" ' . V J V Rather forecast; i U.-r.L .r "'-V-:1'. !" vC-'n;-o;r - -V-c-:' -tV '-V; S Read all of tods nc3 - '- w";:--:" ' ! r - ': C Poreisn,' National, SteiecLo: """Tit Number 155 -"Y":.C ":v 'r:'KK ;:v-v-u? J f$?- ' '&fltjZj .GRraNVi,Lii :N: c, n iisbxiY." DECEMBER" iL'isidi-'"; "'rv'".': ryv-: -"J ? rCrATl' SV4 "Price 5 Cents . ... - ; j . -i , , - - ..: -i-v - , -. v-. . ..-.- - ' T. --- ; c -... f - - . . s- - . .. . , ' Jl- - I J I I I I I I I I -I I in I II JJJK J I UULULI1 HULL I! ILL Uli 111 V -x ii -r. 3 J J 7 Cvprv uoiiar i raueu ctxiu jvcry? j-oiiar r:aici on c- count Luring; uiis rcnaa cjiuues you-ioa ou nn or 1 Chance f or One of i the Prizes Offered. Full Detail- of the Campaign: Will Appear in" Wmner. . Greenville is to have Pay-iip and jjltelv decided on at a Very, enthusiastic . meting ofi the Merchants Association held last night m-the The campaign oegms inursaay, uecempe luinajia ciqses V Tiaay; cigM December 31st." AIf? vVrlr f " is an inducement for all to take n ocks fne .iercnams assucichmju !''-"- ... mobile with self starter, a& the first into several prizes raiignig-noui to do is to get in this prize drawing the merchants' assotiation or' pay c0rae mex-iber of the association hetween Dec,16 and Dec. 31.: " Of r& tlia mnrp dollars vnii trade the more dollars you pay onccout en crupon you gei is just one morecnance io aiaw,me auiomoDue i . i ' r ,1 . 1 J I T7I J 11 or one OI Uit soiu prieis. river.uuuiur speui, ui paia.ua uccuuui' en titles you to a coupon. "If, you trade $1.95 xr pay; $1-95 on account von will but one coupon. . Eut if, you- trade $2.00 of pay like amount on a bill two coupons are'yoursV ,.1. v v- . . . These coupons after .received- places for hese will be given out later, jwith your, namex on sameand the merchant from whom you received it n In .the 'box he coupon lerted anc placed m a large rolled do ""11 Evans street Then v, i'l come the exciting p'eriodVof thB cptestthedrawing A person .vill be selected by. a committe and blind foldeM.; -The per- scr so v: in na iedwill draw-a coupon Thii ilrrt coupon will entitle the one; whose. name-3 ; written on same tc Y,e the automobile.YThe second drawn -Will get a erold r-.-i ' A fit ' 1- ..' prize and so on until all of 4he prizes" have been. given out. ; , W. C. Yioore, of Kinston, has ieen' employed by' the. Merchants Asscci2t:cR. to conduct the campaigatind-hejdw'onriiis't'job. get ting advertising printed coupons and other5matter ready.- Every town, Tillage, hamlet, cross roads be thoroughl.v canvassed from.now on-; JEveryrperson in the coun rv black or white, bond free, is going to have-a chance ofjgetting anautcnobile free. A one-dollar one dollar paid on account, may entitle jrou4ait.ii No tone can-telL The thing to do is to get busy; trade pay as man.v dollars as possible on and the more you pay why the better' chanceybu h.ave to.winJ Fu'l details of the campaign will soch as merchants' names, the prizes offered, .hetej the coupon hoses will he loratiprl ani lasit. hnt not. Ipist. how vou caii win the au tomobile or a gold prize. This Pay-up and Trade Week is ffi ureenviile but nevertheless it is ani trader are enthusiastic over :.it;v3:ifworke''WqnderaJn''Kinsr. ln, the campaign having just closed in tHat;iownjr,and -it will do -e same thing in Greenville Parties coming to GreenviUe'duringJ clliU VVlSlHIlg tu. itS.CX ULI 11 . Xld JUICltilillllS Ilia. remembers do business, have only tolookVin the.windows.or the W-angulav red signs.-- ' r ..1 lnis is a great opportunity, for both traders and those owing a$ wants. Everybody has the same chance f of -the: prlzcjsJ Tryiyoajr ,aek.you may be the winner:: -No bnejean TteuV u Take advantage of GreenviHe's Pavhii and Tradp Weki.