't Weather- Forecast i ... ... -v.. Generally iuir; coiguii ami imaj. (Jciitlo, variable, winds. T Volume 4; Number ?4 GREENVILtiE 'QTOJJRDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 16) lg20.C ..fUV ' Price: Tire Cc 4 JiM- 111; ----"''l ir.- r;r;TTv - v --S-.c-i -r-i 'T-h-'- : v-; c w'rtiV.';?;! ? '- I. .Read all, cf .tcdav'o I 1 "...V .1 ' . i. r " - T" ' w mm w r m m urn 1 v !ii J: Kb:, :11 o . Hjiiill. . - . . a. r 5 .i v , V . - - . .. ' . , u -j. SENATOR SIMMONS: WILL HELP RELIEVE TOBACCO FARMERS Aut horizes Interview Which Is of Far-Reaching Importance To the Tobacco Planters Of Eastern North Carolina And Other Tobacco, States. r URGES PRESIDENT CALL CONFERENCE Senator Stated That While No Word Had Been Received From President, He Expecjted Letter at Any Moment Senator F. M. Simmons, who was , in New Bern yesterday for the pur pose . f introducing William Gibbs Mc .'i"' to his audience at the Eastern ( ;u olina Fair, authorized the follow ing hiit-rviow whioli is of far reaching interest to tobacco growers roV this section as well as the farmers of thc state as a whole. Hope to Bring Relief. " . I nfcrniatioii received from private nrci's at Washington was to the ef fe t that Senator Simmons and Direc v :v of War Finance McLean had start e;l a movement by which they hoped to !niiig relief to the farmers and at the same time relieve the money stringency in the entire btate. . a . . Senator Simmons stated thathe had i l it ten to the Presideht"iugstlng that a conference ba.helil between the comptroller of the treasury, Federal reserve bank heads and others virtual ly and directly in touch with the finan ces of the country and that at'-that time the stringency .of the situation in iliis state and particularly in eastern North Carolina be discussed, and plans deviled whereby the existing problem uuld he done away with and money turned loose among the . farmers. Remove Restrictions. The Senator stated that he had been informed that several hundred thous :uhs of dollars-were to be placed with the Federal Reserve Banks in the Ninth and Southeast ancTthat it was lii hlea to remove restrictions so that the smaller banks could secure this money and thus pass it on. to the far mers in order that they might have their present burden lightened. ' Thus far, says the Senator, no word Iia- been received in i-eply to his mcs to the President, but this is ex. I' ted at any moment b)d,the confer ''i -e may be immediately heldv The Senator lias seen conditions a4 they it iv at hrst hand and is fully cognizant "I" 'lie i.roblein with which the fai-m. ''. particularly those in EastermKcjrth ai olina, are confronted and isv doing 'i'l-ything within his power to make u P0sible for tnem to face the, crisis "Inch is confronting them ''" Governor Cox Closed Second Week Of Tour Western States Today : Mm oad with Cox, Sfept. 16 of hi weN-tern sw-Uig with .5 peeihes 111 N'avada today Coventor Boye and! eenfitor HeWler- s'"' -!'-'iJ ' the presidential candidate ;': Aiko. Lessening of High Prices Will Depend on Public Sentiment leston. West Virginia, ept. 16 .Jfi" bu-. ing public has "rebelled suJain- st ilio ever monnriiifl'1 nrips ha1 hiat'iilciimnti-whioh ben ft three Mmk se "i e Governor 'Piatt of : the Fed eral esf rve Board told the West Vir Iankers' Association.. iio lesseninar will depend, the said. traceable dirctiy to public seniti- Hii'iii against high prices. t AN SINGLE WOMEN gAVE money v Tliey.pan if they haye any to (.'