1 vEAxnrs forecast 4 j r r o Uead all of today's news Fortlsn, Katfoal, Slite ari Lo cal; w'laVlhe -GREE?fVTLL" NETTS.- . . : : . H; v . Fair tnd 'colder' tonight and' JFrilt i day. JM1 ftlurae 4 ; Number 115 GKi:CNlLt.E. N? OCTOBER ?!SSa v . - - , w .V...--;- v. ; -: - 1 1 , - r v r3" -k' . - - ' ' fc .... - ; j - " ' ". ' J V".W-T-" . .1. ..l. . ' l J ' ' I SE 7C? CD -.- frTrxrar Made one of; theT.lostPowerful Addresses Heard in Greenville in Ycnr3 vto a - Large and . Apprec iative Audience cF Ladies and Gentlemen. Dis cussed State and National Issue in Graphic 3iyle and Closed his SpeechorQver two Hotirstwith j Glowing Tribute to President Wilson: ; ' CYCLONE", 3tAClC x pnvtj that is tot thej '0rf uge and pro tection.'! t J r, , , , ' . ieciarmg mat iae time naa come m . rn the soutli that party the oay the nation when the women must? &elp tlu men solTe Vthe problems of state. and making direct appeal to them to vote the Democratic . ticket -as tfiat party was the. only party in the south that ha dbeento- them' Jftffuge and protection, and closing! with) a glowing tribute to Woodrow Wilson,", Senator r. M. Simmons deli A'ered .avgreatBt terance to a large crowd of ladies and gentlemen at the , Court. House . last night. The concensus of bpinl6n"i"6n the streets today, is, that the address of the senior sena torras' beyond all odds the very, best address .politically heard in Greenville in years. For over two hours the distinguish ed North Caraolinian held' hislargej. audience as by magic as -he fohV in:ixis own unique and convincing way what the Democratic party has accomplished in both sttae and nation. The Sena tor completely captivated his audience n hen in ref erring,, tothe income yfaaf amendment said,"trtwhen!I'itand before a Xorth Carolina audience and declare that a dollar is more precious .than a mans soul, I want my tongue- to j leave to the roof of my--mouth r-rd my i?b.t arm lose its 'cunning." C. C. Pierce, chairman of the' Demo cratic County rEareyei: committee; called the meeting itptprOer.Undhen presented S: Xvrett who intrduc ill the speaker-of -ihoe?eiiing After stating that he was glad to be4 again 'in the good; county "of IPtt the senator with out further preliminaries dived into his speech. ' Since the last election" said l,e "the greatest event in political history has happened - women in-Tmics." "The time has come when woman must! help man solve the problems of state. Not f"ily is this an established fact but an in . vocable fact." "I have always fnunrt woman, said the senator, "a imie more faithful to duty than maj and liere and now I appeal to . them to vote the Democratic ticket, because . A.t this poini;vthe. speaker-took up tmie issues anu turn ju arapnic yay ef the unbroken -achievements of -ihe Democraticl aprty . as compared, with those of th .Republican 'j;ty.'" He" de voted considerable - time- to. .discussing: Jbe revaluaton. . act'Stated ' that ac cording' to statistics compiletl that un der, revaluation In, the state that while "twenty-three would "have their ' taxes raised, seventy-one v would have their taxes' reduced. :- " Turning to national affairs; Senator