-H :- ' : DEKD S O FTR ANSFEB Xj' following deert of transfer -have 1 the Register of JiDeed's :h last report foe ?regls- M. G;l: rPtt to L. G Congleton. - , 1 1 , 1 , ' 1 .1 11 : itii.n S..0o W. G. Stoked COnsid- rat:0!1 so; mo. 7.. ' " I '-t! to John Gold. " Consid etiitii,M s- and yife to S S. Nel, "in. t -, ""si'I-ralion S7:V ' - 1 jjvy iv an wife to J. W. .Icralion $1.00. - ' C Baltimbore, a clev irip'?; was here last V MAT YOU ARE - ' YORTH m anunitv at vrmr asre. 1"0U W . - - 1:,v"ii"t the price of suc3-an IIlitv J"'.!1 Ill'oll lif.k i 'Mutual) ; -MOSELEY; a., (neral Agents Gfeen- 'ne )iril,. . 1 - i if ."s ,r' n n x i . - J.V' - Trade Weeks. ; This was defi- h Chamberof Conunerce, rooms. part inthls fayrup and,Trad3 xiavu unerea a, new : r ura auio- .... .... .- .... , prize and $175.00 in.golocilt uuwu a.uuui one iuis is to.trade a dollarwith some ;of one -dollar ion.- account ;owihgpto-4i ihp'trsorfr counons? vnii rppiVi the more coupons you get. Ey " "j: : ";-j: - t- A. aJ ? ' will Hbe-s deposited HnaoxJ the from the' barrel or; hogshead. L . .. . ill. ' and hpg-pathif Pitt county; will. purchase may turn' the trick or as. many dollars as you can and j acconnt; );Timpre yoir trade il appear" in thia-paper: tomorrow, ' x i.,xV "v something never before p'ut -on going . to he a huge success. It tf PREFi?REKflALrJElAIL RATES ' i on 'exports suspended - -' .. , - Ws'ngton,VDec.:.l4.3-At the rerVs ques of the shipping .board, the In terstate? Commerce: Commission today 'again suspende'dntTf'f iirther ' order, , . - ! 'fi a -yiAi-fljnt '.mnrf-nn J act' s authorizing 'rreferential " rail -"i-i r'- i i '. ' r T : i, " "M.f- -tt icrt. inffndnppd "n hill es-! DOS GIVES JUS MASTER ; 4f4rt'tlnUes upon these pefpi after ona g - VY3UNING Ul" i?ik year;embago. - - i . i ' Kr- --Hy . - , - 1 - T"M ViV-wAf- Flitr. tJec,' 14."' iFhejj-i GENERALWRANGELS FLEET ;0 "Kinif'SJ. -.Bernard dog owned ; hyj Robert Hail, anactor, di3COverep.xnafc Jiame, tbriatened Hti.lU,IJ?: tfrf-i. v.h.rBhia Miter. v. r- . - . .... .r: ..-f bv tharm, tugged at himL and hark ed until .Halljwa certnio . someJinr al - had happWed: Though -the hotel 'was .-not igreatlyV damage by 1 the ' fire vKing-; nas 017; a.i.rj is a trfr'hero wherever Tie appeared In .the ity todv. .;. :i "TV-. . J( 1 7 ' ,r x if i.r -tn hishou'ie Wo Ax I ugtnn yes tenia y a f ternooij . -1 sleeping a i o cfocK tnis morni",iv rashedtovffairsvrb6m, -catight him LANIER LITERARY : SOCI WSBIT:;; ENJOYABLE PLAY Ji8 ?Ie" "vra?"i9lu:uT;l Training; School iTainmcf school --" MEMBERS OFCAST " S PLAYED PARTS WELL A; Large tod ; Highly Apprecia- 5 w ' Performers ?v - . : 3 ;JLast night' wfts Sidney Lanier JA te,- T&?$ pi'6?eiitedby',l;he Lariiers, made'; the" .audience live iltrough'.V the hardships aiidfove-maJdng' of 'the'iPllgrims, but the., trials did . not seenj,so bad when lightened by the wooing. ;The yotjn'g women in the cast played theiiparts welL I The quaint costumes and" ihe old-fashioned cablni rm wre - Misa Baebelle Eriyot. made 'a lovely -JPriqcllla, anj wolij Jter- aXidience aj3 den. ."Jlarjr .Ciftltotr," he first one tostepf 00 on; Plymputh'RockMi'Sis ElsfevWilson was speaking her lines in a, clear, ringmg: voiced Miss Emily.angley was an exceJint John ; Alderu The difficul t paitSof -Miles 1 Standlsh $ra weir played by Missr Gladys Monroe. Madam -Brewster, .the Smother j of the colony, was charmingly; represented by Mssi;t Elizabeth Bahnson;. " Misses , Lillie ilaefOawsonr,- as; Bradford,-and Elf ye HolJway, as Jhn Howland, seemeU to have 'stepped oufe of a pic-1 ture of the year 1620. Miss Lydial Purser, as Sua nto, thefriendly In diahgaVe. life v and fbl-or to the lay Rose Standishj hersef seemed to be ron the stage instead of Miss Alice Best, THe cdm'edy pat .of r Desire j Mmter, played by Miss Blanche .Brris, de lighted the audience, r 'Miss Aileen Jones sang beautitullj' two solos between the-' first and. Second acts. "The Lanie Glee (J!lub, dressed in .. PurCtan costume compbsed of Missev Aileen ' Jones,'foAfhil" Dorsett, 3a Hie ; Belle Noblih', ,TAma Johnaon, Pauline Matthews, Lucy. Goodwin, "Ethel nienfent..jan? between' the sec-- oiid ' and . third.: actjfv the old English song A "The La ss with the Delicate Exactly'.jo;the stroke 6f eght Miss. Helen Wasbh president of the Lanier Society ,; stepped bef ax'et" the , curtain, welcomed the guesjs, announced UiaW tne play was ior ine saKe oi ceieorav ingTerceivnarjr of the Landing-of lh PifgrimsB rfnd gave the cast ;f A - "' " " J " 1 . 