j: SSFSp..--v....-..-,.. 1 j; jw-.........:,.'.,....,-.. . - - - - mi -y -. y ft .-irr i iiiiicXitSt feet I tttaJ.&J fctrS eiUt HIT GAME AGAIN rreenville Pitching Ace Again Blanks Washington Without Hits or Runs- 3 itched his second no-hit,? lid Beale p n iramc teria . , Uonrv. Who alSO ijhea a good game holding, the the onlr rjt thP c.m.- in tne oiu ulT ii.J ,n Kame ;igau.at o- ?; C;'.S and Beale walked, , theii ctrmu'ti" doubled t origU.nier, SC I!;! and Rowland have tln, l(1 bv the Washington club, pth le, - real ring that the tar:.fcftv plhBncc of getting out of the!jV T 1 w'od goes to Lexington wte Svlan.i WiM join, the Rocky Mount 5 b ,,f the Virginia league. ; . c!p'. . : .kP Knv score: -J Fllliowi . :R p iTTit, .. 4 0 2 X ..l 4 0 0 0 ... 4 ... 4 0 0 ... 4 0 J 0 ... 4 0 0 0 -2 1 00 ... 3 0 ;S .20 o ;o Gretnviue Strinpfii'I'l ss Barnc- -UftwitL-h it .. HU'I!'; c gsale i Total W'a.-hmpton Semcler If jeannetto cf . Jones rf Doolev 6b Armstrong t" Johnson 2b ... Huffstetter ss Hairy P sre by innings ' Greenville . TTashinKt'in Two base hits, Stringfield. Struck. ! Sis Ml Bi-ale 3; off Henry 8. Saen-: .m,'pr. .Toannette. Double Sts liucstct'tor to Johnson. tp Arm: ttmn. lime i.i". " r and Stewurt .. 31 1 4 I AB R H E 3 0 0: 0 .... 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0- 0 3 ,0 0 0 . 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 VQ-VO .... 3 0- Wfi . 24 0 O 1 R II E 000 000 0101 -4 1 0O0 000 000 0 " 01 ' - --r v. ,.v-v,--- - i .v j ". .-. ; a .. S GreeiuiUefs iBustest Department Store ROBINS Ol'Tl'LAYED ." 151 Ml Li " : New Bern. Aug7l2. The Roblm dropped anotner game i uu Hav. tut it was a dinerent sort ui pme a that played Here vy eanes Thn pnnt-t wis a i) tcher s bat tip ktween L:irisey for Kmston an,-: . I 1 1 .ft,, wiicnn for thp locals, witn znt- odds liehtlv in tavor oi in But Iariscy threw a scare mtOjrtiv- fans when, for five innings, n3 neu the Be;irs hitle-s and runiess u?ir: wthe first fur inn'ngs it was tbrer. lip and three down, in tne nitn xvoucr Ifeoke the spell witn a circuit ths rieht ftek tall. Two other hits in the same W' I sing however, netted the Bears, nptn in?. . . ' .i'r-r- it;. -.(An mrpi first m tne hpa i ning. Bair coming across on a delays edstenl of second by Johnson, whic tnni'ied tie catcher t othrow tne Vail L'J LIU - vuiiv- f- . i'lTin unnnintr run vc;ls sPOrBa in5fl 11th. after Ollinger had been sen0 to relieve Lari. ey. The hrst nittej was a n:asy out but Dunean bea- out a bunt. Oil e threw to first any id PMor aj IlilM l. I : l I'll t x v. . - . : ris th-fi drew a walk and ifcstcr again did business when he hit;j STANDING. OF THE CLUBS. 