v 1 ' fl '- . ,l niE forecast ,1 7 Read all of f totfriy's news Fofciffni Wational, State and Lo cal : w. tn the 4 GREENVILLE ,NEW& tJV' i ,, hiv rain tonight and Wednes; "f, ,i,nire in temperature,' pro' ,i onH east winds. noruiea v , ,. omoer i i ii GWOCNVILLK, N, C. TUESDAY, NOVEilBER 0,192CL' X'.: r - : Vvi Price 5 .Ceats'" OF COMPLETE FAILURE OF SOCIAL UNIT IS Bill in WdctMhlaimeibr .o. -Tr-Tt"'.- ','.- M;?'I-CB?( i , I . r . J MiiC X ( :.. ' A. I S FOR. i 1 TI71 4. U is not mocKea. wnaiswyer h .u fV,,,t cVmll lie si'o reaD.' V . 4i-i J i If ! the subjet-t ot "uycionu macs s ' lj;;.,fn 10 the men of Green- 1 x V m n-vxrt rr Tiro o t r 1 nM-rri. L lie acitivc tt o iwi and boys only ana ine wm was filled with the mal citizenship. meetin? was a nriing enmax 10 iv0u canp.iipm which has been l , 4iJ .,4- J 5w;lV r.tie 1UI inc piiai luui r.. i!t of which hundreds s have hven i-edeemed ancS 1.1 1 r Le to ec tne error 01 uieir way, Living Uut :i. uie iuiuic w L anil more (vivumspect lives. - '..i5 ar.i (ol'arless, Mack for tjjliv- - 4 Nearly Filled Wtih MSn and Boys to Hear the Evangelist's Closing Message. , Froni ithe Text: 4God is Not Mocked.". Mack Delivered ore of The Most Powerful 1 'Appeals for. Right jjg Ever Heard in GreerAeg Fitting Climax tcr a .Great Religious Cam- oaifn. Many Souls Bor'int hiie;the. Gitji of Chicago StUl Ma' k Leaves on Late Train ior Bennettsville. rn hour poured not snot inro tne l's camp. He called a spade a , black black. No expression or hish soundir.fr words. Mack just . . . . - 1 ii;ht ami lett. nt caring wnere. chi-slc!!. n s coject was to save. j ir Greenville ;ind if it took this,-; cf talk to do :t by the help of be was eoin.'j to do it, said he. serre?ent Tor nor. a monwjut ucnui He w;n ma: Ro mr' earr.es os has ?"( ' b:: taor. f.3 ever bee its 'vr.il no va akir- at.tS:- ;-s.t. (iaft;nsr h'.v-f p.atrprrn. j; np, th i - ir.;.i men present r.d stand fc nv:Jle. de. Nii) .;.ft"v I W' :" ij7'.' ' i' " V--' ? " last message was. the best It was. a great utterance emenatng frpm a mair who once, lived an sin, now a chknged being for Cod and righteousness.-. The singing of the men and boys was' one of the features' of - theclosirif meeting. -.Under the leadership of Mr. Carron, their voices made the bid tent fairly quiver -and shake, and too, "the music made by the negro part of the congregiitibn, wasup to their .stand-, ard. . . .v ' "' : yVv f . Yesterday afternoon the servic-es were f or- la'dies, only, and thi3,:like the last night ' service, was a great oc casion. The ladies say that MaekV sermon . to them was the best of the series. The men take- issue and claim the sermon to them surpassed'.' Sijf fice it' to say, both were wonderful rapid traiisit New York, N. Y,, Nov- 30. More than half New York City's 'six mil lions" travel on subways and-elevated li?ies, but Chicago still sticks ''largely, to surface cars while London passeng ers tiiv.de chair patronage .almost LuV.-en busses, trolleys and ystem. ' Figures revealing these statistic of travel in three- of world's largest cities wer6 presented by experts at a gathering here of transportation au-. the rit ies who are meetiyg monthly to appeals. At both services yesterday fd!c.pt,ssew; York's ereat transnor- large numbers "ent 7 f orward nd aidn 1 problems. gave' the evanelfet;thei;hd v It was shown that 6,750,00 persons Immediately after thi sexvice last -n thsmotropplitan district with n n?ght Mack accompanied by Tom t a twcnty m;ie radius of Fifth Avenue Hcllingsworth and ' ' Geprpre ' Cl?.rky af -Thirty-fourth . street.,. . ; . ; j mvv'f'v. . uov, ..v.jliv . Aoout z.dvu.vvu oi tn.em i.ve on mau- - a irivat- effort