si , III - ' , . " t , . - 1 - ' ? - ' " . v - i ' I " ' -- ' V rt-irTlTKR FORECAST bablr rain topfght - and '.Tuesday Vr teU1peratuVe strong, odrtheatt ' ftin.' to southwest winds; V, Head nil cf- tzlz-fz ZZTTZ Foreign,, ; -dl - -i- 7 la ' tL.3 Gnn-. NE7S. " . v .Price 5 C:'J 3 r.h,mn 4; - - . - V - C, v- uiir,wvu!3, Kv MONDAY NO L21UL:i; 2?,,1S20 . , , - - - r. -; v- -1.. J" v;, 1- tv. , lnciemem;,m C: Hack wW TW:tp;t4eiiQiam At the Final Meeting Tonight The Subject of Evangelic Final Message will be: "Whatsoever Comes over the: Devil's Back will Come under his Belly.'' i; Three .Great Sermons Delivered at the TentYesterday tKe Result Being That Hundreds were Converted; Hear Mack's Parting Word Tonight. vr Trdonf" ilack preached three times -dwell in 5 you richly in all 'wisdora. -esterday niornin. afternoon and night. This is a divine command, as impera to thousand of people. -Although the tiye and 'positveas any ; in 'the scrip weather was snrthing but propititous tureJ When I was Converted twelve- it did uot keep rhe folk from the tent. . As a result lmnumis were cpnvjpriwi .. . f....ii.iioi- mill h lfttiB' rmripfv (0(1. ll!"lr'""-' Greonville. Yesterday was ' t TOahdments I didnot know whether bave betu the last day of Mack's,sta "that was found in' the hook pf John or in Greenville but on hearing that ,hlj::.. .GendsVbut immediately'-'after v;the sick mother was holding her own, h Lord-had v saved r me I i-bought' me. a has decided to romain another day so -'Bible a reo! pencil, a blue pencil, a the closin? servit e will be tonight when black pencil, ' yellow pencil and all he will preaeh to rueu only from the -the; colored pencils that I; could find subject : "Whatsoever comes over- th4.andJI began to search the Word, write devil's hack will come under his belly." Ion the margins aud'mark every Verse Ouly men are invited to hear this er-1 that especially attracted mji attention; mon which is reputed to be one" of -his and there were -.very, few that didn't very Inst. This afternoon the Evan- attract it. " When I was a child I had gelist preached to women onl,y.: , At a t!ii turn- 11 is nor Known ine eiaci number f eonversious as a resuit ot the for week s ca mpaign. they t will ha I - published as soon as the-toib.iM! sjn had uiurdtercd .my" "mempr ascertained and too, other fartalwitvThc first verser the meeting. -- memorize. wasrRomanif; -Sixth -Chapter The meetiui: has beeu a wonderfur instrument for xxl iu the eommuni-j ty and its good influeike is going to abide long after Mack has. een gone He has Ix-en a llt s.iiig to allwho havft haard him and (JreeuTillec-has fHrpi a never Ietore. . ItJ is hoped that every ni.-m in Greenville and Di'.ir tlie closing words ot -one." Ka!ks.with crwl. knows Him and tires daily wh.ti he nreaehes. . The. Evangelist's sei nion .tinday ' mbrnihg hou$e anb! across the yard reading tt on 'Rumiin- the Race" is pronouncCvers to be ene of the, very best he has de- mye; away-as f ar lireml sinv his c.unrigu here. TWa rvroui be "Knong, knowing, know-To wonderful sermon iu part follows ;ih&d tlwas aU t I want to have a little talk with you After, six long days and about twelve about the "New Life." Don't 5 y think that the decision for Christ :is!mSto all over. You are just beginning to -yc run this race. You started "here at ! verse:'- ''And. behold. I send the pro-1 justification and you must end at glorification. You started here in 4 tears and you want to end yonder in J triumph. You never want to let' up 5m or let down until the crates click on ' yourh!s as you enter the pearly por-.J ti c V i. j.. i . -, ' rA xuu wam, io ourn every Driage behind you and not look at the mis WKes of yesterdav or the -faihm nf the day before, but press toward the ia;k of the