. .' ' - ! -- Every Everiing" Except Sunday.. I GiyEENVILE NEWS CO, Greenville, N.C - ; President it, I TtNC&tuaineas Manager OBN A. ABTHTJB. Jr;n ,'2DCStdt Vreenviile.. .". ..3121 "Evans Street Maw Bern1ivr7swrGraven -Stwett jTayetteville 112 Green Street aaletsh New York.... 225 Fifth aveau Etsablished In the Year 1W7.-'" Blember of The As9ociatedrtf The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to ue for republication of all news dispatches .credited. jo' VtfMi in " this naoer ana n ""f.PT I also Uit:lewshjea;nem,i RATE&i JPayaJMe In Advanec. : Tear........ lonthg. . . ........ . w irfontha-.. .U5P, Month ' Week..1.. ...... OP Entered at OreenviUo, N. C, poat offlce as second-class matter. The great trouble with our oppor tunities is that so many of them come C. 0. D. You can' flatter any man by sim ply asking him his advice about thus and so. Would you believe it? Josephus Danies lias congratulated President Harding. Even the girl with a wink may de monstrate the fact that action speaks louder than words. Don't sit down and wait for some thing to turn up unless you are armed with a meal ticket. We await with interest ex-Kaiser Bill's opinion of Warren G's message to the sixty-seventh congress. Those British coal miners are de termined notwithstanding the objec tions of Premier Lloyd George. This is what we call sound reason ing. "Pastors who preach politics find it difficult To pray piously." r Sunday last was the dryest day that New York has ever known. This is surely a broad assertion for Gotham. Thirteen Princeton college seniors admit they "never kissed a girl." Fur ther proof that 13 is really unlucky. Sixty years ago Tuesday the Con federates opened -fire on Fort Sum ter. The Yanks well remember it, well bet. x Hurrah for Scotland Neck! Board of aldermen authorizes a bond issue of $250,000 for street paving. This spells progress. Frost ' on- the apple and peach blos soms may be pretty to look at but well pay dearly for Our looks this coming fall. Harding's message tickles Senate leaders. Of course, it could not be otherwise. . That's Republicanism from stem to stern. When' everybody owns a home, per haps the profiteering landlordt will find some other way to get his Nor folk Ledger-Dispatch. Price of kerosene has been reduced to fifteen cents is announced by the Standard Oil Co. John D. must be slightly indisposed again. Shot -man, then threw -body down elevator shaft, killing him. We think the method of warfare was amply suf ficient to accomplish the purpose. British arevmoking less, says a London dispatch. American prices must have landed over there. If ach be the case, we- don't 'much blame 'em. Former Representative Shqrwood, of Ohio, aged eighty-three, is now press representative for a Toledo newspanper in -WashingtonT Well, it's never too old to learn. The town of Hobgood plans to live at home and board at the same place, says The jScotlaijd Neck . Common wealth., Ther -is nothing liki home cooking and the old bed after all. bed after all. Congressman Claude Kitchin thinks that President Harding's message to congress is about as good as could be expected. The - Republicans thiiik so too; but not frank enough to ad mit it. 1 ". . ' ' V f I i . l 9 - ' r Bishop Lawrence o?; Massachusetts, dont 'tlunk muchirfjaixJng-iujsineBs with holy orders, t We always thobght that preaching the gospel Wal ; mighty good business, and am ;stiU same Cflpinion. , ' Ji of the JK't j The majority pi people -who oppos aTdTpplftg their cattle so bitterly last year hve' changed, their mind; and are. saying the process isst;the thing-for stock. Some few, however, e.clmging'to their firapinion and refusing to dipW This is a mighty nobr 'stand .f or Jthenv io -take, .To jp. pose'sometfiing that'iaeaM good In the end . is a .wrong -position to assume., DirrtjiMT of eattleha proven beyond question the right ,wwng ana ior, i Uf of us,evtseRow' anyettf ;..,. m j.t ib4 owner '-of siock can ref use y;re:in- FttoBnty.7jaii'wnoav JTTVl - " have seen'$he wisdara Ot-it. Butchers SJ wlir telttyojfi fait dipped cattle are buy cavue uiai nave uuw ucc "'p11 Some batches?reiawrirsirigtto buy caitle -vthat-hve'f notbee .idiBped by the owners, eyH.ciaim wiiwe beef