in ! the riming train for Bennettsville, t hattah Tsiand" and .another 2,000,000 QVER HALF BE N .Y'S FIVE DRY SPOTS AT i MILLION I PEOPLE USE. THE SUBWAY Sticks Largely to the Sur face Lnes NINE! MILLION IN , ) NEW YORK B 1945 - ' - ... . : v i. . ' - By Thai Time .Estimated City Will leed 48 Subways and ' - Elevated; Roads : i LEAST REPORTED; As Result of the Local-; Veto Liquor, Poll Taken this Month ' Under ;Act, . POLLING CAUSED GREAT EXCITEMENT It Will be Three . YeaYsjBef ore ' V- - " - Another Poll can be Takeiu Glasgow Still Wet -A ' j S. C, to b,e at the bedside of his aged flock to Lower Manhattan every week j sting? Ed inburgh, Nov. 30. Scotland has at least five dry, -spots: Kilsyth," San quhar, kirkintilloch, Auchterarder and Ruther glen, as the result of the ;"lo-. cal veto' liquor poll taken -.thisjioonth' under the Temperance'Act. " i-5A' -Two towns, Newport and Langholm,1 voted for a limitation in the : saloon tragic and the 37 "other Scottish' lo sijities voted for "no change." '-' Everywhere the polling caused1 great excitement, and, there 4.was - a lively poster campaign. " Robert Burns, dtctum: Freedom arid' whis key gang the-gether," was the slogan of the anti-prohibitionist forces; - In Aberdeen, "dry" placards 7- ap peared bearing the words: '"Hell -is the well of whiskey .J To this, "wet" Eupportersl .retorted with a placard t inscribe dO death, - vhere .'is- 'thy ONE OF HISTORY In re One. of, ;the Most. Preten- x t ious Exp er im 6nts in - Social , Service intU.' S.';;; . TEMPESTOpS CAREER " V OF OVER TOUR YEARS In . Many Lines of Endeavor the Unit Performed,; Splendid; - Work in the Dist. A. these st app ;il for righte- inother now nearing that undiscov - (jay Fifty-four per cent : of - neard in Green-, cd country.. it is to be hoped by.j ride subways and elevated lines, 35 'r.r. plain spoken j the entire e;ty that he will find , her p:er patronize surfacejcars, ferruj llvered to thev better and. she will be spared -,to';hjm hjuj 5T ier t:ent..tjCom3u&tioii steam n there" and h-e- fta-maily;mor talking :about.'; -I-ior to' the-'sefmbrt - - - "-rp c- f !'-; ' . j " f a flymg ma Cai-roII aimouned. that a lull report j . in iChiac46rfce. cars .carry-" s sparkling, hair- published ( invth '''P?wy;fid, raptransLt lines get 21 cent sive brow, every- morrow.: . t;ris;ped i tills 'time 1 the 0ther..jier: ieat,traveL jn- evory musle qttiv- f that the :mimber ct conversions casi .ftji4n 'triiniil''4;Iii -Xoft&n the ed down. t.',Jl..V'-i.i..Xi- -iJSv- . VWe 'aM' JictdishWrtehed,""- said t fbufid eipressKjaLin the weighing arid t .measurinK oi oapis ; lire t aistriDutioTT and suburban, TUtioalfHiel Kvle; Who led the prohibition, lTv"rCir . -T o God pleaded to , be ascertained iorpublicari-n, as well e 33 cent in busses, "27 "per .cent fist attack; V'is good work tq have i 1 u 1 ' " r'o- to turn over a' new ffs the number who will join the res-,isurfr :. f-e cars and 40 per cent in rapid ? abolished 19 saloon licenses in-Glas- vital godliness in pective churches of the city as a re- transit trains. -; 1 row,' and when we attack, again, it J suit of the campaign. . ' '-" , Manhattan; Island ViJopnlation aver" j will be different." - In' Glasgow, -24 wards voted fnb change, nine' for limitation and four for abolition of saloon licenses, i As- ?C resultr Glasgow's 1,604 saloons wilj be redticedlhy and there was.much cinkirIgiJf "health to , ' WHliahi ifET tRqssxfootll JThnson, Mhe- Aiaerican Cincinnati Ohio, Nov. 30 -One: of the most pretentious experiments, in 'social -.service wc)rk 'n; - the" United States ' passed into history jeceritly with the announcement of the dissolu tion of the-Social