high calling, looking un to Jesus the author and finisher of ycur faith. Your growth depends upon yourself, and it is impossible for you to become a useful Christian un Iras you are willing to do the things that are absolutely essential to . your spiritual growth. God is for you, and just as sure as he sits on the throne, rou will overcome the flesh, the devil, the world and all its opposing force you will trust and obey him. There, are some things absolutely necessary you make this race a success,-and in the goal. Set aside at least fifteen jWnutes every daV for Bible study. wt God talk to you fifteen minutes ";dy Irom Is ford; talk to God ' 'n minutes a day in prayer, then t:',k for God fifteen minutes a day; you are to grow, you will need the Srcere milk of the Word that you may fow thereby. Tjie Psalmist, away auK then- in thej long ag0! my word have I hid in my m,Rh- "ot sin against Thee.? w'One of the greatest needs of today ' is ?re real knowledge of the word; of 7; that is why Paul said, "Stiidy to shew thyself approved unto God; a Y an that needeth not to be asham nghtly dividing the word of faith." e study to show ourselves approved 1 J'o.i.ics, in business, in pleasure "d in society; but when ii;tm&6. the Word of CA cic uungicio aim o"ui amuses "Let the Word of God ;T!,K Pl R,,0SK OF AN ANNt'ITY f 1S In 1, . , . . t :. x-;; ,? l le indiriduaiflinit till. ' or outliving his (or her) in 1 vtllc 'iv v .- ; '5 , 1 ,i : --. . 111! f ?n Ii,-, ; ax you live, a C long, as I. I vn I t- I V 1 n national T t . - a ill y-r f-- ? . . .-.;.i.;-nnv, w Ihanrtam- - v ' (Mutua l MnsT.wDDndrfa"ndrniTmttm O years'ago I-tJhink 1 could quote" but prted to one ' vecsej of scripture; -that ist" cor pme'berl rectly; "If Vou "love me keep1 my eoia- remarkable -memory, at - one ' time -piemoming a jarge'MOK that contam- f etf over. ft ve hiindred pages, 41 hadn't realized thatyears of dissipation I andixth yerse:; "JUiowmgh our old man, is crucified with him, that nenceiortn we snouia ,01; sin." -j. )itoughk that gjallsf lhad :do- Wa: to read, it oyerv once and I, would have it, ; beerr but I discovered after reading it . oyer Vto-?ii.eVferatttth x whtf m!nd thaO would ?nemqrzeatVetse & . prac3 t.ofsptic rm stiirs nnA Hown Rtkirs.' aronuA thfi mise 'of my Father .upon, you; but tarry ye inthe city at Jerusalem," un- higEVWell, forthreefdays il alown - ) "most sweat blood over that verse, but after much toil and pain, I stored it up with Romans 6th chapter, 6th verse. ; People, J never became discouragT j t'Ut s T nmlr1 irlf and Anxr and noyt 1, can memorize a .cnapter much easier than-1 could a verse 12 years ago:' ' Paul,,' in; writing to" the Hebrews "said, THe Bible is the sword of the spirit; that is quick and power-1 requests -be made ; known ! unto the. ful, and. sharper- than any two-edged! Lord. ; GetUntoHhe habit of italking sword, piercing even to the dividing ttd God as; you , would your ' dearest asunder of soul and spirit and pf the and closest, earthly! f riend. v Vu need joints and marrow.' He wast a ! not go through a lot;of high-sounding discerneroftthe order to pray. jHemember of the hearth Think of Paruii usinjg ' this ''that yoa are not jrayine to the audi- figure of speech; to describe Jhe word ; oi ,Uod. , out I-want o "say ,w t juu.uuuib w yv .vow.., votinp-con verts, here today, that if.youfdo not let your, mind be taken up won- will take this old Book,-you can.mfcet; fv thia aII RrtrtV.; -vnn Wn meet: the toils.