1 I 1 WANTED AT ONCE FUR'jSflED - or unturnfehed roonv. ?with olx witn j out table, board. Give loc.ltic a and r't rate -to permanent occupant. Ad- . dress U M. U. rost omce cox tRaleigh, :N, C. A . . ' 1S15 LOST AUTOMOBILE NUMBER .. ,56616 and rear light between tbM city and T. J. Stancil's. Findei. i please return to'L. 1. Jones, A-.v.. - ; , ox Lt. va iMtinnjeri -uieiice .west.; wim id;Unfepret-'aWker thence f hj iwMrltinirtff sometli ou SesOhcTlatrfeefcr and being a'part5'thfe-ad3 ptirchat 'enrea by" t..Skfnnr: ana wue, to I. i and E: Flow ersv and wives ,"" .Thisisaleil ma ie tor tne 'purpose of atafyiAgf jt&d indebtedness secur ed 'ax saiddeeds.oi Trrust, -aetault-iiav-p- iiwaertlie notes. BecuredC-5 so ioVrvi--r. ;v' V mortgage executed tox Jne by . A. S.x: T1 -.4 1 1 - T .' T T a. jl iioicui. unuwue,-. a. naiera, vin vug 10th. day of March: 1921, I shafl " of-' fertfor ale-at TJublicr auctiori' to? the higheat' bidders for-cash, tiie .dfollow - " ing yersonal' property r described"-and htsifjtted 'iQ:'eaidxhattet mortgsgi: -;. 1 ;"Ul the tock of gCKJds wares" and , mats mK Tirfflas a y VwAvmkv in - fKsf m. mv wuuauo uvn - ivu 4 u w r r - - tJJi'store "ijuilding' on U3ckinsoit"ave-e niae, urcenvuie, n u, at ais; De rug' Che' stort how being conducted on- - uer. inei name ot loe xuxrKet. .- a no ea jx Baiaaeeusui uiujsl, itauiiiavjaDove- uescTiption' snau . inciuae nx- -incr "been made -in the payment there-! tnrV. - i-.?.. -x"-.- .7, " i-cr, n .Trustee, -1 , premiseS'ii 10. XJJCK.insorr avenue, . GreenyitKe, " N. C.;Monday,0 August 15tV2921,.fatf12 M. v r.f;'sVv" v; f v B. G. ABEY0UN1S S -S v - f.Mortgagei ;ariaa-Juiy7tH392i: v;? - WANTED. GIRL-TOtUNT BAUUi ITr i "V John J. Boyd. AydenV:N. C. WJn V ' " " ff : ' ' .i i UI1 V .. r .1 " . -- I I I II IHM III l II I ' LEFT IN KITLOW CAFETERIA ; 2j 1 straw hats. Uwners please caii..ior them. 3 J S n A Dil,nl nnii cilli' aoeai I it 1 if .- -pi-' i ' - A Si- WEEK I t 5! " ' ! -'' I can get same by applying to W. J, Manning, Bethel and paying for this ad. ' U'l m R. W. STANCILL WILL DELIVER J ... his lecture, "The Sliver lining- to trmi- " . . ... . 1 Tvoininor SrVinnl f.fnip-Vlf. in the La' Training School tonight, in tl iOf T I Christian church at Grifton Aug.- ; - l4 I . .. . i., i 1 gei 1 t?1 -0, -. , . . 5 : , 8. in t.hp Reminarv auditorium. Ayden. Aup. 9; in the Christian church, Farmville, Aug. 12. in the High School auditorium, Bethel, Aug. 16; in the Christian church, Grimesland Aug- 22. : - . 5t2ft EL DBOTLEY HARRIS - 19 Yearn with the 1 "OLD RELIABLE" MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK y.. 1 1r - - VMM II Mil l.lie Greenville :Cafe i$ the ideal place to uet herved S .... - . t. , ON .-.in t 'if J lead Dot P: ... jGREENVILLi; New B;rn . . iWashington ... W. L. Pet. . 18 6 75' .12 11 522 10 12 45f 5 16 ,23? SCHEDL'LF. EAST CAROLINA LEAGUE. SECOND HALF Greenville at Washington, ICinslotr it New Bern. 12-13. Nw Bern at Kinston, Washing41. jt Greenville. 