Simmons' said In his judgment, Hard ing was going-; to have . some trouble witb.Jhe rahk ainl f fie 'of - the.Jtepubliw any party Just as rJTaft id.Then he ecjarea "1 predict my frieiida; that while,-Harding majr jnot" be as lovet whelmingly defeated' as was;Taft- he will be overwhelmedenough ' to make f James Cor the nextpresident of these iv United) Sfate.'r5 ;-The epublfcan -aK -; though . egngress has been in - session 12 months lias not reduced a single war-; tax." "The only tax-reduction was made by ; the - Democratic party, I I V c .-.ir. -fe A. -;;.. Now- resting at his hoiae.iu" Bennett- ville, V after-,hi great -reliijiousl campaign which stirred thecityof Nev Bemfrom .center, tociccunQt-T- ence. v ine evangelist begujs,"hifqw week's campaign in . G retv211 it Sunday afternoOn. . r 1 --i - SENATOR HARDING : VOTERS FRIDAY EVENING ADDRESES said-he. "X-introdneed theamfndmit i . . . .- y.... j ...' .. . ... . r in the committto u'oorh whpn thvT J mociSitsTnefd theehate- last' yMrre- Both Ladie?and 'Gently- jMa4vtftfj wwyfcx .oh'jmr ihj5i: -v. ;y -, ij. U .WL C : . tiie-pJaa of ahXpuwica n tarxeiHtSa .t the income tax a minimum and rh"nT tax everything ;that?J?yttyoWy'bii frames just ; a little.? This' is a cunning ": scheme of theirs. , They -.will not it i -ed to Hear Townsmari at the CaHikdS morrow : Night at Eight O'clock. V.ri t ute of "Senator P, SLSimmons to Iideni: Yilson in ) .' t-i. Jf tr:f:-?' 4 of .Jals' Speech-Vi.l'fi. l.p?;5 A''. -- ; f 1 ' . U,'. - - ..rr.v i rji J bevethjall :so that risW bciernatwcl that rruibxni-ViV c eartb; will rise again: it has, bwn said thai the' history ot-lne v , rhbut:the.hUtory of the great men who have Jived in It andlt 3 " -fttn.r hi Si1 ... L..1L. itj X ' 1L 1. .. A Jill it' - "n !' ."r.' i" ' " v. . i T . " i1r;'i,,Hu iitrutii uuu ue lUMur? oi-ute unnea toaiert xor inoo ;.-, .aasts eight years lias becfi Iarely hislory of VoodrmV lTIsen.,'J;t J Wrti ; fw.tbe fhrsrtime as national ngiirp. when he was . j? ialied K;ahe ejjarge iof the affairs of Vhe' great State'of KeW'jemy; , j- ! which vhad berohie the "nest and hreedinz grounds of the trustsi- with i ; v Tfl rauwaHj io anye out tnese preuatory comoinauon whlh were.-." ' crrarient. ' ' .0t:! -.We eaW him thro chailenge. saw'liijn' as he Pushed to'theeharge heard ?thV,BWdts 'cot-' :; s' ' pxetnOIon and rago .'as the massed eolumns of syicated brlvUdr'' .; ' ;w.iuHu urwu uwu, wn. uuu m .iic iucreu mumpMuir irom me frth'a' eohionrf n''r" the wboie1 pcopbs f the) Unijfed T States ew. jersey r e. what he? had do;: IT for those ot - his own: State' av him as he stripped for great, contest; .saw him with the ar- Uor and spiritf therusader enter upon. the Haeuleatrtask saw., ;V ' him as with ..inXinite'slflil i located Jhe hdden. forces " f tavisiblev , v- vernment and powevaAd-indorsed the emisarieS;Of privilege "and V yapitaiirin who were riding roughshod oyervthe people; saw lum tear - .' dovn the ieinp of mammon uhkh they had ' erected and dedicated 'Cof Ihf; serviee of plntocracy; aw him" build upon Its ruins" av temple r jv j vp- k-.--- '-. .