- ahoV !tand5 thengersm oVercomeitheteita live ' right' and "die vie outshine the1 sun throughout I Twflli eVer: ii orgetlwhena Moody Institute thatthere was an ,in fiHoii ?Tuatft of Harvard Ilniverl slty: and 'a ; mquntain-niindeci:: fellow, raVin JKnT -ron down tliei booze route. go, ; saiu ., . jje ha(j jef t tjjjg home in Boston 5 and heart tlbt'iJJ ui nuSii hid ld Tom Paynes' Age of Eea end 'of his tongue. He understood Infidel loeic and 'all- of Voltaire's TnATOiu'a rments3iewoi4ld ome aroundto ifi&e3'p':.. infcgents'JgH tiesnake". ;; One.' afternoOnJ he and - one of the best Bible' students :'of,the;to stitute locked honis - and , the infidel wasteriyfeIcat young fiellow, wh0n:"Bonehead? been and ha ' t fflmTit' and embar-1 jasment, f pushed 'him aside, . and - - v:'1 '-.;i Vt. onii faiv f if he could i read ; he ; replied .that he could, i AU right; Mister, I am going lb try you out,", isaidMr. Brown. He opened his Bible, "held-it up-within about .three and one-half inches of the mhdels nose, ,and said. J'Old-f Top,-readf this versed '.Wrii; telme where you find rV said Brown! Luke X3th, chapter, 3rd verse "All right, -read it over again' "Except you're pent,' ye-shall . all likewise" perish.'; Brown said, i?Yes, and except; you re pentyou will, perish. WelV hold on" But Brown; with Ms 4Bibh still with in six inches of his ose and his fin ger on the verse shouted "Except yol repent, you A will perish-The infide tried to get in at reply,- but? as -far. as :he..cold;get.:-;wasBufeatut." Brown holding: the . Bible - under his nose' with hisfingereon, the vers again shouted, i "Except you repent, .you will perish." The only .reply , that Brown would allow the infidel'to-make w,as ;"But-lbubut.? v In :Ms conf u sion'fand v bewilderment' "he, beganf to baek out of the-institute and-down the jstepsin. an "orderly " retreat, Browri following him' with the 1 oper Bible jnabout six Inches of his nose, crying "7ccept you repent, you will perish By the time the learned gen tleman hajft hit the ground his retreat had developed into a disorderly, route attd 'heN turned his back on x "Bone- head'- Btbwn, arid opened up. on higb gear,- going; downithe -street ; "all the time Brown following him, : shouting L '-Except you repent,5 you will perish:" As herwe'nt around, the corner. $his coat was standing' at an ' angle ','of about fortyrfive" degrees, i Brown sent a farewell shot Jithimi; "Excent-vmi repent, you wiii( perisn -ijo you hear it? : I never, will forget that defeat ed, chagrinned, , humbled and humil iated man ; shouting" back through the winter ; wind, ' tYes.": i He .5vas never seerf at the institute any more.' "Bope head"Brown,f an . illiterate, vunlearned f ellow,f who' know-nothing but the Iord and the Bible took just ;We"verse' of the scripture and dynamited - hi m w)u. iwk ire wUl be able to live a clean, pur parent, Jioble, courageous' 'and Istrong Ufa' Tt- i Ja vaIpa from t.l antral the omnipo- is good, jknow it is ; the height .of human humanvservice;; to circulate it, the a sufficient, book for this world where we Icnow in -part. and prophesy in part,1 and a 'pfimer for, J that vaster, and eternal ,orld, where Not only do you want to study, the Bible, but cultivate the habit of prayer Praying is talking to God. . Talk ; to him about everything, your perplexi ties, your joys' arid sorrows, talk . to him about your sins and . mistakes, yourVfriendS xand enemies. ; Be careful for nothing, but by I prayer and 'svip.' plicatioii with thanksgiving let your ence or to' the people, but ; - to ,t God. , demur; whether -'your - 'rhet denng; whether , ".your. - r tone your language isforrect: Sonieteme ago, t heard pf ;an evangel-! istwhp went toa certain community, to eonduct a revival "meeting. . first , fwvt.W- - : F " -I a. young:fellow,inUheudiehce;.; c walked dawn tne aisie, ana psin, young, man, ieu.ucu v.w ... j and : said,' rcnariey, x prylyciu madethis replied, .Tes, .. but heard me before I; two i o:ybunl '.Gf1';aH;n?