ismuch:bettennd that er it: since, they have'' learned 'the. k-enson. Any one knows fthatGSieeft from a tacky ani- Imal cannot -be good wholesome meat and the patrons of the beel maricets re learning the .difference between ticky beef and that not ticky." If those buying this ticky -beef -could only -isee the number of -ticks, ion some of 'the animals, when they are butchered, they would never ,eat another .piece of beef unless they kne.w. absolutely what kind of an animal tit came from. Those . farmers who dipped their cattle last year say that their stock wintered in much better shape than ever before and on far less .feed. They further say, that the calves bom this spring are much stronger and health ier and larger than ever before. . The farmer who persistently fights -tick eradication fights his own poc-ket book. Pitt county can easily be freed of -the cattle tick this year if .every-" body will . only. help. Lets wipe out the cattle tick in the county , this year for .all time to come. Little Old New York (Br O. Q. HePiTVBB California, JLpril 14.-UNd visit to Pasadena is complete with!ut a visit t Rene's, the most genuinely Parisian staurant to be found in all of Ame- rlca Rene .is there to low ta Madam f:nd Monsieur- in person. And the tranger is invited to inscribe hsi name in the Archives of Gourmets. Rene used to be a headwaiter at old Sharry's but he told me he liked Gal it f ornia far better. . "The sunshine, the Cowers, the people" he said with the real French shrug. It is expensive ttfj dine at Kene s but it is-worth the price. It is small and cozv and does not cater to the hoi-polloi. Thick turkishj coffee is brewed t on es"able and the plates rest in a compartment of boil- kig water so that they may alwaysj be hot. v U We saw Adele Ritchie there and her husband-. -Guy Bates Post. They live in a beautiful home here. Rupert Hughes and Mrs. Hughes were misty among the diners. No-dance floor ini New York is. at 11 commerciable with that at Rene's and the orchestra plays softly and most of the lights are turn ed away down low. . -California dance steps are about the same as they are in New York and the toddle is quite popular. No one thinks of going to Rene's in informal dress. It would be Jike wearing a hrown derby, at a church -J wedding. : Pasadena presents a 'glacial front to the moving picture folk. They are not encouaged to build there and aj-s though thei rendezvous j is the Inn at Santa Monica a few of" -the? stars were at Rene's but mostly the patronage consists of wealthy tourists from Chicago and New York. This morning we motored to River side to vfsit the famous Mission Inn run by California's Elbert Hubbard Frank Miller.- TKe hotel is buiK and furnished after the general style of the old missions which a hundred years ago,-kirted the coast from San Diego to San Francisco. They were1 a refuge and a borne for the worn trav eler wtio" paid what he could afford and went away with the blessinof these man of God. Mr. Hillef is'an omniverous reader. 'Ho fcail even read rsome of my articles and quoted some thing I had -said.' So of course I'Watn ed to hto. ?erer wa organ redSl which we aftehtfecrand then with &r. Miller we-nad luncheon in the open court. ' He "had prepared quatres for ns for a week and appeared genuinely disappointed that we only remained 'an nour. . . . ' :'. '' ' ' " :" ' I stopped to talk to some Japanese laborers in the fields near Redlands. They were very shy and much em barrassed though Courteous. A Japan ese lady handed my wife a large, bo quet of sweet peas with a Cunning curtsy. ' l" learhed tjptethat ;1 was was supposed- to payhertfof them but I didt, krfow -that. vlspposeiriB&y stupied war I have;jdone omtiiing further to increase l iie;YeUoyPeHl! I presume they think I'm a iandil of some1 sorfc KeHneth.cC. Beaton, known tsx Mir i 1 lions Wtfadei as ? KTCM d ;Mifrom $omej ranch to see us at Pasapedena while we wre away sowe ,, missed him tie-waS"tbotn ;n oanaaa. but he loves California Dest of all. - Kinst6n,' April 13. -3. Confederate "vataraira .Trom half ' a dozen counties vwill icame heefor he' May 10 lexe'r- ises,Nwhich this; year, will be thejmost elaborate in many. - Josephus Daniels, former secretary of the navy as the principal ' speaker; "will be -the 'princi pal drawing card. The Tar Heel cele brity will be -at home here. ,He,,was a' frequent visitor to t Kinston in his youth, andv&'Iborn K less thanl & mfcea from jbere- i$ Beaufort drfnhtft ESTABUSHMENTtQPMARTIAL -LA W.f ilNbGREEjdB DISCUSSED Athens, April 13. EJstablishment of martial law in Greece was discussed in the chamber ow deputies' itere today.' Piemier Gou-nariesf brought-the rnatter to ithe attentiori-of the 'deputies 'last night, by . proposing consideration of the matter. GOODYEAR COMPANY REDUCES ITS, STOCK Columbus, Ohio, April 13. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, .Akron, .today filed articles vwith the secretary of state reducing in com mon capital stock from $100,000,006 to $1,000,000. SCIENCE IS UNABLE TO EXPLAIN CAUSE FOR MILD WINTER Washington, April 14. Causes un derlying the unusually warm weather of early spring this year remains a mystery to Weather Bureau officials. But reports show, . they say, that March was one of the warmest in the history of the country, breaking all known records for high temperatures at some Weather Bureau stations in the East. One contributing reason for the high March record, they, stated was the succession of bright clear days. luring a month when blustery winds, clouds and storms usually prevail. But what caused this succession of bright clear days, the Climatologies! Division is unable to determine. One cause of usual cold March veather is said to be the sharp dif ference frequently prevailing in baro metric pressure. This feature evident ly was missing this season, although complete records had not as yet been compiled. Cold weather often result ed, it was said, from a hifrh baro metric pressure in the colder regions of the north which created an air 'hill" lown which cold air poured, like wa ter running downhill, upon the Under States. During the cold winter of 19l7-18f t was pointed -out air -pressures were.- xtremely high in Alaska, building up a hill" from which slid icy winds from the snow fields, bringing one of America's coldest winters. Vegetation this .March advanced far beyond its usual ;growth and thru- 3Ut the fruit regions of the middle t ."I- m m i I US 2 fmSfV-- V-- v.. Ps--- m i . m i. n ir .IT Tn t i 3 . i . 1 1 . u !. lit the B mm w - - ' mmm Flavor s Lcsts g west and southeast, a short freeze nip pedjaiany buds," causing , what ' was thought at first -to.be disastrous dam age of f ar reaching "proportions. La ter inspection 4 of jtreesi however, 3 it was reported ' .showed. that vthe f rsot had nbtHamaged fruit to such an a$Jr preciable'-'extent. ""J. J FLY CAMPAIGN. " . Every thing that makes. for a cfty beautiful S"every thing "that TnakeS "for progressiveness : every Jhuig thatf makes- for enla rged business every thing that makes . f or 'i.the. happiness. df 'the homes; everything that mdkes. H or efficiency; everylhmg ft hai n'akeS for'irift; everything that has for Its' ultimate .aim, the general welfaro-of the pepplef, should ;at least 'haY'the j careful ifcpnsider'atian fof etery;' citizen in our city. The "Clean-Up Cam paign," which will be" pur on at an, early- date has! -my" hearty endorse ment. - - C. J. . ELLEN, f I In order to keep abreast with our neighboring ''towns, it is . incumbent on every citizen in GREENVILLE to. ive their loyal support to the "!leiin Up Campaign," which will be waged during the 'next few days. Jiam for , every thing which makes for a cleaner J and -m'o-e healthful community. This movement warrants the enthusiastic support of our evsry citizen. t vv E. HOOKER. HARVEY AND HERRICKS NAMES SENT TO SENATE Washington, April 14. President Harding sent to the Senate this af ternoon the names of George Harvey as ambassador to England and Myron Herrick a samba ssador to France. Indict Alleged Ha2er. Raleigh, N. C, April 14. R. H. Mc Comb of Hickory a junior at the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering here, today was in dicted by the Wake dounty jury in connection with the outbreak of haz ing at the college several weeks ago, in which a number of students ha'd their hair cut and were otherwise mis treated. A capias will be issued im mediately for the McComb arrest. Engineers Reject Wage Reduction. New York, April 14. The Marine Engineers' Beneficial association of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, claim ing a membership of 15,000, today re jected the wage reduction averaging 25 to 30 per cent, proposed by the American Steamship Owners' associa tion. FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Mayor for a second term, subject to the action of the primary to be held on . May 2nd. Yeur sup-1 port will be very much appreciated. 