. M till .Ti r erfrl wn r 5 r - ? n TTinc- l Tl Endow out wu. naj io ia xa t vui u nient insurance., We, have writ-J- ten insurance for women many years National Life Insurance Co.,. "of vt.. fMnf nl TVTnQTV -p-prkQ general Agentp,' Greenville,. j V, r &:ri '" -s'xr s i FffiTERIOUS BWSiM? I0DAY, DEATHS A N D DfflGE Domestic Peace of North, CarolinerrAgitin Disturb ed bjr Neighbor on the North, Whose Corpora- tion Commission Has iri National Capital to Allow Addtionali tTesti mony in Freight Rate Matter. Domestic Quar rel Culminates in Stabbing of i Woman and the - Shooting of Man, I Husband and Wife. y y NEW. YOlig;Sept. 16.----AV aii lower mannat tan occarrea at noon coaay jusi ouis,iue ijit? f; o'flfices of J. P. Morgnn & Co., on Wa Street. Several per. 1 sois were killed and manyan jnred , ' . r Junius Spencer Morgan was' cut Ty the flying glass. The officials of the company denied the explosion at first: Newspaper men counted eight Iwdies on the street and the Morgan building shambles. :r NEWYOEK, Sept.'lGr It. was unofficially reported :kt one o' clock that thirty were killed in the and the police estimated -tlig .injured at two hundred. .. '. '". Theories for the cause of the truck, wrecked to an. infernal machine. - .. i ; ( Soirre, it is said, saw two men the Morgan building with abomb. No big findersjwere hur, so far as has been able' to deiennine Seventeen-victims of trie Morgan house were taken from ncluding wpmen, were said to Federal tfoops trarewir was-partly ekedih district to ISep taek the thonsasvof cad vjemity 'arefilledr-aridliM'apparusa thrti he crooked streets. f,f The concensus of opinion is that itre'et . Federal experts are now district presents a scene of great fronts shattered. - The Police Commissioner, s.aid porteu mac uynaxitite iuz suwi .a,u.owi HOE BEGIN LIST "CYCLOfi fMClf' Tfl ClfH HERE OGTOBl Evaneelist 15. F, McLendon, better knmvn as' "Cyclone Mack," is to held an evangelistic meeting of several weeks in Greenville. . These meetings are scheduled to begin either October 17 or 24, the exact time depending upon' the closing date of the meeting soon to start in New Bern. A conference of all ministers of th respective churches, and rep resentatives of the different religious-bodies was held in Jarvis Memoria 3tS E. Church last night ' a-?f wtiich 4ht); initial arrange meats were started for the coming nored evapgelist. Several commit tees with representatives from all the churches, on arrangements, fi nances, advei'tisahg, music, . J ftc, were named and they are now al ready at work making prepara tions. The meetings, which will ras held twice daily," will be conducted in a Nation9! League Race May Be ecided In New York This $Veek New York, Sept- l6 The National League Pennant race may be decide :n a, clash between B'tiooklyai and Cin- ries at ebbett's field this afterJXooifa "Cincinnati must win the series to get within srrik'ing distance of ihe leaaders Taf t Vobcziieers His ;, V Services, ip G. -O. P. ; Canipaigti Gomrhittee New ' York, ' Set.:16-r-ePresidcnt William IldvrA Tafhas volvatteertd .ot,oj cjOT1ut,.-TT.Tv1-1 his servIqesJto thi: BepiibircvW JTation al Committee anil will -' devote two Appealed to k the -arerf t terrific explosion which rocked a - Wall Street explosion at noon, explosion ranged from T. N. T. in an automobile stop inront of the side door. Four' of, these have been killed Qutrijght. - the explosion occurred on the mvesigatmg.- ine jinanciai demolition, '"with windows and r.- . ' . f . 1 . that the Morgan firm; had re- large tent located on thei tracant lot to the rear of the pastoffice at the' coi ner of Third and Cotanch streets! As the details for tbg campaign are worked out ; by the respective committees they will be published in the columns of this paper. "Cjlche, Mack" js a wonder. No man in evaepfetie worfc todajMs more popular with tusses. He readies tlfGspel yfithsitch power tliat. wherever his voice has been heard' himdreds, yea, thojis ands, have resolved to 'lead beit er hves. r- .. -. r Mack has been oneyf the bv'jS, knows the frailties of human na ture and he knows