-' fmein - the store, in the the schoolroom, the hank the kitchen firni al prayers I ever heard tpWe'rslricorla roost- etfectual irt ail - the r srtr vwH I. trans eternity menOf; heaven, inearin yoim petif t fh i. iimd i: was-, 111 uu. - umu y A no time v not unto -. uoa,;. dux. uuw we .jjsuvic. , BISHOP THIRiilELD MAKES AN APPEAL Prelate Says 'Country First in 1 - XNeignDornooa, rirst; in -4 Brotherhood : ir HAS TRAVELED VERY , EXTENSIVELY THERE Aspect of Peace in'Mexico Today Striking. Contrast- Bristling ."...A. : ' Guns . '.Chicago,' Nov. "i0.Bishop Wilbur, P. Thirkield f ir&t resident bishops It. the Methodist Episcopal Church .in' Mexi cov 'who recently-'" Egturned from that country, ? declares tha ( Mexico,"? first in neighborhood, 1 must he r made; first in brotherhood" ? to the? people of the United ; States. ' The Bishop1, traveled extensiveljr throughout" Mexico 'during "the 1 last fevr.monthsj , '' 1 '"Never at any .time dnring.'the past 10?yearB,? he. said, ir.haveT conditions been as1 stable ,or the outlook forpeaca and progress v been w hopeful. The country Ms' whole-heartedly behiddr the new President,1' -General Obregon. ;to be" inaugurated- in : PeeeinbefV. nud tlie Pi-o.vlsional PrcKideut "dc la Iluerta. has a strong ;hold' on all classes. r - "The aspect jt peace in Mexico today is, in striking. contrast to ,the bristling guns and disturbances, evinced in my visit or two years ago. men, erery 'strain was guarded by soldiers. , .Tour ing the last two months I -have r travel ed, extensively i through shu states of.i jVlexico and did not j find a soldier on guard on aniy train. x ' ' . t' ' ' . : 'There h no organized opposition to the present government and no man 4s in sight', around ; whom anyc oppo sition can center.' V Just as noticeable and gra tifying i the; friendly feeling toward "the -TTnited States. I i "Tliis feeling prevails on . both sides of the border . and. was ' manifested t in a .striking manner Jn ther receut'visit of President-Eleet'Obregon tEf .raso4 : .'The border states, have changed . en iwcely- theiWatUtu4eloward - In fceve- tibn.: The governors and the press are olt for rpeacef &lV cooperatlonr'.witn Mexico; ; Fbr the fiivt time in 10 yea rs a train has crossed the' International Bridget' Also for the first time in 10 years officers of the Mexican . .and United States 'Army are exchanging courtesies across; the-' border. ' '7 j ."-' 1 ' . '. :""V ' ' '' "The "election held during the suro- irier at 1 wh ich V. General . Obregon 'was elected president was extremely quiet. I couid nothelp noticing its contrast toxthe primary election held in Chicago at about ihe same! time, at which one man was killed and many were'severe ly injured andI attacked. Had such violence taken" place in Mexico there is littJe question but that It would have been.wldely heralded as an evidence of .anarchy.; - ;.v . ; -- - . .'; ciaing his tpbwertover the child,and he Jwas wallowing on the i gruond, gnashing his . teeth and foaming ' at the mouth. The father was in great trouble; he did hot have. time to make any lbngdrawn.W prayer, but cried," "Have . compassion; Lord.'.' ..That night, '.yonder on the . sea of Galilee; the waves dashing and splashing," and the old ' ship ' wallowing like a mon ster in distress, the, disciples 1 looked out on the water and saw Jesus tom bing. . ,eter-asKea . permission to come to him: , I? can se'e ' Peter -J now' as-he walked the waves, and as he Was heart ing.Jesus, I think he looked back oyer j his- shoulders . to the' . other disciple3 to, see . if they were,; taking ; notice ' of his cuteness and .