2 to 30 D. M. CLARK. n. BENTLEY HARRIS 19 Years with the "OLD- REtlAftErT MUTUAL LIFE OF' -NEW YORK iiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiinip vHcxt timc yoa want to concern tratc cn a piece 5 ' am-mmm zmmrmm Viim . 1?iit f AM a slid; of WRICLEVS S mm9 wonderful belp dally tes r-end , awaits s iand ttaW S Plceescomsecsy for WRIGLErS and polse-rlt adds s. means success Attrcatdsd for 5c SEALED TIGHT KEtT RIGrJu m m m . , Satisfied Customers ll if-ydiiiare that'onfi'of our cus-tt tkomers then you should be and you frflitalk too. ; N; sAsk anybody who has tried our. shoe - repairing service and they " will tell ' you -we" make . them lbbkf PKe new. ' , Every job is strictly guaranteed r. to be first class ' and to :give 'ab-; L-J II i? ! 1 TIT . 1 '. Boiuue sausiacuon. ; we employ; only . expert workman1 thereby as suring you of the best work- possi ble. ' ' : ' , , Shoe Repairing Co. FIVE POINTS. GREJENVILLE, N, a x : Health ' Miny thtimatidi d women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to tetters we receive, tim22r to this onefromlrs.Z. V.SpeH. - of Hayne, fi.X 1 couhl not stand on my feet, ana- Jujt 8ia?eredt.terrlbiy,f she,iays M jnymV, fering was 8ogrea,an hefted tried other reme dies, Dr. -i i ted tm cet CarduL 'lejpai ' improving, and it dtred -me, l .know, and my :: doctor knows what Car- .. Out did for me, fotJny nerves, and txealtbwere tboatgoms." fi . SAKE 1 'cM eWc ami bit" 'J 1 She wrtteTfuTtfieR iri ' aw su imw m niin an!do my work.' 1 feel 1 4 ? 1 In dreadful condition." If -yon are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer : from headache , ftaefcacne, - I etc, evwy month, toy 1 Carduf rThousandt women nralse this medi- t -I : dne for the good it tea done them, and many ' nyslcians who have used. ! ardui successfully- with ' fteh women pafienTJ,'for ! years, endorse this medi- dne. Think what It means ' tbe in splendid Tieatth, i like IMrs. SpIt ' Give 1 Caxuula tnaLv JNr Alt yiujMw rv I -a About Gone ft 2 (SCSEMBD in IS j VI ; "J No 2 Daily Greensboro (So. By) Durham (o. Ry.) Fayetteville .;. . Kaleigh.. Wilson Greenville ....... New Bern . Washington . . , Eaizabeth City.5 Norfolk :;. Dail3rexcept4Sunday. grains, Nos. 3 Service between itwus ai os. x ami passenger zare TONSiUYlS ? U ' - Apply thickly over, throat. : cover with hot fiarln! . x - mm . ... i . ..- ..--; .5 ... (..j'i--. . -!.. , " -Thoae little flecks from your head that tCKi'.-W1 gitee.3y fejjotalko. Amaat quicks lasting benefit reported by mglyquicit lasung ueneui repri mjt lemons of ttenwomenchildren. Srm fi 'itvmany casen lutely proved, "'at ?anr busv mirrorl Show others this advertUmtnt, ''C-?V.'-.' rr $500.69 REWARD. A Five Hundred Dollar Reward ,1 offered "for ithe. eapture-nl -delivery' to the undersigned 9! J. Harring ton, Jr., fate rjof tfc Vounty, 'ortb" he- having' been declared an outlaw. Descriptwni-weightab pounds; height about 6 feet 2 inches; light sandy hair, a' little curley; age about '36; ordinarily, dressed, when last 'seen wore a short Kght mustaclje and wearing cap. ! r -E. R DUDLEY, t . 11-16 Sheriff of Pitt Cd'urity: " Present: Hon. ; Henry Groves Connor Judge Presiding:,- - ;-J in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. . . ; -. Pratt Lumber J Company, ' Inc., Com ; ; plauintv , ....