Unit here After a rather " tempestuous career -of: four yeai-s .the operations of the1 Unit were curtailed by the paucity of funds and hereafter ' its work will be' subdivided and pJss under control of , the Various' branches of the council of social agencies which" is financially supported by the public at . large and centralizes charitable work. , -' .' ' 'The crowning blow to the Unit was the' complete failure vof a recent cam'-: paign to raise funds for the continu ance .of the work, although $25,000 was contributed Vby the citizens with-' in- the territory, of the district in in which the Unit operated. .' In .many" lines of human endeavor the Unit performed splendid service, as. in ihe district were the Unit opera ted it engendered a remarkable com munity spirit and a neighborly friend liness. Originally the Unit was fin anced ,to, ,the extent of $135,000 by interested citizens of Cincirmati and New York. 'S The;ioney called for a three ;year program. . Mr. and . Mrs? Wlbur Phillips . of New York Were lh'e rjp-ime jtnovers of the ofganiatipn. .As the basisv-pfhe ). experiment 'the . pro-. meters selected the : Mohawk-Btighton' J .At- That Such a Bill Will Work HI Zhlp& bri the Rail-: ;: - roads is Generally Admitted They not v Only t ThinlcTThat Such Measures ".yf.. rjiot jBecome a V Law and That it WilL ji;Vote)own.:Te:: 'v i Legislation Cdritemplated-will- Force ,Thehx to : v Sjjehd Money Other than for Reprs; - , : " ' Raleigh, Nov. ,30. Having learned that efforts were, to. be made, at , the I regular ' session of - the-, general a ssem bly in January ' to . secure -the LVuact- nieut of divers measures affecting the railroads operating in North 'Carolina, officials of the roads -are understood 4o. have begun the compilation "of data showing how near the financial break ers their lines are at the. present time. , . Foremost among the, legislative..' en actment sought is a law that will plac wo'tehine at every crossing "of impy tancViu ; the stale. This bill LaV al reaAvbeeirJdrafted jfflnd fis" ready!: for" i iitroduetibn ' when the ; leglsla tors : get down to busiiiess "on 'January 5 next That it. will! work a hardshipson the raifroads Ys generally admitted while railway, officials say that such legis lation will scrap 1 every operating line n North Carolina beyond hope of re pair financially. They not only lo not want the law passed but they think that-Jt will be voteddovri because the members t?f the legislature know that lack of : revenue would prevent its be-, ins:' enforced even if euacted. '" The "railroads are. universally cussed and even though "private ownership has been resumed the public retains its wartime, trade. An - increase of pas sengerjjirfd . pullman rate,, it was thought, ouW make for letter eerricel ThevrailwayofficIals think It did but tliT"tra"vel(usf'' pulijkf--' dissents most tne"'ci!typs5 rdistrict,'; one .of 7:tbe most' congested j-heartily-.V The Increase in rate, hpwevr sei'uons.oi'Uie ciiy.. r. .--, iujuibu iue .-crier or hi ieass m ThjtabjiAmant , nf hawlth .cljiMCs llfxltu;, leins Juiurodand-4he--.f ares was, me uni- sip - oi me unit.. injsii-w's-'jisH rouugii.. -x.