how to et close to those in the same foj$ he once' occupied. That he ivill siiir Green , viUe fwJm center to circumference" goes without saying A great religi v ous awakening is promised for GREENVILL'E when "Cyclone Mack" comes.; ' , i: Fifty Piece Band Accompanies Babe Ruth to Ball Park Chicago, Sept 16. A brass band of fifty pieeas accompaiiiied ,Bibe Ruth, the home run iking, -to the -'American League I lark today where New York and Chicago - enters the'eritical peri nant i series. v - s r ' The band was from St. Mary's In- dustrial Scehool, Baltimore, rrlre Ruth spent several, years. . R. P. Simpson' of Wilson is spending the day in the city.--'- ' -, ." . H P.- , Waiters of Washington inofe- ored to thtf city thbr morying. J. C. Williams of Goldsboro . arrived in the - city-this .morning via the At lantic,Coat..rane.:''lr -l - 'M. W. Lewis of New Bern'is in the? PITT COUNTY-FAIR ;f BEGINS NEXT WEEK -TO LAST 4 Senator F. C. Hardin&Kill Make h Opening Address Tuesday, September rpHowingMthe Grand''Psradeit1 Eleven (O- n FIVE FREE ACTS TO v BE GIVEN DAILY Five Carloads of Horsey Ha velAl ready Arrived 'and More Ex .. pecked Daily .Thousands t Of Visitors Coming. The Pitt County Fair is on next week beginning Tuesday; September Jl, lasting tlxf-ough Friday; September 24'. -:very thing ; is pracncany reauy ror - cue - ouemng uay - wuicn promises v ... t to begone; of the greatest events ever pulled ofE, In Pitt County. Thusands iof folk from aH parts of the state are ex pected to attend. Below will be sejen :he programme tb nttre four days: ; TUESpAV, 21st , Parade" llVo'clock . ' K.; f i '. r Qpening F4P Groands 13" with address by Hon: F C. iTar4lng v itncin?-1 o'clock. . I - . s : Beginning .t-nightuperfocmafiee.e.7 .9-;. aegmning vmgacyperiooMiicei p WEJDnE Esutn Ml r-. G rounasf 0 o'clock. t:c Parade ll.x clock. . . . Beginning night : performance 7 o' lock. 'THURSDAY, 23rd, Opening Fair OroundB 9 o clock. Racing 1 o'clock.- 1 Beginning night performance 7 o' clock. - " . ' r FRIDAY 2ihT Opening Fair Ground 0 o'clock. y Racing . 1 a'clock. ; Beginning night performance 7 io- tlcck: Besides the regular, program there will be five free attractions daily, In cluding htgh divers, wire walking and several stage performances. "Erery afternoon at 4 o'clock' will be seen the wonderful performance of(att Overland Four automobile mke. a leap. of a 14 -ft. gap. This is consider ed one . of the most thrilling acts ever pulled off, aud something entirely if ew in this section of -the country! This one act is worth the price of adm ssion to the Fair Grounds. Dally performances of an aero lane by an expert aviator. . Fire carloads of race horses ,have already arrived and more xptcted daily. By the opening day over 1( 0 of these horses will be soine that 'iave iiad(v teprds on several' tracks thr ugh out , the , Ujrltedstates, and with on aof -he".Jet race,., tracks in' theeox$;$tr here it is expected that many newjec- trds will be made. Concrete Plans For & Bolshevizing World . Perfected in Japan Tpkio.' Sept. 10.-Mfficial ' ad ices reaching r here . say tha t concrete plans for Bdlshevizine the .Aorld . have been will spon be sent to America, Jaxan, Chiua and Asia for .the rampaign. . Agents, ;. it His., s4id, are already ac tively' at work in England and Fracne. FrenchAssembly;Will Consider Successor To Deschanel on Sept 25 -" . , . 't! :ri-- .- i, , i ' ' ' v Paris -SeptV .r"11 National As sembly 'will convenelat Versailles' Sept. 25," to consider the election 'of , a sue eeWor tit President t Deschanel, f ac cording to : official; ;apouncemenk; - - v. (Premier Millerand 'wil receive tne presidentsdf the -senate anof,;chauaber of; deptities . iomorrow -i to disenss? the convocation of parliament." .t. - l North Carolina's Tobacco Croj? . 