," V : '- ' " THlJK'31'AI y riPICDXPTO i ' l,"W.f'lllllfrl "' 1 Wini mi "ii i ' ' r .. ' i mm ., U I Ull Hill 10 1 IILL ym2S2 . -j w -r-"- . - - -rw a mm . s a i u.ws a performance .Jtjlsmwi-a Most CrediUblenraw3 " in Ayttt&TgfoSy1 - The Aiiiw ivtwi xjcj4JUI1. Auiiisureis oi l- ilf White's llitreatglf): performance vrosredible atf Jh v t h rough ati'd: thov audience apt nreciated the efforts -of;' the- entire nreciaieu me cuui to ua ihb entire nnng was good, ? hits apt? andthef costumes catchy j. DeGrnfc in his stunts, and Calkins and Richard j son, were especially clever; ; The solor work of "Dick" was ..on, tf ie'roti : tet was highly appreciated V'astheriff' '22 were encored several ttnies vand res-' f .-J.I rr T-Q nl-fnl ITT " 71- I ni in it! 1 c&u x. m j . ' - 1 The overture"' of rstTparl'1 dfT show was uniqueThe luta ai to lo- cal celebrities brought; dovMthi house. The company give aperform- ance in A ydeir tonight. All" of, the" proc eeds above ; the actual - expiiseJ-f goes to a wara in uteen nospltaTtworship Jl o'clock. Asheville. ''J ThenPresentfaift .Christ' : ! . '';' Afternoon services. ' . . , ', U. S. SUFFERS TREMENDOUS ' FOREST FIRE LOSSES 1 r-ri.ji YK 'A 5 j I Washington, D. C.AptK7.Forest fires, sweeping over 56,488,307 acres I of land in 45 States, caused amount- I ing to $85,715,747 during the five years 1916 to 1920, inclusive, accord- ing tin informatiaon made public to-1 day by the forest service of the UnifcH A total of 160,318 forest fires -ioccui :ed during this period. Minnesota ages'.' Adult Bible class. was the chief sufferer, its loss being Masons School House, Mr. D. C. $30,895,868. Beach and team rin charge. The bulleHn.r-corifiaiungfhi8iiifr- : Simday-s,choi S o'clock:' mation is a special edition of " safe- . lesson " Bible teachings about guarding America -Against Fire ' is- Health. sued for the Federal and Stfte; forest j services by tne National ' Board of Fire Underwriters. It- presents- latest survey of the obfiforesfc; fire situation, and points out major portion of the damaged to, Xme- J rica's forest resources, "due to -human agencies, preventaWi-J'' Railroads -1 caused the largest number of all fires chargeable to such agencies. SALE OF STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, N. G. SAAD, GREEN VILLE, N. C. Pursuant to an ordef 'entered fai the cause pending in' Pittsuperior court, j entitled Baker andyallac-againstf N. G. Saad, made on the 5th day of April, 1921, by His Hoh. 4, Loyd Hor- ion, resiaent juage oi tne niui juaiciai r ' frors j-pience unnecessary. Carolina. WrfteJJ. Ganorr former UrS. Gov. The undersigned receiver will on Detective, St. Louis. 2 to 6 Saturday, the 16th day of April 1921, at 12:00 noon, in the Town of GREEN 3EWING MACHINES, NEW HOME VILLE, North Carolina, on the pre- m sewing .condition ?12. Re mises, sell to the highest bidder for pairing done on short notice. Ma cash all the stock of goods, wares, chines for rent. J. A. Johnson, merchandise, fixtures, . unitur.e and . Singe Machine Office, Phone 136, all other personal propei?of "N(fc lGremli!le, iC p? ''' 2 9 Saad, said stocl inventories about S10.000.00. The said property will.be sold as a whole. This sale is made , the purpose