- mn-.v ue.jiie iau- Block .mothers" also were chosen. These 'were-to aieertain the most ur- words of the evangelist ' last The evangelist's co-workers are y'till ages 163 persons per acre, and Brook-j The people most pertabed are the. j it will lo!? lir.srer Iri the minds of in the. city settling up the finances, ivTfXj, 46."'le''i3ie average for the ' church' leaders, tn the light of the -gent" needs of the families in the block wmcir tney-uvea, ana report tne vari- the minds of in the city settling up the finances, yff 46, v1iHetb.e average for irarrn. it v. ;s a wonaeriui pre- rasuijj -i f u iew , " ' .572 .'square ' pxues '.?' -naowaDie-. tation of the -rpel as only he can The McLendon, meetmg will never tory embraced in theVhiettropolitai ach :t. he h s done since his be forgotten in ;Greenv:lle and Pitt trict" Is 21 nersbna pjr acre. This paifeii here. It seems as if the county. rjfS T ir a ! S I 1 1 'f s nf" ' vestpn's famous "Seawal boulevard TO rtt WAMnr wWIe v1?? ?anite bouMers prtect piWjii t III IUU VU compared withlo per acre in Lon- t ! don, 20 in corporate Chicago, 20 for trpit- and 23 for iJleveiand. It" was .'predicted by one of the en- mm m 1923 ) the fourfdataon oT the wail trom ero i ineers that the five boroughs of New Ksion - r-. s i . ui xne waves. which . they, usually claim. " It will be three years Tefore an- , other poll can be taken. Although Glasgow, where the battle r&geri most fiercely, remains .wet, prohibitionists decisive encouragement from the large , ous the Unit conducted the campaign in. its district. During the influenza epidemic its nursing and preventative services wereinairhental in holding down the deatTate in that : section of the city. , - iYork will -grow to 9,000,000 in popu- rtiumberof individual votes in that city ilation by '1945 and by tha time the j en their, side: 142,343 as against ! eitv would need 48 subway and el; 182.560 for "no change," and the Lon- ', - - vated tracks running north and south 'don Evening News judges that next Chicago, Nov. '30.r-Cllege. students' Manhattan Island.' - j. these fibres may change places. UNDERSTAKE A SURVEY. pe East cr.d Extension Wall ! acting; under the I direction ;cf prof es-j Now Being Constructed in. Galveston, Texas pslveston, T: xas, INov, 60. The and extension to Galveston's' ..... V'll fciWli J f 1- Wl, predicts Major L. M. s I. S. A., engineer in charge Rework. To date 9,110 feet have P constructed, while about 1,200 F remain to i.e built. The project tengr built at the expense of the :?nirieTit. scrs ot economics ana sociaiogy m u j ,. . number of colleges and umverlsties I A LL-AMERICANXONFERENCE will undertake a -survey of the effect ' " ; ; r nf Prohibition iii ' their ''; cblrnmu'nitiesJV-.t.Washincton, Nov "Pussyfctot" Johon is quoted by the London Daily Graphic as saying r that the :nQ-Hcense people of Scot- l.i nd.' particular! v of Glasgow, did far 30. Wiff. - J. vi fircf nrhhihition Poll 1 UK i. U.M. t41tl fc- X-" M. e j early in 1921, it is ; aftnouncedViere. -Bryant writing from Miami, Fla.,. to i wag e,er accomplvshed in- any by the Intereollegiate i'rohipitio Ast. the AU-Anferican ionierence, wniai;' American' no-license election. soclatioc, The investigation win oe t will open in vvasnington on uecemuyj made under the auspices ofthis 'or -6 says that it. is impossible -for, him v ;: ganization. e-' y r" . to ,attnedthe meetings., xo pruve ''The inquiry Will seek to ascertain hearty sympathy, however, he incloses just what effect' prohibition has' had an arricle which he -published in Col uptin ?every. line of - industry, business Hers Weekly last March, in-which he and in vestment,". L.U. Fackler, pub- says: v nit-it sfrf.flfv 'of the ' association. 'I should like to -see .the State of- aratne fisrures for the original I . . - .ii . ' "'ix'-sL M-t' i -;V. ua-na.- ,f tho nv I'hrtA t 1 said. It Wlli- aiso iry iu asctruuii xveurasRa iiiiv- i-" ' for the extension now under J ....' ' '- W -Ju. viv- w,' '- ofevi-m Kv-.-anritinf into wticn ".show that post-war con, Jv,,alrt.: recreation"'. fh 'Viiw.: constitution the single stan flJlC U,.., 1-1 . ... ' t L K ' " 7.. . 