground twenty seven - Cents,.: v ; y: , '.Xj:-T f -- - -. ). f s Ni ffTg,-., It is said that the grades on the. floors today showeJ marked improvement over that of the opening, going to show that the farmers are heeding the advice; of their friends and bringing to ket. their bettertobacco'iahd jioiding in reserve the common" grades! ; S-'-x .rJ ' - ''' '.j-.fvt 'JL Kl All the floors will be cleared an auspicious beginning tHe coming week -as on" Saturday j as is usual, there will be no sale. t'-Farmers, warehousemen and others seem to be much encour aged today a3 to the prospects for increased prices. All agree that if the market is not flooded, but allowed to "stretch but," it Will mean more money for the tobacco producer in the end. Of one thing the farmers can rest assured; the Greenville mar ket is going to take care of them They can feel safe in know ing that their product on this market will receive the top-notch price at all times. Light sales are anticipated for awhile. firnrrvTinH tnmirir rirrniut t;tnf n m .HOLo;Miv ;is:10lD;il John G. Bryson Says Treastirer Unham of G. O. P. Asked Him To Get $X00,000 From State of Indiana . CHICAGO, Sept. 10. John GrBry son, chairman of the Republican Ways and Means Committee of Indiana, told lift Sen-ate Investigating "'' committee that Treasurer TJpham bad asked him to get one hundred thousand dollars from Indiana. Said he asked his dis trict committee for about four hun dred and fifty thousand dollarsTtwo .hundred thousand dollars of Which was for the stdte committee. Treasurer TJpham added that he took the respbnsibilityl for .the proposal to raise the limit of , , contributions and that the plan was voted down by the National committee. The investigating . committee then began. questioning the Democratic Na tional Committeeman, Doeschepsteln, of Illinois, about :Democratic4 funds, who said that he '"'had no" hopes of raising large funds this year. Summon-"Cubs" To ' 7 : -j.. - '.'t7 7- ...J". ' Appear as Witnesses 5 in Alleged Gambling Chicago, Sept. 10. All members of the Chicago NationalLeague Baseball club, - with" club off icial34 1 have been iubpoen'bccr itbe gramf jui? as witnesses ffu the iuvestIgation.fBt.-a-leged baSebaH gambling;.; -: Pittsburg ?is Aground- - -rWa.iiasinrlTSepCClOThe'farmor-, di wiser Putsbhrgfeprte(it0tbe agroud inJhealtieSeaj'rMs no Iimmeliate .-danger although several Sr1ions o'&bottf)ai4i'oEXroodedv 5, '; f,Mcf -Plt MAIL-f tiNE SMASHED; t' EUihart, Ind."-7TIi'vU'SmaiI plane driven byt"Lt"Rddlsbrget:'-' wan totally wrecked here yesterday, pilot uninjnred. rne iiavyy ttptmewas,-larleu j png suipuunc rumes. : .v l v"- t u . . , I iimr as rtwlr- la ra KaaiI . vaoaVM fpmn pounds' of tobacco were on the sale this morning,. and, accord. . it'7V . i today and everything arranged for; Chief .Executi ve Will Ifyt Re Open Hearing in Wage ; In "r crease 'Pispute of Miners, i Says Secretary: .Tumulty; . -- ' ' i r " , wlsHINOTON.ept. 10.-President Wilson- 4Vte afternoon1 gave, put the statement from, the Whito House through . his t private s.jcretary, Joseph M. Tumulty, that he' had declined ; to grant Nthe request of the anthracite mineri to re-open their wage -earnings' case. ... v"Vcation" Soon Bo Over-,-. Wilkesbarre, Pa. The insargent mine strike leaders gave, out the bifor matipu tab afternoon that the -vacation ofjlijh- miners would end within the, ftew'vys.''5'. VX:'i- Dozen Mines Close in Alabama Birmingham, Ala. Reports today were, that a dozen . mines Jn tha Ala bama district- were; 'riosed 4ind that many more were affected by tti& gen eral strike of tlwr .United 'Mine work ers. 7 ' MonJJisOld Babe Keeps Woman From Missouri Penitentiary Jefferson City,- Mo.", Sept. 10. Mrs. iiargaret ' Burlington, who was con f fcted rrecVntly of using the jnails' to fief riud 'has ben refused . admission into the ,VM Issouri state penitentiary here i&stuse phe has a six-monthsjokl abi;ttliThr; -, jifedefai;ud for Italian Volcano Active of Recent Quake v:v5tuier Sept; volcanic crater 'ia;bn-pfnedn.tei4fPiW lov 4 .iunfain six thousandfeet tdgh folawihg - the ;ea rthqaake,Va ndJ fSv'-eni it- F. G Duekett; t Jr.; of annTille U a ; businesSv-visitor 5. W, Paul : of New .'Bern: I rea terpU at . thr , i'f lceton, 'X ', !