-'t-- :.. . -y. .. -. '. ,t ?V,.6Tlaw'. dedicated to" the principles Of 'justice and equal opportunity; ' V ------ -'t7T 'v-" -v v "V V i aw HnLoipf nUhelflobd-gates-and let t he stagnant owaters of rae- : . -lion acd slandpatism run-io waste; saw him 'relay the foundation' " V Uional progress and .blaze'ibe way for a broader and. morpfen- v ' : ! of national wogresa and blaze1 the way for a broader and. more h dnrlrg prosperity In which all might equally share. A - j WUtii the. creat war same and the' World jrocWea with the tremor .j ! V I ' of intending wTed .w saw him proclaimed Ythe- chief afiiiw1- and" a . ' ; . -- - - -. 1 . .." . 1 ' ' - c st . rpokesman of the aHIed'Tialioas; saw the morale of-the armies "ad -: 'I peoples of our adversaries shattered and, ththrones of titelr "ant .? - h;eratic ruirvT shaken y s preachments of - democracy; and the, ride. V - ' cf the people in his great proneuncements. of "the" war purposes and aims of the allied and associated nations; saw him a5 President and-Commander-in-Chief of our armies .and- navy; as with- incredible peed he organizedJand mobiiiyedTmr marvelou3 resources andat the , tempt this unti lafter the tslectioa, they are too shrewd for that." : The senator said ; the Republicans were not oppo.sed to the League -of Nations. They fcuow to support the League means their do- Senator F. C, .Harding will address feat and rather than lose their power , the male and female ..voters of - Green- as; a party they are willing to - sacri fice world peace. In closing his hiarch. less address the Senator paid aencau tiful tribute to President Wilson! This appears in full in another cojumii. Little, Old New York (By O. O. - MelNTYBJS York, Oct. 28. It .was Effle uy who sang of the joys !of Avenue A back in the days wnen a cut of "pie as a nickel and simple folk believed 'all games could not be fixed. . Things "a.i: 110 1 changed ;much on 'Avenue 'A, Which n-irxla '"nroi'i.iittn le, gaudy with wet wash frftmriat their , loose . hanging wrappers. .- hT done by f their more prosperous sisters Kin the matter; of ; abreviated, skirts. Out ,of a window one tired mother called : "O. Lizzie." Xizzie appeared across the court way to -see what was wantedEr tf?OirU got thef job at. the ivalii3 ten; ! Twelre a ; week !J Ger iie's. snccess travels ' fast- for a a cor ner grocery'- where I stopped ;ten min utes . later the red headed 'clerk, told a, cTjstonier that; Gertie McCJuIkiy j;a d a job and he guessed Old Jike would quit work now. : . v... ;. : tire escapes and bearing the 'unmlstak-' "'If StniTIn nf ririi-oi.fi- A few short blocks west and daanSx rinS at greafjqaken doors to bejtfiit ,,y the butler's polite inquiry :.Did you ring, sir?" On Avenue A a ring at the door brings af rowz head which 8narls "What t'ell do youse want?" At least that was my experience,: In ' e fi-'orii and bopeless quest of a F'k seem to be either very 7f at or u'r" lean on Avenue A anil w of to in ii w --V T VtH , t happy medium the ladies' tailor "welts. Im posing triple chins own from doorways and lean chalk Jae faces line the windows. ' There - gaudy youths in checkered vests fin ,th.-shirts but no woman; wjtft nwlces surrounded by sables 1IeQ On Avenue A mo., -Jl 1 . "f but he V.