7 . . . " "dve lair an nlmnt nrnhihi; ' - . iV ' " l '-,: t . ' . i , la -T r tX, rAmice. ip,: homelite and social wei- aara ot morauiy. v uigc u'j"' FINDS BOX. CONTAINING . -'"V ' the penalties of immorality enforced- j That is: in mv ludsmeht, tovbe the Danville. Va-Nov. 30. A 'wooden jjREENVILLE DONATES OVER $7,Q00 TO MACK MEETING JUST CfcpSED' to , prime.- t iaiu an almost nrnnini- . . 'ebnd . ...... Oscnolarsn "run Kieai engineering pro- . ..' -r- . me bum anu extension, Rvers and harbors enmmitt.ee at jington ha; h:-Pn ncVoH tn onnrn-- llte Sl,500.000. Th.. nrio.ir,ol coaJ - .... ..v 'b V"1 .. r;' aTfrifn....!.!.. j . . -.-""-wiiidLeiy nve mnes , in Ph bu.lt aftpr V,Q onno iiv, fcjtj vx v uu 8'0'm. in which thousands of ner- F lost thpM- .i .:n; :'rs in 1..- i- . i a Aly 1." r,fk of th.. at jt. bx conta-ning $300,000; in Liberty Fbnds Waj:;Savings Stamps and life insurnncejoJicies I which rwereT stolen from.fhe4Bllhk;at Halifax, at Houston Va.,. eight weeks' ago, was if ound today Theenv . . , by Guy" Lampkm, a farmer, at Mid- " .."""v,,ls extension, as aiso , Vo Ji'Ainn. rWrt.ft receive' fk. . .. c ail (-omnli.tH 5 ion1 17 Li, J M.A A J-lVTj m a "Dove tho mean low tide ' and feet al 1000 storm. It is five !i (rest wlfV. u -t .-in sininrr toward the gulf. On the which has been built GaU ' ed here-. .-. ,y-RW)SK OF AN ANNUITY ,'r,,,c i ii individual against - '-uinving hU (orher);ift:- . ' hVe a ,1.. finite ,.n J'- 'long as' , 1 i-ih. ? live. i. yi ni live, as-. xreat; service. Agents, Greenville, N. ANNOUNCE WAGE REDUCTION. j Richmbnbya NoPr-rnc ment was made by the Richmond Ce dar Works1 today -of klttcrKfbf 25 percept in , the wages qf all of its 800 men employed - in Tts; plant here: The reduction ; iseffective at rice -sleeping stores;. Mack of $7,- The free wiffy bEFering to , Kvanffeliat Baxw. McLension for his wonderful four week's "religious campaign aggregates iia5i7d. Added to tnis tne HI : 3,000 previously given ior me " i.4cnol ovnonnn' ff the caTO- t! I'll , ltV. x .f ,o1 0fnm)- T hone i oal&rn. maKes ureenriw to see Nebraska lead the fight: Th3 jjj:cn to "Cyclone women are' here, their consciences ara i C3.74. - with us; their influence wiH help u -!. Xx Whiie these figures have .;not How dare :'we " . longer . ''discrSmina' M been given out- officially ? Jthf against'a woman and give to the im- t'. OreenV.Ue News has ample moral a respectability, that W3;j) ground far "stating they arevcor- deny her. I beg you to consider who-, ' rect a3 they come from a; reliable ther this is not the timeto endorse ths jm jurce. As was to be expected saiigle standard of morality. Man and 1 ho. city .and county, refepondc-. woman will stand side by side before -jj nobly for the - financial success t.hW iudjrment bar of God; if they. must' 1 f f. the jneeting. A detailed statr stand on ah equality there we should: x ment f . to how .the nioney cor . 'it .WibmVVTi':viTitjiff-.vllll!ilK'V fnr . '- Incidentals '- was 58TH INFANTRY HISTORY - , I ' " ' . ' - . ISOON TO BE PRINTED ' ' ' ' , 1 .- A;histor; ' of the 58f.h Infantry, reg ular army wegimeat of the fourth di vision, which saw action in a number oi the major operated on the western front, is announced for - publication soon. The history., will comprise v a volume of forty thousand words and has taken the entire time and energies ;f the best personnel of the regiment mbnths to write. The book ' wilL be divided into eight chapters as follows: Chapter 1 r-The organizatiori of the regimept and its training up till the time of its first action. Chapter 2 The Aisne-Marne-offensive. Chapter 3The Venle river action. -Chapter 4 Tfee St. Mihiel offensive. Chapter. 