1 ..lit . cnaracxers -.- ?i- ; i. che inerbers of the Lanier Society marchedfn and: saledethef, There .jvas. ft arge- arisd.ppreciatlve iudk erice tV'"" 4 ' " IJ-"5 '" PROPOSE EMBARGO ONg rWPORTATION F, WriEAT SVasliingtbh, : Dec. 14.erA.elnsbffrg6 - for one year: against" the importation of wheaV-flour, barley, oats rye, fla,- , - - - a - in nt io-tfipiittlp'aiid sheep is rarpos--il eil in a bill' introduced today by Rfprejy tauli.sning a perniaueur wi-utii w -y V SAILS f OR.BIZERTAJ.TUNISy fc - H - r .a .rB v . . ,r - :- WAGE.CUT AFFECT 25,000 : ir WHDpc. ;lcocton:.mannf pre of.thte :ty. employing . perils annomi wage reductions aw eragiug 22" 1-2 per ceni .today. -The r''f-io- waters witn tne rceeni ae-, u . v . , - ff Grange! forces Jby; the;,;: 4 . ' ' I ;- r,.. ; - T- Bffi'i PhUian 'ftovietJ armies tsailed-f rem O L Cl"-- -V n'."r. ty r Constantinople ....Br '- ft lot of FOREIGN. TOYS BEINGS REPLACED BYJHE HOME LiAKE if .Close to 3,000,000 Feet I Lum ; ? Jber wias Used -This Yc .r by - rU: S: Toy Makers SAYS THE FORESTRY? 5i ,,hCv: ASSOCIATION WastfLftMem in J m in .Making of Tovs is not a Serial one . . . t Washington, Decl4. Som idea of the extent to hicljoreigA-naad Joys haye been replaced. mHmenfia , y,. the home made'rticle is givenby ftthe estimi'teofhe American ? Forestry AsWlatioiihat rclose to -3(1000000 "feeV of v lumber ?was used this ear , by Anricajl'tdymakers. ; " 'V By, addtng"ihlmillion.s.of toys made i'W "f f trom "this wood to the : eaorni - ' quantity made of-other materjiathe Forestry Association- says some ;idea of 'thriimensity of. the industry wtll be "gained. -If Che buying pulflic'will "loon for the label," it adds, the 'for eign toys will be eliminated. ,c i ,. "The main. consideration- which, nolds toW of the Joan fwith'it.v i ArtScles,, of iarge"siz would 6oTt9n havyIf made i(it-mgaw-b- jmany articles are f made, of . wood be- I cause-it Jathe , besf; irrespective of example.-'X - ' Childrep.ijare th arbiters . of toy kinds and style. They imitate what they see around hem andtoy' makers recognize this fact. The mihufacturer I .... '. . I supplies what the child wants by mak- ing a class of objects which may be designated 'as educational. Another J class, imitating things seen in. real life, is recognized as architectual. A third has to do with trades and the tools, and machines for carrying themj on. It will defined groop is tsed on htheuse ojf musical instruments.. Boats, rafts, canoes,. and such things as float and are useful have been responsible far toys based' on water craft. -Children are familiar with furniture and they early recognize two classes, one. for the kitchen and one for the living room.'and these go under .the list of furniture toys. Animals, and birds and creepmg things form, an other class.; grouped as natural his tory.-i- Still ahother kind , which is very commorf belongs in the clas of games and amusements.--" r ( ' TTie waste problem in toy making is Tiot a serious one says the Forestry Association,- because most of he ipiecesused are " small .and what .does' not do, for one thing, will, as a rule, do for something else. - ' OPPOSE , REVIVING ' WAk FINANCE "JDORFO RATION -Washington, Dec 14. First opposi tion -torhe more to "re-establish the war finance corporation as a means for re 41 of the1 farmers was voiced today on the" flowr of the senate today Jty Senator Edge, ' relican,' New Jersey. -A. -' ONLY :r. 1 1 B --n . il ' - v s i. . ri ;" Fj :? UdUSi U tttll 1.;, , - . . PfUf-f Wc , f g-- lTl&imU&. . ;i- 11 g ,, y 'r -t5 v - .