-.smartness. ...dust he began to ' sink, he-, had for a long prayer, no ' time to A 11 J MrAar ' fliAfAaa ' en1 itoVitrf'fiO - pive GodNa lotf information about hat wa going0n down' here on -this cried -Help; Lord read where eight hundred and-fif . r nror,he;a who - were drawing - ; a m Carmel hisA nfawr on your knees nor" doesG?"Warij;jy$u f -to be there are, duties; Which, hep done: faithful, . are .prayers - when the heart ; and eyes : are, singleteryact. may De a prayer. ...ah wore wen i unio the' Lord may be obedient, to the without ;. ceaiftng.- ather'S. mavi .change, politics may hahge; buGbd is the sameyes- ..-Jk; MEXICO COUNTRY m Leading the Fight at This-Time as Well : a When J the Legislature Convenes Walter Murphy Rep 4 ', resentatiye from Rowan County! ' He 'f Will be -AblyJ Assisted by Tom Bowiepf Ashe County : r fjFhe Repealists are Going to Have Plenty of Opt position. A a- HEAP TO KUM , , -0 : i d,cooeAb Raleigh,; Ndvi. vijOCampaign; . to. . wipe the - statecride primary lawf lom "the statute books; at, .the.: regular'; session of the -General cAseaitfly when--that body. ; gets " down t business in. ' Janu uar 1' under way.f aiid- no-istouo vwlll be. left, unturned . to'irake tbe. .ioledsi- ly done.- " FJ ' " ' r LeadiPt: lh"efight ati this time id as well a "ih fight' hn.t'flagisla-'" ture ;conVeheSN is ..Walter "Murphy new ryj elected, representative to ' the lower house from 'Rowan county. : '.The Kow-an-gentleman 1 will. ! given able as jsisfauce'Jn' the house by another new member.!, iuTonit ci Bowie, of Ashe cduutyi'' These representatives will, do their; best to swing enough 'snpportvto thei pide'v in-order to 'Vrlnglabout' re- peal or tne primary ana ressurrect trie old convention 1 plan ' which they - will oiier-as a geiiume Kuusutuie., , Both- representatives-elect- were visi tors at.the capital during the last week and talked of their repealing intentions Ir.; Murphir: thinks thatj hever; vras a "more jniquitous law ' passed than J the one now, on tne. statute books rwniCn makes pretensions' at giving every citizen- the rteht to 'select party nomiriees. The people haveWver ruled, Mr; Mur phy. afters..- arid : never will.-" He- waAts ta go back to the rouyentkm plan which virtually aillj of . the progressive . Esta tes tn,'.ine; union ; nave -.aiscaraeo - xor JKgmJar Jipicje -gystem r,;? the county should le permitted to name its 'nominees -a!rI t sees t fit, ? according to Mr.; Murphy.', i - t ; ; ' v ' r Mr. Bowie,".; who;,. orerturned a Be publican ma jority n'Ahe this 'year hy offeripg for election on a straight an ti ererything,, platform,1 may npt -agree with Ids colleague as to the county feature but' he is .unequivacklly oppos ed, to the state,wideprimary and sya it muW'hetrepealed.f-Wi Mnr phy he'. ntendsJiaf it is bad for the party-and tends to degrade about every bodyin Tarheella, r", " , ; ;The repealists will be met with plen? ty of opposition I when their grand of fensive ; f9 , launched. There are ; true friends of the primary throughout: the state and the press is well high- nnanl moiis .hi its report of the law although EE GTillOVlBERilSW t.' .- .t . 1 -"V - i . J-, - Ata . .L -" . , 1 . - . 1 -. . - -, " (Special ;cto T Greenville News.) - Raleigh, N. -a, Nov. 29.The State board ; of canvassers j today - completed the f canvass 'of Ihe recent' election the returns finding that the total TOte cast iniheiNoyem JudgeJ Bisrayrof !the 'l8th?districti re- ceived; the highest;-vote with .312,323 against ;231,374Tf o p; .V.' Ble,IWs Republioan opponent v '. : -. 1 . 4 - V TBenK.; Lacy, or ;State Treasurer, led the.constitotiSnalo ci SL 861'onajprity over Jenkuis, Rie pubUcah; -while , Mi I hipman, :,cora- missioned . 01 , lxxwc uiu i fuituig, the 1 ticket of i legislative - State ; can 'didates with 81,454, majorities.