'vyashintonJ., forth $ Carolina V. to bacco crop this year Is forecast by the Department of - Agriculture at 4i4, '525,000 pounds, orab6ut 8,O00,00v' less than: Kentucky's cropi each f state0O ducing more' tbaiicmcrtiArter of- tte country's, record-hronkiiifr crop t of '1.. rsr. ' I , , c-r I 1 -. T T I l.ll Itl .1 I. r L 1 1 1 1 M I r' I I w. I ... , I 'F I i . : . .1 f I . M II ' GETS I TELEPHONE OFFICE F. W. Wood of Henderson- Sac v ceeds Jack Blanks as - Super- lnienueni. - vnaixgen ocaiuv Effective; Thirteenth; of Tbis . i .... , ' i : j . - , i F. W. - Wood Xifj; Henderson. v Ny JClf has. succeeded Jack Blanlr as ' superin tendent -of thet Home' Telephone Ex change here, thferCtonge.belng. effect ive . on pteaabeV;f 33th " past.v.: Jlrt Blank ; .has ,been M transferred2 to Nbw Befii, r where he wcomes superinieid 'nt- of', the ofBce . there' He has been manager of the exchange here for the past two years.. The new superintendent, -ISas; bea iconhectetk. wlhCe since May-iv 1919.- readv entered unon his duties." v - gave tbe alarm jeter-: the Ililboi nrimaries eave leads to tbe RepuWin, candides favored-by oTlionfacrion ihe.WJ'''-- " uotdeSive i ' r,T-: : Small led Lieutenaanfc . Governor . Moreover, It Is argued in the pe- Oglesbyrby -,-25,000 for governor and that the. new rtites wiH create un- Reifeeseatattve Smitb.led RepreseCta--de fliscrimiat ve OtcKInley .for the Senate by' 15? or that anything ahortof ample 000.; , The anti-Thompson strongholds opportunity to make these things clear are: yetto make: a report. PLANE CARRIES 381 MILES IN LITTLE LESS' THAN 4 HOURS Omaha, eb. The first eastbound transcontlnentaV Air mail, transporter naff' rxf tha Wo r hv alrnlana -fm-m tTuk jVacific Cjpast, ;was placed on a rtrain hejre today f or shipment east, v The mall had, been-, taken, by train from Salt Lake City to Cheyenne Sun day after .it had been brought by; air- plane frpmfean Francisco.. The plane Di, tins . leg; r, tne ,jpurney, piiomi oy J. P. Murray," cowered the'' 381 - miles. Salt Lake to Cheyenne, in 3 hours and fifteen minutes, including a stop at Rock' Springs, Wyoming. "The. 331. miles',, from ock Springs were.wivered in an' even two hours,1 including take off and landing. . A. wind added totho srjeiML of thepiape, lurrayM r---i - vv-ft: v --I s?"-' - i rariiers : TIEAU THE GMILL ill EVERY .DAY FOR FULL-j1-.' v INFORMATION REGARDr t ING THE MRAPM MAitKFT J THE SMALL SUM OF-A 'v, " M, 3, 6 OR 12 0I0NTDS. ,tt SUBSCRIPTION TO THIS PAPER aiAYMEAJOlUN ?i)red of" Collars to 'YOU vw , sr y SUBSCRIBE NOW HEWS IN RE :FREIGHT Hi. t SMretary Beaman of North CaroUna Traffic As oti8nes !hatlf Pon is-Graivted, ' North Carolina Must Start Fighting Virffima PAi resh.irginia Movernent Regarded as Far : aching.-rRaleigh; PoUce Mystified Over the Stabbing of a miti Woman Weri v ; I Balelghf &k. i-l-Yirginla cite t befor. the commission ,in, .Wellington iave agin destroyed the , cfomestlc!, iVould. be. a grea wroug. y , . peace of "North-Carolina by coming invo Secretary- Beamari of the ' chamber the sateibehind'' federal- a'uthoHty to 0f commerce and ,of the North - Caro upset the new rate- structure recen ly HnayTramc Association, declares , that promulgated by the 1 interstate" -com- k f this- petition - is-granted the entire inerce cbmmissioni ' , j work will ha v to be done, pver and 'The WfKlniatie have'not actajiK'0 Carolina: -must starts to fighting pS'feh their corporatU,nirglnia movement 1. ; reSardedv yery commission W the paVent : loly iat -far-reaching. ; :r,:.-v.i.'