- ' - " - 7. i w m m mm mr . , .j ': n BE ESTABLISHED IN HIS BUSINESS President Nash Clothing Co.i ..Cincinnati, WiU. Adopt Rule - For his' Employes -,;'- --5 ..1.1 . '- jf - : . SCHEME "TO START - vj a. - fiAllLY IN THE YEAR i ITnemDloved Workers An ;'the. ; Clothing Industry are tcHbe Given Employment ' - T ' Cincinnati, TJhio, Dec. 14 ThVCold Rule is the divine law governing 3 nunian - relatiionshipv accepted by' all religion: and, proclaimed- by' all, pro phets and teaclhers of every creed, jand is .the only workable, industrial - and economic law . in the ; Universe today, accordingto Arthur Nash, former min ister 'and president of ;the A. Nash Clothmg Manufairing Company, of this city who has anjected the Golden Rule into the conduct of ' his business Recently' the .500 employees of' thel company, actuatea ny xne .spirit 01 tne Golden' Rule, agreed, to. surrender their jobs for a month; Either Januarys or ! February, so that unemployed work- n in the clothing industry could be gMen employment. In June 1916 i the company was xncorporatea witn a capi-r tal -tock of $60,000 and Mr. Nash as the prime moyer and. principal investor was elected, president. " N - In July 1919 the company moved into more commodious quarters on? the strength of avloan of $50,000 from aj u nc xt i. ..hj tt ees the ith the Golden lule proclaimed as the govr erning law of the business "fllr.'-N-sh submitted h profit sharing plan;.6 the employees. Their confidence in Nash was such that' the employees refused to acceptUhe plan but said . they pre ferred to , ha ve , their ' pay each week land were willing to leave , it to : the management to figure-jout: what they wuiu u could pay in weekly wage. Wages were thereupon increksed from time to time. At the end of 1919 the- company found that despite the wage increases and the enormous expense of. moving and equipping the new.-plant it had made a net profit of $42,000 on and invest men tof $60,000. . '" - The actual condition at that time was t that the company was paying higher wages, selling its product for less money and" earning a-darger pro fit than any ofJts associates in bus-, inessX- ; : Mr Nash i says that these figures were submitted to Hbe employees and that he felt chargriried because it was his belief, that' an. unjustifiiable pro fit "was- madebff the; labor of others. At the "tneeting . Mr. -"Nash said that wages would bfe increasecj. from 10 to k20 percent. .. Later the profit " sharing 1 . -. ... v. " . .. - v . basis 01 arriving at adjust wage, as the only solution of the problem, was adopted. - . By- the titan 'presented to them -. the profits were to be -divided among the help on the ba sis oT. salaries earned, twice a year. , -' - ' v V; ff .: The employes, who earned - more f,than $60 a week, petitioned the com pany, to distribute the workers' share o the profits pri the "basis .of time worked ' instead of on the basis of wages; drawn. v.The petftion .stated that this wouldf '' giyei. those earning the smaller wage an equal dividend with those making larger sums. This meant that the cutters and the. pressers -earning from $75 to $90 a week petitioned that the poorest paid help receive the same dividend that they did.., :. A BOX PARTY- 1 . On Thursday night, November 23 a entertainment' waj given by-the children, of Canwm Swamp to their pa-.-feuts ' Nearly evtrry home , was. repre-. santed." ' Fruit was served .and-allen L j6yed dgobd time especiatly, the', chil- " VvMidrea wh6'4istened to. the story telling. "-41 visiter' a 1 bsiness meeting was .held by 'U'the parents and teaoheiT5.- -x' - H' The' men of Cannon'Swamp ' were in- vitai'to ou wood "for the 'school at " ' v ' ' - !