-omeil hrin hnWii ""g's line that it is the women wha ys and M, i-Vr-l . uu pay. xney . ap- their 1 bG WaSh6d Ut aQd 'aded in loose haging - wrappers;: The I Terrible '.j ;tbrillers iaaf be;:i?tn:vat1 th trtqyies if the. po 4 :ter and h-tnnerv out h'x'-f. it areata be believed. PojlljfTii? hhe- talks" theEasfcJ Side argl;felBircf JlsboldiV the JJvening Journal is .fhe Cavl SULDEN DEATHS ARE BAD" Along ;thej;sciu'bs;are: ha;cbalhcaz ierlowing I with: roasted kpstiiu Avenue A. 1 .. f; Exclusive shops cateriiig td.rMilady's wardrobe lay off almost oue third, of their staff 'f siilswomeh irf the sum mer and ' take: them back Hn 1 the "i'all Thisycaift :is ville at the,.court house tomorrow night af "eight. o'clock? He'-will disouss both -state and - national issues' and. every body in the city and county 'have a cordial invitation to. hear him.. He' Is too ;Well-knwh to -Greenville and: Pitt county audiences for" any word from this, pa per suffice 4ttto:say, all1 who hear him-will be, amply repaid. . 'r'5r'' , It: is to le;hoped that' a large number of the lady voters will avail themselves of this opportunity. . . v.. - -' .-.i-j ,': -. ' : . - . .' UriUIIL I fiLULl V cu - AND EXPENDED BY THE. TV0 PARTIES G. O, P;?8 Have Expend- ed Over Thrfee Million eningoinalhd dirty Hfe 'O Theac frins; have largesate;:p Avenue" A. " Life: seems t to bs'hghtiy.i O ' v fCQ'TQ 1 hfl r campaign rrurposes cnueaj moment mrow one marsnaueu srrengtn into the eoniiieranu 'JicvieUoniTofVd ; f ?l iVwn tha .tgreaconflicf hadded,iye"Ww ihjt(:'ir; ill- -1 "t-,,5 with heart ceniejiied on a religious 'settlement and an enduring peace ; niiii'take Os'acv In theouncfls of tteBatiovithlhVmighTT test meq jihd jiers of threarth -saw him rfee'amf bweixthiioiirU.ilhe . - ilea and rnless of the earth;. saw" Jum rise an utower. above them alii. Fa international nower and x moral grandeur; saw him through ;the power, of his master ntindsha-ps the thought and purpose of Europe- as be shaped. those (OfVhis own county; saw, the. ideals and asplra lions 'for demorracyCaad mnaH brotherhood proclaimed in -the bH' j. , pf rights, and. constitution of our trn' country engrafted, and .guar. ' l( , antccd in a world covenant of peace anil rood will jo men dearth. . Ve saw him when he Yttiuvkd brns hi triumph that great tharto . - of peace; 'saw the demon of discord jralse its horrid. head; saw pcJi (ies npplant patriotism ; saw Artisan criticism crystallze into ppo-' X 1 itioV:ippo6iton intQ Iconspiraey -and conspiracy hsto nuyrepresenv 'j Cation, culminating in premeditated,murder of -the: League and at' .;: ... ' i... i' - ' ""---".-. ---... v- v- "VVv tempted assassnaton of the character of ts chief architect. ' i-..'- . 'We'' sinv him; though wealfl and worn s w1tn his long, labors rush to KM in Monthly Heth Bulletiiw - Issued by the' S tato Board of Health Contains Valuable Informa tic n ; fvFather!s, Mothers, ' -V, Physicians and North v and Sounds ah' Alarm.- V' . I mothers, payslcuns, dnigjist-az, 3 i 1'-- ?- J." vi'.i'.- " ;- '" V' . v if !.-;;- . j j .North. aCrollna V citizens generally. ' slblev4for.lhe-427 deaths from -;typhd- J-1"- i w feer:. 