of satisfying the creditors ' of the defendant above- named and is subject to confirmation - by ' court." The purchaser will be' reauiredH de- i - posit 20 per cent of his bid with the receiver to await confirmation by the court. t. All creditors take notice andattend hne easily adjusted. Price $2.50 said sale. - Any persons, interested ifch": full instrucions., Gem Novel can see anniventory ,'of fsameby ali- ' i'ty;Gd B&4o31,'orpbs Cm-lsti Tex- in? nn t.h receiver, or at tne omce ox i Lewis CI. CooDef. Esq.. in the Edwards Building, Greenville, N. C. ? I This the 5th day of April 1921. R. T. COX, Receiver. 12 14 16. Lewis tt?. Cooper Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF N. G. SAAD. You will take notice : That in an action entitled: Baker and Wallace, against. N.' G. Saad, instituted in the superior court of Pitt county on the 31st day of March 1921, a permanent receiver was appointed"on.the 5th day of April, 1921, to' takfeCharge of the assets of said defendant; it being the return day and-by thetetmSiof said order duly made' by His Hoo' Judge. J. TxivH Wirrtn orl th " - Fifth" Judicial District, all sriBditorfrL J . . . t MP of the defendant,. N. GvjS;SaadT: are required "td prove and' file-? tbeiii claims with' said receive iR.'T:; Cox, P. 0. Box 191; Greenyill'Ni' G with in sixty days and the fallare td . file such claims with 'the' nlgned-ire ceiver will : b6 bar to anjrrtiietfvery thereon unless 'filed on -pi' ijtefdrt the 5th day of Jime' 19211 Takerotice. accordingly.- '' J ' ':'M?ApP? All persons indebtedflNyf3, ill make settlement'with the-, jradei signed recerver.Mti'' This the 5th dayofprit'492! ; J t? fo-TZ COXefge 8 15 22 29 t-U:-'::-'i;'?. i? UEAOCOtfel I J Melt in spoon; inhale V&pOMJ 1 ' apply free- 'vp nostrils rv w n i.i i i it t "i i - j i fr ?f Jj (Q2jD -fs. s;Jrv 4 A, .t-V.v-'' m or To sea I in the ""CIUS) UUriey delicious i Ourley 2 9 to b a c e o ffl a'vor. 1 1 )s f j 4 -Pitt County Evangelist Notes v ReV: Prank H. Scattergood, Evan gelist. ' Services for Riinxr a;i iav. Morning i servicer-Stokes, .Divirie Pollard School housed Mr. jTi CL Oates and team will be in charge Sunday school, 3 o'clock. Lesson "Bible V teachings about Health. Sermon, 4 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Scat- tergood. Theme "The Scriptures and The Christ." Hollywood School House, Mr. Sam Phillips and teani in charge. - " ! 'rlaases' in all departments for .11 Pactolus--Sunday School 10 o'clock : -t-venipg service, -Stokes. :Wfep';30 o'clock. nie'eiCode Book of Life." are' aostv cordial in- T6"' attend ..any or all of these fTles bAHLIAS 1 READY TO DAY SET v tKehinoW:: Mrs. D.':D. Haskett 6T 'for"!FE"KIJ AND -PRnnSTnuS Phone 570, J. B. Johnston. 5 10c MENj - W - ANTED FOR DETECTIVE NOTICE PRICES FOR BARBER -work have been -reduced as follows: Haircut 35c,! plain shainpoo "35c, message 35c, shave 15c 'at' Staton Clark's Barber Shop, Five Points. 30 HEMSTITCHING and picoting at wotks :far any sewing ma- as. o iu FURNISH STATIONER AND type write for the public. v Work received art my fruit , store and my personable service Is" rendered atael at a very moderkte pricer Mrs. Anglos. 