5 . THe Meuse-Argonne offensive. Chap ter: 6 The march , into Germajny. Chapter 7 -The regiment in the army ; of Occupation. Chapter ,8-TKe -re-j turn of the ' regiment; from . overseas. The volume will be -9 by ,6 inches, cloth bound, hand sewed, gold emboss ed, 'and - will contain approximately " 375 pages. . . r . J,. . Ip'jjyftce ;pf;?c!bf tori J. and tobacco ,nnd the, V.pyot life's necessities but Ttlis facCJthat ti;arrel"o'aU. lines in the state lias fallen away;thlJs par tlculaily.true of the pulihiapservice sb friends-bf the carriers.rKf Legislation contemplated -mit tvill force Jrlfei to spend money oVher. -thann utr jrjwurs ana nnprQTeaaeBiWDlf-n are : absolutely necessary iX: 1ived with alartn by railway officiatl."' It me6s disorder sino the money cannot While Rev. N. S. Gillespie, colored, a native of North Carolina, but more recency of 'Washington- City, was In the act of inntitutiiig'a subordinate lodge ofr'the VRoyal Rons' of Abraham'-ati-WUsaa Friday officers pltced bim xinder arrest If or not having complied with'" the state law' pertalnimr to the organization , of secret '. and. . fraternal -societies. . -. " . " ' -The arrest was made at the instance.' of Deputy .Commissioner. " Stacy W. Wade; of the " state insurance; depart- . meJWt who went to;nilson for that purt oose. The" nesrro orsranirer- was riven a preliminaryjh earing and placed under - a ipuw uuuu oj nan wxitr. ux uia asoiai; ants. ..(North Carolina's (lawg requires ; a clean hill of health from. the insur ance "departihent and a depotat of 3--fWi wAvri Aun iai(iuui Vfc CXA w W benefit orders may vz given life. This was not done py pf Goals ot the liojal; Sons of Abraham, GHlespi.e -i the, founder of the new society -as well as . the Daughters of Jerusalem.; a Sister - organization. . ,f. . r-., . r t '- - -- - - - Charlotte and Wilmington negroes joined the . new order, organization lu- .1.. , r i i . . J without interference. . it Js understood. Gillespie, claims a membership of 5,- ' 000. In this ami other states for the" -twin-organization whose. home office Is locjted . in the nation's capital. .' AThe wives' of Sam Sbadrack and CharlesJ)avis, - Wake county' white - faVmers, are dead'and the two men are f lodged In Jail charged withmurder. They were arrested yesterdayf ternoen vjavis is sam. jio ; iiaye nnioauea ..a flrhkter.-revorexf info" the. bodypif his wife in the' early -niorutmr hours fainily carried" the "aew's of ;Uie tilling"' to ; neighbors '. and - when the home.; wis entered Ee was found, under .the, infill.". enoe of whiskey and wain- crazed ndI unmanageable. He was brought to the Wake county jail here-in. an nucon-cious-condition. .-.-"'.-.:;-. No reason is advanced for.1. Da vis act other than that he' was intoxicated. Shadrack's. altegetl crime is .believed uuviu iBf , lacx tuar ne wa. mentally unbalanced, "having, recently been dis charged' from the, state hospital for the insane. - - v .' " . The men live tea'miles' apart. Davis : being a resident of New Light" while 'Shadrack's home is only-a short dis tance from Wake Forestf . PONZlIVEM FIVE YEARS iN PRISON Promoter-pf-'-Get-RiehrQuick : Scheme Pleads Guilty 1o Us ing1 the Mails to Defraud : ' . Boston, Nov. 30. Charies Ponzi. prompter of ..get-rich-quick-, scheme- ir which thousands of persons invested millions of-dollars before his collapse last. August -pleaded today to using the mailsIn his schema to" defraud in tKf Federal court. . . - . " '.. Eighty-five eounts of. federal indict ments wereon... file . against PonjI After pleadinggtiilty Pbnzi was sen tenced to five j years in the Plymouth county, jail.' '- - s-.