- .j vs. . . T. H. Gill Company, "Defendant, fi In Equity, No. 404 .Order to show cause why a special master to take proof of claims should riot be appointed. ' LI 1 ' On reading and filling the petrtiotf of 'Doughlas V. Ashley, Receiver of the above "named defendant verified on the 26th day of February, 1921, praying f or an order- requiring :aH creditors of said defendant "to show cause why a Special Master should' not be appointed herein, it is ' ' Ordered, adjudge and -decreed 'that ill creditors of the -T. H. Gill Com pany, the defendant above named show cause before this cour tat a terni thereof to be held at Raleigh, Wake Countyr North Carolina, on AprU:9, 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M., why a :Spo cial' Master should not be appointed herein-to take proof of, ascertain-tand report to this court the nature 'and j extent of the claims of each of th?' creditors of the defendant herein; io take proof, of, ascertain and report What lien, if any, and. theiature and extent -thereof, .'which: any,", df- fthe cob iHors of the defendant has ngainst ite rihsete, and to lake "proof of as certain and -report' which, if..afiyv';af said claims are entitled -rto :irefer-t ence or priority of .paryment:;il'i3 further. ,-&LS': ' . -.; Ordered, adjudged and. decreedlthat the receiver cause a" -copy of this; or der to be mailed totaU known creditor" iln the State of North Carolina 'and the other i creditors named in Oho. pe tition herein, - within : ten days from the date hereof, and to he published once i ntne:week lnunediateiyfpre-. ceding the time fixed herein fori the' hearing of ' this application, in "some newspaper published in the towns' of -GREENVILLE and-KSrjeton,-'-j-North Carolina, and such other papers as the court may hereafter directr (Signed) ? H.!G. CONNfWtt, OD TTmfol Cfofoo"' TitevfrW- llvAe. mmW W li ,mml M V0 AIO VI. Nf mmm7"m Q f a D m- a a . d PLUMBIKGJT: GENERAL StEPAm IMTimbcifjsline All Work Guaranteed. ,Kememperfc.uiAi.vrr- ion tne gist dW of Anril 1001 v Ul UK BW". " J - , UG. CONGLETGN, THONE 550 IMPROVEDSW PASSENGEB TttAIN:' SCI1EJJXX4S f -V. NORFOLK SOUTHERN R B. , r i.ten'elMprril(ilJ.' v Arrival and Departure of at v.'. . GREENVILLE V - 4.(r ' No.,1. Ballyv Lv; J5:4(J'A; T4."" (W5 P.ST.11 Ar." 2:48 CklO 8:10 00 3:43 12i26 una7 5:35 631 8:30 ' ' A Mt Lt.: 5 Ar ' 110 4 Lv. 3:05 P. M. " Ar. 5:15 " Ar. and 4 carry through " Phllmaa- sleeping Raleigh and Norfolk and :Wew JJeru and carry-irauer panor cars terween; nen uetween uaieign ana Jforiolk.. hV .'I..." ; " C : War Ta B- perTCenf toaooltii.,;;; irSrx i t ' . The only North Caroltaa lmejnmning.irR; tralpi.tnto Norfolk. :y;f erry-- ' . ..' . - - .; ' j. -vi t-f , -fyJ a.HA&3ELIv;Tioket Agent.'-.. f-X' , .crth Carohni, -Pitt ttm w"Jt the; Superior Court ' ' ' . : ' Delia j Leathers ;. . . . ', a "' ' ; 'A brahani 'Leathers - c "'J-.' - . -. , ,5 , -The defendant bov-ilame(, take notice -thatw action entiZ a. abovehaveibeen commenced in the superior court of Pitt county Z trTlaion3 hereto. I ore-xwtmg -between-the plaintiff and the defendant; Jot th purpose nl "Sr?'?" Mf.4fnniJ om the 6e. rs an abao. lute. vToref tna, the ,sai ,aaid defenH.i wicrtbe,ri;tak6notic.e 4hat h .! Te(mtreA -1 DM.. ytMA ,rrea WJ Befor the clerk anawe-4heoJmplaint, which will be deposited, in "the office of ua m; tH sQRerJr ;cnjrt,of ;aid county " f rMlzrrtX " , r K. UirH Qay of this awatoMund -tit' tWdefendant tLa tlOticftr. lt 'it. ho ail demur-to -said c6m plaint -wtthin twen iy(20). ys) aftac rillat, 1921" the plamtiff will 'apply ito the ndeJ .in the 'com. piaintv r v- Jjftyen -unflerrvnTy Ihand, 'this March 21st, 121. j " K T; IX P. HARRINGTON, Clerk ' Superior Court :Pitt County ":V. X'iJ'K'''i': f-:f.H(' ELECTRIC TROUBLE CALLS -Answered Promptly. WiETlNQHQUSE L 'Mazda Lamps. ;, They: give good light. Phoe'60. rCllORinSSETTE Certified tPublie AecountanL V AUDITS SYSTEMS - - "tax returns . . , ' j . .. i lit I t i 5. I 1 Traininyj School fet 'Senior Play : - MONSIEUR m;2 8:3p T. m. Adniifssionilf'Sc.iand $1 ' ' jinOSJ IOOJtB : . "'tttstrtet Agent Equitably iLrfe Assurance Society Ts:v ?f t-'WB.4-' : ' 4 tirlNKKAL lattEifNSURANCB In .ijimmJj w -.Evinii SirreC :.:;JffiAG;:. i 1.15 Per Hour. Servlte Is Onr Motto' Ji7r4Yr ATrTV ctorrt J! 3. i .... '-J.r , '' ;. mm ttt k'.-,. ? r ', '.r. JlI - i - ' r 4 .r5 t v No. 3. 'Dally Ar. 12:10 r. M. ; ioioo a; M. . 12.0 P. M, cOO P.U:,U' 2vi20 A... M. :50 ;Lr 5:10 i f-y. 4 jTjir apw8iuig yyyy ,vni. me sountv nt MAr.'.r,;'xv; i?oo,.a:ji. 0-V5:8;40V'-' cars f with . Buffet Korfolk.-' , j uern.Wasn :c;,.i..:';j...r : -4 I V v. v V