- Other atate -omcers ioiipw, uoyernor vuiier Lieutenant Governorooper, Dem- L,ocratic 308i405Tucker, Republican 22020rmajority jority79,185. t'H niTs ; WILL f REMAIN -r', IN WASHINGTON, PEVOTE . - TIME7WRITING REPORTED Waihmgtoh, Nov: 29. -4-., Reports- wore practically confirmed today that Prealdeut: Wiljionlwill .remain in Wash- ington?and,"devote his- tirae to. writing atter- JWarcnv iourtn.. : oecreiray . x u- "multy has notdecid.dS6nihelarcep- on M6rrispn,Democratic ' 308,151 4 i j; Parkerepubiicah 23017$ "majprK :ty .77,986 1 ;,;.- -v:. 1. - -v the 'daily .'papers -are anxious to have the law,, "strengthened J- This ttIH 'likely be 'prpposejd as 'a . substitute for repeal when the, -law - gets 'under fire. The .womexi. voters are to "be reckoned with before '.the lawlmeets death.' abso they are agatnat jepeal v " c '' ' .v'CTo'glve all "persons Interested in a' workmen cpmpensatior law an oppor. tuniry Vto be heard 'and for the pnrpose of ; enlightmenf , ' Chairman '-.Lindsay .Warren, off the special legislative oem- mitf eeV naTOed-'ati the '. special session of ' the general ""assembly,-" has "called a, session for Tuesday,' December rl at Raleigh..' yTlie meeting wjll, be held in -..the 't 'Insurance ; department--, and friends'' and Opponents of the measure are. invited ""to bel present "and present their views.- TT' 2 y: -Members of tbe committee have been posting themselves on the general-sub'-ject:.and , by "comparing vlaws adopted in ; the- various . reports they - ha ve :pbr tained - valuable : informatioii" ami ' are familiar withf the subjectV4f terin"' flietibg;yiewsare 'heard the committee will proceed :to draft a tentatlve' bill. Other; members of the committee are Dormah . Thompson,- of -Iredell; " Luke H: -Toting, vof .'B uncombe ;; R. H, Red wine; . of e Union, and f Bro wnlow i Jack on' of HendersonVi C. -.Ci i VU4 -- LDr: Wv s; Rankin, State Health Of cer,' has ihadepublic Crlytopr;-:i; 4yeflturei'0Whe-Guilford county; Medi- cal -"Society; regarding , the county so ciety's opposition " to " tlie . treatment ca nrpaign f or disease inst Irrited' by .- the State- Bbard'vpf rieal.;ice Iett 13 in answer to resolutions recently ' adopt ed'hy" the , Giulford physicians opposing the health . work ' being done by. the state-board. ; l: v"r '-- : 'W'-t-' .s By -passing resolutions, pr' Rankin writes, ;the,i Guilford . county "Medical Society repudiates the tubercular work done since ' 1907, makes ineffective' the campaign against, malaria yenenl; di sease and puts itself on record- as". opH ppsed-f to ; the free-, "vacclnatioh, bye the state bodfrd of 300.000 ' Norjth ;C-aronq-ians against typhoid; feygti within ; tlte ilastUhree yeargVwhlph fresulted in' a reduction ,' pf - the total ; annual deaths from'" this disease from ',830 in 1914 to 250' in 1020. . : ' '; sV'l-"'-; ;v ;X '" , v ;-1-'-' United States J. Senator-rDYerman DemocratiCs 310,504 Holton, KepubU- cn-22943 majority; 81,16lt":4 v . oj.-.; ' oojniTTei .' "nTt ocrat, 310,612 Jackson, KepubUcan- 299,997i majority 8115- w . v : vT-reasurer-Lacy, . Democrat 501, Jenkins,'.Republican;229,050, ma- jority 81,686... ' V" ' - . V. :; State Superintendents-Brooks, Dem- 228,5f;maiprityp8i;976V;, Xttorne"f;General-Mann ocratic, ;1028' Sewell- 229LWjorlty 81,197. f: t ' a ..l.'(J.TVi.1iim TVmrTi.-H SlOv: 644,lMehdenhali; ?Republican ,096, hhaiority 81,54SJ.: A ' ,i Commisloner;;of agriculture, ura- ShainV? Democratlc-'j;3I025French Jlnsurahce "; commissioner,- wade, j- Dcot cany228,063 majority. ,8l,u.. . , . :; To '.aii '-those iwho f Joined ;thi'i Free Will Baptist "tWrch;durin don; revival, are;reauestedjan,j .urged to meet iu tne ree -yiii iiapnst.cai.ftu net t Sunday; in ; Green vi lie; i December 5th Yihe;eleven'p'd Meet"-' withXus in : GVeenVlUe. "Come Iprepafed fpr- bapUsm "if -you, have uot laVtori,- 7-'-.'