--- ' .1 f' III :: I III not give, one ot themr an advantage, tiftbutedX for -.incidentals I j was over- thpther. m1 the tribunal which" . spent wilV inatl probability ap .routVs - : ' ' ! " near in this " paper tomorrow "On no other subject has -man so rri-ieteA-mlised wbmani at no f other , pear in this paper As' a great; many have ex pressed a desire to 'know how tr: isfhe hbw such" cohtembtforr, ; will be cratified - tomorrow. her MehejrtouaUtie Here, ureWlHl 1 Stjs' money is expejed they. WIDELY-KNOTN COTTON MAN OF SOUTH DEAD . v ''. Macon, Ga., Nov. 30. Captain Robt. Z. Hazelhurst, Georgia representative of . the . Taylor Cotton Company ' . of Liverpool, England and pne of - the most widely-known cotton men-iij the South, died, this morning, after ;a.'ift-' pess '.'.'pfy several ; weeksv De'athwa'! d"ue to" pneumonia,- which set -in . fol lowing an" operation which Captain Hazelhurst underwent several days ago. Captain "Hazelhurst, who was , 51 years. of ;age, was aWeteTanofJhe Bpanish-A)nericari :ww7indj;'.for-mny De proua jo eiutsi, aim. xij uwy- u-.i - iu . a . E,ic y ." -t .. . - ' .. t-' ... , a.causeim every; woman tvilfiKi -jsk to how -i thet money gCyen 1HJ i fa i ; paper I'1' y AUXILIARY RECRUITS , - SJiOTtFROM AMBUSH .47 'rnnfSAt::: figures in :tne, national -guaru kt i stQlen thcaisands' pf.-douar8,iwo.rxnj,o.yx.. .v?-v-?. . V. 5i't,i :Zit'v aftprnoon;' I ''Vt' we :.vx .- Macroom, Ireland; Nbv. 30. Twc lorry loads of Tecruits in training i 01 the Black and Tan ' auxiliary . police weVe ambushed last night, by from 8C to oiie hundred men hear , Kilmiciae and; s fifteen of them wereldlled-. The boqies ;wef e JbrQugKt heVethis evening f. Already reprisals haye . begun, and reports from the' village of Jofuiston, between Macroom ' andDunmanWay state that scarcely a house there is un damaged . and I "that "most of the shops in the districts- have ; been' set afire LThe?reVidenare;-eeinfir from ;.the place? in terror. v tiere snops Dayewen closed and all business is 'suspended. Large parties -of auxiliaries bearing anq .revolver- are-;patrytiiK u; ran'3 '; the- oeopleare apprehefv tht tile ; uxUir ies will ytke avenge- '-. ..' 11M PrtiiJO nhhTiil-n VKILOUIIoDnUmtK . r Appears Before Investifiratinsr Committee of The Shipping . Board. Read Statement New York, Nov. 30f-R. .W.'Bolling, treasurer .of the United States Ship- pmg jooard and' iTesiaent; Wfl son's t fc orotnerim-iaw, was tne oner witness today before ' the congressional 1 com- mittefl iTvrHe'ftttni'- ti : 'STiirtnlnop Boards He 'was questioned, regarding the allegations .that -he shared In the y $4 ft fWVl eA tn Kaotf Kun Tin M Kv (Va Downer Shin Buildine- -Corporation for ioutracts. . -v ' - ; . ' . jBolKhg read a " statement .'.which said that ne nad . contracted , witn t. Kj Sands, former Washington - bank- er, to puna a nouse ior . anas ana that doe to. the xtra cost of building oanas oojetieu iu paying m wjc bLaie. the ouse was completed but Jater paid him $600, balance due and that all the money was . -eeelved frpm'Le ship Ki-iilflnm firm - - V - - - - JUDGE PRITCHARD ILL . . - .' - V : ATASHEVILLE HOSPITAL . ;.' -: . .- - - . .... - .t -. - .--.- ' - . . ' - ' ' . are worried about the - condition of Judge. J.- C. . Pritchard, presidjne oS-. .er - 01 vuc .uniww. cwies.: vxrcuxb. Court'of "Appeals for-' the fourth cir- Mission HospitaL . Judge.; PTitchard has been .W for sometirae, but . suS-f ciently . recovered . to : be - able-, to get -out 'iint3. a week a go, when, he w? again. confined' to bis bed; When his condition grew. ' worse : be was - taken 1 to the hospital.. It was stated at the hospital tonight tha he is.- resting j-asler but it 1 is understood that he f.