15-16 -iS. Washington at Kinston, Greenvill fit New Bern. 17-18. Kinston at Washington, New Beflhi q w Greenville i OUCH I AMATIITO JMATIC TWINGE ; 1 busy and relieve those pains "un tnat nanay Dome 01 Sloan's Liniment r t I 7"HAT Sloan's does, it does th6l yy ough'.y penetrates without rub' uing to the aruicted part ana jPmmptly relieves most kinds of exter- K Pains anrl orW Vr.ti'11 fin Ifr md non-skin-staining. if for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia. .weather after-effects. " - ; for 30 years Sloan's Liniment has Wneri tU. 1.1 t . :r i !" wuwiiU3 me worm over, ion iP t likely to be an exception. It cer .JJ drugglst3r-35c, 70c, l.40. 111. Fit! -A 'i MEN'S ODD SUMMER COATS. 98c 100 Iirs Children s wKite Slipper and Shoe, sfees ip tor 2 1 79c. CHIIXRFS TAN SCUFFLERS......98c Yard-wide - White Homespun, very spec , ial st - - - - 4c. Yard Men's Tan Ensrlish Oxfords, very snecial at ... -- - ----$2.39 oi mineral InattToi: Just ry K0R0LAX. WbT Krlax U reUet for U???; Jid braaia. o-rouanK. oyspep, wt- TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trut executed by I. J. Flowers and wife. Etta Flowers, and Ed. Flowers and wife, Eva Flowers, to L. G. Cooper, trustee, on the 5th day of July. 1010. in Rook Z-12. at pace f the register of deeds office of Pitt -rountv, default having: been made m the payment of the indebtedness there in Becured and application having been made to the undersigned trustee I will offer for sale before the court house door in Gr3er.ville, N. C, ct public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 12:00 o'clock. ioon, on MONDAY, THE 2&TH DAY OF Aiir:iT;T 1921. the following described Jot.or.-parcel of rand and '.premises, t'o-wit: "Lying on the south side of Second Street .between Reade and Cotaneli v,Q Tnwn nf Oree"vilIe. and beginning ata stake 40 feet east of 1 thna oT pnrnpr Ol iJfix a. "vwv Lilts -viAvjx iuwj -- , j Skinner lot on Second Street; and Regiilpr meals 50c. All kinds of vegetables. 4 nrr3 TTT) TT I -(Ql: b tl I.V 1 72 7 " J I r it ii i i . , , l -- " . ll.M-MW. ill! I Ml "..HI . ' . hgm FOR I t a x aw a4 Mm V Smithdeal Business College! j Kicnmond Yirginia hnr Table Mehs Dress Pa its, very spec- i-i1,fip, ? ; . . $1.9b LadUes'-'.GinKharh, House ; Ureases, a hr- 7C v v era in at .. acues .Voiie all -must go ..$1.98 - Pretty Ladies gam . Dresses, a wonder bar- lctfcx,dlduaiaY Work Shirts.. ..49c flWtlES L e l : -9i 3-4c. Yard ' New Print Glbth while it lasts .5c. Yard 25c. vue Lone Gioth.- 15c Yard v... ; f - t r , I . . ' t ' " i '1 ' . p"eJ?t "iQht reduction mthetfr md L..r'n BlenderneM. bettfjc (Drnn ' ss- amaa dox oi teUonc.edY0,,,n) att, tat': t, etc . i 1- ou ar allowed to Mt ""ll Your i-i c atIon or strennoaa xer- ;i minrt bpcomes worth liviagv With .j rn ?rinlBir 'Proved figure, buoyant atep." " S Ha iJ Ask f KOREIM TABUt.ES. , n c, Brochure mailed Ifee. W ft" NH-e: Station X, New York wmrmmmmmwtmmmmmmwm . . .-. at.; . h - . - .. . .- r . -' - -: . . 1 . . . . . ? EVANS .:-v. . - - r GREENVILLE, N.'C. : V " t k ' ' ; : : ' v " ' l ' - ' V: 1 -v. Serve your guests generously from the - ordginal patkage "Theare ood taste: At all grocers Thomas Howard; (mpaiix -: V , . - V i

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