!;i; , Washington to be aUawed December 1 0innf fhr mnntha .Htiorrrth - ' Ca"rollna. .Testei-djiy '. , . . - -wa i- ' -ATTACHED Ttt THE i N. C. ABSENTEE LAW ItsWas Given Jts First Test Top C day iiCapi.;Cityf-Repub-licand AreMakinff Objections to the Act. Raleigh, Sept. 16. More interest- at- tached - to; the-absentee jection - law day.A than ito nytuing-cna? nappenea about the capital with a big baseball series goin. ". The jBtateJ board f elections, - the state treasurer, 'arid;- the state auditor were 'pajtie t? thfe controversy-which was brought by John; Jenkln of Sfler City, Republican candidate for state treasurer.- 'Mr, Jenkins' "started last week an injunction to restrain the state authorities . froin - paying out funds tor - tliese .ballots, ibrlnring a doubtfe-barrelfed, j action ... whlcbyould get" !.'-botii " . treasurer-iiudltor and the Whole board of elections. '."-' - ,- -' .. . 7. The, fight is political, admittedly. TlieRepublicn the Demi ocrats would get a - special advantage this year registering ahsenteesiiFor tbat,reason gTeatT)bjectloh is made and the minority; desires to gt thecredit for oCfetlhg to knock, the lawbue." "'''' k - v - - -' "--. - "- - :. ELEPHANT GOES 5IAD XT :'v,,:: c-; circus i ts pot to death fhi,:,:. --.i . . ;. " ; ;-- C,:.v..-. ,s SallnaV Xansas..r it required -three rounds from five army rifles here tou dy toilliydeiia; elef- phant belonjsrlnging to - a ' flrcn .ahow- mg nere, .The' animal1 had gonemad jtit'theclrcusj'ms: oiil.to cen I about? the animal 't&& : Betore being, klled. the elephant up setj mahyj cages contalnrng jother 4nl mala antl rinrew one WMjrej. -containing fon?- cUte)-)t - The 'hefnoon.; hi A" to be : n f? fitidoncdr s- ''Th e c! 1 w- (!.Mr,. Wood, ris to .nresent mddiUonal,, testimony, the terrible stabbTriz of Mrs.. c?mpany f The , Jactr.were heam beauty.,. a r-par, Evans wof ' GlenwoodT' yetfteruay. near Mf ."'Wtcd iasr-al- . anVTa half ago and a decision reachifd 'n0on;; nj her hnkbabd as ' she says, by - ::RATE DISCUSSION ; Raleigh' police are mystified, over Charles i ed him and Mrs.. Evans, down jester- dayr'tobbed..h.tole.h, purse and the,whiteUan who is aorfojk Sou- , fthern machinist, .went .after, the, negro, who shot him. The .police believe the machinist .."hot '.blnweJt .TJiey .,Jiav : in R Hos- ,pital. ,The giutjl remained .wltl him all hight. J.- A Royal Welcome Extended To ! 'the Distinguished riew'York er. Was Presented by Sena- tor Simmons. il was a last, a trrr ni n p?w . 'i-, , FOORIOUSAiAI: XEBEV.SwW4n ' '";' fbur'thousandpeoplefrom';e r Xorthl Carolina " heard William . Gibbs McAdoo, former secretary of the treas ury and director . general of railroads yesterday afternoon at the second iay ..-' of -New! Bern V eighth annual' fair.'. I'M. .:. : : --"'V. . . 4- ;7 " belleje .that every power of tte -government obght to' be brought Into -. ' use to protect the farmers of thU country: "in helpings hem market 'their crops," was ; the keynote of Mr. lie- . Adoo's, address. . He ' was presented by Senator-V.vS'imn, who fiald " ' a high: tribute to McAdoo saying that , no man In -American history - in bo , short a tlmejiad carvedjout such fane a the former, secretary. - v 'l . Mr.-McA doo's speech- was decidedly political and 'warmed: thev hearts of Easten'V'Carpllna' democrats. . lie ' . olead, for ratification of the League of --j Nation and urged that ; no amendcjVat mdertq jthVolRtea,act and tlso I Vharged- the Republican congrens with flaying mean wnd partlsan politics dur-Eg-the past four years.' Commentlrj pa - the -.Republican victory ' in Malr he'-sald'that he sawno significance. In the ; result; since It - was expected stic- ( cess In the ation.was predicted for tbe Democratic 'party,; McAdoo paylns a .' high tribute to Governor Cox. ; ' ; , ; COMING vTEDDING. v - ?. jVTbe"' following . announcement 1 lKea enf to riedx In GREEN Vl LL ; You are codialty Invited to attt l tpe)-marfiffgef -Mlss Nancy Te C want-to-iir Cland'e ' f nrray Tolar Sito'ci6clCAM;T1nr1ay,,f!'n,, 3 ? valued at iOjCvj,