242 ffeM illustr.Uons sounds fte.Urra nine "deaths from, small t,and;ihe I'T ' , - , thousands of -cascsof .icJcneas troia j . , tlT , - . ' 4 ,. these, diseased in ; North-aCrolina dar -1' I, mu?imi rt" in 191lVV:ks;rthete:(rf are preveuraiue ana Health In a ; W Issw 1 T make..CB tArcr" . :-m. -Lr t..rr.. -. Vl appeal -for assistance" in vavlcs the little tres . " ' and-. agalnst tha. prgposi vaccine are furnished. free to the Whole! people bt Itbe jstatewllile dipthVria ah--: income tax amendments 10 the constl-U-toxin;fs fary.-vlh'Morri- slcians or druggists af-23 cents. i'There fore ijt-is seen .that the rrparent, the healtn'officer,-jtr; the doctor -Is respon. ed- thg f oUowing -pertinent 'question : in yoHrkcoBpi,v in -your noraer-wno.is NoVth' Carolina'- bnVtyphpIdVi ever5; has . ... . ,, . 1 . V .' -1 . roduc.xemarkable rwnlts as is poinrett out m : tng , rouovvmg striding itate.D.ent:':; .l- ? -?H". f'.r'A'S cceptlnr the', belief thatx one . out of every . hundred- who " hare typhoid M ' 1 . . I.. - - . . . leverraf.iinerj -9resJM people sick with this disease in 114 and 4-270-in lOlOrJOueto veitensire.rrepadmuiis trallon l.ot , Jhfi -frc!tbnpt v-prerei2tir.it this diseaie'and the saoltatlba' Uirough- nut the gtatci jn: sic grog ra. khft ajawiuut of sickness caused ty . typhoid.' More at tftlg; 1$ 'thepAiibn. t 0p;first nine : months, nftypaoid camapigua-rin m W-i tin l " x . t-j ,A.uuuns auu josutuiiig-sanitary closets over tbeVstalcv.'as rtTjufr ed bylirwvhas given "pejix-nt fewer casesthisyear. tban lastf -VAl'-'i' 4"v i 'Mouthly n health: bnltetl&s. tMing . isl sued by the 'local board of health, con tains valuable "inforzMtto'i for;fathcxs, son .Blcko't. Gardner md'lloey Jexf Jicg . the fight' for. ratification yd ,-J. V. 'Ueycn-iector cV IrHrVi'.rrVhre : championihif.the eppo!tIcaLX'. -. -To the antis Jhere, 'Keen nil'.' the name of TJ. a Grlfthi or a? "in-"" - vlslblo empire' and ehallopVfs t n y l7 " fo.prodpce -a list of sobtV.rKaior to? i : fnntbtb bfe nsMl tt him wnc- t ! aplls 'to defeat the. amcn'frr cut.-- Mr." . . giving ;hi.-reasonjf "for; hlrosUio'a ' to the. amendment m.tM plain tbt ". he "together with a fv ftlenO" hare . spent - and - raised . soni mcwy for sfampsra'utlprlntiiy; "tiat. the public -mistbe intorraixt tf u .Vknr ntth wspcct,t04the raa'tter:' . . ' t Iheectorate Uie'itatj ,hek thial fa.rpot .Xorsala arul -cc.r.U nM 1 .Id flwncea: -hy"paUr.' "btrH:c" - Tte charge thaV th cott 5tf tn!U owsr cr iuo;6aie-nave conpirca to ceie.it tie amendment-by the n.-e of an eionnoTis -Slush-fund'-' to his inlnJ.Is an inj-alt x to a;"cIassof,our cltlzjOsbip' that It o.'far above susplclr.a to nuit such h charge rldiculOus-oj jt'fftcc. and ?n liisuit to the Inteltigi-cc? of fae entire state." - , : ...- . : A ?LU inULU..- uu tnuL?:J art lu tho def ctse of the cause, so krr to TnXheart as. the: father JToed the defense o hU' Inrilled ; erf spring ; -aaw him as., he -Jbare h freast to'hts ?ecemie8 undaunit 3 by l the! shafts of envjv hatred ai inaljrc; sawiliim' as; with the Jwer of 4rresbtib-e .Ibgla; ho pressed . ds ; atvergaries tof the wall, deitbltsrtt J J'RJuC u iJt theirhjccrisy i sawhe pieJralr to hbimdard; aw. tho cne -H'f.