? RESTOlinlil OF LE1.1 to:;: WHERE ADE Ul'tD The Los Huts as They Were in V Abraham Lincoln's Time Uare v. Beeri Rebuilt " ; V WILL BE COMPLETED ;. ' . BY. COJIING SPKING Contracts '.foti Wiring: tleatiasr j and Plumbing of Museum 'A -y- '' 1 Just "Beeri Let - r Springfield, Hi;v Nov. 29.--Restora- I tioa of the village r0t". New Salem where Abraham LdncoLn .worked ; as grocery clerks fell In' love with Ann Rrxtledge, carried the .postofSce in his (hat and whipped the champion of the 4rMawa Hmva Tty M will t-v fnm' ' pletel by 'next spring and Vitb the addK on of the . Old Salem museum,' -will be thrown open as the Old Salem State Park, according ,to ."announce., ment of State Architect - Edgar Mar- tin. l ' ' V'; '' ;.-. ! : Log huts as they were , in IJncblns : 1 day: have vbeen" rebuilt. , Their, "loca.- . tion and arrangement, is exact, Foun- ,. datlons were found undisturbed except by the wearv of time "andf the houses ; Te-constructed over them.' AttoMpher: of -1831 rto , 1837 Jo so .f ar as . possible is rembodied. v The store where Lin coln.was clerks the mill 'on Sangamon river S and all 'other; structures V of "New Salem" so rich; in memories of the great American have :, been; com pletely restored and lack only the flu shing touches, ' J. -T. Besides ' reproducing, the actual. yil-' -iage1the .-state." has' added ra ' large frame house of. tte better class in Lin-" colnis day, which will 'serve as a state . Museum to house Lincoln relics. This -house is . modeled after a fine old re sidence in St; : (Gtenevie ve', . iio which village Mr. Martin "said is as a town ' lifted bodily, out- of the -last "century. The architecture, is of the best of Lin- ; cn day. ;.- IContaTftct; ipr thewiring heating .and-plumbing' of the . mnseuia have just been let.?; - - In restoring Nijw Salem, the depart- xnent was forced ; to follow the sarft tacticW used ;.4n. restoration . o " more anlenfc cities; - -;; New f-C Salem dwuidled rapidly after Lincoln moved away,' and shortly after, 1837 was ' en tirely. V When the last general assem bly ; authorized the '. ere atfon- p of the old Saiem ' State Park, only.ths . weather beat on foundations could be found. ---- v . r. .":.-"'. .-l -. - The 62 acre of the restored yillage. and state park; are 23 miles northwest pf Springfield, In Menard county . . GERMAN OFFICERS ARE 11 DISGili'l Those '- who Served on .Gerroan - Warships in the Battle of Jutland Said : -.- ....... -.- .? -1 . : London, - Nov.- 29. Former German ; ha vaT officers, even those who served , Jutlandjre .in disgrace in Germany, say som-oi tnem wno nave arnvea here.iThe-captain of a' crulser.which ' 4Wt"h -Jn-tlAntl bRrtle and a. Germany naval ueutenani ;camB. mw the Thames, the pther day as Slcers or , was almost impossible for former n- val officers to maKe a nving m wis- own country. -v"".:-''-. x" . - i"ari1 In "b In . dlS- : ge,said. one; cThe busines coaT caused its tbat no Germsn -a Jk-r. Vi'rk nwnpr will " emdoy US. r Many of us, therefore, have been forc- ed to take service abroad and 'several ; have 'found employment In the Araeri- " lean; mercantile' marine. . vi . ;viMIIGKATIpN RAPID . : ! Mexico City, Nov. 29. German im migration is rapid. 100 families havi-i arrived: at f Vera 'cruz "iuh the lattrr partbt-Oetobe.rt. Tneywere rre c -: - -3 by; fveyeral other, hmndrejl . far-l-ies, motJt of, whomsettled in .he. state, Chiapas " where, ney are ngaa ia agriculture. x' W-; MAKING. " MOTOn PIX)r. S y Moscow;. Nov, "CO. Rnssia - is muklnc motor mows. Tne-trial c frtst one mamifact"urel "here teeo most-Ruccessfuls" J i " v-" ; -; . Because pf the .Waricty . of ; hor?3, it. haVbeen decided to. turn ot I plows monthly. - . ;. . ' - ? ;;";'-.";-yi : -- ,---";'..". ,;; i, -;-''; rV-"'---. - s ' ' '

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