-j . FORMAL 0PEI1I 7,,. iv.w.-ii: -.i.;,.si i mm .'$' v.V .."'-i- -7..i ;:v'-t '. V7, ki- HERE YESTERDAY Hundreds 1 Swarmed; Through Doora Clear Upv -To "j Closing Hour Eager to" See Whaf Is Fashion's Decree. n ? f store attractive w e l l Appointed .tvi Concensus of Opinion' is That No Similar Establishment - in Eastern Carolirtais(nipar- 4 ab to It Store a,Dreamr , it j - Greenville's latest; business i house, Jno. L. Horne & Co's exclusive men and boysoutfitters, hacl its formal open Ing on Dickinson avenue . yesterday afternoon, and night. . H Hundreds,' of people' from the open ing hour in the afternoon . tp the closing time in the evening, swarm- : ed through the doors to take 'ja peep at this modern and up-to-date .estab lishment. Not only" were the'vguests of the firm amazed -and delighted with , the arrangement the stock carried, but they were also "charmed with the in- ' spiring music and gracious hospital ity and' greeting, extended on the t part -of Mr. Home and his assistants. ' It 1 .'.I J t It. : iUV t 7w.VI van inj naiu will Hitiei; luai'uu (uia furnishing ig ;cstapii8ment' ,.rittr eastcra is compaTabl 'tii. rtt'J; i T. '' - Carolina ii4s,tJie7TOst8;; entered theyv: were jrreeted bjrMrr llorne, who in .vEelcotn, mgthem' p'reseiitetii a souveu!r . lcey.' ring purse upon which .Was pHntfed the name of the fhin, theiV business, stc The guests "were then treated to delicious punch and appetizing; sand wiches. After indulging in this - at tractive feature, those present; listen. t d to the beautiful music so charming-y ?y- rendered by the Pied Piper Band, f New York City, with Southern headquarters .at Raleigh! V The band gave' varied selections all during the . ayening, much to '.the delight of' those present. Thlg was ' their first appear- . anceih Greenville and they .made a most lasting Impresslonl Notwithstanding the fact that; this' music .was, .euc banting, the, punch de- . ticious and the sandwiches appetizing, he guests," particularly the male sex, lid not fail to look' over, the 'latest t'yles in men's an4 v boys,, clothing, " neck-wear, fShirts collars, etc. I The concensus ' of Oploinon was " that Mr. .. Horue had,, fully " demonstrated hhl tact as a buyer of those things which ippeal to the,-men and boys. T bf e display is indeed beautiful , and shows conclusively that" Greenyjlle is on the map when it comes to gents', essehtlals, The store is "40x100 feet,'i'wlth spa cious show window's $ tbe ,front( in which iS' to be seen Dame Fashion's !atcs(rN decree. The interior; Is as an tic! pa ted-T-a . beauty.' Handsome ma hogany mirrored cabinets are ' to" be wn itf WIch 'are, installed everything . that n?en and boys rwear) ' Also floor vihowcases areobe seen wl the addi tional attractioinsV" " ' & ' To cut a long story short, the Jno. L. llorne & Co.'s store Is a dream U we are permitted to coin such Wrord. t The firm begin their buslnesf' career under the most- auspicious . circUm, stances and this j' paper . Joins- their f many .friends in wishing theifi every success in th business worldf ' . V The firm, in addition 'tdprtoentlng souvenirs; o - the:', gentlemen, J also re- ' membered' the' ladles with .a jrosebudL ; Those serving -punch'' ' and t sand- wlches $wsM5To&iiil K. V. Out. ' iaw,Vflrs, ,8;ET,G'at'esf Miss EsteUa Greene,; Miss -Uubeile Forbes and Miss ; Gladys. Bagwell, v --A) It ' " Olive Thomas. Famous Movie Actress; is Deed Paris Sep. I0.?-Oli va Ijho&as, the American moving' picture actress, died In a ; ho)iUl at Neullly -today; . She jk.en; it the Institution list Sun- uy. suffering from" slov,- poisoning, " WAicn ne ..swaiifnreo.-. arcngn mw .t&e-aeowdlto;phj : ' -vSha-came Jherev with hr tusband Jack Plekford, "aiyl fnttering irom ncrvon.i oejreMUfir -wjis aiut HORN IE V w - " .

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