-U j 1 BIG TENT IS BFi;S i.THE r :i 7 . i - - nrm nnrn iir nmi' i 1 rnrnTrn rn r rnv rN W Yi itvfi r r J r 5l;ust: he vasrsing his "triumph to final victory stricken down y-; I N m: the Mt ltin2:3"VThat: and ,..., as many, a nrave Doy snouting victory, was snoi nown jusc u. no wssj( , ij - : -- vJ - I IT S absnt to eo over the topi sav ai. sudde halt and hush In theirankWfe ivaT a-5?en V: rtermanent: Women . are, not buying J . 'V '-'ivrv, f wy-o.-iirc luwT with . tbeVrpslri that-; characterizes be, campaign receipts by Jhe Democratic "-ii 'iftiW.-e KjiMrnH't National Executive t committee wilb Last year's t0J?s are going, to be worn. f amount to eight hundred andeyeuty -The milliners are showing only simple '.eight thousand Mght hundred and tb br and Bexpenslve models. v-The, average ty-one uouars me uauyjiai i rt- r;r showing many $400 and $500 hats. V .' . rr'"--"' f .. l. . J'. V bttt they will hannon. - -j- I .ahnoimce the" marriage - of ;tbeir ' j ' CHICAGO, Oct.: 28. The campaign expenuuur es oi ,.me xvey uuiiut s i i i iour al'committee will amount to thre mil lion .four hundred.'and forty-two- thou-;; y sana eigne nunarea ana urneryj wt aoi iars, ; the national cha irman announced -v- money paid widows, orphans y( : Mr. Zebulon 4 Wllburn isoaie , weonesaay,Mctooextue f..eTenin.meteem;nii ltd! rents is the est money paid; tj: ine mt goo(d,L Insure and be Sjai , Lif e Insurance ' Co.. of Gtual) MOSLEY BUOS., nal Agent?,, GreecviUe. Ni Si -:-W;;'Jt.Tji and vtwenty & 'i.rPactolus, Norths Carolina -,,: - ' 'At Home -" , At Home -V; "after. November fifth of the1 plotters as the. great w:.rrior , was borne helpless -from ', the V I ? eHeld '-V; G6od : r Atten- ?j turn toithd charge; heard then with muffled. voices whisper'lle la. 44 i'. fa"YL7- : wum fnrr raw let il4 Jiill his ir-atv: saw them?as with-mutterlnes : I ' . -t ; , . v - . " of rageahd gleaming daggers Ucy fell upon lt; Brutns -was there . 1 1 .trocottrfge. prayer- meyUDgs .wm V-l:ji. .iv.'-ii.' .1 iii o-ri 'ii"? VaSBina rs : ther 9nt'f.tfft nl V v r 1 1 ic. helct foidax. nif&t at-' 7 ;50- p.-ii. at th tried 'V? - nomeof.MrJ'and Mrs'R. HWright, nome orairy ana airs.-jane Jt orues, vans fit ' As God nvetn aad.reiguetu-ats nueaa anujep. not neau... 1 nome of llrrnd Mrsfi.J.' Which- I Though hUpass aniaUjmen ust,lt fa not In th jwer tmorta? I a rd, . EvansS t tgi 7 :. haye plotted lus ruin will dis Vnuserably. an - the memory of their j . ' me "Oi . Jur. ana Aire.!.; LJ.joDe!ir Evans Sh-fn --. "tl:.- z-ihK$ &Iti : Wlltc BapUst chuKJ nMsn. ?Acd thb tcagub of) JPfeicv that great inagna charts of.chris;.;;-;. it-- tiaV !riviizion; j though . miard ied Vandi buried, is not . dead. iLike W Lazariii it will ripe' aigain at 1 bo. sotted. of the Master's ?,Toice and '"-'or "-. vTy rirTv. r-.'i,. -ji-:;--. ;:. -. 1 ..--: 5- -;.v,- -p -v.'r- nana ,wim um uwa. -A"fcv-- . . earing men and women throughout the world 'V? y: treachery- will, alone remain, Lu; Woodroff Wilson wiu live--nve y- ; 1 1 wo '"i V ' tl--4-c' a .11 -min)a nf lilli iirlfK iiiW.WaTir fnmV ' 1nn?