- ', " - ' - " ; uuiey's aiiesaay, jjecenK was gratif Jping'io all to have -success. -Ave now"' nave a nce od .ready for jise. We wish td expre our thankg?to 11 ho cor Operated ' sor earnesuy. f - , SwamS 17 jnvited tS? beftake a teadim-part. in,he framing of r ;e, . v - . ; aew t4x knd tariflflegislation, hear- F fLTTREtL and GORHAM. ings on which have t been started trA box, "party will be giteu at-Cannmi -f. In its Revolt Akainst the Fre' Clinic Caxnpaign bfj . TRe State Board of Health V Adopting Resolu--, :; tions Condemning the Wori State Tax Com- : 'mission has Authorized; amudit "of the Vast . C Properties of J. W, Cannon,Xott6n Mill Mag- rnate. ; Raleigh, Dec. 14. The militant wing of i the .Guilford CSouilty MedicalSo cietyw which in November started a revolt against the. free clinics eamapign of the statejWard of health by adopts ingV:l;eisoliitlphs condenuiing the " work is expected fo- modify Its opposition at the meeting, of the society in Jan nary..' ';;v Information: ' reaching thecapital from Guilford .has several times veri fied the ' statement. The back-tracking of fche; Guilford; doctors may' be ac counted for since itls apparent' that they .are in a minority with sespects to t their opposition to ,the free treatment The mails have-. been burdened with letters of condemnation forsthereply Dr. W. . S. Rankin; ' State Health . offi cer, made to the Guilford society's res olutions, the majority of- them, coming from the best knowit physicians in the state. " The daily-press of North Caro lina likewise has made it" plain, : that the work should be commended' rather than " cond e m nedJCjfi"1 . - , Some members qttne jGuilford coun- -aririttxr nj''?rt3llriS in . oiiTYnnrt-' sif ty society - havfJjakeii in- upport of the free treatment campaigns. . This Is considered evidence enough that the revolution' the militants sought to fost er ; against ' their ? health officers has been anything V but- popular, i Conse quently the militant faction -of the so- ciety. finfling itself, in the ' hopeless mi hdrity is now reported in" the -act" of retracing steps taken in ; November. -Th Stete.Tax Commission has au thorized an audit of tire vast proper ties of J. W; -Cannon, cotton mill mag- Tiate of Con"corKannapolis . and Al-J b'ermarle, folldwlngtiljippeal from the valuation made 1th5cotinty'-'nd5ti84 tridt boards. 1 " . " ' ' 'm . Mr". ' Cannon was unable, t convince the commission thai.li is properties had been unjustly-valued '-f or taxation bdt it has been agreed to have an auditor make an investigation. There is. a possiblity that this audit wiil 'bring about a reduction, but:"it is not less - - . m a " aa. . "-" probable that it, ma result in an in crease. : At - any'rate the commission has authorize-the audit. . -. The Cannon valuation- as made .is in excess of $22,000,000.; The franchise tax will run well up into the thousands JUGO-StAVS: Mi DUTCH ARE AT OUTS Sever h Diplomatic i Relatiot& - Dutch Resent Long- Seriesof - v i - - insuiis-iney. Viaim The - Hague, Dec . liDipiomatic J relations 'between Holland - and Jugo Slavia.-have been " broken;; off,' it . was stated here today. -v," Holland has -, recalled her minister from Belgrade andhas" dismissed; the Serbian" charge , d': affaires at; the Hague. ' ,-' T The action was taken as the resulH of what the Dutch foreign, office -term? "a long series' of insults to the Dutch government." t The beginning of the difficulty -was the arrest in the , early part of the war without.' notification to Holland; of the Dutch consul al Belgrade, who was an Austrian subject, - Since .then, according to' he foregii'.onice, repeat ed' efforts byr Holland to adjust Jthe difficulties" amicabiy-had' met with in solent' treatment. '-. 1 KTCHIN TO RESIGN FROM .V.-'. THEtCOMMITTEE SOON 4, V- Washtngtori, ' Deci Representa tive Kitchin -Democrat, , - 'of ; ?North Carolina, has. informed the ways and1 means committee of ; his intenon to resign .at an early date because of 411 health, Cha irman Fordney saidtodayw ';Mr."