29-fto 5 DANGER TO CITIZENS of having shrinkage cracks in, flooring ceU- ing, siding, etc, can be avoided by us ing kiln dried, well manufactured lumber and lath. The? cost L no more. y -Ljong Leaf .nea,rt liring and Fence osts our specialty." Sou thern Pine Company, Phone 567 12th and A. C. L. tracks, t. t. & s. -iCall and see the beautiful line of just receivedjgat the Fjcclusive -Hat Shop, Mfs. L' F. Lee A new line of genuine hair braid and bobs MaH shades has- been re ceived at the Exclusive' Hat.- Shop Mrsl?i4? and Co f . 129 30 9t SKA -t 1-,-t t r , . f mmum r n s limiuuiintucjikiiii J12 Ctourch StV Greenville, N,-C. - - 5 - J M ' ii .JLJi w m mm xnacuuie, ;. easuy -., aujustea. : trice $2.60 with, full instructions. Crem Novelty Co., Box'- 1031; Corpus Chrfsti, .Texas. , ' - w - r 4 . $ALE x0 jrctAJMED FREIGHT In accordance -iwfthrSection 3532 Consolidated Statutes j of ' North Carp- lina 1919; IKq Noif oik Southern Rv . Cbmprfny -vWll Vsell at public auc; i tionf at 'theirv warehouse, GREEN VILtE; :N. C., April 28th. 'One car load of fruit jars," unless disposition is furnished by owner oni before the above date. . J. H. BARRETT, G7 C. A., J. M. MAX, Auctioneer 16 23 ! THO& JMOORB District Agent Equitable Life Assurance Society oflL. S. -GJ2NKKAL. FIRE INSURANCE LvOfSce wlthW. JB. Wilson, 306 vans sureci. , DEALERS: Greenville Drug Co., Greenville, N.eC. Wheeless Drug Co., Farmville, N.-C. Pmet6pSDrilg Co., Piht-pi, N. C. Matinee Drug Co., Bethel, N. C. Mi Mi Sihlsi' Ayderi, N. C. Fountain Drug Co., Fountain, N. C. 'Crgdtftof . an- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmT j - . - " ' Answered Promptly. Use WESTINGHOUSE Mazdai'Lamps give eooa lient. S. T .HICKS, ' Phone 60. aL 1 ii tnresliold "1XI1 ana, stana necessities. v u vtvk I "Mil Jlla: neds were for shelter clbtKing weijacll food, ancl tlie most important of these wao ibpcl asicl its ingfredients, provided in proportion neces sary for Lealtliful sustenance. ' 'K r'..i' world lias progresoed beyond conception towever, Ke has never improved on Nature herself, as a provider of correctly praporticmea as our gfuide, we have perectJlm formula and metKpd'(ptenta ' applied' for 'io protect our IrbceM1 it enables us to offer to you hemost IbXam ever, made, containini ;'pure crew, pure cane sugar, and flavored with genuine "atticd'ftw H.A lce vream will give to you that sin 4o nor we use ckjrurtty WE DO NOT fr.- is yuur projection ana assures vou exceeding in charm sand your Jylother made.. . . I ' " ' ... -. . . ' .. 1 'V' J ' ,y :.'.". Baby Louis Heels, speci ally ,pricedS...8.50V ar-y. , . . 'Hrf White Canvas Oxfords and Ptimpsit fcicl sole specially priped ' J.:.Hili$l.85 alr?;:::. n: Gray Buck, Baby Louis,Heels, s pecially priced i.-iii.t$7,4& ; - V : i ' ; r , : : , : T1 n-imMj. ; L-iiu ! "- ' " vC '- '' . ys anu man sxooa on of existence. NUtnUoJs fe responsible for tte provision o '"' gfrowh old, man Kas learned monv m-UiHn A use gelatin, gums, and purity everi that imim0ftatfprs. . !A 1 ' , . v ' . - 4' ..'... ,t " ' ' . ' ; ., - ' , .' '.' i'i-r 1'i ' ' t . a a assuror starch. mfi . ' ::. good ol iO7i0dv Ihi or M&k, 3 ' ;;.t-5,-. t My- v.- 3 " ; ; ' tf- .7 rvy'-: ."iV s;- "'-j "7. -.Slri r.-i'. 4 , i v J - -7 1 1-. 'V '5.- 1 1 V . ' - t v - v J - J