-. -. - i 1 1 1112 ' . -. JU1 1116 UIAli?HlU J , V . ...... w. H . . 0 - a. .. ; irS h w-rntA nfrt that rre&t' document T.:' lree- LUl. ,iuta0 mwu .-'. - . - -" -v . - - v - - ; , If ? of pieaceUovcg and -fearicj -to the' last binih of time. today .1 jriWppLans ilttissionar:Soietypf the Memt-ri.iii Boptist church, will meet -KING'S FUNERAL . ? i FIRFMEN"S MWf INC irJ- - - ?.:r, r- KDi Twre viavai :.-! ; meetiugl ot . ATHENS," pet. 2. Throngs nttehd-i IToj liinre'CompanFTit! 'c: ed the funeral of; the lata Kfhg pon tble29th at 8 .o'docki f or buainsk of stantine- todaj. .oTh&rXrown Prince of topotftance f - to like -j company."" Evsr SWedenandfall.. of- the.diplomatis at m'emirreouestea ' to' be ( present i ITNltERSALIST SERVICES !i I -A'.: LOST niTXTlRED TTIOlTSANb i UNItXRSALIST SERVICES rMday afteiiTioii at T jree-thitety with in'tflc XTniversalist 'hurch , ;t 1 yn.. Mrs.; M. ' W Fi a nan. A' V, ; enberV.'hext: Sunday,' Dctoler ' SI . Itev:- Mr are ifl;skdo',con;arid bring iliir;tat CanCld is; an able preacher . and . all! year by their rjeads been JHaniiF os ted I ri -;Rear of . postoffice wllSeat 4,C00. Carroll Conducted Union . Prayer " Seirvic e i'Lastv Night- - a .............. - - - . - X -Workmen aro now fbmy as bees crectlng-the big tent to the rear of the , city postoffice for thi itclxrulou re--ligtons. campaign" which starts next Sunday afternoon and lasts' f r a pe-. riod of four wecVs or long::. This tent'-will scat 4.0CO boaiforJib:.-. ' - - " Last night at the Methodic charch . j. C-CarrolC- musical directcr f r the evangelist conducted the r.-: . pray er' and, praise service to which. 1 targe,', number attended."- The srrlci 3 were -' much-ienjoyej .and rcfreLlrg .to all presetrt.- Cottage pr.iyf raeetins ' are -being-'eid iiiphtly tL! wt-k thrtvosh- :Hbme of Xfn and Mrs. -P-Vl .' .-inis-. cr, Second and CoUnchV " iiome of Jar ..ana airs.b.; ard; Tlilrd ! Bti ' ' r - 1- V y ; vHomeof Mr.and" Mrs. .U Dickerson Avenue. : Out the city, about- 'Cvrclcne' Er -'-V - ' , ict'i things' are tpect ' : ljGrj-envhle durlr.g. l . wn weeks. - 'la ck ha s -1 . " ' ' X k. . J. . i.-nomerxfMr. and llrsj) v - ta,. Bern. nnnJreUa. we; 7ifth ;SL',;'X - J ; --v.-; :? .IV O' Vi hundreds iaore promL ItHpme of, Mr;and MrsM y-- - k,(" Fifth' sti'-'''' '" !.;. ' ' r .; r--" v - vThe location of the prayeT"&ervicvs f ' beyond "the" Coast I4n'e Jt.Hi will be '-;Hly is taBdag' cotaltig. Great ti). traaffplre la -; ensuing four l os-ed neofhe L!-tory of New conrerted and I a better life. made atrthe meetings." tonight, V'iAll subscribers tb? JfEWSf ;tta - ?are not paid up by November" V will. . be discontinued .bn that date.' All. LOST HUNDRED THOUSAND l.iltiLI-Harry 1 -Caiifleldi will preacbi; NEv "YORK, - Oct.: 2S-rThev United .".aeunquent subscribers- pieaseteai. states lost over one nunarea tnotisana, '.your, renewal. tt t tne ; cn .or?, alien 'trnskillcd '"'workers' . during the ! itice before - yrtnr; subscription return, 'to their ; stire .pirc-. -' .' ;cVire tL; fio then scrilers who do not re-. r eery cf the NEWS, call. "S office before eight. la. copy win be. sent. y Vroci l carrier. ,, .61. church