- Khiriwas': chairman of the committee' during the, period of Democratic-Control of ;the' House, "and had nd Mr Cannno h one of the biggest taxpayers in.' North CaroUna. r Appeal 'of . the ' Tallahassee -"Power Company which also - petitioned, for, five or six nillion dollars reduction of . its. property ait Badin, ' which is listed - ' kt '-'around $15,000, 000, has been denied py the commission.- ' ' .Tne. special committee appoimea at. ' . the special session of f the" General As . . sembly to;study'; the "heeds of the state ' ' and to draft tentative workmen's com-, pensation bill is "in 'session hero this,", afternoon. , ; '-' -' -x " ? 't 't ,' - While there has been littel interest to the proposed legislation by'offU1 cialsNof the state , ft-ue ration of-, labor 2, ; . 1 1 j j.-1 in9M t-U A .. known byr- members'- of . the; committee and i will, be given consideraboa. The y committee', will doubtlessbe in session ; for two or three daj-S and will study ; . . laws now-in force in'other . states be--"t fore drafting a bil- The Virginia act v which is one of the last enacted,1; will r 1 Lin all . "probability v be used ; as .abasis , although changes wjll be mafte to meet - the .peculiar needs' of North "-.Jarollna. vjjinusay vvarreu, oiyv asuuigLuu, . is t chairman" of the committee: and other1 members :areDorman Thompson,-' of ' Iredell; Luke H Young, V)f. Buncombe "; - It . B. Red wine, of Union, and Brown- . zk lowx Jackson, s of Henderson. ' ;Trialjaf ojdjenjrjjyopiilar young 'druggist of Wake Forest, charg- "v. .. ed- with having- received - merchandise stolen from interstate-- shipments,' was ' begun in 'the " Federal ( Court here yes-" terday.. , V VThe trial is being watched" with con , siderable interest since Holding has vz a wide acquaintance over the state. .He- is a college graduate aftd popular, Bond, for' Allen jjloneycutt, jTeuse 'r; i merchant,"-who has-been convicted on.. a 'similar' charge wag increased fron ten to twenty thousand dollars. : The , : Lbond was made by the merchants who : . : is wealthy. Sentence will notl be'pro-1 nounced by Judge- Connor ; until four -fother indictments "against him' are disf- I .4 " ' Am J1 ' ' . ..' ' ' 1 '. t J . ! . 1 1 ;. I l mW " posed of.. v. " ' ; ' JiC3 '. Judgment in the case ofA. J. Dennis U formes clerk in .the Durham postoTfice, . who yesterday - afternoon pleaded . guil- . ty i embezzlement, by 'stealing funds from, the mails, was deferred.' ' MINERS SELECT THEIR OFFICERS A ' . United MineWorkers of Ameri-; , ca "Elected their,N Officers . x " Today in Pittsburg yPittsburgh Dee 14--Interest among? mmers ot this section in the district, and. national election of officers of tha ' United - Mine Workers - of -America s which was held today 'centered irithe election : of the vice (presidentl" ,The. contest between John Li, Lewis, of. In- ' dianapolks, and: Robert1 H. Harlin, of Seattle,forrf tJie chief executive posi tion. was forgotten ' momentarily in "- the race of Phillip" Murray,, of Pitts- tl burg,PandJ.Aexandejrowat,;o: Pittsburg,-Kan.,-for :.the 1 '--csiden- -Murray for everaVcC"i-sas beeij, ' Ifionciuctingnegotiatipns:: wit V the an ; Jthracite t coal operators to secure for - ' the hard coal .workers' -Wage increase' -i . -i " equal to that recently granted the bitu- -minous miners. v Howat, 'since the ; great coal strike was called-in., 19.9, .. ; and which the, union was enjoined frcn : putting into effectiias been at vari ' : a nee several times not only with union ' officials but ith the federal "luitbori A ties.v " 'st 'y.-" , ' - IS EIPROVING . ""t7 ' C . . . J ; ' J I" . The friends of E; F. Tucker, dc-uty elerk.of the -Superior Courts will t a pleased- to "learn . itiat ..he is now izi proving -dally; at! the Wilson nosjitaL. Mr. , Tucker recently -undarwent an f erarfon and jha-L4en in a critical con-. .Mr. Tucker rec erarfon and lia dltion. , Strong ery is noettt itiott. Strong tiopes for his" recc entertained, " "V. 1 a' fir " ' v." I - ' v - . ' '- - -y - - - " - -4 f t

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